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FOX-VENGERS... ASSEMBLE! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 5:32 pm


WORDS: 350 | Beach Vixen

“WOOHOO! Party’s on y’all!” Certainly never the type to ignore the call of an invitation which she admittedly had only skimmed but certainly felt plenty of reason to feel it needed her own particular brand of scintillating showiness, Bella Benini beamed as she burst onto the scene in something small and sapphire in coloration and announced herself rather merrily as she hit the sand not only looking rather risqué given the immodest number which she was sporting, but also bearing a bottle of tasty tequila in each of her hands.
“Hope ya don’t minnnnnd I slipped into something more… …Beach orientated?” Holding each aloft as if they were both a little trophy that she had won as she slid onto the scene of something with some nice smouldering embers and smoke rising from the top of it, the buxom blonde swayed her hips from one side and to the other while running her thumbs down from her shoulders to accentuate her curves as she celebrated her own fine form one more, and then looked toward those who had gathered up for the event with a fair amount of confidence that she had made rather a memorable entrance. Though today, it was perhaps for reason she did not expect.

“Huh.” Erupting into a locale where she found a bunch of boys who were little more than knee high and now totally bug eyed, some seemed to cover their eyes in embarrassment while others wore dopey headed smiles and smirks as they clearly seemed to like what they saw, though really were far from the audience she had intended to wow with what she was wearing.
“I think I got the wrong campfire…?” For that reason seeming to wince and stick out her tongue cutely as she attempted an apology but knew that the damage was already done, all that she could do really was beat a rather hasty retreat that bit further along the sands and hope that the people she found there were a little more age appropriate for her, all the while taking swigs from one of her bottles in order to soothe her bruised ego…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


FOX-VENGERS... ASSEMBLE! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Fri Sep 20, 2024 2:08 pm


Every Rose has its Thorns

For the past week since she'd arrived in Hargeon, Elyse had been seeing multiple advertisements for an end-of-summer beach event hosted jointly by Hargeon's Blue Pegasus, a light guild and the neutral guild from the North, Paradise Dawn. Most advertisements said the same thing; "Come join us for food, campfire stories, and fun!" It seemed less like a traditional beach party and more of an intimate get-together for the public to take part in.

Being the social butterfly she was, Elyse decided it was something she couldn't afford to miss out on. Thankfully, the fox had packed numerous outfits for any number of occasions as she usually did when traveling. One dress, in particular, was a beautiful, full-length white sundress with a deep sweetheart neckline and layered skirt.

She paired it with a narrow-brimmed sun hat. Her long-flowing silvery locks were kept down. Her bright azure eyes made her simple yet elegant sundress pop. Upon arrival at her destination, many heads turned to look at the goddess-like beauty who had graced them with her presence. Except for a few whose eyes were fixed on a very immodestly dressed blonde-haired fox woman, who was lasciviously swinging her hips side to side as she strutted down the beach.

Elyse just shook her head, some people simply had no sense of shame or dignity for that matter. However, the other woman was of no concern to Elyse as she headed in the same direction to where the event was being held. Upon arrival, she listened as the woman from before "apologized" for not wearing more appropriate attire for the event. Ignoring the shameless woman, Elyse spoke to the rest of the attendees present. "Hello everyone, I saw advertisements around town about this little event and thought to attend, I do hope that's alright~?" She gave a sweet yet seductive smile to the men of the group. Although most of their attention had been on the blonde who came just before her, one look paired with her elegant and pure attire and they were now smitten with Elyse. And really, who could blame them?

Words: 358


FOX-VENGERS... ASSEMBLE! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Mon Sep 23, 2024 7:11 am


It had been a hard few months now, he had felt it in his bones when he last saw her. That he wouldn’t see her again; he had watched her go one last time into the night and woke up in the bed on his own. Staring up to the ceiling, the first night had been the hardest, the second more so. He felt the weight of her absence thoroughly. It had made him sick; it had made his life start to grow dull. The life that he had lavished upon her had quickly been sent into the empty void without her. He still woke up hoping to find her next to him again; only for the eerie silence of her absence and the soft gentle ticking of the clock across the room.

