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Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga]

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Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 7:00 am

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] 3ifw28y

Saturn didn’t often host things, in fact he could count on one hand how many times he had hosted any sort of function. But the idea of having a beach get away with some folks really stuck with him when he saw one of the many parties that had been going on in luluhawa island. There were a few people that he thought of inviting immediately; Aurora being the first quickly followed by the friendly rune knight that he had run into very early in his life by the name of toga. There was a third knight that he hadn’t met but had heard a little bit about; figuring to extend the same courtesy to ittindi he’d send invitations to the three. A small little get together where he could meet someone new, hang out with folks he already did and maybe get to learn more about all of them while doing the same in return.

He had set up a grill, some tables with some snacks, water or the lick and was currently flipping burgers on said grill. He was hungry and had spent a good chunk of the early morning working on this. He knew it’d probably be a bit before they arrived but that was fine. There were other guests he could entertain that wandered into the little party. While he didn’t know them he was very friendly with them. They were quick to talk and quicker to have some food which he didn’t blame them. Taking a bite out of one of his burgers he’d admire the slowly cresting sun.

He’d have to remind himself to set out some umbrellas but while he was at it he’d flick his hand. Moving the fairly large bucket with ice and drinks underneath one nearby. He was dressed as per his usual outfit in this demi-human disguise. Though one change was an apron that he put over it.

”These burgers aren’t demonic but I sure am!”

Most wouldn’t get the joke but that was fine, the ones that did would probably find it either charming or worrying that saturn was getting more in line with his demonic bloodline. He had to ponder if he even sent the messengers to the right places, they were usually good about that right? Shrugging to himself he’d gaze out to the ocean, admiring the view before getting back to his grillmaster duties. They’d arrive in all due time… for now? He was just going to enjoy testing different ways of cooking these things. Without burning anything down. Or burning himself.



Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 11:07 pm


Lumikki’s unkindess would proceed her for the function. All perched among the branches in the trees watching the festivities and all the food. Any piece that had fallen or were discard were fair game to the hungry avians; and upon Lumikki’s arrival, they begin greeting her.

It was not hard for Lumi to make good with the invitation, it was more so a welcomed retreat from all the paper work she was now responsible for. Now more than ever she understood why the Angel was forced in his office. Still, moments like this were far and few.

As Lumi sauntered to the sight, she wore a black two piece bikini with an over sized hat and dark rounded shades. She also carried a black parasol to spare her from excess sun. The Demoness entered the scene, like Saturn, in her more human form. Her periwinkle hair were tied in two braids pulled back, and unlike her usual bare feet, she wore sandals for the hot sand.

” Oy Pup, thanks for inviting me to yer party. Do ye need help preparing the food and setting more things up?” She called out toward Saturn on her entry. When Lumi was finally close enough, she gave him a quick hug; pulling away to notice the cheekiness of his apron. ” Don’t let the humans think us Demons are soft lad, but I applaud the fun. Good to see ye finally realized yer more of the Abyss than the divine, but it doesn’t change much. Hope yer causing some mischief and chaos though else I’d freeze the ears.”

She walk toward an open umbrella and drew a circle by the sand. Pulling from her portal kegs of ale and bottles of wine. All of which she froze to the perfect temperatures to enjoy while pulling a bottle for herself.

” Can’t join a part empty handed. Feel free to enjoy as much as ya want. Oh and there are the sweet ones, as I know those are the ones ya favor,” she pointed to the assortment that she figured would be to his liking.

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Tue May 07, 2024 6:41 am

"Oooooi, I'm late!" The panicked cries of a man were swallowed up by the sky, a perfect vacuum that sealed away his agitation.

Soaring through the heavens, high above the sprawling ocean, Toga raced toward Luluhawa Island with all the speed he could muster. He wore only a loose white t-shirt and crimson swim trunks adorned with fiery accents. The dragon slayer stayed warm through his own internal heat, bolstered by the wings of his birdman's cape draped across his shoulders and back, allowing him to glide through the air like an avian or draconic creature.

Deeply committed to his work and travels, the dragon slayer had been away from Era for some time. It wasn't until one of his subordinates—possessing transmission magic—alerted him to Saturn's beach party that Toga became aware of the gathering. Though he wasn't one to care much for rank or titles within the Rune Knights, he couldn't deny the perks of his high status. People vied for his attention, demonstrating their usefulness regardless of combat prowess or practical value in exploration. He made a mental note to thank the transmission magic user upon his return, but for now, he was late to the party!

"Ahh, there it is!" Toga's pink hair flickered in the wind as the island came into view. Without hesitation, he surged forward, small embers flickering from his feet before exploding into a trail of fire that rocketed him through the air like a comet. He sped toward the island, leaving a streak of light shimmering behind him. Moments later, he was visible to those on the beach, descending like a meteor before crashing into the water with tremendous force, sending up a wave that shot high into the air before subsiding into the deep blue ocean.

