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A masterclass in sand and sass [PPCS - Snow Angels]

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A masterclass in sand and sass [PPCS - Snow Angels] Empty Today at 8:55 am



Lumikki of Iceberg


"Water holds memory but"


The sun was not yet at the higher most point of his arc. Yet he lingered in the sky, shining his radiant but blinding rays like always. Lumikki couldn’t stand it but didn’t bother complaining. Her chill lingered in the air like a black mist and she laid on her frigid “fold-out seat” made of black ice, just beneath the shade of her black parasol.

Her pale hair was tucked back in Icebergian braids, woven with blue ribbons. And she’d wear a black and white one piece and skirt that flattered her with its cuts and intricate white embroidery. Around her neck was a necklace that consisted of six over hovering beads. They usually rotated around her throat but bow they hovered in place, bobbing up and down rather languidly. Their god sheen, lighting up for every spark that danced along her skin, paired with shimmering markings that seemed etched in her features.


Things like lazing on the beach never occurred to her until she observed those who spend time by the waters more. So she was inclined to give it a try, and soon grew to enjoy it. Just before her was a brick of ice, to which she placed her current book and bottle of wine. It was a slow read that suited the fine slow day, and Lumikki would glance at the pages at her leisure. For how, she laid back with arms crossed, enjoying every slight breeze of the wind and the sound of waves crashing into the shore.

At least for the moment. There has been announcements in the distance as those visiting in time for the events were excited for. See, while this was a normal day like any other, there was something rather particular happening in Azure beach and all places around it. That being, the soft snow that fell from the heavens above. Magic of the Ice Queen mixed and churned within the atmosphere, brewing a fine snowy-beach day for all to enjoy. And now, people were trying to make sense of the activities to enjoy the phenomenal in all its splendor.




"Ice will never forget."

A masterclass in sand and sass [PPCS - Snow Angels] Nerili11

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