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Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea]

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Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 12:08 pm


WORDS: 300 | Scarlet Siren

The waters here… Are wonderful~? Warm and inviting, almost as good as home… A stunner in a scarlet swimsuit sashaying through the waves with ease born both from experience and magic, Sofia Serena couldn't help but bask in the boons which were offered by her new favourite get away, and hummed to herself as she swirled around the bounty which the ocean offered her with no grand objective or destination as she indulged her first love; the sea.
I could lose days at a time in these… Always seeming to crave the touch of the tide and happy to indulge that craving rather generously, one might even deem the deep which so many seemed to fear as something of a second home to the lass, and damn if she wasn't going to enjoy one hell of a home coming, that was for sure.

“Whew…” Losing more time than she could really count to that passion and rising only from the briny blue because of an expectation to see her lady wife joining her sooner or later, the fair femme finally pulled herself free of the drink to ride from those rolling waves almost as if she were the vixen some knew by the name of Venus, with a slow gait seeming to lead her up the sands as water oozed down her sinewy frame merrily. Squeezing out that long braid of hers as she did so to dislodge more of the salty substance before it left the lass feeling unpleasant later, all that she could do was smirk and smile as she found faces and the eyes within them following her as she walked from the water, and couldn't help but swing her hips as she walked as well. I mean, when one had it, might as well flaunt it eh?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 6:11 pm

"Wow," Rhea whispered in awe. "This land is almost as beautiful as home." She sighed, feeling a pang of longing for Stella and her family. The Rune Knight had finally gotten a well-deserved break from her duties in Era. Here in Luluhawa, the beauty all around her reminded her of why people were so drawn to places like Stella. Both places had so much in common, and she felt grateful for it. The sand beneath her feet felt like a warm, gentle massage as she walked from the boardwalk to the water. A cool breeze brushed against her skin, like a soft, reassuring caress from Quetzalcoatl himself. Rhea's dark locks danced in the wind, her blue bikini top hugging her chest, matching the blue bikini bottoms that peeked out from her slightly unzipped jean shorts. The string of her undergarments added a playful hint of allure.

The beach was alive with activity. Families played together, children building sandcastles and splashing in the waves, while others lay on their towels, soaking up the sun. Rhea's eyes wandered over the scene, imagining little stories for each person she saw. Then, one figure caught her eye. "Oooh~, she's prettyyy," she sang to herself, captivated by a beautiful brown-haired woman emerging from the water, her skin glistening like a pearl in the sunlight. Drawn to her like a moth to a flame, Rhea made her way toward the ocean. The woman stood out like a diamond in the rough, her beauty undeniable.

"How's the water, hermosa? Looks like high tide," Rhea greeted with a warm, inviting smile, her accent thick and sweet like honey.


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 4:38 am


WORDS: 270 | Scarlet Siren

My, my… Now she certainly knows how to put herself together~? Certainly not so distracted by the task of wringing out her hair that she failed to notice the approach of a soul who seemed to stand out for all the right reasons, the emerald eyes of the enchantress narrowed a little as she looked toward a lass with a form honed enough by the gods to give her wife a run for her money, and found herself bearing down upon her bottom lip both at the sight she saw and the confidence which followed.

“Wonderful, especially with the right company~?” By no means lacking for allure herself but typically the sense of energy and mischief which she carried meaning that Sofia was typically the sort who made the first move upon another, the honeyed words which the beachfront brunette received were something which made her smile and perhaps shiver a little, and she responded to the inquiry with a coy bob of her brows as she took a moment to look over the finery which was presented before her in a more up close and personal fashion.
“By the way, that accent, Stellan~?” Taking a few more strides forward and certainly not hating the way in which the dialect of this dusky dish seemed to flavour her wording, the way in which she spoke reminded the princess of the Pegasi of her homeland a little which was always a plus for her, especially on a woman, and so she couldn't help but feel an even greater sense of intrigue in this stranger. Perhaps she might have found something other than the tide to entertain her, hm~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 10:18 am

Up close, the woman dripping in seawater was even more beautiful, like a sea nymph stepping out of a fairy tale. Rhea couldn't quite tell if she was Fiorian or not, but if she was, then the Light Dragon would be pleasantly surprised. Few people in Fiore were as stunning as La Reina before her. When Rhea asked how the water was, the woman responded in a way that seemed almost flirtatious, like a playful breeze on a hot day. Rhea wasn't used to this; she often missed romantic cues, assuming her masculinity put people off, as her cousins often told her. Still, she matched the woman's gentle energy. "Luckily for you, I happen to be great company~" Rhea replied, her smile as bright as the sun reflecting off the waves, as the woman drew closer.

