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The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God

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The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:44 am


Takao has been away for awhile, simply living his life and dealing with problems in his world but now that has been handled and taken care of he could focus on doing other things. Like official meetings with Icebergian rulers, and suspected Criminal Lord of Joya. Lumikki.

Takao was planning on meeting in a public place, somewhere where if she did try and do something that he would still more likely die or get horribly injured but at least it would be in the open and public so reinforcements could come. Takao wasn't nearly strong enough to try and fight Lumikki even if he wanted to, so his best defense was simply making the fight as unwanted and public as possible.

Takao was sitting, in his yellow robes with his sword resting next to him on the floor, drinking some tea as he waited for his guest to arrive at the small family tea shop that he had emptied just for this occasion.


The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 4:21 pm



Lumikki of Iceberg


"In a calm and chilly breeze the petals dance."


The sun’s arc was lowering in the sky, long gone from its highest point and on the verge of turning into evening. Clouds condensed up above, softening the harsh light and granting relief. Something Lumikki appreciated as she sauntered onto the agreed location. The Demoness wore a long deep blue yukata. White flowers were speckled onto the sleeves and lower-most part. While the sash used to tie it all together was a shiny black with white embroidered detailing.

Lumikki appeared human though her appearance was hardly negligible. Her pale white hair was tied back in a mix of Iceberg braids and Joyan hair sticks. All bunched into a bun where some of her locks hung free and fresh blooming flowers wrapped around them. Her black stain hands could still be seen past the sleeves, coming to the tip of her obsidian like pointed nails. And though she hardly enjoyed wearing shoes anymore, her feet dipped in shadow were tucked within Joyan wooden sandal that gave Lumikki an extra inch or two in stature and small wild flowers bloomed with every step only to fade away. Her lips and twilight eyes painted a black, which stood out from the delicate markings imprinted on her face and neck. One could say they were reminiscent of Kitsune but only the superstitious would know. Meanwhile the hovering beads of her necklace were like hefty tears of jade that rotated around her next like an orbit. While just beside her legs was a small creature born in this country by means of a festival. One in which Lumi was given a chance to make something anew. She clung to Lumikki’s side with every step, her mischievous and cat-like eyes often darting about.

It was both an odd surprise and to be expected, when Lumikki received the message and invitation from her raven. It had been ages since she saw Takao last, but this was his home and he perhaps was being ever vigilant or dutifully hospitable. Either or, Lumikki looked forward to the tea and solace of the tea house and as of this moment, she was just around the corner.

Stepping through the entry and into the dimly lit and empty room, her gaze had no choice but to wander to the fox sitting upon the floor. Dressed in yellow as he always was, she’d stumbled over and took a seat of her own just across from him. Her companion waiting patiently until the moment she could rest her head upon Lumi’s lap. ”It’s been ages haven’t it? Hope the time has treated ye well.” Her lips parted in a smirk just wide enough to show her fangs, but there was no malice there. Just excitement.


"A garden of frostflowers."

The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Nerili11

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The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Empty Tue Oct 01, 2024 5:03 pm


Takao watched as the women entered the room, she oozed the same kind of energy that his mother did, of someone so powerful that even the most arrogant mages have no other choice but to take the knee or find your head leaving your shoulders. Her pale white hair gave off some knowledge of her heritage, as it was braided in Icebergian braids, though anyone with any knowledge of current world politics knew that Lumikki was taking over Iceberg. There was a small part of his soul that called out at this, but he pushed that down as he knew that wasn't his soul... at least not fully. As he watched her approach, he gathered more and more of her vision. Her black stained hands looked like they were just recently dipped in the ink used for writing, her lips and eyes shadowed in the same color. On her chest was a large necklace of tears of jade, though they rotated around her neck like it was orbiting the sun. He chose to ignore the strange creature that was following her as it wasn't important at this time.

She was beautiful in the same way that one might find a panther beautiful, and just as dangerous to nearly everyone on the planet. The fox inside of him called out and said " She seems like a better match for you than your current lover..." Takao left that comment alone, he was only saying that because he was bitter that the person who sealed him liked Akuko and Lumikki was closer to Kurama than most.

