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Abel Klein

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#1Abel Klein 

Abel Klein  Empty Today at 12:46 am

Abel Klein


Name: Abel Klein

Age: 27 (March 1st, 769)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity, Father: Sevenese

Ethnicity, Mother: Boscosi

Class: Spellsinger

Race: Human

Rank: B-rank

Guild: Rune Knights

Tattoo: Lower left abdomen, gold.

Face: Shinya Kogami - Psycho Pass


Height: 188 cm / 6'2"

Weight: 81kg / 180 lb

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Overall: Abel has black hair, black eyes and a rather handsome face that looks a fair bit more serious than he is most of the time. His height is further accentuated by his wide shoulders. While he is not a bodybuilder or anything his physique is far from lanky and he has a considerable amount of muscle, mostly the result of a rather rigid training schedule. He prefers to wear clothes that are meant to look professional but altered to seem more casual. This could be something like wearing a suit but leaving it unbutonned. This is only to an extent, obviously. He's not going to untie his shoelaces or anything.

Extra: N/A


Personality: Of all the animals in the kingdom Abel could be most likened to a boar. Strong, blunt, honest and stubborn he lives by his own rules and nobody else's. Both his biggest strength and weakness is his inability to think before speaking, allowing him to be both genuine and stupid at the same time. He isn't just "jump first, think later" - he's not going to think about it ever, just jump!

Outside of his rather extreme traits, Abel does have a generally cheery attitude towards most. He is extroverted and fond of drinking, chasing women, playing cards and having fun. In particular he is most fond of gambling, perhaps due to it matching the sheer chaotic-ness of his personality.

It may seem odd for an individual such as Abel to join the Rune Knights, an organization so bound up in the meaning of order. It is the fact that Abel hates order that gives him a reason to serve it: by adding his own chaos (which is fair in his eyes) to the order of the Knights he finds that it creates a balance that is needed. Abel recognizes the need for both of these forces in society. His earnestness and his general effectiveness in getting arrests has allowed him to remain in the organization so long despite his rowdiness. It's hard to fire someone who is more eneergetic about doing his job than 90% of your force.

  • Chance: Abel is a little addicted to gambling. It is already an easy enough thing for anybody to get addicted to, but Abel? He is practically built for it. E is the amount of jewels he has lost.
  • Making Things Happen: Abel is not content with being a bystander. He's not even content with being a conspirator. He wants to be the leader, the one in the room who sets interesting things into gear. Doesn't matter if it's a small, fun matter or a big serious one.

  • Nobility: It's not as though Abel hates ALL nobles. That would be a bit too prejudiced. But he definitely has a sour spot for the concept of those who can be born above the rules. He's already in favor of most rules not existing, so for such double standards to exist annoys him.
  • Evildoers: Abel joined the Rune Knights for one thing: to stop troubledoers in his own way. Always a bit of a reckless hero since childhood, Abel goes about his hunt for his own justice with an energy and passion that is rarely found.

  • Reshape the Law: Abel wants to reshape the law in the sense that he wants to reduce it: even he isn't stupid enough to believe there should be no rules, but he wants to give people more options at freedom in their lives and put everyone at an even playing field.

  • Centipedes: Does this really need an explanation? There is something so alien about the shape of centipedes, the way they move, their very existence... even Abel is reduced to the state of a 5 year old girl ar the sight of one.
  • Prison: As a Rune Knight Abel is very aware of what prison can be like and he is not at all trying to find himself on the other side of those bars.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 1

Speed: 1

Constitution: 1

Endurance: 1

Intelligence: 26


Magic Name: String Magic

Magic Element: Arcane

Magic Enhancement: Spell Range Increase

Magic Description: String Magic revolves around the creation and manipulation of strings of a non-elemental variety. The user can utilize them in a matter of ways, with spells that could involve just a single thread - such as a sharp one to cut an opponent - to spells that utitlize an almagamation of threads, such as an erected wall comprised of many strings tightly knit together.


History: Abel was born to a mother from Bosco and a father from Seven. The two lived on the road, a band of thieving lovebirds who used each other's traits to their advantage. His mother often played the role of a damsel and his father of a kind, heroic man: both nothing but a ruse in order to swindle people of their money in various ways. In reality his mother was an absolute firecracker and his father a rather soft spoken, logical man. Most would be able to tell that Abel took more inspiration from his mother than his father. As Abel got older he was slowly allowed to be involved in these schemes.

Unfortunately for his parents Abel found himself hating the life. He had a compassion for those he robbed, one that would often get his mother yelling at him. His parents were rich and wealthy yet still chose to perform these acts, half to accrue further wealth and half because they were thrilled by the illegality of it all. Abel saw the ways that their little acts could destroy someone's life. At 15 years of age he decided, with a heavy but determined heart, that he would set out in an attempt to better his life.

He eventually found himself in the Rune Knights. He was constantly yelled at by his superiors, scolded, beat sometimes... but still they kept him on. Because his energy and compassion was simply too high: it wasn't like he was breaking every rule in the book and he was just the right amount of useful. Even if he wasn't the absolute picture of order he was still worth keeping around for never slacking off - a rare quality in lower-ranked knights.

In the end Abel even ended up arresting his parents. It was a strange, chance encounter - he almost fell for another of their schemes, failing to recognize them with all the time that had passed. Did he feel guilt? Perhaps. But what his parents were doing was destroying lives. Call him unloyal, ignoble, whatever you'd like - Abel did what he felt was right. His continued history as the sands of time move onwards will keep that theme intact.

Discord: Abel

Reference: Me

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