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Machines Menacings Monsters

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Machines Menacings Monsters Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 7:33 pm

For quite some time now Ikanbi had been going back and forth from Talaz Lagaar to the old Collective Mind floating fortress, to Desierto, and everywhere else in between. She had been very, very busy. So busy in fact that she hadn't really even noticed at first when one or two things went missing from some of the shipments, but, eventually, the math wasn't quite mathing the way it was supposed to. Still, Ikanbi did in fact take notice and after a bit of investigation, the crew admitted that there had been some sort of monster that kept attacking them at night.

"I see."

Ikanbi had received this information via radio, she was a long ways away from Talaz Lagaar at the time. She had, however, sent out a message to her old guild master and old friend Konyo. Konyo would, eventually receive the message and the two of them had met up for a bit of a chat in the Collective Mind flying fortress. For them, old members of The Collective, it was a good meeting place.

Most of the Rune Knights that weren't originally in The Collective didn't care for the flying structure in the first place, it was almost always abandoned. As such, it had been the perfect place for Kon and Ikanbi to meet up in private and discuss future plans and cash in a few favors owed to one another. "You know, Kon, I had really enjoyed The Collective Mind. It really stood for something I could get behind."

Ikanbi had frowned and gestured about her. "I love this place. It's perfect. Can't we....can't we take it for ourselves? The Rune Knights aren't even using it anyway."

That had been a few weeks ago, now, Ikanbi was in the grand harbor, petting her feline friend and sipping on a special spicy zmachia-only alcoholic drink that was said to be quite delicious but utterly unstomachable by anyone that was not a Machia, that is to say...they would vomit.

She was waiting in the harbor for Kon, she had requested his aid in dealing with the creatures disrupting her trade route. It was one thing for Ikanbi to take on a lone creature, but, in this situation the crew had said that there were many of them, at least a dozen, and they were all larger than human sized. Like walking alligators, is how it had been described to her.

She wondered if it was a population of demi-humans that had banded together as a gang, not an unheard of thing back.in Desierto.

426/2000 a rank social quest

Machines Menacings Monsters BgYy4ZU

Machines Menacings Monsters Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 10:23 pm


It had been what felt like years since he had properly spoken with his former guildmate, Ikanbi, a similar-minded individual whom he had effectively stronghanded into joining the Rune Knights in way of the merger that he forced between the Collective Mind and the Organization. A decision that he had continued to regret and one that he hoped to resolve within part her help. He hoped that the Desiertian would be another key piece to the puzzle that would be separating from the Rune Knights and truly establishing something that was beyond the scope and control of the Magic Council’s influence. Plans were already in effect with members flipping to his views every single day and yet he desired Ikanbi’s assistance principally for their unique ability to seemingly be anywhere, everywhere at once. An ability that would be a real feather in his cap and a thorn in the Rune Knight's side if she joined him once more, Ikanbi had only served the Magic Council because of him and Kon hoped he would be able to change her mind once more to see something in greener pastures. The site for their reunion was already illustrative of their discontent with the Rune Knights, Talaz Lagaar, an island whose affiliation would at best be described as neutral and at worst entirely hostile to outsiders.

Fortunately, he had begun a friendly relationship with the strange people of the mechanical island, helped in part by his ability to speak both Boscoi and Joyan, languages used equally on the island. Curiously though it was not Kon that had brought up a desire to meet with Ikanbi, but a plea for his assistance with terrible beasts off in the grand harbour if reports from her were true. Perhaps there was some error while the logs were being transferred to them. No matter the case he would come to their aid, big or small, she’d owe him a favour afterwards, something he could use to bend them to his will, though he’d prefer for Ikanbi to join Kon’s plot at her discretion. With the relationship between Hirota, Miharu and Kon finally coming to a harmony, he could utilize each of their abilities albeit with great effort independent of their control, through this he could now freely manipulate reality itself using Hirota’s sword tearing a rift between his current location and Ikanbi’s vague location. He could certainly be anywhere he had previously been, but she could be anywhere without the risks and challenges that opening a rift and walking through the void came with.

Appearing before Ikanbi like a harbinger of death with an aura of the void appearing around him as the rift closed shut behind, Kon introduced himself to his old friend. “It’s nice to meet you again Ikanbi, I’m surprised that you need my help with such an affair surely you can take them on your own?” With an amused expression, he returned his blade back into his body before reviewing the general area first through his naked eye before using his PDA bonded to his forearm. “Perhaps you lacked my company?, in any case its good to see you, we have much to discuss, plans are flourishing and I want to you be a part of them.”



Machines Menacings Monsters Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:51 am

Well now there was a man who certainly know how to make an interest, Ikanbi had thought to herself after witnessing the incredibly nifty way in which Kon had arrived through a magic portal. Oh, I'm definitely going to have to get him to teach me that some time, she further mused. No matter, for now, he was here, and they had much to discuss. It had been a long time indeed since the two of them had spent any real time together at all, really they hadn't seen each other much of anything since the merging of The Collective with The Rune Knights.

It was truly Nice to see him again, other than her workers she hadn't really had many familiar faces around lately. She wasn't really sure the best way to explain herself, but if anyone was going to relate to her situation it was probably Kon. After all, there were really not that many machia in the world, in the grand scheme of things, so there wasn't but so many people that one could talk to about machia related issues, especially ones on a personal level.

"I..." She began but then sighed a long exasperated sigh. "Somethings not right with me Kon...I'm...I'm weaker than I used to be. I don't know if I'm...sick? Can....can't we even get sick? I don't know what to tell you. Since becoming a machia, I feel incredibly horribly weak. I thought being made of metal would make me strong, and I'm definitely like...you know, strong in the sturdy sense, but I gotta say Kon, I used to pack a heavier punch..."

For a moment it almost looked as though she may cry, but the huntress composed herself.

"Maybe the operation wasn't as successful as we had hoped...I don't really know..." She had continued. "Either way, I am, not...as fitted for the task as I would like to be." That was the gist of it, really. If kon had any insight as to her physical problem, great, but there was a chance even he wouldn't know what was wrong with her.

She suddenly remembered something. "OH! Also...I was wondering if you'd be able to help me out eith a language module." She had said with a day grin.

Ikanbi hadn't realized it yet, but her strength was in fact returning, just, it wasn't happening at the rate that she had anticipated. Such was life.

827/2000 or 2500????

Machines Menacings Monsters BgYy4ZU

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