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The Length of the Draw. (D-Rank NQ)

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The Length of the Draw. (D-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 7:32 am

Karina had been hired to help a woman get some very fine art from the lower district and she wondered why she was in fear of this place but she was not sure that she needed to worry about it but he had also never been here before so maybe there was something that she didn't know about and that she would need to experience. When she arrive she was greeted by a slender woman would was dressed to the nines in fine clothing and smelled of a strong expensive perfume. Karina was not sure if she spritzed herself with it or bathed in it but she knew that she needed to not stand to close to the woman. The woman than kindly introduced herself as Elizabeth Belforthe and to the place that she was going as they needed to collect the art that she had paid for from a dealer down there.


The Length of the Draw. (D-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 7:32 am

The woman seemed to walk along beside Karina like she was no different that any other person so she was starting to wonder if there was a falsehood to the rumors that all the upper crusters here were monsters that sought only to ruin the lives of the weak and poor here. Karina smelled something like someone had been following them. She wondered why but she had reached and held onto her gun just in case as she needed to protect the woman that was with her so she gets paid and doesn't stain the name of the guild that had taken her in to their ranks even if she was not the best recruit they had, had as of late as she heard rumors of a swordsmen that was their raising star and she knows that she is not on the level that she could take on him yet.


The Length of the Draw. (D-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 7:32 am

She was going to take her time and then she hurt something in the air and she got in front of the other woman and a knife bounced off of Karina's armor and she took aim firing at the would be attacker and the woman with her gasped seeming to have known the woman that attacked them. The woman told Karina it was her dead husband's sister who was written out of his will and that was why she was after her as she thinks that she was the reason she was written out of it. Karina rushed the woman while still firing the gun in her hand and she was not going to back down from this fight no matter who it was. The would be assassin got close thinking Karina was a no name mage. Karina quickly grabbed the woman's wrist and disarmed her of the knife she had in it.


The Length of the Draw. (D-Rank NQ) Empty Today at 7:32 am

Some knights took her away and Karina kept walking with the woman who looked sad that her sister-in-law was the one that had been threatening her life but now Karina had nothing but questions for what this art piece must be that she would be wiling to be killed over it. as they walked up to the building that had the art in it Karina saw it was a picture of this woman with two other people one was her husband and the other the sister standing hand in hand and looking happy. Karina almost started to tear up as it would seem that the sister had a misunderstanding and thought this woman was just burning her brothers money on garbage but really she was having something made to remind her of the better times. Karina was very careful with the art and keeping guard of the woman till she was home safe and Karina was paid in full for her hard work.
(163) (619) (Exit)

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