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Exterminator [NQ]

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Exterminator [NQ] Empty Yesterday at 10:17 pm


Dahlia City glowed faintly in the distance, its skyline a silhouette of dark shapes against the pale crescent moon. The Aldenwald, which lay just beyond its borders, stretched out before Zariya like a vast sea of blackness. The forest was a hunting ground, one fuming with creatures that made even humans think twice about venturing into its depths. And for Zariya, it was a place of politics, of control, and of blood. She understood the stakes tonight. This hunt wasn’t just about the rogue pack of werewolves causing mayhem, it was about maintaining balance. The last thing her steadily growing underground empire needed was chaos leaking into the human populace.

With the silent night as her cover, The Midnight Mistress moved, a ghost in her black bodysuit. The form-fitting attire allowed her full range of movement, her curves moving fluidly as she slipped between the darkness of the trees. Per usual, Her senses were sharp. Her vampiric vision picking up even the faintest movement of leaves, her eyes perfectly adapted to the night. Behind her, a group of Daemons followed, their footsteps softer than whispers.

The Daemons were a diverse crew, former humans touched with demonic power and each one surged with dark energy. Zariya had no doubt they could handle themselves. Still, she’d have preferred to bring vampires, beings like herself but the last thing she needed was to stoke the flames of the ongoing rivalry between her vampire kin and the werewolves under her. Tonight wasn’t about making a statement, it was about cleaning up a mess.

The forest grew denser as they approached the rogue pack’s territory. Branches hung low like skeletal fingers trying to claw at them. The Queenpin could feel the tension crackling in the air, her group moving like predators closing in on prey. And that’s exactly what they were.

"How far now?" One of the Daemons, a tall, lanky figure with dark eyes and a jagged scar running down his face, whispered. His voice barely cut through the heavy silence.

"Close," Zariya responded coolly, her gaze locked on the path ahead. "You’ll smell them soon enough."

And they did. The scent of wet fur and blood hit her nose before the sounds reached her ears. The rogue pack was feeding.

Exterminator [NQ] 86545

Exterminator [NQ] Empty Yesterday at 10:23 pm


They reached the edge of a small clearing, and Zariya motioned for the group to stop. Her sharp eyes took in the scene before them. A group of five adult werewolves crouched over the remains of what appeared to be five unfortunate Dahlians. The blood was fresh, and the wolves were engrossed in their feast, ripping into flesh with abandon. Zariya’s blinked, but she did not judge. She was no better. But, this was exactly the kind of chaos she needed to stamp out. These werewolves had no sense of subtlety, no understanding of the delicate balance they were upsetting. If they had any sense at all, they’d have learned to feed with restraint, to keep their actions in the shadows. But here they were, feasting in the open like wild animals.

One of the Daemons, a woman with long, dark hair and eyes that gleamed red with demonic energy, stepped up beside Zariya. “Orders?” she asked.

Zariya’s eyes flicked toward her. “Kill them. All of them.”

The Daemon grinned, her teeth sharp in the moonlight. Without another word, she stepped into the clearing, her movements silent. The others followed, fanning out to encircle the werewolves.

The fight began almost instantly. One of the wolves who happened to be larger than the others, perhaps the pack’s alpha, lifted its blood-stained snout, sniffing the air. It growled low in its throat, a deep, guttural sound that vibrated in the Desiertans chest. Then he lunged, a mass of fur and muscle, claws outstretched to tear into the nearest Daemon. The Daemon sidestepped with ease, her speed inhuman, and with a flick of her wrist, dark energy coalesced in her hand before she plunged it into the werewolf’s chest. The beast howled in pain as the dark magic tore through it, splitting bone and sinew as if it were nothing. Blood sprayed into the air, thick and dark, staining the forest floor.

Zariya moved like lightning, faster than the eye could follow. In an instant, she was on top of one of the werewolves, her hand gripping its throat as she drove it to the ground. The creature thrashed beneath her, snapping its jaws, but Zariya’s grip was iron. With a swift motion, she twisted its head sharply, the crack of bone loud in the night. The werewolf fell limp, dead before it hit the ground.

Exterminator [NQ] 86545

Exterminator [NQ] Empty Yesterday at 10:50 pm


The other Daemons were just as ruthless. One of them, a hulking man with arms corded with muscle, had taken on two wolves at once. His fists, glowing with infernal power, smashed into their skulls with enough force to shatter bone. Blood splattered across his face as he grinned, the ferocity in his eyes matching the carnage around him.

Zariya wiped her hands clean on the fallen werewolf’s fur, her expression unreadable. The fight had lasted less than five minutes.

“Is this all they’ve got?” one of the Daemons scoffed, kicking the corpse of a werewolf with disdain.

Zariya said nothing, but her eyes scanned the treeline. There were more out there, she knew. They were close.

No sooner had the thought crossed her mind than the rest of the pack descended upon them. The air was suddenly filled with growls and the sound of pounding paws. They came from all directions, larger wolves, faster wolves, more dangerous than the ones they’d just slaughtered.

The Queen's heart raced, though not with fear. No, this was excitement. It had been too long since she had let herself loose like this. Her fangs elongated, and she could feel the hunger stir within her. Tonight, she would feed. One of the wolves, its eyes glowing yellow with rage, leaped at her from the shadows. Zariya dodged, her body a blur of motion, and as the wolf sailed past her, she extended her arm. Her hand pierced through its side, fingers digging into its ribcage before she tore it apart with a wet, sickening crunch. The creature’s blood sprayed across her face, warm and thick. She licked her lips.

The rest of the pack wasn’t faring any better against the Daemons. One by one, they fell, ripped apart by dark magic and brutal strength. The forest floor was soon littered with bodies, fur matted with blood, limbs scattered haphazardly across the ground.