" It has been ages... sadly time has not been as great as I would hope but nothing can beat time or death at the end of the day. Eventually both take their toll. " Takao scratched behind his right ear as he said it, giving a bit of embarrassment about how time seemed to have gotten away from him. " Time seemed to have gone well enough for you... given your meteoric rise in power in your home. Soon that Country will no longer have to fight for their lives every waking moment from the moment that they are born to the moment they die. Hopefully my mother will be kind enough to help you do that. "

Takao reached out and began to pour Lumikki her tea for her, sitting up and getting slightly closer to Lumikki as he did so. Takao wasn't sure if she knew that he was holding the Nine Tailed Fox inside of him, but hopefully it wouldn't have to come up.


The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Empty Wed Oct 02, 2024 9:46 pm


Lumikki of Iceberg

"In a calm and chilly breeze the petals dance."


  ”The Gods and their kin are a lofty kind….it would be a wonder if ye knew the sound of a ticking clock.” Slightly leaning toward him, a budding smile played on her lips. ”I’d be more surprised if ye managed to stay grounded, but a las, I didn’t think ye’d be spirited away so soon. Ye’ve been missed in the North Takao.” Her voice was melodious and playful. Though not enough to be perceived childish, as the delivery was still smooth, if not somber. Lumikki pulled back, glancing down upon her companion before stroking their head. By then, Takao was pouring her a cup of tea. ”Thank ye lad,” she took the cup without any hesitation, knowing that she could cool it upon touch.

”Ye make us sound so brutish, there are intricacies in our culture ya know. Fighting is but one, and a means to keep the people strong….to some, it’s their very purpose….But a las, whatever major strife we’ve had raging before has cooled now. For sometime at least, yet it feels the embers will come back alive soon enough.” She took a pause to take a long sip, savoring the taste of the tea and its warmth. ”This jasmine tea is soothing. A fine drink to enjoy after the longs days.” Her eyes pointed before her since the slight on her people, but her gaze finally pulled back to the fox beside her. ”Yer mother was fascinating. Truly the embodiment of calm, chilling death. Makes me wonder thought what ye’d grow to become with enough time. Whatever the outcome, I’m curious of that fox-like nature of yers—Oh speaking of!” Lumikki settled her cup back atop the table and pointed at the necklace that hovered around her neck. ”I met a Kitsune ye know. A remnant from before the war but she was exploiting the people within the villages beside the old battle fields. The lass even stole the pearls of her like, stowing ‘em into this very necklace to extend her power and grow more tails. Five other Kitsune, souls consumed to push her own ideals. No matter where ye go, they’re all the same.” For how dreary her point, Lumi spoke as if entertained. There was no need to be hung up on the animosity of the world, this of course is part why she strove for where she was.


"A garden of frostflowers."

The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Nerili11

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The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 9:13 am


" To be fair to me, my experience with the north has been limited in scope and.. significantly less showing the culture outside of their strength in combat but I will believe you." Takao just kinda shrugged to himself as he realized that he really didn't know much about the north, but he didn't really have to until this moment. The new alliance in the works between his mother and the Raven Queen would soon make the world a much smaller place than it was before, and Takao might have travel there for diplomatic missions or visits when his mother couldn't attend.

"She meet a Kitsune who decided to take an easy way out... she didn't earn her tails, not really. " Kurama said in Takao's head, though Takao ignored this as he knew that Kurama was literally born as powerful as he was and he didn't have to work for his power either but that wasn't important at this point. Takao pulled open some of the power of the Nine Tailed fox as his eyes turned from their normal color into blood red slits, and a dark red and malicious mana began to ooze out of his skin, coating his clothing in a boiling pool of raw mana. Lumikki could feel the power behind the thing locked inside of Takao, and how this was just a fraction of a fraction of it's true power and she could most likely also feel something else. The Hatred and Rage that poured out of it.

With another blink, Takao pulled this mana back into himself and his eyes turned back into their normal color before saying " Kitsune aren't all the same.... some hate humanity far more than others, and some want to help humanity... though I will say that if Kurama cared more about the lesser of his kin, he most likely would be extremely offended by you carrying around the souls of his kind on you. "


The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Empty Mon Oct 07, 2024 10:19 am


Lumikki of Iceberg

"In a calm and chilly breeze the petals dance."


