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Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale]

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Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:22 am

Yijun walked along the beach knowing there was a beach bonfire somewhere on it as he had been told about it but he had no idea if his kind was even allowed to go and be part of it but he wanted to make sure that he got to enjoy everything that he could before there was trouble or other issues that they might have to over come and he have to go racing off with his spear in hand and hoping that he will make it through the day. He looked around at at stalls and other people that were walking around the area and he wondered if this was a good or a bad place to be alone. He was not the best around a crowd of mostly humans but he saw other races around so he tried not to bump into anyone or anything and just make the most of his time here and he got a s'more from one of the tables and he started to snack on it and look around as he got close to the bonfire.

#2Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 9:33 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza had been walking around Hargeon for a bit. He had been doing a lot recently and he figured this little celebration Paradise Dawn was throwing was a way to relax. He found it funny that after the entire incident in the North, they were now having a celebration. It was weird how things turned out, but he knew that soon after this was all over, he would ask to be a captain of his division.

Sylph was on his shoulder still upset with him, but she was doing her best to forgive him. She knew it wasn’t entirely his fault. Still, the jester moved around the sandy beach looking to see everyone walking around and enjoying their time. Iza had noticed someone familiar not too far from where he was, and he chuckled a bit. It seemed like he was thinking the same thing about relaxing and enjoying this downtime. He approached the bonfire and when he got close enough he spoke.

“It seems like ya came here ta relax as well Yijun?” he asked him as he looked at the fire and everyone that was there.



Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 1:04 pm

Yijun looked over to see the man that had spoken to him and saw it was Iza. "Yeah I figured with everything that has been going on I needed to take a moment and relax else I am probably going to burn out." He was just being honest as he was tired and he needed to take some time off and just enjoy himself as he didn't want to get caught up in some stupid fighting again for no reason he just wanted to enjoy himself. He keeps snacking on the s'more he was eating and he figured that probably looked bad as he had marshmallow on his hands along with chocolate. He looked to the fire and he stretched as he was not sure what the plan was or why someone would want to make a nice beach to frost over like this, he wondered about the things that were going on but the fire felt nice.
(160) (343)

#4Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 1:54 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza was with him now and he heard him. He nodded as he understood that because it was how he felt about everything that had happened to them.

It seemed like people were talking and they had continued to gather around in the fireplace. He would just watch them as he looked over to his friend who was eating the s’more.

“Ya it’s what I wanna do fa now. I just gotta relax and then report ta Mishiko when we get back.” He said to him.

It was then people looked at him and then at Yijun. They figured they would ask them to start things off.

“Can one of you two start the storytelling? Make sure that it's scary, apparently that is the theme others want right now.” One of them spoke up to them.

Iza looked at them confused about what was going on, but they were sitting in a place where they were supposed to tell stories.

“Do ya got a story Yi?” He asked hoping his friend could start.



Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 09, 2024 2:54 pm

Yijun sat and she thought about if he had a story and he had a light blub moment and he was just going to bullshit a story. "In a quaint little town, nestled between the rolling hills and the dense forest, there lived a young girl named Lila. She had a peculiar habit of collecting lost items. Every day, she would roam the streets and trails, her eyes peeled for forgotten treasures. Her collection grew from a small box under her bed to an entire room filled with a menagerie of oddities. There were old photographs, dusty toys, and even a couple of tarnished keys that no one claimed. Her mother often wondered where she found the time, with her nose always buried in a book or her hands busy with her art. But Lila had a knack for it, and the townspeople had grown to appreciate her peculiar hobby. One day Lila hadn't returned by sunset and the townspeople grew panicked, so with an uneasy feeling in their gut they set off in search of any sign of the girl. They happened upon a cave with trinkets spread across the thresh hold of what might be a den for a creature unsightly. They found not hide nor hair of Lila as if she had just been taken without a trail to follow."

He hoped that story was good enough to for the group that was there as it was the best he could come up with on such short notice, he looked to Iza as if asking him to give his own hand to the story telling as he guessed that the man must have a good one or two from his time on this mortal coil. Yijun just hoped that his story wasn't too long and boring for the others to listen to and he hoped that he had said the terms right as he used unusual terms and words he hadn't usually used.
(328) (671)

#6Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 7:18 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza heard Yijun's story and was curious to hear more of it. He had been wrapped in it, but when they got to the cave, her disappearance wanted more. Still, it looked like Yijun wanted his help to tell another story.