"Oooooi! Saturn-san! I made it!" Toga leaped from the water, drenched but intact, a bag in hand as he waved toward the shore. He could smell the cooking of meat and another familiar scent.

"I brought some drinks and chi—Oooooi! Lumi-chan!"

wc: 350

- enter, Toga!


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Tue May 07, 2024 8:17 pm


It had been a long morning for Ittindi, he was sitting on a commercial boat serving the sailors different refreshments. A few would see his Rune Knight tattoo in small talk, and ask him questions while he did his round across the ship. Ittindi was polite as usual remarking that he was still serving and a captain, which was usually met with extreme surprise. The boat ride was worth it, he had recently received a Mana-Car custom model from one of his wealthier clients in Era. He planned on showing it off at the beach party he had been invited to today. A meeting he assumed had to do with his recent promotion, as the one sending it was a Major Saturn.  The real surprise was what Ittindi had underneath his tuxedo, he hadn’t worn his magical one today instead opting for a classic outfit with a surprise.

Ittindi did miss the ascot, he had sat down for a couple minutes when the captain came in over the intercom. Telling the passengers they had arrived, Ittindi would head down to the bay hoping in his car as he put the top down ready to enjoy the sun on Luluhawa island. This would be his first time here and he planned on enjoying himself. As he drove towards the beach, Ittindi would almost wreck twice seeing the beauty of the island. By the time he arrived at the beach, his eyes were on those in front of him. Ittindi was jamming to his music when he saw a comet burst from the sky straight towards where the beach party was at.

As Ittindi pulled up he saw that the comet hit the water instead, and emerging from the depths was Colonel Tōga. Well his entrance was definitely more impressive than Ittindi’s as he pulled up top down with his car. He’d unbuckle turning the music off while hearing Colonel Tōga greet who he supposed was Major Saturn. To his surprise there was another guest Lady Lumikki, it seemed that she knew all of those gathered today.

Major Saturn would have on an interesting apron, which Ittindi assumed was hyperbole. He’d wave at everyone as he approached in his Tuxedo and gave a small bow as he greeted everyone.

”Captain Ittindi Amali a pleasure to meet you Major Saturn. It’s always nice to see you two as well Colonel Tōga and Lady Lumikki”

Now that trap laid Ittindi waited knowing that someone would activate it. Who would be the first? That was the real fun of the situation all the ideas the possibilities well they weren’t endless there were only 3 of them there, but still Ittindi and Naki savored the suspense.


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Wed May 08, 2024 4:57 am

Saturn had grown used to the various birds that would accompany one of his closest friends and almost like a sister to him. So the fact that there were ravens and the like that were taking the fallen food didn’t really bother him too much. If any were so bold to approach him he’d reward them with strips directly from the grill after they had been cooked a bit. No one left out right?

When Lumikki finally appeared and spoke saturn perked up almost immediately; the quick hug well… quickly turned into one where he gave her a big ol bear hug even going so far as to lift her off the ground.

Lumikki! I’m glad you could make it! And eheh… Yeah I thought it was best to wake up a little bit, did a little more poking around regarding it too. Ah… Maybe not as much as I should be, but there are some things that could definitely be put in that manner. You like it? I embroidered it myself. Took ages though cause I kept poking myself with the needle. And sure! I’ve got the cooking down to ‘pat’ as they say; though I could use more snacks and probably a few more tables…

He’d let out a soft laugh and his ears slowly turned forward as though he was excited, almost forgetting his disguise as he realized they looked a bit odd doing so. Hearing that there was a sweet drink out of the bunch, he’d inspect it after a moment and help himself to the first glass.

You know me all too well, do you have any requests for cooking-

The spectacular entrance of Toga cut off what he had to say, standing there both spatula and drink in hand; blinking owlishly at the plume of water that was the approaching comet of what you’d consider his ‘superior’. He didn’t really view anyone in the rune knights as his superior other than kon. Most knights probably wouldn’t appreciate the lacking of professionalism from the known “demi-god”. Toga was as cheerful as ever and it had been quite some time since he had seen him. He’d grin ear to ear and have to put his spatula down next to the grill one hand open wide and extended in an offer for a shake or hug whichever the human dragonslayer wished in this case.

Toga I’m glad you could make it! The table over there should have a good few bowls to use for the chips and I think there’s a few good spots for drinks depending on the type…

The last to arrive was the rather professional captain ittindi, of the three knights here he was of the lowest rank but saturn knew that often more than not rank meant nothing in terms of prowess and experience. Of the two, ittindi was more experienced and should have been saturn’s senior a dozen times over. Like with toga, he'd offer a hand for either shake or hug, though he figured that it'd likely be the former given the outfit that ittindi was wearing.

