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Possesed Youth [Erebus]

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#1Salem E. 

Possesed Youth [Erebus] Empty Yesterday at 8:59 pm

Salem E.

Salem picked up the yawning Frosch. The duo had a really fun time in Joya. It was a shame that it was almost time for them to go. Between the parties, drinking, and staying up late even Salem was feeling the fatigue. It was almost sad that the times had to end. Well only a little bit. Salem was sure he could find better parties in other places. Joya was not bad but they were a sexually repressed group of people, except in the areas that most of the other countries would have a problem with. Like the fact that they could sell used women’s panties but no men’s. It was the blatant discrimination that bothered him. Still the went to their room.

The red moon started to rise in the sky. Salem made sure to tuck in Frosch gently before doing some last minute checks, and a bit of meditation. Meditation became a habit for him in terms of training. It helps build up his mana reserves and allows him to feel his mana better. Salem was pretty into it when a scream rippled through the air. It was enough for him to know that he was not going to be sleeping well tonight. The fae had to make his way to the lobby to see what the problem was.

When Salem reached the lobby in question things looked bad. There was blood everywhere as an injured man started to pool it. Salem checked to make sure the man was alive before using his magic to heal him. They were grievous so it actually took Salem three minutes to heal them all.It was a testament to his healing abilities. Anyone else would have probably just called a coroner. Salem needed to know what was going on so he made his way into the town to see if he could find someone coherent.


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