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The Oni and the Wolf - Alaric vs Ittindi

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#1Alaric Holloway 

The Oni and the Wolf - Alaric vs Ittindi  Empty Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:49 pm

Alaric Holloway
“I told you, I’ve been here before. I know where I’m going.” Alaric muttered under his breath as he walked down the marble-lined exterior of the arena. The crowd was beginning to pick up in numbers but currently, it was still relatively calm. All the better for Alaric. The roars of the crowds put him at ease. He had never become comfortable with them, even from a distance. “I cannot see you returning to a place like this if you have been here once before. Very well, hurry to your next anxiety attack. The demon’s words growled into his mind. Alaric’s eyes instinctively looked partially up as if he were hovering above him like a normal creature. A deep chuckle rumbled. ” Perhaps this time as you slumber, I’ll be the one to take control and not that damn wolf.” Alaric’s fist clenched at the notion of him losing control. His eyes snapped back ahead pretending to ignore the remarks.

He made his way to a rear entrance tucked away in the shadows of the stands. After filling out the needed forms and going through a proper check, Alaric was shown through the doors and swiftly into the belly of the arena. Alaric was placed in a standard waiting area with others like him who waited to perform. There were various items to warm up with for those who favored steel over magic. He found a seat where he watched those who toyed with the weapons. His eyes quickly glazed over their movements and focused on his thoughts. “The last time I was here was for a date. That’s what got me here before.”

The pair sat in silence for what seemed like nearly an hour or more before finally being called. At that time, Pyreaus' presence had caused the poor man to strip down to nothing but his underwear under his armor and items. His shirt and pants lay to the wayside. Alaric entered the arena, equipped with all his items while Rer had been left at the hostel. He didn’t need to endanger the wolf any more than he already had. The heat of the day had definitely increased since he had gone down. Would he need to strip off the armor? It was heavy and hot but he would be pretty crippled at that point. “Best to leave it on for now. If history repeats, it will fall soon.” His mind fell back to his encounter with Toga and how he had destroyed the Pixiu Maw to the point of repair.

His eyes glanced forward, to the sides, and behind. They had grown in numbers. He should have known by the smell. It was nauseating thinking of them all. Shoving foods into their faces and watching people use their bodies for entertainment. He shifted his eyes forward. “I knew it. Hehe. I wonder how long you’ll last this time? Seven minutes? Maybe the crowd will get to see you do a trick.” The voice burst into a mix of roaring laughter and barking sounds. Alaric’s blood pressure was rising. He could feel his face becoming flushed while his body began to tweak with frustration and anticipation. “Where are they…” he muttered quietly between his gritted teeth.

WC: 559

Recap of agreed rules:

Current Bonus and Banes for Alaric:

The Oni and the Wolf - Alaric vs Ittindi  1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

The Oni and the Wolf - Alaric vs Ittindi  Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 8:06 pm


Today, Ittindi was at one of the few places as important as a good tailor, church. There was a small one here in Seven while, the land was ruled by “Gods” they didn’t mind a small church dedicated to Illumin. Ittindi was praying on his recent tumultuous adventures, while Naki seemed to give him great power, Ittindi had noticed that the frequency of dangerous events only seemed to increase since their bonding. It was in that pursuit that he was praying for guidance, he had been hiding his magic from the masses for a year. He hadn’t spoken to General Saturn or Colonel Tōga since his reveal of his magic, transforming into a larger version of himself while summoning their naginata. A sight usually reserved for those he planned on killing. Borrowing a demon’s power even if Ittindi could fully control it would still condemn his soul? He had heard a different theory from the priest he spoke to earlier, saying what he was doing was a noble act. By sealing a demon’s soul in someone as righteous as him, he could slowly purify it or at least contain it from unleashing greater evils on the world. It was a viewpoint that hadn’t occurred to Ittindi, the knowledge of the priesthood as bright as their righteousness.

That’s when Ittindi would overhear the church’s struggle with donations, was it perfect timing or just an extra loud priest seeing a strong mage? Neither thought occurred to Ittindi, instead he saw a calling, he knew that he could easily do an arena match to raise the funds and would sign up for the next match available a man named Alaric. It sounded familiar but Ittindi wasn’t one to familiarize himself with any of the important individuals in the country, after all the dominator would alert him to any criminals while he was at work.


Ittindi sat in the waiting room of the arena, his gun holstered, he knew that the crowd was used to the gun fights he had become known for. Today was going to be different, he needed to practice for his impending fight with the Young Master. He surely saw his magic at Darkfang’s castle. Ittindi would have to earn that respect back with his strength alone. As the familiar announcer’s voice came on as Ittindi’s gate opened, he’d walk out to see the open arena, the jeers at the Ittindi’s appearance. He was in a 3 piece suit the midnight  blue contrasting with his white, though his suit wouldn’t be there for long. He’d do a quick bow to his opponent and while doing so his armor would erupt out of his body like liquid coating and covering him as he extended his arm out and summoned his Naginata from the nether standing at 8 feet.

