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Reptile vs Demi-God of Chaos

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Reptile vs Demi-God of Chaos Empty Yesterday at 7:33 am

Deinosuchus sat at a dimly lit table in the corner of the pub, the steaming bowl of turtle soup in front of him doing little to chase away the chill that clung to his scales. He grimaced, his sharp teeth clicking together in irritation. "Cold. Bah!" He slurped another mouthful of soup, the warmth spreading through his body, though it didn’t completely shake the annoyance of the biting air. "Stupid cold city. I’d rather be sunning on some rocks than stuck here, but I have business."

The pub was nearly empty, save for him, a few scattered chairs, and the creaky bar with no bartender in sight. It was quiet, too quiet, which suited him fine. Deino wasn’t here to socialize. He had a meeting. His eyes, sharp and predatory, glanced toward the door for the hundredth time. Go D. Drakkon, a both infamous and famous guildie he was supposed to meet was supposed to meet him here today. He was given ward to be here, but not given a reason why. As a new guildie he wasn't about to deny such a request, plus he new he was powerful and he wanted to test his metal against him one day. See if he could tank a hit from the touted Demi-God of Chaos, the Yakuza's Oyabun of Chaos.

Deino grumbled to himself as he tore a chunk of bread with his teeth, dipping it into the soup. If this guy doesn’t show up soon, I’m eating his share of the turtle, too. Leaning back in his chair, Deino tapped the table with his clawed fingers, the wood becoming a little marred by the action, gaining little indentions in it. He thought to himself. "He better have something good for me. Or at least a pile of chocolate. No way I came all the way to this ice pit for nothing." His gaze narrowed as he stared at the door, the soup steadily disappearing into his gullet. "I need to get moving, fighting, growing stronger. Not sitting here like a stranded lizard." Still, as much as he hated waiting, Deino wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity. If Drakkon really is as strong as they say, this might be fun. He chuckled to himself as he was wanting to test his defenses against someone so powerful and see if he could tank a hit from someone so strong. He then growled at the lingering cold. "But he better hurry. I don't like this waiting in the cold". He resumed slurping the turtle soup, his massive frame barely fitting in the chair.

WC: 431

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Reptile vs Demi-God of Chaos Empty Yesterday at 10:21 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was on his way to meet a recruit. This person had the power of earth within him. It wasn’t just that, but it was the Dragon Slayer of Earth. He had known Lilly was gone now just because of his connection with her. If this guy had the potential to carry on the power of the Monolith, then he would help him with that task. He, of course, would always be going to meet the recruit, but he had a task with the person.

He had never seen him before, but what was told to him was that he was a Demi-human. Hai was behind him as they made their way to the tavern that he was told to go to.

“Do you think he will be able to withstand your training and become an asset to the guild, or do you think he will be a waste?” Hai asked hoping he wouldn’t turn out to be that woman who disappeared on them.

Drakkon looked at him with a smile on his face and then laughed afterward. When he gathered himself he looked at Hai.

“If the rumors are true, then I can only hope to make him stronger. Dragon Order will see people want its downfall, and I cannot allow that to happen.” He said to Hai.

When they got to their location, they would push open the door. It was as expected, there was nobody around except for one huge person. They had a cloak on them, so they covered their heads. He figured that was the guy, so he would walk over to them, and he would sit down across from him. When he did that, he looked at him and he could see the crocodile-looking human

“Are you Deinosuchus, the new recruit? What are you a crocodile human?” Drakkon had asked him curious to hear what he had to say.

It was then he saw that there was food on the table, one untouched as if he had bought it for Drakkon. He didn’t touch it though as he didn’t want to assume anything. Instead, he would drink some of his alcohol from his own jug and wait for a reaction and to hear what he had to say.



Reptile vs Demi-God of Chaos Empty Yesterday at 12:06 pm

He glanced up as the door creaked open, his reptilian eyes narrowing as two figures entered. One of them, a guy with green hair, strode confidently toward him and sat down without hesitation. Deino sized him up in a single glance and this had to be Go D. Drakkon. The guy was definitely no pushover, but Deino wasn't about to roll over and show he was afraid. If anything, he was excited at just how much power this man possessed. He delighted in a spar with him one day, and had a quick flash of him flying through a stone wall which made Deino shutter inside. Maybe not just yet. He let the silence hang in the air for a moment before the guy spoke.

Deino leaned back, a low growl rumbling in his throat, but not out of anger, more like amusement and excitement, unable to hide his earlier thoughts. He flashed a toothy grin, showing his sharp reptilian teeth. “Yeah, I’m Deinosuchus, but you can call me Deino. Crocodile, alligator same thing. Some scholar said we dinosaur people, whatever that is. Sounds dumb, huh?” He chuckled, loud and hearty. His thick hand reached forward tapping the bowl of soup he’d left untouched for Drakkon. “I got you turtle soup. Turtle’s the best. Only thing better than turtle is chocolate.” Deino’s eyes flicked over to Drakkon’s green hair, and a sly grin spread across his face. “You got green hair, huh? I’m gonna call you Green Turtle. Suits you.” With that, he leaned back again, folding his massive arms across his chest as if to say, Yeah, I’m ready. What you got for me?

WC: 275

Last edited by Deinosuchus on Sun Oct 20, 2024 12:07 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding wordcount)

#4Go D. Drakkon 

Reptile vs Demi-God of Chaos Empty Today at 11:06 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon wondered what this guy was going to do now that he had asked a question. Hai had stood standing behind his father as he looked at this creature. He had never seen one like him until now. It was then he spoke to them, as well as Drakkon, introducing and confirming who and what he was. So, he might have been closely related to dinosaurs. That could make a lot of sense, and he found it interesting himself. He stood quiet as the man offered him the food in front of him. It was untouched and he was fine with it. He would grab it and start scooping it and eating it without a problem.

He did pay attention to Deino though as it seemed like he was a chocolate man. He swallowed the soup a bit after he was named green turtle, which made him laugh a bit. A nickname, and an odd one at that. Drakkon put the bow down for a bit as he looked at him.

“So, I heard we recruited you to the Dragon Order. I was wondering what you plan to achieve here. I’m no pushover, and I hope that the Dragon Order becomes dangerous and that we are feared throughout the world. I heard you command the power of the Earth Dragon Slayer, perhaps it goes by another name?” He asked curious to hear what he had to say.

Drakkon waited as he continued to eat his meal as he was enjoying his food.


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