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hi im temp and this is jackass

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#1tiger blood 

hi im temp and this is jackass Empty Today at 8:56 am

hi im temp and this is jackass JSCpV7z

it is objectively hilarious ur free parasocial community caused it's most wholesome and active member to suffer an avoidable mental breakdown. no one's batted an eye.

and because of the way the site's culture is, accounts weren't deleted until i first used the off-site tool to delete my acc 4 years ago to fool jyu. there were no "guest" deleted accs for judith to get the idea before me even if they asked alisa to delete theirs.

i am still, and forever will be, good ole selfish justice

#2sofia edited this post 

hi im temp and this is jackass Empty Today at 4:14 pm

hi im temp and this is jackass Qfx0t7z

typical euro-PEONS co-opting MERICA culture like jackass. editing posts is an abuse of power S O F I A, like removing that rebel pic, or my convo with yuki i saved cuz ive had evil staff delete my posts in fights. not deleting the judith post shows u making light of a serious problem someone is having!! u r going to ur religion's hell, u push away all these nice social rpers like briar.

u r like a mcdonald's or walmart manager. ur parasocial relationships of no friendship and goodwill. have u even met alisa. no value, no improvement, no progression, no criticism of others when they need it! no life experience. daddy is disappointed in u sofia. as for knux: LET IT BE KNOWN our queen shall win or i will eat dog poo. learn from this man. he lives in our best first world economy, incredibly privileged.

In MERICA, anyone can work a basic minimum wage job (or move from shithole states), and they can save money. If they do a trade, college? The military for a easy house? The GI Bill? When you look around MERICA, you'll see all sorts of random businesses. These small businesses exist because the majority of people simply need to consistently work and they will save to act on any sort of things. Learn from Knux, you smol space Euro-PEONS with your actual dictators, because Trump won't win and even when he did he had a whole ass pandemic but still didn't slide into crazy dictating. Fox News is Australian! LEARN from Knux and entitlement: as long as you make even a little money, a dumb person quickly decides their life and opinions are truly the best and free.

The moral of the story is that the divide between Knux and others in brain power is super thin. Like in certain people suddenly becoming super active and writing similar to Toga/Knux/Lily cuz of each of them using AI.

ah yes free will and individuality in making the same critical thinking lacking decisions in using chatgpt instead of llama. truly people that must have their opinions heard to consulate being empty-headed. equality (age entitlement). "we're adults, so we're important and not dumber than most children in our career choices". dumb as bricks doesn't deviate into maturing to be not dumb as bricks tho.

#3Gorilla Joe 

hi im temp and this is jackass Empty Today at 6:48 pm

Gorilla Joe
fapchat has been informed

Last edited by Gorilla Joe on Tue Oct 22, 2024 6:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

#4Gorilla Joe 

hi im temp and this is jackass Empty Today at 6:49 pm

Gorilla Joe
mugen says put the fries in the bag

hi im temp and this is jackass 6bd2

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