He had spent so much time lamenting that he had felt his magic grow stale and leave. He had lost much of the drive that was there. He knew he needed to move on but how do you do so when you were… so in love? The kitsune rubbed at his face, he was sitting around a fire on a beach in some far off distant place. Away from peregrande. A drink in his hand that had been half taken to his belly and a part of it on the ground as the mug wasn’t exactly built for his physique. He didn’t complain though, the drought was bitter and it helped him ease some of the pain to numbness. He wore his casual dress without the orange vest it usually came with. Too damn hot, though it sat next to him; neatly folded and ready to go in case something happened.

He wasn’t aware of the event that was ongoing but hearing the announcement his ears flicked and he’d stand up. Draining the drink and stashing the cup away while he picked up his vest. Having it folded over his arm the fox padded along. There were only a few people that stood out from the crowd to a degree. One woman that reminded him a bit of the shrine maidens out of joya and another that made him think of those from swimsuit magazines. What was strange is that both of them reminded him of the family members of his clan to a lesser degree. He seemed comparably colder and distant than the others around him. Hearing one of them speak, referring to the event that was ongoing the fox sighed.

Didn’t even know that there was an event tonight. What’s it about?

If it was something that didn’t help him relax and take it easy he wasn’t sure if he wanted to partake in it. If it was something that he could just lay back and listen to others talk or perhaps share some drinks he’d be more privy to it. He wasn’t looking to jump around and go crazy after all. It just didn’t sit well with him at the moment.


FOX-VENGERS... ASSEMBLE! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Tue Sep 24, 2024 12:09 pm


WORDS: 460 | Beach Vixen

“Well, at least I gave a couple of them some good dreams going forward, huehuehue…” Even after a shambles like she had just been through the beauty known as Bella able to find some nice and sunny silver lining to her little accident, the blonde was left to chuckle to herself for a moment or two as she reflected upon the sizeable impression she had left some of the group with, and despite her audience found a shameless sense of satisfaction in such a fact.
“What the…?” Not that she had too much time to dwell on such a fact before something rather astonishing seemed to occur before her, the feet of the foxy femme continued to shuffle her along the sands until she found a couple of shadows seeming to lay along her path, and after lifting her head to see just who she had bumped into this particular sapphire eyed siren seemed to find herself stricken by a sudden sense of shock.

“Fox? FOX!” Looking at a pair who to varying degrees seemed to carry the same vulpine features which she did and finding her excitement only growing for that fact, had she been a little calmer than Miss Benini might have questioned the coincidence in randomly running into a pair with whom she seemed to see an immediate kinship, but right now the thrill of such kismet seemed to overwhelm everything in favour of sheer exhileration.
“Oh Em Geeeeee! It’s like a family reunion! Hiiiiiii! Hiiiiiiiii!” Never one who was all that good at keeping a lid on her feelings and this showing as she seemed to shoot her tequila bottle laden hands into the air and then bound toward each of these strangers in turn, the scantness of her swimsuit likely did few favours for her sense of modesty as she jiggled her way to the pair and aimed to throw her arms around each in a show of greeting which was beyond overfamiliar, and yet seemed only natural given their commonality.

“It’s like destiny~! Like, tell me you guys are looking for a party, riiiiiiight~?” The buxom beauty beaming all the while and then thanking her luckiest stars for the opportunity which had seemed to fall into her lap, though many of her features might have seen such overlap as a common thing due to the isolation in which Bella had been brought up she had so rarely run into one with whom she appeared to share her ‘breed’ that it felt like a special event in of itself, and then two? Two was reason to celebrate, as she was only too happy to show as she tugged the caps off her drinks with her teeth and began to offer them out to her new best friends…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


FOX-VENGERS... ASSEMBLE! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Fri Sep 27, 2024 9:17 am


Every Rose has its Thorns

Not long after she gave her greetings, another showed up. It was a man this time, and not a human but another fox demi-human only his vulpine features were far more definitive than the other two already present. He looked more like a full-fledged fox than a demi-human one. Still, he spoke like a normal person albeit sounding less than excited about the ongoing event.

Elyse replied to his query. "Hello, yes, this is an event to gather, tell scary stories, and eat food, are you wanting to join? The more the merrier after all." Elyse was very polite and cordial towards the gentlemen before her. Although he didn't seem like the usual type who fell for her charms nor did he seem to have the heart to even pay attention to her beauty. Although it was vexing, Elyse decided to push those bothersome thoughts from her mind.