Despite the slight flicker in the light, Lumikki did well not to push it further. She was not here to be in a bad mood, nor did she feel it was on her to inform him of her people. If she could take the time to learn the language and their ways of life, then a fellow timeless could do the same. But it did add a bitter taste in her tea she couldn’t enjoy, and so her eyes looked about the table for some honey or sugar to calm the craving.

Lumikki pushed the conversation elsewhere. Somewhere she found more amusing. Why not, after all. He reduced Iceberg to something simple, so in the moment she was compelled to do the same. It was a give or take, and thankfully he’d reward her for it. So with a chuckle, Lumikki relished view of his bubbling scarlet mana pooling atop his skin paired with the blood read eyes that gazed upon her.

”Is that so?….” Her voice reverted to its true sound akin to a boundless tundra. It echoed with a sound like a howling gale whipping upon the snow. Her eyes too came to life as they began to glow, reveling a fuchsia and violet hue. All while the room dropped in temperatures rather rapidly, too soon for one to naturally register, and the lights flickered for a moment. ”I could incur that Demons have their fair share of differences, but as ye eloquently stated, it’s more like a point of different motivations or ideals.” Just as sudden was her stir, did it settle but not before spreading thing black frost along the table. It like a blooming garden of frostflowers, or a pattern on a dress. Yet if one were to touch it, they’d be struck with just how cold it was. ”Lad, I would be for more surprised if he did care. Rare is it that anyone cares for the lesser—Hel, I’ve consumed me fair share whenever they found their way to me realm…though I could only wonder….do all Kitsune taste the same?” With a smile on the fringe of a tad menacing, Lumikki reached for her tea and pulled it back to her lips. Despite her demonstration of shared power, she kept in mind not to turn her drink cold, though it was on the cusp of warm.


"A garden of frostflowers."

The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Nerili11

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The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 5:11 pm


Takao felt the room grow cold and he knew that he was now staring into a small part of what all of Iceberg sees in their leader, someone that could turn the world into a frozen wasteland with but a thought and a whisper. Though Takao had spent far too much time with people exactly like this, so this display of power that far outreached his didn't appear to affect him. Takao reached out and touched the frost that had grown on the table, noting that it was as cold as he imagined it would be.

Takao noted the 'threat', though it was clear to Takao that it wasn't intended as such, but he felt a point needed to be made as he reached over the table and gently touched the bottom of the cup. Pushing his own mana through it, it warmed the cup of tea back up to the temperature it was before sitting back down his yellow robes knocking the frost that had appeared on them. " I am pleased that you are willing to be open and honest with me, but do remember that most things do not like being asked if all of them taste the same." Takao simply stated this as a fact that other people other than him might feel threatened by what they had just said. Takao, at this point couldn't really care less about his safety. He was far too weak to deal with any problem that could appear on his shores and he knew that his death was guaranteed if he tried. His only benefit was that when he died, Kurama would be someone else's problem to deal with.

" Most would be afraid of you at this point, but sadly I have accepted that even if I was given gifts by birth and by... circumstance, the fear would be pointless as it would make no difference at the end of it. Being afraid of you is the same as being afraid of death, the void or anything else. Being afraid and worried about it does you no good. Death and the End is something that comes for us all in the end, even Gods. " Takao reached down and ripped the teapot off the table, as it was frozen there from a moment ago before reheating it with his mana before putting it back down.

" Sorry for bringing the mood down there. " Takao said half heartedly, he seemed to half mean it and half not. He wasn't nervous but he was being more of himself around the Demon than maybe he should be.


The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Empty Sat Oct 12, 2024 7:21 pm


Lumikki of Iceberg

"In a calm and chilly breeze the petals dance."

Lumikki chuckled, but her would be quite right. There was no arguing that her comments—pardon the pun— were quite distasteful. Of course all things held reason, and chaos did too despite its hectic nature and presentation. Lumikki nodded in response, while holding out her cup to Takao so that he may extend his helpful trick to her as well. ”For what it’s worth, Demons wouldn’t come off as savory to must.” She’d smile slyly and take another sip, sighing deeply with the relief of her tea upon her tongue.

