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Grimm tale but Warm fires [PPCS - Grimm Tale]

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Grimm tale but Warm fires [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Yesterday at 3:22 pm

The fire crackled in front of Targa, which felt distant in the chilling air of Hargeon. The night was a strange contradiction with the warmth of the fire and the cool snow drifting from above. She let her gaze wander over the people who had gathered. All of them strangers. The smell of marshmallows roasting and chocolate melting mingled with the crisp scent of the snow, reminding her of simpler times before becoming a vampire, back when she could digest such things. Now all she could stomach was alcohol and blood, or even better blood with a high alcohol content from an attractive lush.

Tonight was about horror stories, and the thrill of being just a little afraid. Targa listened to others telling stories as her pink eyes glinting in the firelight, her jet-black hair with its colored ends swaying slightly with the breeze.

"You know, back in Iceberg, we used to say the winter snow carries whispers from the past." Her voice just loud enough to be heard over the fire's crackling and the conversation of others around her. "The elders would tell us stories about spirits trapped in the cold, forever wandering, seeking warmth they could never have again. They said if you listened closely on winter nights, you could hear them calling, begging to be let inside...and if you fell asleep unprotected on those cold nights, they would enter you for warmth and posses you."

Targa's eyes narrowed slightly, a sly smile forming as she glanced at the people around the fire. "I've seen this with my own eyes. And what I saw... well, it wasn't human. It was tall, with eyes like pale blue fire, and its body was wrapped in tattered cloth, blowing in the wind. It looked at me...not like it was angry, but almost...sad. I remember thinking it wanted something from me. I was too scared to stay, so I ran. But every time the wind howls, I think about that spirit, alone in the cold, and I wonder what would've happened if I'd stayed."

Taking a sip of spiked juice she leaned back looking at the scared faces of the children, her fangs showing white in the light for added effect. "Anyway, that's my story," she said after a moment, a wicked smile dancing across her face. Looking at one frightened kid in particular she continued. "Maybe the snow tonight will bring whispers of its own for this is no mere story, but fact."

WC: 412
TWC: 412


Grimm tale but Warm fires [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Yesterday at 5:55 pm

Karina had heard that there was an event that was going on, on the beach that was promised to have food, drinks and stories as well as a bonfire and as she was still getting started out she was not yet really bringing in the jewels to keep herself a float yet so she had to make the most of what she has while she had the time to take advantage of it. She got in line and got some food and drink then headed to the bonfire and took a seat at it as she could sense it but she felt like someone was watching her but she didn't know who her senses were still not that sharp as she was a werewolf not a mind reader. "Hello I am Karina and you are?" She put her hand out toward the woman in front of her. If the woman took her hand and shook it then Karina would shake her hand back.

Karina then would pull her hand back and start to eat a bit of her foot as she was hungry from her long day out on the water fighting pirates and she wondered if this was a safe place for her to relax as she didn't know anyone here and she was still new to this country and she wanted to make sure that she stayed out of trouble if she could but she doesn't know what she should do as she was trying her hardest to live but she was still feeling like she was behind in it all. A creature sort of hovered up beside her and looked at her with a big grin and Karina handed it a sandwich to which it took it in what is probably best described as paws with claws. Karina still has no idea what the creature is but she was not going to question it as it helps her and is seemingly peaceful so she takes care of it and it follows her even if she things that it is from watching her and waiting for something. She looked to the fire as she drank a bit more her nose twitching a bit as she smells some one has burned some of the hot dogs behind them at the cooking stalls, she didn't like the smell of someone wasting food by burning it and not keeping their eye on it.


Grimm tale but Warm fires [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Today at 2:08 am

As the fire crackled on Targa's eyes wandered again, scanning the gathered crowd until they landed on a woman standing about five foot seven with striking pink and indigo hair that fell to her shoulders. Her toned yet not overly muscled body caught Targa's attention, and she found herself drawn to the sight of her smooth skin, a light shade above pale, and her purple eyes that weren't overly strict-looking. If anything, the woman reminded her of Targa herself with the unique hair and eye color.

Standing up, Targa brushed herself off, licking on her lips to wet them since the fire nearby had dried them out a little. She approached the woman, soundless due to her vampire nature, her pink eyes glinting with a predator gaze. "Well, well, what do we have here?" she said, her voice smooth and playful. "You know, it's not often I see someone who makes the snow seem warm by comparison." Targa let her gaze linger, her fangs showing just slightly as she smiled. "Mind if I join you? I think I could use a bit more warmth tonight, and you seem like just the person to provide it."

Truth be told, while she found the woman striking, she wasn't expecting her to flirt back. She was just trying to liven the mood from before when she scared the kids with her ghost story as a change of pace.

WC: 238
TWC: 650


Grimm tale but Warm fires [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Today at 3:54 am

Karina looked at the woman and she wondered what she meant by made the snow seem warm in comparison. She wondered if it was maybe some kind of saying she might have heard from where ever she is from Karina then heard the woman say something about keeping warm with her. "You don’t look like you are cold to start with from how you are dressed." She looked down at her body armor and she wondered if maybe her armor was just better at keeping her warm as she was from a cold country so the cold here wasn’t really that bad to her. Karina was unsure of this woman or what she wanted from her but she didn’t see the harm in the woman joining her. "You can join me if you want though don’t mind sunshard he is mostly harmless." she pointed to the creature that was looking at her and grinning its glowing head feather lighting up it’s face.