However, shortly after their brief exchange began, it was brought to a very loud and obnoxious end by the woman who had arrived shortly before them. The blonde fox in the revealing blue bikini noticed the two and became overly excited. Her voice must have gone up by at least two decibels as she excitedly went on and on about it being a family reunion and destiny and other nonsensical things.

Elyse had her suspicions when she watched this woman strut down the beach in such a scant swimsuit without any shame or grace. The woman seemed to really have nothing in that head of hers. A fact the mage confirmed when she saw the woman make a jiggly and bouncy beeline for her and the gentleman. Elyse shook her head before quickly stepping out of the way of the woman trying to hug her. After all, Elyse didn't care for random hugs from strangers. Especially from shameless weirdos.

Normally, Elyse wasn't this hostile but then again, it wasn't often she met someone so irritating and grating that she couldn't keep up her friendly, demure front. This may not have been the best idea after all. Still, she wouldn't let one overactive blonde bimbo ruin her good time. Plus, the woman didn't seem to have any malicious intent in her words or actions so maybe as fellow foxes, they could get along but of course, that would remain to be seen.

Words: 392

Last edited by Elyse Charlotte on Fri Oct 04, 2024 11:26 am; edited 1 time in total


FOX-VENGERS... ASSEMBLE! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:48 am

Skald’s ears flicked and he’d turn his head as the blond foxish girl seemed to be very excited at the fact that there were other foxes here. They were something of a rarity it felt and when the woman approached skald didn’t feel alarmed or threatened. Just a hollow numbness as he stared at them; he’d sigh a bit. Though it didn’t bring any form of relief. Excitable people were always somewhat… easy to guess how they’d act. She was probably going to get physical and… There it was. A hug around; just around him as the other moved out of the way. He didn’t seem bothered by the touch.

Family reunion of sorts I suppose.

His eyes adjusted and noted the tequila in her hands; it wasn’t a surprise to him that the other had been drinking. What else would you do on the beach at a time like this? Other than telling stories and the like. Hell parties had a habit of running like that and he’d rub at his neck, each of his tails flicking or adjusting at the closeness of another. To bella there wasn’t any warmth to skald’s body or touch. It was as though he was completely void of that required touch. There was no breath coming from his mouth and there was a strange ponderous movement for some of him like he wasn’t sure how he should be acting.

curiosity brought me here, maybe not looking for a party in the same sense you would be.

Skald’s eyes flicked over to Elyse; his eyes were cold as though they had seen too much. There wasn’t a spark of warmth hiding in them and there was a certain sadness edged deeper within. He seemed largely unbothered by the proximity to bella and when offered the bottle by bella he’d simply take one. There was a thin layer of amusement at the behavior or perhaps he was amused at something else?

I’ll join. Don’t have anything better to do after all.

There was a pause; he’d glance to Bella and then back over to Elyse. He didn’t introduce himself yet but that was one of the things he wasn’t sure of. Did he go through all the titles he was lavished on? Ones that felt hollow without… He’d brush that thought aside and just stick to his name. No war or conflict stretched out this far for that long and the echoes of what had been wasn’t within his capacity to care at the moment.

My name is skald, what about you two?

Skald would bump the drink he had accepted against the one that bella was still holding as though toasting it and took a drink thoughtfully. It didn’t burn on the way down and that numbness sat there. At least he could taste things still, at least he could feel the touch of others. But there was a blanket numbness to everything he went about that made him wonder how long that’d last. Or maybe this was just his life now until he either decided to get rid of the gift or accept it fully. He felt the ache of wanting to talk some more so he’d ease into a simple conversation.

Been a long time since I’ve been to Hargeon. Trader caravans and all that. Are you two from around here?


FOX-VENGERS... ASSEMBLE! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:07 am


WORDS: 550 | Beach Vixen

“Okayyyy then~” The brow of the blonde leaping up a little way when her fellow femme seemed to try and dodge the embrace she offered but scarcely paying enough mind to it to be offended, instead Bella was more than happy to throw her arms around the rather impressive shape of the boy in their company, and rather enjoyed the chance to do so. There seeming to be something about the scent which he gave off which she couldn’t quite put her finger upon, it was familiar in a way she couldn’t describe and natural, and every bit feeling like she was indeed being reintroduced to a family member or something of the sort she had forgotten.

