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Return to Roots [SL | Yijun]

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Return to Roots [SL | Yijun] Empty Today at 10:18 am

Ikazuchi’s gaze was fixed in the distance as if seeking something, lost in thought. He took in his surroundings perfectly as the details of the ship within twenty five meters instinctively mapped in his mind. After his bout with Drakkon, he had stepped into the realm reserved for those at the pinnacle of skill. During the time since, he naturally adjusted to his newfound capabilities and stabilized his progress through long hours of meditation and training. Someone like himself was commonly referred to as a God of War in history, particularly when standing on a battlefield due to the domain they naturally establish.

Currently though, his focus was an area far outside of this domain. ‘Joya…’ He felt mixed feelings as he recalled the countless tales of his father, someone who was born and raised there. As he grew up, Ikazuchi understood that a lot of what his father spoke of had been romanticized by both his father and his own childish imagination. His father was skilled, but not particularly strong. It was only natural that there were embellishments in the stories for the sake of Ikazuchi’s entertainment.

As he grew older, he subconsciously found himself avoiding the country. He immersed himself in the tales of his father and some of the traditions passed down to him, but a part of him didn’t want to face reality after his father passed. This likely would have continued for a much longer time had he not encountered something that he had to seek out, regardless of his feelings. It was something he noticed during an inspection of his Cloud Ring that had been inherited from his father. It contained similar principles to those reflected in the spirit formation technique. As someone who repaired one and practiced the other, he naturally connected the two. It was something that he hadn’t encountered during his many adventures, nor had any other item contained similar patterns for the mana.

That meant that regardless of his feelings, it was time for him to visit whatever may remain of his father’s clan. Although he didn’t ever hear much from the man, he was certain that he must still have blood relatives; something that he had confirmed through information brokers in recent months. That was precisely why he was enroute towards the country from the Guild Hall in Seven. For this trip, he had decided against utilizing his wyvern mount as it would prevent him from continuing his training during that time. It was also possible for him to gain more information by interacting with others if he chose to do so.

In fact, he chose to remain in the open area on the deck of the ship specifically for the sake of interacting with others. While he wasn’t actively seeking anyone out, he could rely on many details to grasp the potential of anyone that he inspected. In some ways, there were few in the world which could understand as much about others at a glance as he could due to his unique advantages. What he needed was someone who may be able to assist during his time in Joya with either extensive knowledge or influence. ‘What are the chances though?’ This thought lingered in the back of his mind as he continued to meditate and observe his surroundings.

Word Count: 550


Return to Roots [SL | Yijun] Empty Today at 1:02 pm

The day didn't seem bad and Yijun was glad that he was getting a bit of down time before he is named the captain of his division but he had to wonder if he had really proven himself enough to take the seat and be taken seriously by his peers, he knows he had worked hard on raising up the ranks but he still had a lot of growing to do but today wasn't about that and he was going to be taking an airship and take a bit of a trip even if it was just to cruise around a bit and give himself time to think and see more things as a captain he will be far more busy so in a way this was him going on a journey like the monks liked to do to put their spirits at ease and center themselves to be in the right place with their spirit and their faith.

He made sure that his ancient shield was tight to his back so he didn't bump anyone with the heavy shield as he was looking to get in any trouble on this get away to get right with himself though he can sense his naginata was feeling something and he had no idea what it could be and he wasn't really worried about it as if it was danger then he would call upon his weapon but he didn't think that he would need it and he was clearly in his convocation uniform. He was not going to back down if someone were to challenge him and he looked around the ship as he was on instinct making sure the ship was in order even if he wasn't really on duty right now even though he could still act like he was on duty if he had too as really he was never really off duty.

He saw someone pick pocketing some of the people on the ship and he followed after the man that had been pick pocketing people, he was only following to see if there were more of them working with him. Yijun had been following and watching as the man kept at it and then Yijun saw that he dropped the stolen goods in a plant on the end of a bench and Yijun leaned against a wall and he waited as she saw some one else come along and reach in and that is when Yijun put his hand out and his tattoo glowed and his naginata appeared in his hand and Yijun moved forward with his naginata resting on his shoulder. Yijun spoke out in a commanding tone toward the one grabbing for the things stashed in the plant. "I think those don't belong to you!" The person tried to run away and Yijun spun the naginata in his palm and then threw the weapon and it got caught between the mans legs and they fell to the ground and the naginata disappeared and back into the tattoo.

Yijun called to the guards on board who ran over and delt with them and thanked Yijun by his name and current division and Yijun waved his hand as there wasn't any need for that as he was only out here and around of duty and there was no need for the praise of the guard he didn't love for that kind of thing he just wanted to be able to have fun and maybe a bit of an adventure, he took a seat on the bench of the ship and he looked out to the horizon as he needed to wonder why he seems to invite trouble.

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