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Possessed Youth [Carmina]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Possessed Youth [Carmina] Empty Today at 7:40 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was in his room in Joya when all of this was happening. He had only been informed by the members of his clan. The top brass of the Yakuza family had informed him of what was happening within Joya. The son of chaos was a necessary evil, but allowing children to be harmed by something they had no control over was not something he would allow. It seemed like there was a castle that might have been causing all of this that was high in the sky. He was surprised he had not seen it before, but it didn’t matter.

There was a village that was specifically being affected by all of this, and Drakkon had decided to go with Hai to check it out. He let the members of the Dragon Order know what was going on, and he wanted them to help out the Joyan people to solve this. The Dragon Slayer had made his way to the village, and he could feel the dread that was misting through the village. When he got there, it seemed like an older man had been waiting for the arrival of someone to save them. He approached the man without hesitation.

Drakkon understood from the information, that whatever was going on was possessing the children and that was it. His agreement with the Shogun was that he was allowed to do what he wanted, but he couldn’t do a few bad things. Other than that, he was fine, and helping the future of Joya was one of the things he chose to help out with.

“Hey, can you tell me how I can help? I heard bad things are going on in your village right now.” Drakkon had said this as the man’s eyes widened with hope filled in them.

“Please you have to help us, our children are going around, destroying things and attacking people with weapons. We don’t know why it’s happening, but they need to be stopped, but if you can't don’t kill them.” He pleasded with Drakkon.

Drakkon nodded instead of his usual smile on his face to show he didn’t care.

“No problem I will walk around and see what I run into.” He said to the man as he wondered if he would be doing this alone or if someone would join them.


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