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V. Bones of Eternity

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V. Bones of Eternity Empty Today at 7:52 am



Name: Bones of Eternity

Slot: Weapon - Primary

Type: Sword

Class: Mythic - 60

Quantity: Custom

Element: Darkness

Damage: +100

Durability: 3x S-rank


Description: Bones of Eternity is a gladius type sword that rather than being the same thickness all the way through comes to a slender point at the end. Meaning that it's meant for a lot of thrusting attacks and heavy parries closer to the hilt of the blade. Much of the time that this sword has been around has been spent in the umbral realms or the void itself. In-between creation as it had been long abandoned by its original owner. Not out of spite for the weapon or anything like that, but truly lost to the world it originated from.

From time to time it would come from those realms and splinter into creation, landing among the different crowds in an effort to pursue justice and to protect the lost. It's records are spotty but the last time that it was seen was in the hands of the wolfenstein house some odd centuries past. A predecessor to Permafrost and Bloodfang, this sword's make up has changed drastically since it's original formation deep within the forges lost to time.

It is drawn to justice, it is drawn to the right things in the world. It had appeared briefly in the holds of the various fortresses in the world. Drawn through time, drawn through the void. When Saturn stepped into the void for the first time was when it was pulled towards him. It had his scent; had his way of thinking. It was stunned at sensing the young demon. It was stunned that it sensed not one, but three voices crying out from the being. One of their own, one that had lost themselves to time and one that had been sacrificed.

It wished to add its voice to that chorus. To seek justice again; it would pull forward but was yanked back through the umbral realms, through the void yet again. It fell from the sky finally like a lightning bolt, striking the courtyard of Vander towers very own bastion. It called to saturn, it's stability set in stone. Such an island pulled from the void to serve as a base was easy to track, easier now that it was slowly being able to bleed that place from it's heart. From the moment that the demon drew it out from the soil did it find that his sense of justice hadn't waivered. That his desire to do good still was there.

He had been a young rune knight, barely a captain, barely anything. But now he was a leader of a force of good and it would be his blade until the end of time. Until his justice was just a distant memory were that to ever pass. A Knight of the Lance, The Justicar of the Damned, The Forgotten Blade and Shield, a General, a Demon.

The Last of the Lost.


Bones of Eternity is a gladius type weapon and such has a typical measurement for the blade fitted for a larger being like saturn. Naturally the length of the blade is twenty inches long and the width of the blade is two inches. The length of hilt and crossguard is six inches long. Unlike other gladius type swords it comes to a finite point rather than having a similar length all throughout, it's crossguard is also much more slender and hugs the blade. It has a list of runes on it that are in an ancient language that was used by the wolfenstein clan. It's hilt is wrapped in an ancient leather that is studded with well loved and taken care of metal. The sword itself is made out of an unknown alloy unlike anything on earthland. The sword length is black, the runes are blue even when not active, the edges of the sword are as white as the driven snow. The crossguard is a white and black while the hilt is black and the studs are metallic white.


  • Into Dust[t1]: Leading by example means leading from the front or being able to support those in need. The user has an increased jump and lunge of up to 5 meters.
  • Teach us Luck[t4]: To learn from the past is to understand the future, to know how to direct those underneath you is paramount to their survival. Spells cast through this weapon home in on targets.
  • No Tree Grows to the Sky[t4]: The user increases the attributes of allies and companions that are ranked equal or one rank lower by 10%. Though, anyone that is two ranks lower or more than the user will be granted an increase of 20% This only affects allies and companions within 25 meters of the user. Companions are considered to be their partners rank.


  • Name: Long Past that Last Sigh
    Rank: S++ [Mana Burn/Armor Pierce]
    Mana Cost: 5%
    Requirements: Bones of Eternity
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Darkness
    Range: Self/Weapon
    Cooldown: Once Per thread
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The runes on the sword take upon a hue of blue, supping deep on the mana of the user. From the blade springs forth a umbral flame that is staggeringly cold to the touch. When struck with this blade, targets will find their mana drawn away from them at the same rank of damage dealt up to 1xS; their armor and shields not stopping the bite of this blade.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Rarity: Mythic [60]
  • Item Type: Sword/Weapon
  • Weight/Handling (if applicable): 1H
  • Into Dust [Mobility Improvement] [t1: 5], Teach us luck [Homing] [t4: 20], No Tree Grows to the Sky [Courage] [t4: 20] [45]
  • Long Past that Last sigh [S++ 15] Spells [15]

Total points Acquired: 60
Total Points Spent: 60


V. Bones of Eternity Empty Today at 7:53 am

Claiming this via Mythic ticket for my second primary weapon slot :]
approval here: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t61262p25-saturns-forge#628524


V. Bones of Eternity Empty Today at 8:01 am

@Saturn has claimed Bones of Eternity using Mythic coupon ticket.

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