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Suck It, Spartacus! [FT Halloween - SC]

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Suck It, Spartacus! [FT Halloween - SC] Empty Today at 1:47 pm


WORDS: 250 | Klassic Kall-back

This is… The magenta marvel marching out into the grand stadium of Seven with a mix of awe and intimidation, Samantha Salucci couldn’t help but to the stands and the seats which filled them which though empty still seemed to make the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, which she couldn’t quite seem to understand.
I wonder if Dad’s ever fought here…? All too immediately however the amaranth amazon seeming to feel herself reminded by the situation of the patriarch whom she was once so proud of, the redhead could well imagine the man seeming to swagger out in a sphere like this one with a smile and a wave as his next challenge waited upon him, and for one reason or another such a clear and crisp image seemed to sting her a little to think of.

“Hey uh, we should probably get on with this, huh? Get it over with?” Perhaps that the reason why she felt a dash of urgency which she attempted to convey to her ally that they should attend to their mysterious task here sooner rather than later, in all honesty as she did to the blue eyed beauty could only cast a somewhat suspicious glance in the direction of the woman she had arrived her with on account of her knowing almost nothing about her, and with that was left to wonder why they had even been partnered up. Not that it really mattered she supposed, after all, she wasn’t here to make friends, right~?

I Ain’t Afraid To Kick Your Ass

So Don’t Even Think Of Trying Something Funny!
- Samantha Salucci

credit to nat of adoxography.

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