Ittindi! It’s good to see you! And meet you. Pity that we couldn’t meet earlier but that doesn’t stop us from wasting the moment!

There was a distinct lack of professionalism from the “demi-god” he didn’t really do formal stuff all too well even though that he had been sent to deal with nobles time and time again. The purple eyes of his disguise however was curiously inspecting the two that he hadn’t either seen before or hadn’t seen in a long time. There were bound to be stories and inevitably his eyes was drawn to the vehicle that ittindi had come in.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a contraption like that before, is that something new?

Curiosity plagued his voice and he almost took a step towards it before having to jump back on the grill; one side of these batch of burgers would be a little overcooked but that wouldn’t diminish their taste he hoped…


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Fri May 10, 2024 9:32 pm


Lumi shouldn't be as surprised as she was that Saturn took to lifting her up in a bear hug. He was the loveable and soft sort. Still being raised from the ground without her expectations left her with widened eyes and slight confusion. All of which she laughed off soon after touching base back on the ground. From which, she sauntered to the shade." Down pat?" she inquired, she wasn't familiar with the phrase. " I'll let ye know about the requests when they come pup,"

Lumikki dipped her hand back into her void and now pulled out a key. Turning it in air conjured three of her servants, all in light but Icebergan dress. They stood still, but their personalities were still evident from their posture. One appeared relaxed, one particularly elegant, and the last curious of his surroundings. All of which vary in appearance and name. Lumi dug into the void one last time, now counting some jewels before passing a good amount off to the one most elegant, as he was the more sensible and responsible of the bunch. He'd bow lightly before taking the funds and waiting for his mistress' direction, which Lumi would off after a bit of thought.

" Alvis love, could ye take these two with ye and buy me some tables, chips, fruits, and sodas? Whatever ye think is good will do, just come back promptly." Alvis would nod, heading back to where he figured the markets to be while the other two would follow. " Lead 'em over," she'd call to the ravens so that the trip would be made faster. But as Lumikki looked up to note her ravens for the task, she noticed the flaming streak racing through the sky. It hardly took her by surprise, though she'd turn toward it in case of a chance of a massive splash of water.

" Greetings lads!" She'd exclaim. It was convenient that the two would arrive one after the other. Though of the pair, it would be Ittindi that prompted the most of her interest. " Aren't ye hot in that attire Ittindi, I could make ya some chill to soothe ya." Her eyes would dart to the contraption and back to him, " That's an impressive mana car ye got there, would ya take me for a ride in a bit? Haven't driven one around since those jobs I got dragged into in Lagaar."

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Sat May 11, 2024 12:50 pm

Toga’s arrival was heralded by his signature wide smile, brightening his entire face with enthusiasm. His teeth gleamed and his eyes squinted in mirth. "You all look well!" he called out, still radiating heat from his fiery magic as he emerged from the ocean. His body warmed itself, evaporating the saltwater that had clung to him, making his dramatic entrance all the more theatrical. His landing, though less graceful than he’d like, was dynamic and chaotic, a reminder that he was still getting used to navigating the skies with his birdman’s cape alongside his fire dragon slayer magic. With time, he knew he'd refine his landings, but for now, he was content to have made it.

Lumikki, the ice demon and queen-like figure from Iceberg, stood nearby. Toga was glad to see her, feeling a rush of warmth for the friend he admired for her strength, wit, and infectious cheer. Their first meeting had been on this island months ago, yet it felt like both an eternity and a heartbeat. He greeted her with a smile and then turned to Saturn, the demi-god he’d met at the Rune Knight base, who appeared happier than Toga had seen him before. Saturn’s transformation to a more humanoid form was intriguing, but his familiar smile and scent were unmistakable. Though he looked different, Toga knew it was still his friend standing there.

Then, with predictable flair, the last member of their gathering arrived, and Toga's smile broadened further. "Ooooi, Ittindi-san! Welcome and—" he began, before abruptly cutting off, his brown eyes widening at the sight of the extravagant vehicle behind the Rune Knight. "Is that yours?!" he exclaimed, leaping from his position and moving closer to the Mana-car, a name Lumikki had given it. Toga didn’t quite know what to call it, but he was captivated by its gleaming beauty. Shiny and magnificent, the Mana-car sparked his curiosity, and he couldn't resist the urge to inspect it up close.