”Good luck, may the best win”

Ittindi would shout to his opponent across the arena, he had never met the man but he seemed well equipped. Ittindi’s tongue would show his Rune Knight Ankh if Alaric had bothered to look at his face while talking. Ittindi wasn’t much for taunting during battle, even if Naki protested in his head. Ittindi would take a shoulder width stance his left foot slightly forward with his naginata blade pointed down and to the right of his body, his right-hand inches away from where the blade started, his left higher up near the base.


Combat Log:

#3Alaric Holloway 

The Oni and the Wolf - Alaric vs Ittindi  Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 1:07 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric’s eyes had shifted away from the opposing gate to the crowd. The top of the arena was still fairly sparse with bodies, but the lower levels looked more filled. He noticed the crowd stood and began to cheer more voraciously than before. His attention returned to the opposing gate that had opened, and now a lone figure walked out. Alaric looked the man over from a distance but could not determine any notable features or anything. That did not matter, he pushed out the roar of the crowd the best he could and walked a few steps forward to acknowledge the combatant. The man seemed normal enough, save for the fact that he was well overdressed for a combatant in the arena. He was a bit skeptical but still, he gave a slight bow out of respect. The sudden emergence of a black and purple liquid caused Alaric to instantly take a step back, fearing that the man had planned to start the fight while the wolf’s guard was lowered.

“What the fuck is that.” He muttered to himself. The sight of the liquid sent the crowd into a louder roar than before. Alaric’s body instinctively snapped to look behind him. His heartbeat was starting to pick up with that sudden burst of energy. “Hehe, will you end before it even starts?” The demon baited the man with his obnoxious words.

They were not far from each other, maybe fifteen or twenty meters at most. The man had summoned not only the liquid armor but also a long spear-like weapon had also formed. Alaric’s teeth ground against each other. It was going to be harder than he thought to close the distance. His encounter with the swordsman Toga had proven that to him already. Separating that spear and its owner was going to have to be Alaric’s primary target from the jump. “You too.” He responded to the man before him ignoring Pryeaus’ words. There was a symbol on the man’s tongue but Alaric could not fully make it out from this distance.

Alaric wasn’t the world’s best mage but he was somewhat confident in some of his skill set, primarily his speed. With a firm push on his foot, a magic circle would appear. In an instant, Alaric was being propelled directly toward the man. The momentum of the spell would not be enough to carry him the full distance but it would close the gap a bit and let Alaric see how the man reacts to a rushing enemy. Would he mirror the movement or would he take a more defensive approach and wait for Alaric to come to him?

Actions Taken:

Spells Used:

Current Bonus and Banes for Alaric:

The Oni and the Wolf - Alaric vs Ittindi  1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

The Oni and the Wolf - Alaric vs Ittindi  Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 9:07 pm

Ittindi was surprised to see that the man was a close ranged fighter, he could have pulled out his gun, but he had decided to stick with his spear for this fight. It was time to use his magic, with his armor’s effect there wouldn’t be the usual magic seal to warn Alaric. Instead, he’d see a Kusarigama emerge from Ittindi’s left knee as Ittindi brought the base of his spear upwards to send the Kusarigama straight at Alaric’s chest. If it managed to hit or be blocked Ittindi would be able to move his knee to cause the chain to make the Kusarigama strike again albeit weaker than the first strike. That was the extent of his offensive spells, he had meant to work on more AOE but hadn’t found the time yet.

He'd reset to his stance from before after he sent the spell at Alaric, while he could rush forward, there was nothing for him to prove to a random man. If it were Colonel Tōga or the Young Master he’d of entered the melee purely for practice. With a fist fighter that he didn’t know he’d have to be careful not to embarrass himself or the Rune Knights.  His cheeks would puff up as Ittindi cast his next spell, he’d open his mouth spewing out a grey miasma aiming it at Alaric’s chest if it missed it would explode on impact covering a 2-meter diameter. The audience would make disgusted noise, as it almost looked like Ittindi was vomiting some kind of thick smoke at Alaric. Though he did enjoy the armor, it made him feel more deviant with it’s design, like a mascot that danced better in costume.

You are worried about the wrong thing Ittindi, I feel something similar to us. I can’t tell if it’s in the audience or the opponent. You are being a coward, don’t take to long or I might reconsider our deal don’t bore me.

Ittindi would sigh, he knew that if the man didn’t close the distance between them he’d have to push himself into the melee. It was rare that Naki gave him commands, but then again in all his battles prior he had always rushed headfirst in. Ittindi knew it’d be hopeless to try and explain strategy to a demon of death. It’s patience only in knowing that entropy would eventually take all in the universe to their domain.

Combat Log:

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