There was something about a confident woman that the Half-Elf admired, perhaps because she too was confident. The golden sand stretched out like a warm, inviting blanket, dotted with colorful umbrellas and beach towels. The air was filled with the sound of laughter and the soothing melody of the ocean. The scent of saltwater mixed with the occasional waft perfume radiated off of her new friend."Si~ I am from the country of Stella. Oh how being here makes me miss home. Have you been? To Stella?" Rhea inquired, placing a hand on her hip, her posture relaxed and inviting. "Mi nombre es Rhea, by the way. Rhea Alvarez," she added with a charming smile, her eyes sparkling like the ocean in the midday sun. The water behind the brunette glistened under the bright sunlight, small waves breaking gently against the shore.


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:46 pm


WORDS: 280 | Scarlet Siren

“Uffuffuffu, my, such confidence! I'd be tempted to put that to the test~?” The siren in the sand feeling an understated note of surprise when she found herself chuckling in a manner which reminded her of her wife in response to the brightness which this bronze beauty brought to her, Sofia couldn't help but feel the typical dynamic which she had with her bride reversed a little in the case of this fledgling connection, and for that reason and perhaps one or two others opted to encourage it to bud a little further. It was an interesting new energy for her to enjoy, no?

“Sofia, and yes you could say that~?” Nodding at the name she was given and returning with her own in due course, the familiarity which the fox had shown with the accent which the assured amazon carried was another little something which seemed to tease her, and the girl with the green gaze had little issue admitting that she was no stranger to the culture and land from which this dusky delight claimed as her own.
“My homeland is in Stellan waters, so I am very familiar with the nation?” Winding her hair back into a braid once more as she spoke and confirming the fact that she was most assuredly a neighbour to that land when it came to her birth, even now Miss Serena loathed leaning too heavily on the status she had carried in the island nation from which she hailed, and so chose the details which she would reveal carefully and perhaps with a note of caution. After all, it was more fun being seen as a pretty girl on a beach over a princess most often, no~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 3:27 pm

"Nice to meet you, Sofia~," Rhea replied with a slight curtsy nod. What a beautiful name, she thought. It had the same melodic quality as Stellan names. And now that Rhea thought about it, Sofia also had a very Stellan-esque poise to her: elegant, gentle, seductive even. The men and women in Rhea's home country all seemed to master the art of seduction, except for Ms. Alvarez herself, that is. It all made sense, though, because Sofia revealed she was practically from the same country as Rhea. A pleasant surprise, to say the least. The Elf hadn't met another Stellan, or anyone remotely close, since she ventured to Fiore.

"Oh? Well, that makes sense. I knew there was something about you that felt familiar. No wonder you are so sexy; we are like family, it runs in your blood~!" she said playfully. Rhea began to inch forward, trying to navigate both of them toward the waters from which Sofia had just come, the sand slipping from under her feet with each step. As Rhea moved, the light breeze caught her thick locks, making them dance like dark silk ribbons in the wind. Each gust flipped her hair from one shoulder to the other, like a playful lover's touch. Her back faced the water as she moved backward toward her destination.

"Entonces supongo que hablas la lengua nativa. O tu tierra natal habla un idioma completamente diferente?" she asked, her voice as smooth and calming as the waves behind her."


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 4:41 am


WORDS: 320 | Scarlet Siren

“And you, Rhea. It's a pleasure~” The slender siren smiling with the brightness of the sun overhead as she returned the compliment which her coquettish new companion offered up to her, though the manner of Miss Serena was cool and confident she had to admit that in spite of her image those waters seemed to churn beneath the surface with excitement, in part because it seemed as if it had been so very long before she met a new face with whom she could share such sweet and scintillating somethings.
“Goodness, you are brazen, hm~? You're not looking for a guild to join, are you~? I can imagine you'd fit well in mine~?” Even this seaside stunner feeling a note of surprise when the woman proved brazen enough to go so far as to speak upon her generous allure with an unflinching sense of admiration, once more the girl with the green gaze seemed to giggle to herself at the courageous sense of charm which she was shown, and as she stepped a little closer to her couldn't help but toy with the idea of inviting her to join the halls of the Pegasi. In looks and words she certainly seemed to suit them, no?

