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An eventful encounter (Closed)

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An eventful encounter (Closed) Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 4:27 pm

An ominous black rift the size of a door materializes on the coast of the beach. A murky mist of darkness spews forth from the opening as it expands.“Be sure to enjoy yourself. We will be back for you later, you know the rules already” A raspy, monotonous voice spilled out from the rift. “Yea, yea I got it. Make yourself useful and get my stuff ready for my trip to Pergrande” Zeta expressed her irritation clearly and vocally before eagerly stepping forth from the blackness of the rift, waving her hands gesturing for the entity to go away.

One foot splashes into the flowing waters of the ocean while the other foot digs into the warm smooth sand. She whips her hair from in front of her eyes to the side and adjusts her sunglasses. In her hands was a large umbrella along with a cooler and a folded chair. Wearing a black bikini with a thin white translucent hip dress reaching down to the middle of her thighs.

The rift closed behind her shortly after stepping out, and she began to set up her stuff on the beach.“At last, I could finally get some quality time for myself without those pesky oversize bugs pestering me so much” Zeta laid stretched out on a beach chair under a large blue beach umbrella. Digging her hand into the cooler and pulling out a black and white striped canteen. Taking a long chug of its contents before letting off a long satisfying sigh. “A vacant beach, lovely weather, no annoying chatterboxes ...perfect” Zeta closes her eyes and relaxes listening to the ocean rock back and forth in the wind. The shade of the umbrella engulfs her body, leaving no spec of sunlight touching her.

Last edited by Zeta on Thu Aug 15, 2024 6:47 am; edited 1 time in total


An eventful encounter (Closed) Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:08 pm


Yuurei hadn’t been here for a long time. Luluhawa Island was a place where he had spent quite a time in the past. He didn’t think he would be here again as he had a bunch of things to do, but it seemed like Renji had enjoyed this place for quite some time. He was on the beach, enjoying the sun that was above the island. The Seraphim was walking through the beach with Renji. The two of them had their shirts off as Yuurei was in his hidden human form the tattoos on his face and the quietness that was him.

Not a lot of people could see his true form, but that was because he knew it made people feel intimidated by him. While he was walking, he would soon see someone relaxing on the beach. It seemed like they weren’t the only ones that wanted to go to the beach today.

“Why did you want to come here anyways?” He asked Renji.

Renji looked at him and he would smile at him.

“Well, I figured you needed a break from all of this, and we used to enjoy our time here.” He said to Yuurei as they continued to walk through the sand together.




An eventful encounter (Closed) Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 10:53 am

Zeta gradually continued sipping away at her canteen until it was empty, placing it back into the cooler on the bed of ice next to the other beverages. Feeling the cool refreshing chill of the water running its course through her heated body was a deeply satisfying experience. This was the start to a marvelous day off, she thought to herself. Stray thoughts poked into the back of her mind of how it was unusual for the beach to be so empty on such a beautiful day, but she ignored these thoughts as best she could to maintain her place of peace. As she was trying to drift off to sleep her nose was tickled by a peculiar smell. A scent signaling a presence was in the distance of what she considered her personal boundary.

“Sigh…at least they seem to be so far off as the scent is faint…I wonder if they would make good company though…or better yet, what if it’s him”
Zeta muttered under her breath to herself, sitting up and crawling to the edge of the umbrella. She peaked around to see if she could spot who the scent belonged to. After a few moments of looking around, she finally spots two individuals casually walking in the distance. She clenches her fingers against her chest feeling anxious about the thought of seeing her brother in person. Unsure about the feeling welling up inside her, she almost mistook the feeling as the spark she felt when exchanging letters from her brother back when they were children, but she quickly realized they were not the same feeling. A wave of sadness washed over her from this realization, with the only thing left to do was shake it off because she did not wish to spend this day off wallowing in sadness. She secretly was hoping to run into her brother, even though it's forbidden for her to engage with him, she desperately wanted to break the rules so badly, even if it was accidental. Clutching a pendent, the only physical object to remind her of him. Zeta smiled once more and grabbed the cooler, dashing off to greet the two figures in the distance. “I can't be sad, I can't be weak, I must be strong…strong enough to break these shackles and be free. Lets have fun today and get back to training hard tomorrow." Zeta happily cheered herself on while sprinting through the sand, closing the distance between her and the two people she smelled.

“Hey you two, got some time to spare to entertain me for a bit? I got drinks to cool you off” Zeta spoke to the two guys with a sultry voice while lifting the cooler, dangling it in front of them. “Don’t be shy, I'm here only for a day before I have to go back” Her smiling demeanor softened after saying that.

WC 486


An eventful encounter (Closed) Empty Sat Aug 24, 2024 11:15 pm


Yuurei and Renji continued walking through the sand. They were enjoying the walk and wondered what they were going to do today. While they were doing that, Yuurei had felt someone approaching them. Actually, they were running to them, but before they got closer, he would look over in their direction.