“Ohhhhh, it’s like totally always a party with me around, big boy~” Not that the way in which she would behave seemed to be all that family orientated and no sooner had he seemed to accept the bottle she offered than she was lifting a digit up to catch the end of that darling snout, the almost irrepressible flirt grinned and then winked into eyes she hoped to turn to focus upon her, and announced rather candidly that so long as she was here the fun times would roll.
“Heeheehee, your ears look SOOO fluffy, mind if I…?” All the while the girl filled with a giddy sense of excitement and the accepting way in which Skald had seemed to respond to her hug only seeming to enhance her tendency toward skinship, after taking a swig of the bottle she had kept in her hand Miss Benini looked the lad over and climbed up onto her tippiest toes with a sense of curiosity, and once more did a wandering digit seem to reach for anatomy she felt an almost unconscious fondness toward in order to draw it along his ear should he let her. Gosh darn, she was incorrigible.

“Whoa, I’d like to say that’s the first time I’ve gotten physical with a guy without knowing his name buuuuuut…” Something about meeting those who she could see as her kin seeming to have kicked her into the best of moods which was saying something for one who usually lived so free and easy as this fair haired fox, Bella couldn’t help but giggle and grin when next it seemed that their lone bearer of the Y chromosome made an effort to introduce herself, and soon after she flashed the pointy canines which she possessed as she bit into her bottom lip and bobbed her brow at him as her mischief continued largely unabated.
“The name’s Bella, from Blue Pegasus~? Can’t say I’ve seen you around these parts before tho, like… you both new in town~?” Not that she was intending to be a bad host of course and only too readily revealing her own name and her allegiance to the local outfit, though the vivacious vixen knew that she hadn’t been part of her guild and the town of Hargeon for long she could guess that she would have known about there being those who shared her own distinct features, and so as she offered out her own bottle to share with the more aloof of this new pair she asked after their presence here as a means of getting some conversation going…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


FOX-VENGERS... ASSEMBLE! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Fri Oct 04, 2024 11:24 am


What Fun is Life Without a Little Chaos~?

Elyse watched as buxom fox clung to the gentleman in a very un-family friendly manner. Not only had this femme fox not asked for his name, but she was putting her hands all over him, pushing her plentiful bosom up onto him and practically fondling his ears before the man even gave his consent. Where was this woman's sense of shame or decorum? Normally, you should first ask a gentleman before throwing yourself at him. Even Elyse when flirting wouldn't resort to such utter shamelessness when meeting someone she felt attraction towards for the first time.

It was hard to watch as Elyse felt herself cringing at the sight before her. Elyse knew she would most likely need a drink after this, something strong like tequila to wipe this scene from her memory. Eventually, the femme fox stopped harassing the gentleman and finally introduced herself. Her name was Bella, and she claimed to be a member of the Blue Pegasus guild, one of the two hosting the event they were attending. At least now Elyse had a name to the face. While Elyse was lost in thought, Bella offered her a drink from the same bottle she'd offered the gentleman, to which Elyse politely declined.

"I'll have to decline but I do appreciate the offer and I'm not sure about the gentleman whom you've been clinging to... but I, myself have traveled through Hargeon a few times before. I was already in town when I heard through the grapevine about this little get-together and thought I would check it out for myself." Elyse finally got a good look around at the venue, aside from the fire pit and seats around it. There was a music stage, some barbeque grills set up, and wooden arches with streamers strung about. It was a lovely setup, fitting of the guild known for luxury. Elyse had once considered joining Blue Pegasus back when she first arrived in Fiore but chose not to.

The reason was simple, Elyse didn't wish to get too deeply involved with others, plus, being in a guild meant being restricted in some ways, bound by their rules. Something the femme fox refused to do. Being free to go where she wanted and do as she pleased was far more appealing to Elyse. Still, she had to give credit where credit was do. The fine folks of Blue Pegasus sure knew how to throw a party.

Words: 407


FOX-VENGERS... ASSEMBLE! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Fri Oct 11, 2024 10:27 pm

Partygoer type then I take it?