“Ahahaha, we Valericans speak a dialect, it is similar enough for me to comprehend, but I worry that rust and succinct differences may force me to butcher my attempts?” The lass left to chuckle more politely however when she heard words which took her a moment to remember how to interpret, though Sofia could affirm the fact that she could glean enough from the Stellan tongue to garner an understanding at the same time her lack of practice seemed painfully obvious given how long it had been since she used it, and so she politely excused herself even if she did feel a hint of embarrassment for doing so. I mean, it did feel like a bit of a betrayal of her heritage, no?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:53 pm

"Hmhmhm," Rhea chuckled at Sofia's bold comment, the sound light and musical like the tinkling of wind chimes. She had heard similar remarks before, but they never ceased to amuse her. Raised to be confident and fearless, the half-elf would have to credit this unwavering self-assurance to her mama. "Oh?" she raised a brow, intrigued by the mention of a guild Though she had been in Fiore for a while, Rhea knew little about its guilds. She had a basic understanding but remained a foreigner in many ways, like a fish out of water but now that it was mentioned...Sofia did look oddly familiar.

"You flatter me~. While I appreciate the offer, la bella, unfortunately, I'm tied to the Rune Knight organization for a little while. Perhaps when I leave, I'll consider following up on your offer- depending on the guild of course." The Dragon Slayer remarked, her gaze momentarily drifting away like a leaf caught in the wind.

Rhea briefly pondered her future beyond the Knights, a topic she had neglected due to her demanding workload. The thought of planning her next moves had always lingered at the back of her mind, but she had never given it serious consideration until now.

"Ah, Valerican. I've heard of your land before. A small island, but with mighty people. They've always been one of our greatest allies," Rhea remarked, smiling warmly at Sofia. As she walked backward toward the water, she felt the cool waves lap against her ankles, sending a pleasant shiver up her spine. "Ooooh~," she sighed, biting her lip at the familiar sensation. The water felt like a long-lost lover's embrace, stirring memories of home. Oh, how she missed the ocean.

"Did I mention how badly I miss home?"


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:06 pm


WORDS: 300 | Scarlet Siren

“Oh really? Goodness, that surprises me. The Runeys always seem like they have too much of a stick too far up their… 'Sun don't shine' to attract a woman of your flair~?” That green gaze widening as the girl revealed the fact that she was a member of the state sanctioned soldiers, Miss Serena could not deny her astonishment and not least because of the fact that this woman had seemed to defy her every expectation of the trudging and oh too often bureaucratic force known as the Rune Knights, who she still viewed with no small degree of contempt for how they had abandoned the outlying towns in the wake of the incursions a number of years before.
“Teeheehee, I'm a member of the Pegasi, of Hargeon~?” Perhaps only more determined to rescue an exotic rose from them in light of such a fact, though the new king had tried to restore the reputation of his forces the fox still didn’t quite trust those who had abandoned their duty to the world beyond their precious capital then, and giggled as she contemplated giving the girl the proverbial hard sell when it came to her own brand of beauty orientated beneficence.

“There's nothing quite like your homeland, is there? How long has it been since you were there~?” Sighing soon after when the sultry stunner mentioned how she longed to see her home again and then turning to look toward the horizon for a second and wished she could see her own from here, after shaking her head she turned back to the bronzed belle and smiled with a sad sense of sympathy, before asking after the term that this temptress had spent without the land she loved around her, all the while sensing they were far more birds of a similar feather than she ever might have guessed…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:43 am

"You are not wrong..." Rhea began, slowly turning her body to face the ocean as a small wave traveled forward and caressed her feet entirely, a kiss from Chalchiuhtlicue.

She often pondered her role as a Rune Knight, acknowledging that it was temporary, a means to an end until she had enough money and experience in Fiore to continue her journey. The Stellan held no true love for the country of Fiore, given their history and part in the attempt to colonize her homeland. Still, she knew that Fiore could offer her the tools she needed to control her power. So, she always swallowed her pride to push forward as a Rune Knight. If any other guild had offered the same resources and protection, she probably would have gone there first.

"Rune Knights are- how do you say?" she thought for a moment, searching for the right words. "Cunts. Men rule and make the orders, everyone wants to impress their superiors, and they walk through the streets of Fiore with an air of superiority that disgusts me." She sighed, her voice tinged with frustration. "I do not intend on staying. I'm just poor in this country, and the Rune Knights pay well enough." The admission was raw and honest, reflecting her inner conflict and the sacrifices she made.