But it wasn’t enough. There were still more.

Exterminator [NQ] 86545

Exterminator [NQ] Empty Yesterday at 11:03 pm


The largest of the wolves emerged from the darkness, its fur black as midnight and its eyes gleaming with a savage intelligence. This was the alpha...the real one. Zariya could feel the power radiating off of it, could see the way the other wolves deferred to it. The alpha let out a howl, and the remaining werewolves surged forward with renewed fury. The Icebergan's eyes narrowed. “Deal with the rest,” she ordered the Daemons, her voice calm but deadly. “This one’s mine.”

The alpha lunged, and Zariya met it head-on. Claws clashed with fangs, the sound of tearing flesh and cracking bone filling the air as they tore into each other. The alpha was fast, its claws raking across her shoulder, but Zariya was faster. She ducked under its next swipe, her hand finding its throat, and with a vicious snarl, she sank her fangs into its neck. The taste of its blood was intoxicating, rich and powerful. The alpha howled in pain, but Zariya didn’t let go. She drank deeply, draining the life from the beast even as it struggled to tear her apart. Its claws scraped uselessly against her skin, its strength fading with every second.

Finally, with one last shuddering breath, the alpha collapsed. Zariya stood over its body, blood dripping from her mouth, her eyes glowing with a dangerous light.

It was done.

Exterminator [NQ] 86545

Exterminator [NQ] Empty Yesterday at 11:10 pm


The forest was eerily silent in the aftermath of the battle. The ground was littered with the bodies of werewolves, their blood soaking into the earth. The Daemons, covered in gore, stood panting, their dark eyes gleaming with the thrill of the hunt. Zariya wiped the blood from her face, her expression calm once more. She surveyed the carnage around her with a cold, calculating gaze. This had been necessary. The rogue pack had been a threat, not just to the humans but to the delicate balance she was trying to maintain in Dahlia.

But she knew this wouldn’t be the end of it.

“Let’s head back,” she said quietly. The Daemons nodded, their bloodlust satisfied for the night.

The journey back to Dahlia was silent, the group moving through the forest like shadows. By the time they reached the city, the first light of dawn was beginning to creep over the horizon, granting a cold glow over the streets. When they returned to her stronghold, Zariya was met with tense faces. The werewolves that served her--those that had chosen to live and work under her--stood waiting. Their Alpha, a grizzled old wolf with silver fur and a scar running down the length of his face, stepped forward.

“This was unnecessary,” he growled, his voice low and filled with barely contained anger. “You’ve slaughtered an entire pack.”

The Queenpins eyes met his, unflinching. “That pack was rogue. They were a threat to the city, to the balance that we’ve worked so hard to build.” Zariya's voice was calm, but there was an edge to it, a steel-like finality that left no room for debate. She held the werewolf leader’s gaze, her golden eyes glowing faintly in the light. “They were hunting recklessly, feeding in the open. That kind of chaos will bring attention. Do you want the Rune Knights sniffing around here? Or worse, the King's soldiers?”

The grizzled werewolf snarled, his lips pulling back to reveal sharp, yellowed teeth. “You think we don’t know how to survive? That pack was just trying to protect its young from your blood-sucking kin. They only fed enough to survive, not to wipe out the city.”

Exterminator [NQ] 86545

Exterminator [NQ] Empty Yesterday at 11:30 pm


Zariya stepped forward, her posture commanding and every inch of her radiating power and dominance. “They broke the rules. And you know what happens to those who break the rules. If they wanted to protect their young, they should’ve found another way to do it--without drawing so much damn attention.”

The werewolf’s muscles tensed as if he were on the verge of transforming, but he restrained himself. The rest of his pack, several werewolves of varying ages and sizes, stood behind him, watching the exchange with growing frustration. They were angry, Zariya could feel it. But she could also feel their fear. They understood the consequences of defying her.

“We’re not your enemies, Zariya,” the leader growled, softer this time. “We’ve followed your rules. We’ve kept the peace. But what you did tonight... it feels like you’re setting a precedent.”

Zariya’s eyes narrowed. “The only precedent I’m setting is that unorganized chaos won’t be tolerated. We can't afford it, not now. We've built something here--something that benefits all of us. The humans reach spans beyond Dahlia, and aimlessly killing them will get. us. killed. There will come a time when we can all be as monstrous as we desire, but if any of you, wolf or vampire, threatens what I’ve created, I will put you down. Understand?”

The werewolf stared at her for a long moment, his yellow eyes gleaming with anger. He took a slow step back, his shoulders slumping slightly in reluctant submission. “Yeah...we understand.”

The Desiertan turned her back to him, the conversation finished. The werewolves murmured among themselves, their frustration as obvious as day, but none of them dared challenge her further. They knew better. Ban the exceed, who had been leaning against a post and watching the interaction unfold before him, stepped up beside her. “They’re pissed,” he said, her voice laced with amusement. “You think they’ll cause trouble?”

Zariya shook her head. “No. They’re angry, but they’re not stupid.  They're living better than ever before. Money's flowing, the church is weakened, they know the alternative to a dead lycan pack is worse.”

The exceed grinned. “So, what now?”

Zariya’s gaze drifted toward the horizon, where the city of Dahlia lay beneath the light of the silver sun. “Now, we move forward. The werewolves will simmer down, and the humans won’t feel threatened. We’ve bought ourselves some time to solidify our control.”

Ban simply nodded, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. “Heh. I like the way you handle things.”

Zariya’s expression softened slightly, though it never lost its edge. “I don't think the gods would agree. There's a nice seat in hell for people like me.”

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Exterminator [NQ] 86545

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