When he saw it was a girl in her bikini, it seemed like she was a fan girl. Still, he ruled it out for now until she proved him wrong. Still, it seemed like she wanted company and offered them drinks as well. They looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders as if they were fine to hang out and get to know another person in Earthland.

“Sure we don’t mind hanging out with you. The name is Yuurei, and this guy right here is Renji What’s your name?” He asked her wondering what she would say to him.

He also said his name, so he didn’t feel like he was being rude. He did move over to her, so she could see they were okay with hanging out.



An eventful encounter (Closed) Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:19 pm

“Nice to Yuurei, Renji, My name is Zeta” she politely introduced herself to the two guys. Feeling the heat of the roaring sun beaming down upon her body, Zeta stepped to the side and pointed to her umbrella hut in the distance. “Come join me in the shade while we chit chat. I'd rather not get darker than I already am” she playfully said to the two guys while looking them up and down.

Zeta walked around the two men to get behind them and wedged in between them to link arms. “On we go you two handsome beasts” Pulling them over to her small hut happily. While her arms were linked with them she snapped her fingers to spawning a semi transparent bubble that surrounded them, acting as a shield from the sun and its rays. “What brings you two to the beach today? I heard there were some super strong people visiting these parts lately, by chance are you them” Curious about the rumors she heard she could not help but try to satisfy her curiosity.

WC 178


An eventful encounter (Closed) Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 7:17 am


Yuurei and Renji heard her name and they smiled at her as she had pointed off in the direction of where she was located. They looked over to it and they figured hanging out with her couldn’t hurt. They wondered what would happen today, and this would be the start of it.

“I don’t mind getting some color on me, but sure we can go into the shade.” He said to her as they were following her.

They wondered what she was doing, did she know who they were? Did she just want some company? Did she have some motive? He shrugged his shoulder as he figured that he was going to find out sooner or later. It was then the two of them would feel her in between them like she wanted to get a feel for them. Yuurei didn’t mind it, Renji blushed as he looked away as he knew Revy would yell at him and Zeta.

She asked them why they were there and asked them if they were strong people. They looked at each other and then to her. They were probably the strong people she was hearing about, but that meant they were not sneaky at all.

“We decided to come here to relax and enjoy the beach. We used to be here a lot, but as time has gone by we have relaxed. Still, we might be the people you heard about being here. Renji is strong, and I’m really strong.” He said to Zeta as they were approaching her area.



An eventful encounter (Closed) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 10:42 am

“Suit ya selves then” Zeta reduced the diameter of her bubble to surround only her as they continued to walk over to her hut on the coast of the beach.

Zeta listened to Yuurei speak, hearing how they were practically locals to the island and pretty strong was uplifting. She heard stories from Aster about how people trained on this island for several years to the point it became a custom but she never had heard any specific names leave his mouth.

“Nope, heard nothing of ya names, but this is also my first time visiting this island. I am sorta on a day-long vacation you see” They finally reached her hut of a large umbrella acting as a tent.

“Wait here one sec”
Zeta let go of the two men burly arms and ran to her tent to retrieve extra beach towels for the two to rest on.

“By the way, You speaking about how ya are strong and well known around here made me remember something. I heard this island especially the beach boasted a lot of fighters. They would come here to train but upon my arrival, I found it quite deserted. I was hoping to see some action today at least or am I too early for the show.” Zeta kneeled in the sand laying down the two towels adjacent to one another “Did ya scare away everybody by beating them up?” Zeta cheekily asked the two men while giggling.

WC 244


An eventful encounter (Closed) Empty Sun Sep 01, 2024 12:01 pm


Yuurei and Renji walked with her, and he nodded. It seemed like there were people in this world who didn’t know who they were. That was fine, interesting, and a breath of fresh air. When they got to her location, she told him to wait a second. He nodded, and he did that without a problem. Renji looked at her, wondering what she was doing.

It was then she would come out of the hut with towels in her hand. It seemed like she was playing host for them. He wasn’t complaining about it as he watched her put the towels down for them while talking.

It seemed like she came here to see powerful fighters training at the beach. To be honest, when he got here he was always alone to train, so he couldn’t help her there.

“To be honest, I don’t even know. When I come here to train, which has been a long time, I’m usually by myself or I bump into someone to train with.” He paused for a second.

“Still, if there are people who come training here, I’m sure they will show up eventually.” He said to her as he would lay down on the towel.

Renji had already one so as he looked at the two of them converse.

“So, nah, I haven’t scared everybody away. The locals here love me. I helped them a lot when I got here, so they welcomed me here with open arms. So, you seek the strong Zeta?” He asked curious to hear what she had to say.



An eventful encounter (Closed) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 6:54 pm

"hmmm, I hope you are right about that, if not maybe next time I am here I will be on the lookout or train her myself...Though I have never seen anybody train for combat alone" She paused from talking to pull out a drink from the cooler and popped it open with a bottle opener. She then lifted two more drinks from the cooler gesturing to the two if they wanted one.