”—Huh…afraid? What for?~ I figured it was simply a passing moment of I’ll show ya mine if ye show me yers. I have no reason to garner fear so pitifully. Reeeeally, those kind of stunts only serve to dilute yer reputation. A joke that needs to seethe at every moment to remind one of their power must often get overlooked every other moment as well. Sides, what does a lad of Death have to fear in that regard when a mother is far more terrifying than and end.” Her eyes sparkled as she spoke because truth, she was enjoying this. It was like the feeling of meeting with an old friend. With how time has been passing, so much has changed for her. Pieces of the world’s puzzle have been slowly falling into place with her elated status now opening barred avenues and new friends. Lumikki wouldn’t detest, despite how limiting her new role was proving to become. But what is the worth of a Demon if they could not overcome something so small to prove their desires. Chaos is but one facet, and it shows in many faces. Breaking exceptions would simply have to prove as one until she could find something earnest to destroy.

”Ye know…I always remember ye to be so serious. Why did I have it in mind ye’d be otherwise when I see ye. I resend me jest, all of which actually. There is no need to offend, and I got me jab back for a prior remark. Tell me Takao, it’s clear I’ve changed. So what have ye? Or, for interesting conversation, tell me more about this acquaintance of yers. Kurama is it? It’s lovely to meet ye.” In truth if the being in Takao was but another Demon, he would only see Lumikki’s fangs and distain. A reaction all Demons face as she was quite territorial. Not wanting to share her realm with the likes of any of them besides perhaps those born here themselves. Even then, she claws to the heavens to situate herself the highest among them, a status that could only be stripped from her by paying a high price. But Kurama was not a part of those sentiments. He was a being of Joya and their culture with Kami. So he only garnered her fascination and curiosity, as many aspects of Joya tend to do.

"A garden of frostflowers."

The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:09 am


changed, not much anyway, he was simply just trying to live his life the best he could but he had a massive weight on his back of expectation, power and responsibility that he most of the time just didn't feel ready for in anyway. He wondered if this is what his mom felt like all the time or was this just him feeling like he wasn't good enough so he had to be serious. Either way, Lumikki gave him a perfect chance to be left to his own thoughts for a moment.

Takao reached out his hand, palm up towards Lumikki and said " If you wish to speak with them, hold my hand." if Lumikki agreed to these terms, she would feel herself get whisked away down into a dark void. She knew she could easily break the hold and the connection would end and she would go back to her body and that no control was given during this but it did seem like she was in a completely different place. Standing next to her was Takao, his shoes causing ripples on the black floor like every step was a rock hitting the water. Takao came walking forward, before turning back to Lumikki. Behind him spawned what look to be a massive barred gate, one that seemed to stretch on forever in every direction.

Behind that cage, laying down was a monster of Joya Legend, Kurama the Nine Tailed Fox. This being was just as large in this mental form as he would be in real life, and as it opened a single eye at the door to his cage, the red from it seemed to illuminate Lumikki and Takao with a light. This eye alone was larger than Lumikki and there was.. a bottomless pool of mana flowing out of his cage, so much of it was just leaking out of this beings form that it was almost like being drowned by it's power. Yet it was still locked in this cage, behind this gate with no lock or way to get out.

" Why have you brought another person here Takao.... your father should have taught you better than that to interrupt a God while they are napping."
Kurama's voice came so deep and with such power that the world around them shook and vibrated with his annoyance. " What is that that she wants? " Kurama still kept one eye open while looking at them, still laying down but giving them the minimum amount of attention needed.


The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 12:54 am


Lumikki of Iceberg

"In a calm and chilly breeze the petals dance."


 It came as a surprised to the Demoness when Takao extended his hand. What more, the words that followed. Lumikki trusting the Demi-God, extended her own palm out of curiosity. Wondering to where this could likely lead, but when she was spirited away, well it was more than she imagined.

It felt like what she could of sworn Ginnungagap may be like. Endless with its darkness, albeit, missing the cold. Her silent steps still impacting the floor as it rippled with each step. Lumikki looked around with vast wonder, but the trek hardly lasted all that long before Takao turned around and introduced her to the being that occupied this realm. Sadly from the other side of his gate, something she wasn’t quite pleased with. Was it for the reason of compassion, to the empathy of not wanted to be contained? She could not say, and she’d have to contemplate it later.

