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Icey hot-Sophie-[PPCS - Snow Angels]

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#1Yuuki Hashimoto 

Icey hot-Sophie-[PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Today at 5:41 pm

Yuuki Hashimoto
Yuuki smirked as he looked in the mirror at the clothing shop located along the water front of the Azure beach in Hargenon, Yuuki was not used to clothing outside of Joyan garb, but he felt this particular fit suited him quite well. The top was a black collared dress shirt with a gold embroidered moon on the upper left breast, the coat was a half shirt with one sleeve trimmed in gold, the trousers were black with tassels hanging off the belt trimmed and tipped in go along with a waist cape with that was all back with a wisp star pattern in gold near the bottom, The boots came to just above his knee and had gold trimming's and designs adorning them he also had on fingerless gloves . Overall Yuuki liked his new look and stepped from behind the dressing curtain to a very stunned looking Yumi who looked at him with a sense of Awe "Oh Come on I dont look that different." he said with a teasing smirk as he made his way over to the counter to pay for his new garb.

Yumi Noticed that Yuuki's hair was different as well no longer the messy tail but a very neat high pony tail with a section of Yuuki's bangs on the left side of his face hung there in a braid. The little pixie never thought Yuuki could get more attractive in her eye's but somehow he had completely surprised which had here wondering if only she were bigger maybe he would see her as more than just a friend, though she did harbor feelings for him she also knew just how much he adored Sophies time and attention, though she couldnt help but admit Sophie had a very attractive personality to go along with a gorgeous face and a rather alluring body.

Yuuki thanked the shop employee who handed him a bag with his old clothes and some clothes for a human woman, however Yumi was not aware of the surprise Yuuki had in store for her thought it was a bit too early to share that surprise with her just yet "Lets make our way down to the beach Yumi." Yuuki said with a grin for no particular reason, as he had heard there was a ice sculpture event going on and was certain that it would be worth his time to look peoples art creations. Yumi nodded and flew up to her usual left shoulder perch where she playfully played with the new braid that welcomed her as she sat down upon his shoulder as they made their leisurely stroll down the road to the entrance to the beach area where the event was being held.

Yuuki walked the short distance down the stairs to the beach where he could already see fresh ice blocks setting and waiting for and interesting duo to shape into art along with a myriad of already finished pieces and pieces in progress "WOW!" Yumi said excited as she looked around shocked at all the pretty ice sculptures, that had a diamond like gleam to them. Yuuki's motives were a bit more self centered since he remembered Sophie stating that this was her Guilds event and had hoped she'd of been here as he was quite with her and hadn't stopped thinking about the subtle hints and innuendos she had been dropping on the ice he had even seen her in his dreams a few times which made Yuuki blush a tad at the thought.

Post Word Count: 588

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