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Modification - Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye

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Modification - Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 3:14 pm



Name: Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye

Slot: Modification.

Type: Eye.

Class: -

Quantity: Limited.

Element: -

Description: Granted to an individual rather than directly transplanted into a person, Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye gives the user unparalleled visual abilities allowing them to perceive actions that they are not present for as though they were there.


  • The user must be a Guild Level 3 in Paradise Dawn to purchase and use this item.

  • The user's eyes will constantly have a golden glow that becomes stimulated whenever they use magic.


  • Tracker's eye: The user may select a single person once per month. This allows them to create a topic with that person regardless of where they're currently located, without needing to travel.
  • Eye for Opportunity: The user receives 20% more jewels and experience when completing Quests.
  • Inner Sight: The Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye does not count towards the modification slot of the user.

Hidden Effects

  • Eye for Weakness: The user can see the number of mana someone possesses and their exact distribution of statistics by looking at a target. The user cannot mention the number to others since it would make no sense to them, but the user can make perfect sense of the values that they see. This is unlocked at Guild level 4.
  • Shared Sight: Users with the Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye can see through the eyes single ally or companion in a topic. This ability can be used even when the user is not present in the topic, but cannot be used in more than a single topic at a time. The user must still post in the topic stating that they're using this ability, and exit once they stop using it. This is unlocked at Guild level 5.


Modification - Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 3:34 pm


I will be buying her 1,250,000J(PD perk 3 gives me 50% off) <3 Im so excited!!!

Modification - Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Modification - Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye Empty Sun Oct 13, 2024 10:16 pm


@Lumikki has purchased Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye for 1,250,000 jewels~ Enjoy!


Modification - Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye Empty Mon Oct 14, 2024 9:57 pm


I will be buying this for 1,250,000 jewels


Modification - Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye Empty Tue Oct 15, 2024 6:09 am


@Yuurei has purchased the Hiemdall's All-Seeing Eye for 1,250,000 jewels!

Modification - Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye GPIjkMz
#6Salem E. 

Modification - Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye Empty Tue Oct 15, 2024 7:23 am

Salem E.

Buying this for 1,250,000 jewels


Modification - Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye Empty Thu Oct 17, 2024 5:46 am


@Salem E. has purchased the Hiemdall's All-Seeing Eye for 1,250,000 jewels!

Modification - Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye GPIjkMz

Modification - Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye Empty Fri Oct 18, 2024 3:19 pm

Buying this for 1,250,000 jewels

#9Frør Valkyrie 

Modification - Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye Empty Fri Oct 18, 2024 10:08 pm

Frør Valkyrie

The ravens bring @Emil the invoice for 1,250,000 jewels and dawn Emil the Heimdall's All-Seeing Eye

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