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Unforeseen Enemies [Underground Associate | NQ]

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Unforeseen Enemies [Underground Associate | NQ] Empty Yesterday at 10:09 pm

The night in Hosenka buzzed with life, its streets bathed in the glow of neon lights and the vibrant hum of Joyan music. It was the kind of city where people came to forget their troubles, but for every splash of color, every burst of laughter, there were shadows lurking. The Crimson Quarter, in particular, had a darkness all its own. It was here that deals were made in whispers, and life could be snuffed out like a flickering flame.

Zariya perched on the roof of a small, dimly lit building. Below her, the King Kobras--the gang she had infiltrated--were convening. It wasn’t the strongest or the most notorious gang in the Crimson Quarter, but they had recently gained influence, and Zariya had made it her business to find out why. She had eyes and ears in places even the Kobras didn’t know existed, lesser gangs who were secretly on her payroll. Through them, she had learned that the Kobras were aligning themselves with someone powerful. Someone dangerous.

The trick was to find out who that was.

Zariya crouched low, her black bodysuit clinging to her curvy frame like a second skin, blending into the dark rooftop. Her hair was tied back into a sleek ponytail, and her sharp eyes scanned the surroundings with practiced precision. The night was calm, but the tension inside the building below her was evident. She had already dispatched two guards outside, slipping through the shadows like a whisper, and now, her sights were set on the meeting room.

There were no windows in the room where the King Kobras gathered. The only way in was through the front, and she knew better than to make an entrance without scouting the situation first. With a slow, deliberate motion, she swung herself off the roof and dropped silently to the ground, landing without a sound. She pressed her back against the wall, listening. The low murmur of voices filtered through the thin walls.

Unforeseen Enemies [Underground Associate | NQ] 86545

Unforeseen Enemies [Underground Associate | NQ] Empty Yesterday at 10:10 pm

She could make out several figures inside, their conversation hushed and laced with tension. The Kobras were planning something big. She could feel it in the air, the nervous energy, the subtle undertone of fear. Whoever they were working with had them rattled. With a smirk, Zariya slid her blade from its sheath, the faint sound of metal against metal barely audible in the night. It was a blade that wasn't anything special on its own, but worked for when she needed to get something done quick. This blade had tasted blood many times before, and tonight would be no different.

Moving swiftly, The Vampire reached the back door of the building. It was guarded, but only by one man. He wasn’t expecting trouble, which was his first mistake. She stepped out from the shadows, her movements fluid, her blade a flash of silver in the dark. Before the guard could react, she had her hand over his mouth, the cold steel of her blade sliding across his throat. The gurgling sound of blood filled the silence, and she lowered his body to the ground without a sound. Another obstacle removed.

She stepped inside the building, the dimly lit hallways casting long shadows that danced along the walls. There was another guard at the door to the meeting room. His back was to her, making him easy prey. With one swift motion, she plunged her blade into the base of his skull, killing him instantly. She caught his body before it hit the ground, gently lowering it to avoid making any noise.

The door to the meeting room was slightly ajar. She pressed her ear against it, listening intently.

“Should have everything ready by the end of the week,” one of the gang members said, his voice nervous. “But we’re running out of time. If we don’t get more resources--”

Unforeseen Enemies [Underground Associate | NQ] 86545

Unforeseen Enemies [Underground Associate | NQ] Empty Yesterday at 10:30 pm

“Shut up,” another voice interrupted, deeper, more commanding. Zariya recognized it as the voice of Khoran, the leader of the King Kobras. “We’ll have what we need. The deal’s already in motion. Our benefactor promised-"

“And what’s to stop them from double crossing us?” someone else chimed in.

“Nothing,” Khoran replied coldly. “But if we don’t take this opportunity, we’re dead anyway. We have no choice.”

Zariya’s curiosity piqued. Who was their benefactor? What were they planning? The Desiertan heard the sound of footsteps approaching the room. Someone was arriving. So, she pressed herself against the wall, her body blending into the shadows, her eyes narrowed as she watched through the small crack in the door. The footsteps stopped, and the door opened fully. A tall figure entered the room, his presence commanding immediate attention.


Zariya’s eyes widened, though she kept her emotions in check. Alejandro was the leader of the Crimson Angels, one of the most powerful and ruthless cartels in Hosenka. He was known for his cruelty, for striking fear into the hearts of those who opposed him, and they were fucking allies. If he was backing the King Kobras, it meant they were involved in something much bigger than she had anticipated, and what's worst is that she had no idea what it was.