Karina went back to eating the free food she had gotten and she wondered if it was alright to be eating as much as she was but she figured she was not sure where her next meal will come from so she needed to eat now and worry about the other details later after she is full and held over till she is hungry again. She was not scared to be around the strange woman as her werewolf senses went going crazy or anything.
(246) (650)


Grimm tale but Warm fires [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Today at 4:11 am

Targa smiled as she took a seat beside Karina, her eyes shifting briefly to the creature called Sunshard. She gave a small nod, her curiosity piqued. "Thanks for letting me join," she said, her voice smooth as she settled herself comfortably. "Name's Targa, by the way," she added, extending a hand towards Karina. "I couldn't help but notice your companion there. Then again, you did mention it..." Her eyes flicked to Sunshard, a glint of fascination in them. "Sunshard, you said? He's got quite the glow to him. What's his story? And while we're at it, I'd love to know more about you too." She gave a playful smile, her eyes scanning to make sure none of the children she scared were still here. If they were she wanted to give them a little scare again, for the giggles of it.  

Targa would pull out a cup covered with a film. Pulling up the lid there would be blood red jello inside of it. In fact, it was jello made from blood and both flavored and scented to be like strawberry. Though someone with a good nose would detect the metallic smell to it, the iron.

WC: 200
TWC: 850


Grimm tale but Warm fires [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Today at 9:19 am

Karina looked at her as she heard her name and she shook her hand. "I am Karina, Sunshard I found in a forest in seven it was reading a book, I am not so sure if it adopted me or I adopted them" She said this with a firm amount of not sure tone to her voice but she wasn't worried about it as the creature was friendly and seemed to not want to kill her in her sleep. The woman smelled something that was weird like blood so she looked around for if someone had gotten hurt or something then noticed that the woman that was sitting next to her had something red and she wondered if the woman was a vampire or if she feels like one as the small was coming from the thing that she had which confused Karina.

She wasn't going to ask about it as it was none of her business to ask her about it and she needed to make sure that she didn't start any trouble. "So what brings you to the south? The event? The sights? You a member of the guild that is down here and active?" She was not sure what this woman's story was but she asked a few questions to see what she would say.
(222) (872)


Grimm tale but Warm fires [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Today at 10:56 am

Targa leaned back slightly, her eyes still bright with a playful spark as she considered Karina's questions. "A little bit of everything, really," she said, her tone casual. "I'm here for the event, of course as they are always fun and I like to see what kind of stories and people turn up at these types of things. Plus, I'm hoping to pick up a few supplies from the local hospital here. They have some things that aren't easy to find elsewhere." She gave a small shrug, her smile dousing a little. "And yeah, I'm with a guild Fairy Tail, actually. Figured I needed a change of scenery, so I decided to head here for a bit. Reminds me a little of home in Iceburg."

She glanced at Sunshard again, her curiosity still piqued. "Fairy Tail's pretty wild, but I like it that way. Keeps things interesting, you know? What about you, Karina? You seem like someone who's got a good story or two. How'd you end up with Sunshard beyond finding it in a forest reading a book, and what brought you here?" Targa tilted her head slightly, genuinely interested, her fangs just barely visible as she smiled again. "And don't worry—I promise I won't bite." She added the last bit with a wink, her tone teasing.

WC: 219
TWC: 1069


Grimm tale but Warm fires [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Today at 1:02 pm

The woman was not so sure about this woman as she seemed to relaxed and it kind of made the hair on the back of Karina's neck stand up and that was probably not a good sign even if she seemed safe to be around her werewolf instincts were twitching about this woman and she went back to eating as she listened to this woman talk she wondered if there was a point to what she was saying as it all seemed just like an info dump. She wasn't sure how much of it was lies and which were things that were true she needed to make sure that she stayed on guard as she took another drink and she then hears her ask about her and saying she must have a good story or two and she was not sure how much she should share with this woman here.

"I am a member of Sleeping Calamity in Seven. I am an adventurer, I found Sunshard when I went to join the Sleeping calamity guild. He was just there in the forest while I was walking through though some people have looked at him weird and ran away." She had no idea for what reason those people ran away but she figured that she might one day find out one day if the creature wanted to show it's true self to her.
(234) (1,106)


Grimm tale but Warm fires [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Today at 3:53 pm

Targa listened with genuine interest, nodding slowly as Karina spoke she could also tell that she got a little on edge seeing her fangs. At this point she was sensitive to peoples reaction to it, many people didn't like vampires since there were so many evil ones. "Sleeping Calamity, huh? I've heard a bit about them. You must be quite the adventurer to make it into a guild like that," she said, her voice calm and poised. "And Sunshard sounds like quite the mysterious companion. Reading a book, huh? That's not something you see every day." She chuckled lightly, glancing over at Sunshard again, her eyes lingering on the glowing feather. "I think there's more to him than meets the eye. And maybe one day, you'll figure it out."

Targa continued to eat her jello and talk. "As for me, I'm just here for the event and to pick up some supplies from the hospital. They have a few things I need that are hard to come by elsewhere as stated before, but I guess I'm repeating myself. So, tell me, what's it like being a part of Sleeping Calamity? You must have some wild stories, right? I'd love to hear more about them knuckle heads!. And don't worry, I'll keep my fangs to myself." She added the last part with a playful wink, her smile widening, hoping to let her know she had no intuition of biting her or that she was a bad vampire.

WC: 246
TWC: 1315

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