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You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open]

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#1Knuckles Shi 

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 1:55 pm

Knuckles Shi

The airship of Knuckles Shi floated gracefully down to land before the imposing edifice of the Rune Knights Headquarters. It was impressively massive, with a structure that showed an intriguing architecture, tastefully combining both classical and modern elements. Majestic spires rose from the center, flanked on either side by strong walls with battlements; the large, arched entrance, flanking armored knights mounted on horseback, led into beautifully manicured gardens with immaculately trimmed hedges.

Knuckles turned towards the headquarters, and his heart felt a surge of admiration mixed with nostalgia. It was grand, but it couldn't hold a candle to the manor he grew up in his family's estate, sprawling with ornate columns and sprawling lawns, intricate frescoes adorning every inch. In contrast, the building of the Rune Knights Headquarters is rather austere, albeit impressive in its own right an embodiment of the disciplined nature of this organization.

As he landed and stepped off his airship, Knuckles felt a pang of uncertainty about Ittindi. How would his best friend and butler adapt to these surroundings? For Ittindi was used to the luxuries of Shi manor, where indulgence and comfort reigned supreme. Here, the grounds functioned and were pragmatic far removed from the elegant halls and florid rooms they were used to.

Knuckles hoped that Ittindi's loyalty and adaptability would help him find a place with the Rune Knights, even if the setting was less grandiose than what they had known.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Yesterday at 7:37 am

The tedium of Tōga's day was undeniable. His role as Colonel of the Rune Knights, while esteemed, often felt like a gilded cage, trapping him within a labyrinth of paperwork, endless discussions, and the weighty responsibilities of leadership. For a spirit as wild and untamed as his, the monotony of administrative duties was a constant source of frustration. Though grateful for his position, Tōga's heart ached for the untamed wilderness, the thrill of the unknown.

Thus, when the verdant grass outside his window swayed to reveal the descent of an ornate airship, it was as if the universe had conspired to grant him a much-needed reprieve. A surge of excitement coursed through his veins, and he hastily gathered his belongings, eager to shed the shackles of his bureaucratic existence.

As he made his way through the familiar halls of the headquarters, his steps quickened with anticipation. Outside, a throng of knights had already gathered, their curiosity piqued by the unexpected arrival. Tōga, his mismatched eyes scanning the scene, was among the first to reach the spectacle.

His gaze fell upon the airship's open hatch, and a broad grin spread across his face as he recognized the emerging figure. "Knuckles-san!" he exclaimed, his voice booming with genuine delight. His enthusiastic wave drew the attention of his fellow knights, but his focus remained on the demon piloting the vessel.

The relief that washed over him was profound. Knuckles' presence signaled a peaceful visit, not an impending invasion. The thought of defending their fortress from within, a notion that seemed absurd to Tōga, was thankfully not on the day's agenda. Instead, it promised camaraderie, a welcome break from the mundane, and perhaps even a hint of adventure.

Tōga's unspoken sigh of relief echoed through the courtyard. The prospect of a day free from conflict, a day spent in the company of a friend, was a welcome change of pace. As much as he relished the thrill of battle, today was a day for simple pleasures, for laughter and shared stories, a reminder that even a Rune Knight deserved a moment of respite from the relentless march of duty.

wc: 375


You call this a Headquarters? [Social/Open] Empty Yesterday at 9:00 pm

Ittindi was at his old barracks doing the one thing a superior could count on when his demeanor was low. A surprise field day of the best activity…cleaning of course! He had just finished watching one of the Corporals scream at one of the privates for the same missed dust spot that had been in every room. Ittindi wondered what happened to the stipend he had gotten approved for telescopic dusters, he still saw the old cleaning equipment that should have been trashed or donated. When he found the corporal responsible he would ensure that they never received a promotion for the rest of their career. They had made a terrible enemy of the worse kind.

Sadly for the group of Rune Knights waiting for the room with a unauthorized female visitor they would be saved by a ship. As Ittindi heard a familiar rumble outside headquarters. He’d quickly dismiss himself from the group telling them to take the day off after setting up patrols and such. A quick salute here and there, then Ittindi was off as he opened the door out of the barracks his Tuxedo absorbed the summer rays peaking down, his pale face covered by the shadow of his top hat, Gold stripe changing to Red, with one long black feather tucked in the left side. Ittindi would see that Colonel Tōga had appeared as well. Ittindi knew he was at headquarters but hadn’t run into him busy schedules and all that.

”A regular calamity we are just the three of us, what are you doing here Young Master?”

He was curious why he decided to come visit, he hadn’t mentioned anything off to Ittindi in their usual correspondence. He wondered if there was some breaking news that had changed his current situation. Ittindi thought the only time he’d see his young master was when he was visiting Seven. The giant cross gun hung off Ittindi’s back with random quotes of Illumin that had been engraved in the weapon. Ittindi would be lying if he didn’t try a couple in the mirror and decided against catch phrases for himself.

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