Skald’s carried himself like a gentleman; the physical touch of belle didn’t necessarily feel hollow to him. He did feel it but it didn’t illicit the response she likely wanted from him he felt. There was a slight flick of his ears as she asked to touch his ears. Another flick and he’d give a small shrug of his shoulders. The touch of his chin warranted his eyes flicking to her. She could see that coldness, the intense sorrow that was just behind the eyes and there was that soft gentle smile that hid the pain that he was still feeling.

Go ahead. Mind the tips though.

With the way that his ears were, the fur there was the densest and the hardest to clean and he’d rather them not be fussed with too much. Though if she would take too much time fussing over them he’d gently reach up to pull her hand away from his ears. Too much stimulation would be bad for him after all. It was something that a lot of his kind had to deal with. The tails were more the focus for many and while not as sensitive still suffered from the same. In regards to her question he’d shake his head.

I’m not from around here, I just typically travel a lot; first as a merchant. Now to try to find someone.

Skald would fiddle with an extra earring that he had been carrying around for a while, rolling it through his fingers and pondering lightly. So in essence of her question it was a ‘yes’ but maybe he wasn’t being more clear. His eyes trailed over to Elyse as with the way she held herself maybe she was more for simple not inebriated parties. Skald looked to the bottle that he was given, taking another sip out of it and exhaled.

You could say I’m new in town, I had been here at some point years ago. Couldn’t tell you when.

Skald shook his head; he couldn’t get that ache out of his chest in regards to his family before and now… He was hung up on the one that had his heart in a vice. But that was the same sort of pain he was okay with; one day they’d run into one another again. Maybe. He’d rub at his cheek and blink.

How long have you been part of Blue Pegasus Bella?

His tails adjusted a little bit and one of them would hold his drink for him. The others lazily listed around and it was the middle one that had him put his extra earring away into his pocket. Not wishing to lose it to the sands. Or the drinks he would likely take. The burning sensation of this drink wasn’t heavy like the rest; it was… Well non existent and skald would softly exhale. A forced act. He didn’t need to breathe at all anymore.

Might need something stronger to even… feel that anymore.


FOX-VENGERS... ASSEMBLE! [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 16, 2024 11:32 am


WORDS: 470 | Beach Vixen

“Whoa, a bit shy, aint’cha~?” Certainly used to dealing with those who were a little standoffish, the blonde had very little issue taking the role of pitcher so to speak if the other party were more prone to catching and with the distance and note of sadness which she saw in the eyes of this tall fox, Miss Benini certainly felt like he could have used someone willing and able to bring some fun into his life.
“I don’t mind helping ya loosen up, if you need it~?” Certainly aware of the fact that she was into him and not thinking much about the reason for that, the fair femme bit into her bottom lip as she saw one who was reticent and reluctant like this one as a prime candidate for her to mould with her touch so to speak, which she demonstrated with the way in which she let that digit drift down from the tips of his ears upon his urging to dance around the base instead, massaging the area tenderly in a way that she could not deny she would enjoy as well.

“Yeeeaahhh, us guys and some of them from the north figured we might as well bring the fun in, eh~? Snow in summer, not gonna forget that any time soon~” Certainly seeming to find this reserved figure at least a little more welcoming than the girl who had joined them, Bella did not miss the degree of hostility which she was shown by the blanched beauty but chose not to react to it, instead merely keeping the fun going and explaining the sitch in an effort not to let those lows harsh her vibes. I mean, no point in letting it get you down, right?

“A couple a months now, but what can I say, fits me like a glove~?” At the very least happy to have seemed to have found herself someone to have fun with in the form of the norse named Skald, the fox flicked her dip dyed locks and then wriggled her pert and juicy behind onto one of the bench-like logs which had been left for folk to sit upon in front of the fire, before tipping her head to one side and grinning at the figure she wouldn’t mind making her prize.
“Ohhhhh, like it hard, huh~? Wellll, guess that makes two of us~” It almost as if he were making it too easy for her as well with the way he spoke and smirking as she swallowed down more of her own bottle to raise her feeling of merriment, while Miss Benini had every idea of what the boy meant she also had no plan not to make innuendo of it, and so she flashed him a wink and then patted the spot next to her expectantly, practically beckoning him to join her…

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.

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