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The Killing Of A Sacred Tree [Q]

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The Killing Of A Sacred Tree [Q] Empty Sat Oct 19, 2024 10:42 am


Zariya stood at the edge of the Aina Forest on Luluhawa Island, her golden eyes scanning the towering trees ahead of her. The warm, salty breeze that carried the scent of the sea was a far cry from the freezing winds of her homeland, Iceberg, but it stirred nothing in her. It wasn’t the first time she’d been hired to perform some task on foreign soil, and it wouldn’t be the last. What mattered to her now was the job. The task had been made simple by Herman, the arrogant leader of the small group of settlers on the island.

"Cut down one of the Sacred Trees," he had ordered. His tone had been dismissive, as if the significance of the trees, the island, and its people meant nothing to him. Zariya had sensed it, the underlying imperialism in his words, the greed that colored his every action. It was all too familiar. Men like him saw only profit, no matter the cost. The people of Luluhawa had done nothing to him. They were not colonizers, they were a peaceful people, and this man sought to ravage their land. But for Zariya, this was nothing personal. It was just business.

And business, it seemed, was about to get messy.

Dressed in her usual black bodysuit, her curves accentuated in the snug material, Zariya moved quietly through the thick undergrowth of the Aina Forest. Despite the humid warmth of the island, she didn’t break a sweat. Her movements were smooth, effortless, her form blending with the shadows cast by the towering trees. The Sacred Tree was easy to spot, draped with relics and prayer ropes, their bark bearing ancient carvings that the Luluhawan people considered sacred. She almost felt a twinge of reluctance to cut down something that carried so much meaning. Almost. She was no stranger to foreigners seeking to grasp at what was not theirs, and likewise, she had partaken in raids and shared the spoils that once belonged to those she had murdered.

The Killing Of A Sacred Tree [Q] 86545

The Killing Of A Sacred Tree [Q] Empty Sat Oct 19, 2024 10:43 am


So, Zariya was no sentimental fool. She had a job to do, and it would get done.

She reached the base of one of the largest Sacred Trees in the forest. It was massive, its trunk wide and sturdy, roots twisting into the earth like claws. The relics wrapped around it glinted in the dappled sunlight, and the ancient markings etched into the bark seemed to hum with a faint energy. The Sanguine Requiem paused for a moment, placing her hand on the rough bark. There was a power here, something old and fierce. She could feel it beneath her fingertips, but it didn’t intimidate her. Unless there was an ancient spell that protected the trees, the vampire had nothing to worry about.

Without hesitation, she clenched her fists, summoning all of her strength. The muscles in her arms and shoulders flexed as she prepared to do what most wouldn’t dare. Zariya wasn’t just any hired hand. She didn’t need an axe or saw to bring down the tree. She had her own ways--ways that others would call brutal, perhaps inhuman or even monstrous. Her raw strength surged through her, and she pressed her bare hands into the trunk, her fingers digging into the wood.

With a deep breath, Zariya began to tear into the tree. The sound of cracking wood echoed through the forest as her fingers splintered the bark and tore through the thick trunk. It was slow going, but she didn’t stop, didn’t falter.  In a way, this was some sort of physical training. Her gingers grew sore and her arms grew tired, but she was relentless, her determination to get the job done fueling her every movement. The Sacred Tree creaked and groaned as if iit was in pain, the relics and ropes around it swaying in protest as she tore at its base. She was a complete savage.

The Killing Of A Sacred Tree [Q] 86545

The Killing Of A Sacred Tree [Q] Empty Sat Oct 19, 2024 10:46 am


As the tree weakened, its groaning grew louder, and the ground beneath her feet trembled. But Zariya ignored it. She had no time for spiritual nonsense or superstitions. This was just a tree, albeit a sacred one, and her task was to bring it down. If something came from this tree after it had fell, she would deal with it, but she had her doubts. She had known sacred material to be protected, and this tree, like the other sacred trees around the forest, were not. She yanked a massive chunk of wood free, and the tree began to topple, its mighty branches crashing down into the undergrowth with a thunderous roar.

With a thunderous crash, the Sacred Tree toppled to the forest floor, its massive branches splintering against the earth. The sound reverberated through the Aina Forest, as if the very island was crying out in anguish. Dust and debris rose into the air, swirling in the sudden stillness that followed the destruction. Zariya stood at the base of the felled tree, her chest rising and falling with steady breaths, her hands covered with sap.

For a moment, she simply stared at the wreckage. The relics that once adorned the tree now lay scattered across the ground, torn and discarded like forgotten memories. But moments after the trunk hit the ground, something shifted. The air around Zariya grew heavy, thick with a presence she hadn’t felt before. A cold gust swept through the forest, carrying with it an unnatural energy. Zariya’s eyes narrowed. From the broken stump of the Sacred Tree, a shimmering light began to emerge, twisting and writhing like a living thing. The energy that had been faint and humming within the tree now surged out, swirling around her. She tensed, her instincts flaring. Something was wrong.