"I have undergone survival training for years on my own. What kind of hardcore obstacles have you and Renji been through in your journey?" Zeta put her thumb on her chin and took a moment to think something over.

"Question for you, Yuurei. I went to Seven not so long ago to compete in the arena and heard about a champion with the same name as you. Could you very well be that same person?" The names did not click automatically because there was no face to match the identities but they could be the same person Zeta thought to herself. It adds up for him to be some big shot if he is seen as some sort of hero to the natives here, plus him potentially being a champion in status in that country.

"I seek strong people to learn from them. Learn how to become strong and free... As it seems only the strong are naturally free in this world." Zeta stated with a somber tone of voice while looking at Yuurei then shifting her gaze to Renji.

WC 253


An eventful encounter (Closed) Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:05 am


Yuurei heard her words and he rubbed the back of his head. He did a lot of solo training. Then there were sparring fights that he would like to call them with others. He watched her hand over two drinks, and Yuurei would take one as Renji refused.

“Water, please. I don’t really drink.” He said to her.

Yuurei would drink without a problem as he heard her speak about her survival training and asked them about their obstacles. Yuurei and Renji looked at each other and laughed a bit. It was then she had asked another question and he looked away and to the sky before giving a genuine smile to her.

“Yes, I’m the Champion of Seven. Renji here came in second place. It was a nice fight, one that I enjoyed to this day.” He said to her as he figured he could tell her about his hardcore obstacles.

“I almost died twice, well, I died once and almost died another time. I fought against my own kind a few times, killed some Onis and oh yeah I possess a Demon and an Oni within my body right now. They are nasty guys, but I guess they can be helpful at times. I’ve lost my arm against a Seraphim as well.” He said to her as Renji looked at her.

“I went through a phase where I wasn’t strong enough until they answered my call, and I know I’m strong as long as Yuu is.” He said to her.

Yuurei drank a bit more as he sighed with relief at how good it was.

“Yeah basically the strong are the freest. If you are strong, you have nothing that could stand in your way.” He said as it was the truth.

If he turned evil tomorrow, nobody would be able to stand in his way.



An eventful encounter (Closed) Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:33 am

"Oh sure thing, Renji" Zeta was feeling slightly embarrassed that got so caught up and completely forgot to ask if he even drinks. 'how rude' Zeta thought to herself while quickly playing the alcoholic beverage back into the cooler and pulling out a water container from under the ice. "Here you go, sorry about that" Handing Renji the water that he requested.

Afterwards, she turned her attention back to Yuurei seeming that he was about to answer her question. He confirmed her suspicion of him indeed being the same Yuurei spoken so highly of in the arena back at Seven. This exciting news to her as it was like meeting a grand hero or a royal person. Knowing that Renji is just as strong was also quite remarkable. The odds of meeting such strong individuals were something she could not have expected here on the beach.

Her eyes were glittering with stars while listening to Yuurei speak briefly about his journey and the deaths that he faced before. She has heard about people dying and returning back to the living before but it was always from very strong beings.

When Renji spoke out she shifted her attention to him as next. It seems power creates boundaries that can allow people to surpass even the most daunting of situations. With Yuurei confirming that Power is a necessity to obtain freedom was reassuring.

"Thanks for being honest with me Yuurei. I seek much power to earn my own freedom and to achieve dreams that feel impossible." She nods her head feeling inspired.

"Another question for you both. What guild do you hail from? I am from Dragon Order. Though I have not formally met the guild master so I'm just bumbling around trying to find other Dragon Slayers. I guess you have fought your fair share of them, no?"

WC 307


An eventful encounter (Closed) Empty Mon Sep 09, 2024 8:48 am


Renji would take the water that he had asked for and he would smile at her.

“Thank you for that.” He said to her as he would open it up and he would take some in.

The Exceed enjoyed water when there wasn’t anything else to take in. This heat was also making this water taste even better. Yuurei could tell that she was interested in what he was saying. That was good, and he wondered what she would say to him.

It seemed like she was seeking this as well to achieve her dream. It was interesting to hear as he did that as well, so nobody could harm those he loved again. He lost his best friend, which was something he never wanted to do again.

It was then she asked him another question, this was aimed at the both of them. Renji and Yuurei looked at each other and then looked at her waiting to see what she would say. She wanted to know what guild they were from, and Yuurei would smile at her.

“We’re from Paradise Dawn. I was the former Guild Leader, but I gave that title to someone else, and now I’m just relaxing. As for fighting Dragon Slayers, I only fought two, no three of them. Kaito, Toga and I guess Drakkon when he was beginning to understand his powers.” He paused for a second.

“We did fight a few Dragons and slayed them. They were really strong, but it was something that, Kaito, Brone, and I were able to take on. As for the guild you’re in, is that the one Drakkon is also in as well.” He said as he wasn’t sure if she could answer him on that.

The two of them would drink some more of their beverage as it seemed like she was a Dragon Slayer from the sound of the guild’s name.


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