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Cutting Loose [Solo]

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Cutting Loose [Solo] Empty Yesterday at 9:47 am


WORDS: 240 | TOTAL: 240 | Discreet Drow

Well, at least they found a creepiest castle in town… Kudos to them~! Taking a long sigh and tightening her ponytail as she looked at the looming edifice in front of her, as she looked toward a half-ruined structure that was decorated with gargoyles and all manner of other sinister statues and features, Zelda Blackwood couldn’t help but feel just a little bit sentimental. Not at all daunted by the strange locale that she found herself heading toward at all but rather feeling somewhat at home in an odd way, she wondered if her Drow Blood was sensing something in the air which appealed to her or something as she scoured the spot of a sign of easy entry.

I bet their dark daddy is SO proud~ Old wrecks like this one seeming perfect for any wannabe bunch of darkness enthusiasts, the mix of macabre and decay always seemed to have that blend of bizarre boons that any creature of the night would crave, creating just the perfect backdrop for any demon, vamp or other lover of all things creepy and macabre. Perhaps some of the enthusiasm which such types had born from the desire for intimidation, there really was nothing like that blend of history and horror to make the hairs on the average person’s neck stand on end and a shiver pass through their spine, so it was lucky that Zelda was not particularly ‘average’ by any definition of the word.

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.


Cutting Loose [Solo] Empty Yesterday at 9:48 am


WORDS: 220 | TOTAL: 460 | Discreet Drow

There’s nothing like a nice ruin to really set that evil vibe, huh? More curious about the locale that she had discovered than cautious of it, she had been in plenty of grim spots such as this one and as such perhaps some of the malevolent ‘magic’ that might have worked on other folk did not really touch her. Fearless in her way or at the very least lacking for terror in regard to anything that might go ‘bump’ in the night, there was more to her than met the eye really, made only harder to see by how much she offered the average eye to enjoy…

Well, I suppose this makes sense? Dressed in her customary mix of black and white but today taking her role a little more seriously than she usually did, while ordinarily she slipped into tight and revealing numbers to catch the eyes of folk and take advantage of that natural ‘hot chick’ ability to slip into places without little suspicion, today was different. Well, in a way. Still dressed in revealing and tight items but holding an image that looked a bit more battle ready, with her usual hardy gloves and boots the black beauty sported a set of guards on her arms to allow her to unleash that bit more ‘sting’ without bonking her funny bone and such.

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.


Cutting Loose [Solo] Empty Yesterday at 9:48 am


WORDS: 200 | TOTAL: 660 | Discreet Drow

Wasn’t he called the spook or spectre or the shroud something on the poster? For once her shapely and sturdy set of pins covered up, or at least the majority of them, though her lower limbs were not as well protected as her arms since she preferred to have that bit more freedom of her movements downstairs, Zelda sported a set of thigh high leather wraps in her favourite colour to protect them from scrapes and other harm and emphasized her desire for mobility with another little change as well.

Well then, I guess that makes me the ghostbuster, doesn’t it? This time not wearing a tight miniskirt that looks liked it had been painted onto her but rather an almost cute little number in black hide that had pleats in it to afford her full movement, though the dark dish felt a little dorky schoolgirl for wearing a pair of sports shorts beneath her skirt she had quite been enjoying the ‘flash’ of thigh that the combination showed off, especially when she performed high kicks. And honestly, if one was to lash out a nice little leg splitting number to destroy an enemy, it always was nice to know that one looked their best while doing so…

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.


Cutting Loose [Solo] Empty Yesterday at 9:48 am


WORDS: 260 | TOTAL: 920 | Discreet Drow

So, what’s the plan here then…? Drawing close to the castle as the sky above her grew darker, Miss Blackwood was not sure whether the reason for this was because the hour was starting to get late or a storm front was rolling in, but in a way was glad for it. Showing the sum total of what amounted for her skills in stealth as she drew near to this hideout and glad that she hadn’t come across some watch dog or seal that would have alerted her enemies to her invasion, though she wasn’t much the type for silent running at the same time getting caught out before she even made it to the castle would have been, quite frankly, the lame as fudge.

The said they were a gang, so the smart thing to do would be to take them out one at a time, wouldn’t it? Getting the details on her target through the use of a deep neckline and the right kinds of leaning gestures at the guard house, having found out that she would be a lone wolf tackling a whole pack by herself, it had seemed dumb to give her enemy too much of a home field advantage by letting them set themselves upon her as she stumbled across their front lawn, and smart to do something a little more sophisticated. Not an idiot of course despite her simple tastes and interests, experience allowed Zelda to see the correct course of action in this sort of situation, and she really wanted to stick to it really.

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.


Cutting Loose [Solo] Empty Yesterday at 9:49 am


WORDS: 220 | TOTAL: 1140 | Discreet Drow

But where’s the fun in that, huh? Unfortunately for her, however, she was the type who loved to get her blood pumping and fists thumping, and so it seemed that once she had made it close to the castle she had no choice. Excitement rising up within her and that big door at the front of the wrecked structure looking just ripe for a nice, firm kick, maybe she would regret it tomorrow but there was only one thing that she was gonna do. Break the bugger down and see what came at her from the shadows!

“WAKEY WAKEY!” It only taking a short run up for the sturdy young woman to deliver enough force to half knock that big old piece of timber half way off its hinges, as her heel ploughed into that hard surface and sent it sprawling backwards Miss Blackwood felt no shortage of satisfaction as she shouted aloud and skidded to a halt in the hole she had just made. The red gaze of the girl scanning the room the moment that she had burst into, an open topped and rather wrecked looking courtyard to be precise, she ran her tongue across her top lip like a tigress as she sized up what she saw around her and was happy to see that she had made quite the startling impression on the people within.

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.


Cutting Loose [Solo] Empty Yesterday at 9:49 am


WORDS: 180 | TOTAL: 1320 | Discreet Drow

“You guys ready for your eggs and break-y?” The stunned folk within looking rather surprised as a girl with flowing black hair and a wicked leather vibe burst into their base, a slightly sinister smile spread over Zelda’s face as she looked at their astounded expressions, but she did not linger in her enjoyment for too long. These not innocent occupants of some squalid little house who were looking for peace, the brawling brunette spied the shine of metal and other means littered around the area and knew that she was in for a whole lot of hell if she gave them too much of a chance to use it, and as such acted quickly. Her blood thumping and that thrill that she got whenever she entered a fight making her feel as if she was invincible, with her mitts clenched the huntress launched herself forward, aiming to swat her nearest enemy and then move onto the next one and then the next. Speed was of the essence when fighting superior numbers, after all…

~ History ~

~ Is written by winners~

credit to nat of adoxography.

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