The Killing Of A Sacred Tree [Q] 86545

The Killing Of A Sacred Tree [Q] Empty Sat Oct 19, 2024 10:57 am


Before she could react, the stump of the fallen tree pulsed, and from its center, an ethereal form began to emerge. It was a creature unlike anything The Queenpin had seen before. A spirit born of the tree itself. Its form was ghostly, shimmering with the colors of nature, its limbs like gnarled branches, its body twisted with vines and leaves. Bird-like in appearance, the spirit’s eyes glowed with a searing, ancient fury, and it hovered above the stump with a grace that belied its massive size.

Zariya straightened, wiping her hands on her bodysuit as she eyed the spirit with cold indifference. She’d heard the stories, the whispers of the locals who claimed the trees were protected by spirits. But Zariya had never been one to fear legends. Power was all that mattered in the end, and if this thing thought it could stop her, it was sorely mistaken.

The spirit’s eyes locked onto her, its voice a hollow, echoing sound that reverberated through the forest.

“Defiler,” it hissed. “You have destroyed what is sacred. You shall pay the price.”

Zariya raised an eyebrow. “I tend to destroy sacred things,” she said, her voice low and calm. “my apologies.”

The spirit’s fury was evident, and it lashed out without warning, its branch-like arms extending with unnatural speed, aiming to strike her down. Zariya ducked, her movements fluid, and countered with a swift strike of her own. Her fists connected with the spirit’s form, and though it wasn’t entirely physical, the force of her blows sent a ripple through its body.

The spirit shrieked, its eyes blazing with rage as it summoned the power of the forest around it. The ground beneath the vampires feet trembled, roots bursting from the earth, trying to capture her. Trees swayed violently, their branches bending toward her like claws. Zariya darted between the roots, evading their grasp with ease. But the spirit was persistent, relentless in its pursuit of vengeance.

The Killing Of A Sacred Tree [Q] 86545

The Killing Of A Sacred Tree [Q] Empty Sat Oct 19, 2024 10:59 am


Zariya gritted her teeth. The fight was more tedious than she had anticipated. The spirit was powerful, more so than she had given it credit for. It wasn’t just a mindless entity either. It had the strength of nature itself at its disposal. Unfortunately for the spirit, Zariya wasn’t one to back down. She’d faced worse.

With a growl, she launched herself at the spirit again, her fists a blur as she delivered blow after blow. Her vampiric strength was overwhelming, and each strike sent shockwaves through the spirit’s ethereal form. But it fought back, lashing out with elemental fury. A gust of wind slammed into Zariya, sending her skidding across the forest floor, but she quickly regained her footing. The spirit loomed above her, its form flickering like a dying flame. It was weakening, but it wasn’t defeated yet. Zariya could feel its desperation, its need to protect what remained of the fallen tree. But she had no mercy to offer.

“Fighting you brings me no pleasure. You should’ve stayed in your tree,” she muttered, her voice cold as she prepared for the final blow.

Summoning the last of her strength, Zariya lunged at the spirit with deadly precision. Her fists collided with its core, and for a moment, the world seemed to freeze. The spirit let out a final, haunting wail as its form shattered, dissolving into the air like smoke. The forest grew still once more, the unnatural tremors fading away. Zariya stood amidst the wreckage, her chest heaving with exertion. Her hands were bloodied, her knuckles bruised, but she barely felt the pain. The job was done. The Sacred Tree lay in ruins, and its guardian had been vanquished.

Without a second glance at the fallen tree or the now-quiet forest, Zariya turned and made her way back through the undergrowth. The spirit had put up more of a fight than she had expected, but in the end, it didn’t matter. Herman would get his precious lumber, and she would get her reward. It was that simple.

The Killing Of A Sacred Tree [Q] 86545

The Killing Of A Sacred Tree [Q] Empty Sat Oct 19, 2024 11:04 am


When Zariya finally reached Herman’s camp, the settlers were busy with their usual tasks, oblivious to the destruction she had left behind. Herman himself was waiting for her, a smug smile playing on his lips.

“It’s done,” Zariya said flatly, brushing a strand of dark hair out of her face.

Herman clapped his hands together, clearly pleased. “Ah, excellent! I knew I could count on you. The Luluhawans may have their superstitions, but business waits for no one.”

Zariya said nothing, merely holding out her hand for the payment. Herman chuckled and handed her a heavy pouch of gold, his eyes glinting with greed. As the Desiertan turned to leave, Herman called after her. “You should consider staying on, you know. There’s more work to be done, and I could use someone with your… talents.”

Zariya didn’t bother to respond to the man. She had no intention of staying any longer than necessary. Luluhawa Island held no interest for her, and men like Herman were a dime a dozen. She had her own goals, her own ambitions, and she wouldn’t be tied down by anyone else’s agenda.

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The Killing Of A Sacred Tree [Q] 86545

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