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A Thousand Sunrises [Targa]

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A Thousand Sunrises [Targa] Empty Today at 6:44 pm


How many times had he come to Luluhawa island while in the rune knights? How many times had he been sent here to get him out of the way for one reason or another? He didn’t know the true answer to this but he sat here of his own accord now. Sitting at the beachead and watching the waves lap up against the shore. His fur gently bristled in the breeze that cut across the waves. He was alone on this beachhead even though that you’d expect it to be bustling.

His outfit wasn’t complex, simply a set of baggy trousers, his typical sash and the cloth that sat across his shoulders and down his chest slightly. Compared to the rest of the world this island was safer than most so his armor felt no need to even show it’s social affair option. He’d breathe out through his nose after a moment as he pulled at the trousers he wore, the bagginess of them reminding him of how often clothing was too tight to him.

It was also a pain to clean out all this sand but he was glad he could get rid of that with a little touch of his music. Everyone called it magic here but he still internally referred to it as the song. A sort of innocence he still carried. His ears turned slightly as the lapping of the waves came to shore again. The sun hadn’t blessed the sky yet and the island was still in perpetual darkness the only lights being that of the town far away.

The darkness was comfortable, he never seemed to be threatened in it. Even under the moonlight where people cast their gazes in fear. His eyes remained closed; their golden hues slumbering slightly. Saturn breathed easy and he’d lean forward putting his arms over his legs. Even in the night he stuck out, his fur catching every little bit of the moons caressing touch.

Here on my own huh?

He’d talk as though he wasn't alone; though truly he never could be. Not with the ones he had taken in, the ones that he had consumed and the one that he held within. The two magics and the weapons that he carried sang on their own voices with his. A type of music that he couldn’t get away with. So he’d sing his song too, it was gentle, a warmth that threatened to embrace every single person that came by…

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