”Greeting Kurama, God of another realm. I was simply curious of ye, but I couldn’t imagine it would lead me to a conversation like this. Excuse me intrusion, for that, I will also be more transparent.” A sentiment Lumikki meant to express by the shift of her own form. With the plentiful darkness all around them, it’ll swirl and then smother Lumikki’s small frame. Bubbling and twitching as it expanded until it was pushed away by a gale garnered by Lumikki’s very four wings.

Now, standing before Takao, was another large being. A raven Demon with strong blue and purple hue’s amid her black feathers, who stood at fifteen meters. ”It is not often a Demon could encounter a God ye see.”

"A garden of frostflowers."

Appearance :

The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Nerili11

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The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 8:16 pm


Takao simply took a step back and let the two massive beasts speak to each other, it wasn't like he was going to be much help in this conversation anyway, he was basically just the vessel to get here. Though he could expel Lumikki out of this place if he wanted to, but he didn't have a reason to do that. For now.

"A Demon.... a true Demon. Interesting... I didn't think your kind was running around in the world anymore... figured the Gods and others would have kept you locked in your cage. And you are running around with my half-brother..." Kurama then closed his eye, leaving the world in darkness again before the voice said " What is it that you would like from me Demon? What questions do you have for me? "

Kurama didn't seem very interested in Lumikki, but he was interested enough not to just tell her to get the hell out of his 'realm' even though this was honestly closer to his prison than his realm. Though due to Takao's lineage, the chains and bars are much weaker than they would normally be but also significantly stronger. As he had normally been put in humans in the past, his energy needed to be contained and held down more. In the body of Takao, his power was allowed to roam far more freely, without concern about killing the host and given their special relationship and history, the locks and cage was there more for show but Kurama knew that he wasn't leaving this place without Takao's permission.


The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Empty Wed Oct 16, 2024 2:11 pm


Lumikki of Iceberg

"In a calm and chilly breeze the petals dance."


His voice was callous in tone but drenched in poise. His words washed over her like the rumbles of fresh, dark clouds threatening its bundled storm to burst at any moment. But Lumikki love storms and so it hit like purrs and vibrations on her ears. Even his acknowledgment cooed her temperament, so that all remaining was her amassment.

"And ye'd be right if it were not for their meddlesome nature to weasel things through their bars. Like the power to create vessels and heirs. Of course, I was born here first and its those are the roots that teether me here." As Lumikki spoke, her feathers rippled and all four wings slightly fluttered. Her merriment was high, and it clashed with his languid reaction.  

"I simply want to understand yer like. I find one such as yerself quite enlightening. I stem from the Nordic faith in frigid lands. So the color of what ye have here is bewitching....but I wonder, is there a way to add more color for ye here?"

"A garden of frostflowers."

The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Nine Tailed Fox and the Raven God Empty Fri Oct 18, 2024 4:19 pm


Kurama didn't open his eyes as he said simply " What I am? That story is one that is well told in these lands, but I will say it again. Mishiko's husband the God, split me off from him during the earliest days of humanity and then effectively sold me into slavery for all this time. The End" Kurama's voice was very nonchalant about it, like the story was told hundreds of time at this point but it wasn't hard to see through the mask of lies and hear the real anger and rage in his voice hidden away.

" It wasn't that simple Kura.." Takao began to say from the back before Kurama's eyes shot open and he turned, far faster than anything of that size had any right to be, and roared directly at Takao and Lumikki. The roar was, accidentally, reinforced with a large amount of mana, causing the 'air' to push past them. It felt like they were in a powerful hurricane for a moment, and Lumikki could now see the hidden rage was out and all full display.

the anger coming from this, effectively God, could shake mountains into dust and yet this cage was holding him even though it did shake and rattle. Kurama's eyes were glowing bright enough to look like two red suns in the darkness, before slowly fading back to their normal level of intensity and he began to lay back down and close his eyes.

Takao while normally unfazed by this kind of show of power, was giving off the noticeable signs of fear at this point, which who could blame him. Even if he was still in charge of this place, he was still afraid of the 'guest' in his body.

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