As Sofia spoke, pieces of the puzzle began to fit together. The Pegasi referred to Blue Pegasus, one of the most renowned organizations in Fiore. "Oh, I see. That is why you speak with such elegance! Blue Pegasus of Hargeon is known for their beauty, grace, and power. I also hear the guild master is one of the strongest mages in the world?" The Dragon Slayer quite liked these moments shared with Sofia. Not only was she getting to know someone, finally, but she was also learning more about Fiore, for better or for worse.


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 10:54 am


WORDS: 370 | Scarlet Siren  

“They're…? Bwahahaahahaaa!” Expecting some manner of defence or annoyance from this awing amazon when she mentioned her contempt for the knights and so caught a little off guard both by the contempt that this dusky delight showed and the specifics of her comment, such candid wordplay was something that while Sofia rarely indulged she certainly appreciated, as was evidenced by the cackle it brought, and only seemed to endear this stranger to her all the more.
“Goodness, you really are wasted among that bunch, aren't you~?” The siren shaking her head with quite the smile because of that and only stepping that bit closer to a woman with whom she was feeling a growing sense of intimacy and perhaps desire to go along with it, the girl with the green gaze lifted one of those slender and soft fingers to gently peel away the stray bangs of the bronzed beauty in a show of both of these qualities, and couldn't help but to nibble her lower lip as she looked deep into so intriguing a gaze.

“Strongest, and most beautiful~? They say that there's no one from pauper to prince and places beyond who wouldn't feel their knees weaken at her smile~?” All too quickly seeming to seize upon opportunity however when her new friend spoke of her bride's ability in a fight, the temptress tilted her head as she reminded her that the spectacle of her guild master and the magnificence whom she had married went far beyond mere combat capacity, and that the woman was the most endowed enchantress in the land and perhaps the world as well in a much broader variety of ways as well.
“I hear her wife is quite the looker too, actually~?” Not that the more mischievous portion that this ravishing rebel was helping to bloom within her didn't wish to show its face either, though Miss Serena rarely seemed to go in much for the renown which came with her own status as a mage and member of the Pegasi in this case she couldn't resist the chance to test the rumours of her own repute as well, and in doing so perhaps hint at just who Rhea was speaking to as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Thu Sep 19, 2024 4:51 pm

"I would say so." Rhea giggled, pleased that someone else could see how full of shit the Rune Knights were. "If I had known about Fiorian guilds sooner, I would not be standing before you as a Rune Knight. But, this is the will of the gods, so here I am."

Slowly, the Dragoness of Light shuffled backward into the ocean, each step allowing the cool water to creep up from her soles to her ankles. She relished Sofia's vibrant energy; it felt like a breath of fresh air. There was something familiar about her, a connection that went beyond their shared ethnicity. A new friendship was blossoming—one of many to come, she hoped.

As the enchanted brunette spoke, elaborating on the rumors Rhea had heard about the mistress of Blue Pegasus, the air thickened with allure and intrigue. There was almost a twinkle in Sofia’s eye, an unmistakable admiration for the woman they discussed. Rhea raised an eyebrow, intrigued. Rumor had it that Alisa’s wife was just as stunning—perhaps even more so—though she preferred to remain out of the limelight. Known for her regal presence and striking beauty, she was a figure of fascination. Rhea was less like these women in that sense. Even if she had been desired, it was of no interest to her. She wasn't regal or classy. Quite the opposite, in fact. At least, that's how she saw herself.

“Oh, yes,” Rhea chimed in, her voice carrying a playful lilt. “I’ve heard about the wife as well. How lucky they must feel to have found each other…” She paused, her lips curling into a mischievous smirk. “You speak almost as if you fantasize about embracing both of them!”

Laughter bubbled up, light and infectious, just as the waves crashed against Rhea’s hindquarters, sending a refreshing chill down the Dragon Slayer's spine. “Have you met them?” Rhea asked, genuinely curious. The idea of meeting such formidable women, each a force in her own right, filled her with excitement. She imagined the three of them together—strength, beauty, and magic intertwining. She had also imagined herself fighting them, how legendary that would be.