The jester had to think about this. He had lived a long time, and the many things he saw throughout his time was many. There was a true story that he had a creepy one and really a sad one.

“There is a Town Long forgotten to the people of Sin. This town was surrounded by a forest and life there was peaceful. Still, as time went by, so did peace. There was a disappearance that occurred once every night within the town. The people would wake up ta find out someone was missin. At first, they thought it was a coincidence, but then it started becoming a norm. The townsfolks would start locking everythin, but still, people would go missin.” He paused for a second as he wasn’t done with his story.



Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:22 am

Yijun knows that he needed to make sure that he paid attention as the other man told the story that he had in store for them and Yijun was on the edge of his seat and looked like he was nearly going to fall off of the seat he is in as he listened to the story and he felt kind of like he was being watched and Yijun heard it was in Sin he was from Sin so maybe he would know of this happening and maybe be able to learn something from it and that was something that he couldn't pass up at least not at this moment but he would been to make sure that he had some kind of idea what to expect and then a crackle of the fire scared one of the other people listening to the story and they let out a whelp that scared the guy next to him and he fell out of his chair and Yijun tried to hold back his laugh.
(172) (843)

#8Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Tue Oct 15, 2024 11:49 am

Iza Bicdic
“People started wonderin, how was this happenin? Were people leavin their homes without telling people they were leavin fa good? That was when someone started investigatin and at night when people went missin, screams could be heard. They followed the noise, and it was then that they saw something hideious. This thing was disfigured and had gone through a wall holding a person’s body. It was a bloody mess, but while the creature moved, the blood trail it left behind disappeared with it. They followed the creature wondering where it would head to. It was a den, a dark creepy one, when they got close ta it, the hideious creature jumped out from the den and snatched the person investigatin. It had two meals that night. When people woke up the next day they saw two people missin, one they knew was someone investigatin. This worried them and they tried to leave, but to find out they couldn’t. There was something keepin them there, only effecting those born there. Eventually, the town died out as the monster left nothing in its path.” He said in a dark tone, but it was true as he was there, and watched them get wiped out.



Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 16, 2024 9:37 am

Yijun was confused by this story how could such a think happen he is thinking going through the logs in his mind of creatures that could be as it would be a marvel of science, he would needed to think if this was true but what if this thing was dead. Yijun was over thinking he shook his head coming back to his senses as that couldn't really be real but the way Iza had said it seemed so very real to him that he had he guessed been tricked into this story being real to him. Yijun laughed and then went to get more food and a drink. "Would you like anything Iza? Food or drink?" He had asked as he went as he was feeling like he needed to get something to eat more than he had, had. He was surprised that the junk food they are giving out is this good.

The monks had always told him that junk food will rot ones soul but he is thinking that junk food was actually just a bad thing on a training body and it would make someone sick from it. He was thankful to the monks for their training and raising him but some of their lessons make me odder than he wants to be in the long run.
(223) (1,066)

#10Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 16, 2024 9:48 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza looked over to Yijun as he had asked him if he wanted anything. He thought about it and he remembered that Sylph was just a water girl, but she did enjoy food.

“That would be nice if ya can get me anything that looks good. I will eat what ya eat Yijun as long as it’s meat. As for a drink just water with a straw please.” He was happy to hear that Yijun offered that to him.

Sylph heard everything and she just ignored it at the moment. The jester would just sit down as he was listening to the other scary stories that were being presented to them right now. This was a place for it to happen, and he was interested to see where people’s minds were. Of course, he didn’t like the people that were around him, but there was nothing he could do about it right now. So, he sucked it up and listen to their story while waiting for Yijun.



Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Wed Oct 16, 2024 1:30 pm

Yijun having heard the man loud and clear about meat for him got some of the burger, hot dogs and chicken wings for him as well as water with a straw. He gets himself some wings, fries, a burger and some water he also grabs some sweet things, some greens and another drink of water with a small straw. He headed back over and he took a seat with the trays. "Here you go Iza I hope you enjoy friend." He then looked to the small woman and he smiled. "I forgot to ask you what you wanted but I got some sweets and extra things for you as well if you would like there is no reason to go hungry even if yo are mad." He was using a kind and soft voice so she didn't have to think that he was making fun of her or anything he just didn't want her to feel left out or sad as she was a good strong part of their team as well.
(176) (1,242)

#12Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Thu Oct 17, 2024 8:05 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza took what Yijun had brought him and he started eating while he looked over to Sylph to see if she was going to have some of the food he asked for. He made sure to ask for things he knew that she would like, but she didn’t care. The straw was for her to drink from since the cup was too big. She would look at Yijun and she would take what he had offered her.

Iza nodded at Yijun as he was glad to have done that.

“The water is also fa ya Sylph. I got a straw, so ya don’t have ta worry bout getting wet.” He said to her, but she ignored him.

He would sigh with disappointment wondering how long she was going to be and act like this. He would munch on the burger that he was given and enjoyed the flavor instantly. While eating though he looked over to them telling their story as if it was good content with the meal.



Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Thu Oct 17, 2024 4:25 pm

Yijun was not sure what he could do to help as he kind of felt he was at least partly to blame for this all happening here and her being mad at Iza. "Lady Sylph we are men we are stupid at the deepest levels but we try hard, I wish to take the blame of what happened cause it was my idea to use those women as cover to be able to get intel. You and Iza are a great team and it hurts me to see you mad at him as he works hard and so do you but you two divided like this it is like a sandwich cookie with no creme filling." He was not sure if that would speak to her or not but he had to try something as he couldn't keep watching these two keep fighting and her acting like that toward him when he knows that this was really his fault as he had attracted the eye of the women that came but it was his motive to keep the women around as cover and not just sending them away that had caused this.
(194) (1,436)

#14Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Fri Oct 18, 2024 8:49 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza continued to eat his meal while Sylph was doing the same thing. She would drink some of the water that Iza was sharing with him. She looked over to Yijun as it seemed like he was trying to fix the situation. She had nodded listening to him, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to forgive him just yet. She loved Iza and she didn’t like what she had seen.

“I don’t know. He will have to do something for me if he wants me to forgive him.” She said to him.

Iza heard her words and he would smile about it. He would give her a kiss on top of her and he looked at her.

“Okay, how bout I decide ta help ya and see what we can do about ya form. If I do my best ta help ya find a way ta turn my size, can ya forgive me?” He asked her wondering what she would say to that.



Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Sat Oct 19, 2024 10:30 am

Yijun heard the words and he wondered what she was going to make the wood elf do to make it up to her and if he will really be able to do such a thing but it looked like there was nothing that Yijun could do to help so he just went back to eating his food. He then heard the other man say that he was going to help her become his size and Yijun wondered if maybe he could help with that as his division did do experiments and might be able to find a way to be able to do that. He would have to wait till he got the captain seat from the active lieutenant that was running the division and he was feeling like he was getting close to becoming the captain and he ate a few cookies from the sweets and sipped his water and he was feeling excited just thinking about finally becoming a captain and reaching his goal of being one like he had dreamed since he joined up. He needed to keep learning and getting sharper than he was but he wasn't going to give up.
(193) (1,629)

#16Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Sun Oct 20, 2024 10:32 am

Iza Bicdic
Sylph heard his words and she thought about his words. That was a good start, but of course, she was going to add more to it. She looked at Iza and then looked at Yijun.

“If you can do this, then I will forget about what happened. Of course, I don’t know if you could, but I’ve seen many crazy things. On the other hand, there is one more thing Iza. You cannot do that again ever. If I’m still around, you are mine and mine alone, if you do it again, I will let you die for betraying my love.” She said as she would start eating her meal.

She looked at Yijun and figured she could thank him.

“Thank you for the meal Yijun. I appreciate it.” She said as she would eat.

Iza heard this and he chuckled a bit as he had a smile on his face.

“No problem, ya don’t have ta worry bout that. Glad ya could forgive me.” He said to Sylph and nodded to thank Yijun for trying to help.



Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Mon Oct 21, 2024 6:44 am

Yijun heard what the small woman said to Iza and he was not slightly scared of her as that was said so nonchalantly to him as if she was simply drawing a breath and that was all. He looked away as he ate till he heard her speak to him and he felt his blood run cold a bit. He simply nodded in agreement to the woman thanking him as he had nothing to add to that as he was a bit put off for a second there and he needed to make sure that he didn't show it as that was still his friends companion. Yijun heard the other man speak to the woman back and telling her it will never happen again and now Yijun was wondering if he had went back to the other elf's place and maybe might have made a new wood elf to come or something as the companion had spoken as if Iza had gone all the way and it made her super mad at him. Yijun is not sure of what happened after that night of listening in and drinking a bit and he was unsure what he himself might have done.
(200) (1,829)

#18Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Mon Oct 21, 2024 3:10 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza was eating his food still and it was good and well-needed. He and Sylph were eating as if nothing had happened a few seconds ago between the two of them. They were just listening to the people tell their story. It was a good passing time, and it felt like they were watching a show while eating their food.

The jester wondered what else they would be doing in this place, and figured they would find out after they left this place. Iza had drank some of his water and he looked over to Yijun. He figured it was best to converse while eating as well.

“Do ya know what else is going on in this festival? Is it just this or are there gonna be more things fa us ta do?” He asked wondering what Yijun would say.

Sylph’s ear twitched as she heard the question and had a smile on her face.

“I’m pretty sure there is a lot for us to do here. It can’t just be this right?” She asked wondering what would Yijun say.



Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Yesterday at 7:00 am

Hearing the man he was with ask him that question he cleared his mouth of food and then spoke. "From what I know if the intel is right it is a sand/snow/Ice building contest, then boat rides around the town, then a big pool party, and then the ice skating rink." He was not sure if they were in that order but he figured that saying it in any order would be fine as he thinks the contest would be the only one that had a set time that it could be done in as he didn't think the boat rides, pool or rink were going anywhere anytime fast as this was a decently long event for the people of the south and other guilds that have found themselves in the south to take part in it but he could be wrong but he doubted that. He pulled out the flyer and handed it over to Iza if he wanted to see for himself.
(168) (1,997)

#20Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Yesterday at 8:07 am

Iza Bicdic
Iza and Sylph continued eating as they listened to Yijun speak. He would nod hearing about the certain things that were going on in the South of Fiore. That was interesting as he was munching on everything that was brought to him. He knew not to let anything go to waste. Still, it seemed like they had a lot to do, which was going to be interesting.

Sylph wanted to do the ice skating, and pool party more than anything. She didn’t care about the party, but it was a good way to test if Iza would keep his word or not.

“I know what I want to enjoy more than anything.” She said happily as she ate her food.

Iza looked at her with a smile on his face.

“We can do them all, and then from there ya can tell me which one ya enjoyed the most.” He said as their meal was coming to an end.

It wasn’t just their food, but it also seemed like the story was coming to an end. There were others who also seemed like they were ready to leave as well. If this was coming to an end soon, then he figured they could go to the next activity,



Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Yesterday at 8:58 am

Yijun looked at the both of them and then he spoke again. "I guess I will see you guys at the building contest on the beach." He laughed a little as he wondered if they were going to keep working together or if they would start falling apart before it really got underway or not. He had no idea on how to build things but maybe he might be able to do something to help them if they are to work together at it or maybe he might be forced to go against them he has no idea and he figured the night of might and fright stories were over and he would need to turn in and see what he could find to do till the next day maybe he would find a nice place to set up for the night and see what the next day brings them.
(152) (2000+)

#22Iza Bicdic 

Things That Snack In The Night [PPCS - Grimm Tale] Empty Yesterday at 12:57 pm

Iza Bicdic
Iza and Sylph were finishing their food and they looked at Yijun as it seemed like they had plans on where to go next. They thought that he was going to leave without them, so they were eating faster than they normally would.

“Yea seems like a plan. I guess we meet at the beach spot that is handlin the contest tomorrow. We are gonna finish eating and head to bed.” Iza had said to Yijun.

Sylph blushed a bit as she heard those words, but knew there was nothing that could be done between the two. She would finish eating her meal and she would drink her part of the water. She would sit on Iza’s shoulder waiting for him to finish.

“Yeah, and if this is not a contest that needs us to work together, then me and Iza will do our best to win.” She said as she puffed her chest.

Iza patted her on the head with the hand that had only been touching the water. When he was done eating, he would get up from where he was sitting. He would throw it away in a nearby garbage, and he would make his way to their sleeping ground.


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