The room fell silent as Alejandro entered, his sharp gaze sweeping across the gathered gang members. He didn’t speak immediately, but the weight of his presence was enough to make the Kobras shift uncomfortably.

“So,” Alejandro finally spoke, his voice smooth yet dangerous. “Have you gathered what I asked for?”

Khoran stepped forward, his posture stiff, but his voice steady. “We have, but we’re running into resistance. The other gangs-”

“I don’t care about the other gangs,” Alejandro cut him off, his tone icy. “I care about results.”

Unforeseen Enemies [Underground Associate | NQ] 86545

Unforeseen Enemies [Underground Associate | NQ] Empty Yesterday at 10:34 pm

Zariya watched the exchange closely, her mind racing. Whatever the Kobras were planning, it was big enough for Alejandro to personally oversee it. This was more than just a power grab. There was something else at play, and she needed to know what. With a silent breath, Zariya stepped into the room, her movements deliberate. The gang members didn’t notice her at first, their attention focused entirely on Alejandro. But when Khoran turned and saw her standing there, his eyes widened in shock.

“What the-” Khoran’s voice was cut short as Zariya moved swiftly, her blade flashing through the air. She sliced through his throat with precision, blood spraying across the floor as his body crumpled.

Chaos erupted.

The other gang members scrambled, reaching for their weapons, but to no avail, and to their demise. She moved like a predator, her blade cutting through flesh with lethal efficiency. One after another, the King Kobras fell, their bodies hitting the ground in a harmony of death. Alejandro stood back, watching her with a mixture of surprise and frustration. When the last of the Kobras had fallen, The Queenpin turned her attention to him. She wiped the blood from her blade with a calm precision, her eyes locking onto his.

“Zariya..." Alejandro said, his voice dripping with shock. For a moment he thought of a thousand excuses, knowing that by keeping her in the dark about working with a rival group he had fucked up. There was silence between them. Alejandro could have said anything, but he knew it was futile now. “I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.”

Zariya’s lips arched into a frown, though there was no warmth in it. “There isn't a single loyal bone in your body. I thought we had an agreement, Alejandro. I should have known, you always did underestimate me. That was your first mistake.”

Unforeseen Enemies [Underground Associate | NQ] 86545

Unforeseen Enemies [Underground Associate | NQ] Empty Yesterday at 10:39 pm

Alejandro raised an eyebrow, but there was no more fear in his eyes. He was calculating, always thinking several steps ahead. “So, you’ve been playing both sides. Impressive.”

“I could say the same about you,” Zariya replied, her voice low and dangerous. “But I didn’t come here to trade compliments.”

Alejandro chuckled softly, though there was a hint of tension in his posture now. “Then what do you want, Zariya? To kill me? You’ve already cleaned up the mess. Isn’t that enough?”

Zariya took a step closer, her eyes never leaving his. “You’re backing the enemies for a reason, Alejandro. And I want to know why before I kill you. Is it to take what I've built? I would hope that you were smarter than that."

"Ah, yes, because all of this is about Zariya Onfroy." Alejandro’s smile faltered, just for a moment. “You think you can intimidate me into telling you anything? You think you can give me orders and make me bow to you in my own fucking city? I'd rather die."

Zariya’s gaze hardened. “Well then, I guess there's no point in talking.”

Alejandro’s eyes flickered with something dark, but he said nothing. Instead, he turned and made for the door. The Queenpin could have stopped him, could have killed him right then and there, but she didn’t. Not yet. As the door slammed shut behind him, Zariya surveyed the room, the bodies of the Kobras strewn across the floor. Her mind was already racing with the implications of what she had learned. Alejandro was playing a dangerous game, and she would kill him for it.

Without wasting any more time, Zariya slipped out of the building and into the night, disappearing into the shadows once again. When she returned to the Akudama Stronghold, she found Nia waiting for her in the grand halls, her expression expectant. Zariya dropped into a chair, her mind still on the night’s events.

“It’s Alejandro,” Zariya said, her voice steady but dark. “He’s behind the Kobras. He's either trying to kill me, or he's planning something beyond me. Either way, he is now Akudama enemy number one.”

Nia’s eyes narrowed. “What do we do?”

Zariya leaned back, her expression cold and calculating. “We stalk his every move--figure out what the hell he's got going on, and we make sure we’re ready. When the time comes, we strike.”

20% WC reduction via guild and companion


Unforeseen Enemies [Underground Associate | NQ] 86545

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