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Fri Sep 20, 2024 1:04 pm


WORDS: 330 | Scarlet Siren

“Teeheehee, tis a shame we didn’t find you before that point then…” That sense of charm mixed with rebellious spirit certainly making Sofia feel disappointed that her guild had missed out on a mocha minx like this one, it only felt more the shame that this sizzling stunner seemed to be unhappy with where her allegiance had seemed to end up, though at least respected her loyalty to it.
“You definitely seem like you would fit our bill~?” Not that she was done in her ambition to steal a stunner such as this one away for her own purpose, once more that green gaze ran over those fine features that she had to say warmed her even more than the brightness overhead, and given the little tingle that they sent up her spine she was left to wonder if she should pursue such aims a little more aggressively?

“Oho~? Sounds as if you’re quite the fan of the pair, you sure I can’t tempt you to stop by and say hello~?” Only seeming to be all the more encouraged and certainly flattered by the sense of reverence which Rhea showed toward both her wife and herself, even if the manner through which she coaxed such details from her was a little tongue in cheek she knew that her beautiful black haired bride would love to make this kind of acquaintance, and as such she was once more tempted yo call upon the service of her animal ‘shortcut’ to afford a little visit.
“Oh my, yes. One might even say I know them… intimately~?” All the while seeming to be entertained by the mischievous matter of her familiarity with the leader of the Pegasi and her wife, Miss Serena couldn’t tell if this bodacious beach belle was playing along with the bit given her apparent familiarity with them both or genuinely unsure of who she really was, but either way it added yet another layer of excitement to what was already becoming rather the spicy spirited introduction…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Fri Sep 20, 2024 8:05 pm

Suddenly, it dawned on Rhea, and the realization hit her like one of the waves crashing onto the shore. Earlier, Sofia had mentioned how well-suited Rhea was for her guild, but in the flurry of their conversation, Rhea had completely missed which guild that was. It wasn’t until Sofia casually referred to Blue Pegasus as “our” guild that everything clicked into place. Rhea began to piece together the clues as Sofia spoke, her mind finally catching up.

Rhea was quick on her feet, both in combat and conversation, but her mental agility sometimes lagged. She often skimmed over details, focusing only on the main points. It was a habit she knew she needed to improve, especially now that Sofia had dropped hints about her identity without Rhea catching on.

Our Bill?” Rhea echoed, still feeling a bit lost. But as the waves crashed against her hind legs once more, a light flickered in her mind, as if the ocean itself was giving her clarity. “Oh, mierda—” she said, stepping closer, realization hitting her. “You’re… the Sofia Serena!” Her cheeks flushed a vibrant red, embarrassment washing over her. How had she not figured it out sooner? Of course, the curvaceous brunette had been intimate with "them"—she was "them".

Rhea brought a hand to her forehead, shaking her head in disbelief. “Coño. I’m sorry, I completely missed the clues, Como si fuera una idiota.” With a sigh, she placed her hands on her hips, a mix of awe and embarrassment in her expression. Just like her mama: dramatic. “I guess that is why you were wanting me to join Blue Pegasus, huh? But… I don’t think my future plans will fit with your guild, unfortunately. The gods seem to have other plans for me.” Saying it felt a bit heavy, like she was letting her new friend down.

“But I would love to visit!” she quickly added, her tone brightening. “I would love to see the guild, the city...tu bella esposa... maybe get a drink or twelve?" The thought of Blue Pegasus excited the Light dragon. Although joining was a different story. It was known as a legal guild in Fiore, and at some point Rhea imagined returning home with fresh skills and knowledge to protect Stella from threats like Bosco and the unpredictable nature of Fiore.


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Sat Sep 21, 2024 12:35 pm


WORDS: 600 | WORDS: 2770 | Scarlet Siren

“Teeheeheehee, guilty as charged~?” The playful pegasi feeling a note of surprise when the mocha marvel showed her that she herself had been ambushed when it came to just who she thought she was dealing with, all the same the look of astonishment which Sofia was shown from this alluring amazon made all her efforts to downplay her identity worthwhile, and she was left to giggle gleefully as she admitted that her proverbial jig was now well and truly up.
“What do you think, am I as breathtaking in person as the stories~?” All the more amused now to see just how well her reality seemed to live up to the legend which her apparent fan had heard and sure that she would be told in rather the artful way given what she had heard of this woman’s command of language thus far, the girl with the green gaze grinned and clapped one hand onto her hip while lifting the other into those wavy brown locks to show herself off a little as she asked this beachgoing beauty for note of comparison, and frankly loved every moment she got to show off for one so spicy and stunning as this one.

