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Proving grounds

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Proving grounds Empty Yesterday at 3:39 pm


With the rebirth of sleeping calamity and the renewal of potential fighters seeking to grow their strength in the land of seven, Jikan’s muse for the art of combat caught a small ember. The docile X rank mage heeded the request and accepted. But now she was stuck with curiosity. There were a number of familiar faces that returned after hearing the rumors  but Jikan was more so curious of the potential of the new warriors within their organization.

As a result  she sent a call out seeking a 'training' opportunity for any that wished to accept. It was more so a self evaluation on her part but, perhaps it could be a mutual benefit if they managed to get at least some form of combat experience or knowledge from the encounter.

And so, Jikan stood at the head of the arena of champions' stage, her crimson hair cascading down her back, a stark contrast to the sleek, black gi she wore. She had to fit the theme she was going for today after all. She would specialize in her hand to hand combat, no magic. She was a martial artist as much as a powerful mage after all.

Wc: 199

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Proving grounds 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Proving grounds Empty Yesterday at 6:51 pm


She took a deep breath; a soft slow puff of air exited her lips. Her eyes, a piercing shade of ocean blue and emerald green, scanned the open stone tiles of the area stage. With a soft smirk she was taking in the faces of her reformed guildmates. They were a motley crew, each with their own unique quirks and strengths. A few of them she knew from before but many more new warriors wishing to earn their weight in trials and etch their names down in history. But one thing united them: their pursuit of growth.

For the ones who were here today they knew the reason. A gauntlet had been proposed as a way to test their progress and to see if they were truly ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. Jikan had initially been hesitant, knowing the toll it would take on her guildmates. She could go…overboard sometimes when getting into a good fight. Even more so over the last year with the new powers she gained. But she also recognized the value of such a trial. It would push them to their limits, forcing them to confront their weaknesses and grow stronger. As well as herself.

Wc: 202
Twc: 401

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Proving grounds 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


Proving grounds Empty Today at 3:34 pm


"Are you all ready?" she asked, her voice carrying a note of both excitement and trepidation. The soft articulation of her words coming strong. A presence of her will and tenacity present even in her calm docile state. In response to her question, a chorus of affirmative replies echoed out through the arena. A number of people waiting to spar whooped, cheered, and yelled with heart. It seemed none were fearful of this opportunity. Be it an underestimation of Jikan’s power, or perhaps it was the word of her reputation to fellow guild mates spreading around through old mouths. All the same, she liked that they were ready. “Then let’s begin then”.

With a quick hope she was on the stage and stood ready, her arms hanging dropped to the side with her left hand placed on her hip. The first challenger that stepped up to the plate was a burly bearded man named Thorin. At least that was what Jikan heard as who she could only assume were his friends called out his name as he entered the arena stage. He charged at Jikan with a ferocious roar, his fists swinging wildly. A sight that made Jikan let out a sigh. He was big, IF he did land a blow it would be quite painful. But it was sloppy. Unplanned and even more so uncoordinated. Jikan calmly evaded his attacks, her movements fluid and graceful with a side step that caused the man to rush past her hitting nothing but air.

wc: 252
twc: 653

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

Proving grounds 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


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