“Ahahaha, don’t feel bad~? I certainly prefer to keep a lower profile than Lisa does~? Gives me more room for shenanigans…” The siren of the sea shaking her head however when Rhea cursed her own ignorance and feeling a little morsel of guilt for not being more open because of that, Miss Serena extended a hand to gently hold the forearm of her fellow fox not only for the purpose of seeing if it felt as well honed as it looked, but also to offer the girl a sense of reassurance as she revealed that she tended to prefer a little more anonymity than her beautiful bride did.
“Well, not to toot my own horn too much but I’ve a little goddess in myself these days as well? Sure I can’t ruin their plans for you~?” Smirking and shaking her head soon after when the bronze belle claimed that despite the attractiveness in the idea of changing to her team the divines had other plans in her mind, the emerald eyed enchantress couldn’t help but nod at her own beyond mortal heritage as she teased the topic of changing her mind, though ultimately knew better than to push a girl too hard into a choice. It was hers alone, regardless of which way it might end up.

“Ahahahaha, in that case, Liiiiioooooonnnnn~?” Excitement seeming to grip Sofia as soon as this dusky delight admitted that she might just enjoy a chance to see the hall and share no small number of drinks in it either, after a chuckle the ever bubbly brunette seemed to bounce a little ways away and call for a figure who for a moment was unseen, before happening to roar onto the scene through a gulf in space which his howl had provided.
“Think you could give my handsome new friend and I a trip to the hall, hm~?” Carrying a sense of regal majesty as he entered onto the scene and yet with it no trace of ferocity despite the manner of his entrance or implication of his race, after an eyeroll all that the dutiful feline would do is let loose another bellow and create another window through the world which would lead to the home of his mistress’ guild, which the long legged lass was only too happy to beckon her new friend toward and demonstrate the safeness by stepping through it to move across the world in the merest moment…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Surf and Sunshine~ [Rhea] Empty Thu Sep 26, 2024 2:33 pm

When Sofia asked if she was as beautiful as the stories, Rhea could only laugh, a soft, nervous sound that bubbled up from her chest.

"Even more beautiful in person. Ay dios... it's almost surreal," Rhea admitted with a smirk, feeling the warmth rise to her cheeks. The words rolled off her tongue effortlessly, but they carried a weight that surprised even Rhea. She had never really thought about her own sexuality much. As far as she was concerned, she had only been interested in men... but there was something undeniably magnetic about Sofia. The allure she exuded wasn’t just about beauty—there was a deeper pull, something almost supernatural. Maybe it was a spell? Rhea had heard of charms cast to captivate hearts, but this felt... different. She could feel the tug like a gentle but persistent current pulling her in.

Her thoughts swirled like a storm. This was already confusing her. Sofia was clearly intent on luring her away from the Rune Knights, and Rhea couldn't deny the temptation that came with the offer. Blue Pegasus, one of the most prestigious guilds in Fiore. The idea of being part of something so renowned appealed to her adventurous spirit, but Rhea knew her truth. She wasn't just any warrior, and her time with the Rune Knights wasn't without purpose. She had committed to them for a reason, and deep down, she feared that joining such an esteemed guild might be too great of a risk. What if she tarnished their name with her rough edges and untamed power?

Still, she couldn’t deny the way her heart bubbled whenever Sofia spoke. There was something almost divine about her, like a goddess walking among mortals. Rhea could see why people flocked to her. Sofia carried herself like an empress, her every move deliberate, confident, and alluring. But before Rhea could fully digest the gravity of the situation after suddenly realized that she was finding some sort of romantic interest in the woman, Sofia clapped her hands together and shouted for her lion. It was as if the air itself bent to Sofia’s will, a majestic, regal creature appearing out of thin air, its mane shimmering and its eyes as fierce as the wild. Rhea’s breath caught in her throat as she gazed upon it, its presence both awe-inspiring and humbling.

"Oh!?" Rhea gasped, her initial surprise turning into a bubbling excitement. "W-we're going right now?" she asked, half in disbelief and half eager for the impromptu trip. Sofia was clearly not the type to waste time, and the idea of seeing Blue Pegasus was suddenly within reach. Rhea smiled warmly at the lion but kept a respectful distance. She had trained in Stella by fighting beasts, and while this creature exuded a calm majesty, she couldn't be sure it wouldn’t turn hostile. "You’re beautiful..." she whispered, her eyes wide with awe as she took in the sight of the magnificent creature.

Sofia was already preparing to step through the portal the lion had conjured, and who was Rhea to deny the hospitality of one of the Queens of Pegasus? "Well, alright then~."



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