The vehicle’s sleek design drew him in, the polished exterior catching and reflecting the sunlight. Toga marveled at its craftsmanship, his fingers grazing its surface as he circled it. "I’ve never seen one like this before," he said in awe, his enthusiasm bubbling over. "It looks incredible! Can we take it for a spin?" He looked at Ittindi expectantly, eager to see the vehicle in action, his imagination already racing with the possibilities.

wc: 400 [750]


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Sat May 11, 2024 8:30 pm

Lady Lumikki would be the one to activate Ittindi’s trap card, while Ittindi was a stoic that didn’t take away from his humor even if he didn’t always laugh. He was wearing a rip away tuxedo, it was something that they’d wear to servant parties. Underneath he was wearing swim shorts with a black and white pattern. He had spent hours going around different shops in his mana car finding a pair he liked before he had got on the boat. Ultimately, being drawn in by the pattern Ittindi had to admit he was pastier than he imagined. Wearing a full suit all the time would do that. He would tuck his clothes under his armpit as he heard Colonel Tōga ask if they could go for a spin, the car fitted 4 with him driving so it wouldn’t be a problem. However, Ittindi was hungry, the sailor’s chef was scratching his nether areas in sight of Ittindi then went straight into the kitchen. He hadn’t eaten since yesterday. Didn’t seem like they’d be going by rank, Ittindi never understood those that disregarded It, but far from him to question it at a party.

”Mr. Tōga I’ll take you and Lady Lumikki possibly Sir Saturn after a burger, It smells great.”

Ittindi’s time in “Lagaar” had been a half full situation, on one hand he had spent a decent amount of time on a job with the Young Master. On the other hand, it ended with him losing his magic and gaining a demon’s soul. Naki chimed in saying that it was a prize sought after by the greatest warriors across the world. Ittindi still sighed at the thought of him being remembered as a warrior instead of a butler. While Naki chuckled off into the recess of his mind content enough with his recent antics to let him have a day. After a pause he would look over at Colonel Tōga and say.

” I’m going to go throw my suit in there if you want to see what the inside looks like Mr. Tōga. It was a gift from a family I tend to in Era they miss me since I’ve been up north I think I will be returning to central soon though I think I’ll travel to visit another guild probably east; it’s been interesting seeing how they act as quasi guardians of the city. I was also invited to see a lovely garden in Mangolia and one can never stop working on their horticulture skills.”

Gardening was a hobby of Ittindi’s, especially with his new office, he had filled it with a variety of plants from the local area. He didn’t have a personal residence to build a motif to countries like Lady Judith.  He’d take Colonel Tōga to the car and show him the inside. It was a very efficient weave of wool for the interior, at least that’s what the manual he kept in the glovebox of the car said. Ittindi would pop the trunk and fold his clothes place them down and close the trunk. He’d see if Colonel Tōga had any questions answer them and then move down to Major Saturn grill waiting to eat.



Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Sun May 12, 2024 2:05 pm

Perhaps he should have asked her if it was okay to lift her up like that; the widening of the eyes and his rather over enthusiastic nature was likely something that’d put her at odds. Either that or maybe she just was expecting just the hug part. Though with the laugh he figured that she didn’t mind so much. Rubbing at the back of his neck his grin manifested itself in this form a little more naturally than when he had first tried.

Oh uh, ‘understood’ or something along that line. I don’t understand it, some child explained it to me and it seemed to make sense at the time.

There was an easy snicker that came out of him and the demon spun the spatula in his hand, nodding when the other let him know that she’d let him know when she wanted something. With her pulling out that key and summoning out a trio of servants mild surprise worked its way onto his features and he’d lean this way or that.

I didn’t know you could do that…

Saturn hummed a bit and was thankful that lumikki was familiar enough with the two that he didn’t need to introduce them or even worry about her. Why was he worried for her anyways? Saturn hummed thoughtfully and grinned at toga; he was always so full of passion and life. It made him happy to see.

Good to see you toga, you haven’t change a bit! Maybe in rank but I can still sense that warmth from you that’s unmistakable.

Saturn nodded a few times and gave toga a soft nudge to the side; he was happy to see his friend even if it had been ages. So long in fact that he wondered how much toga had grown since they last met. He certainly knew he had grown without a doubt.

We’ll have to play more catch up when we can, there’s a lot that’s happened I want to show you.

Saturn perked up a bit as Ittindi requested a burger from him, it wasn’t hard for him to finish given how many he was cooking at once. Though he’d need to swap out the spatula; dropping it in thin air only for the spatula to vanish through a little slip in the veil of space before tugging another out. He seemed to have some sort of storage elsewhere too but probably to a lesser degree he figured to anyone else.

One burger comin right up Ittindi. Your suit looks really good, do you use the same tailor out of the rune knights? Lil ol guy with a bunch of grey hair and cheerful yet equally grey?

Saturn perked a bit when the two moved to the car. Though he’d have to stay by the grill for the moment; couldn’t leave the burgers behind now could he! He hummed a thoughtful little tune and let his magic slip into it. The notes were vibrant and lovely; he might be a demon but he was still full of so much love it was incredible.

Mm, I had sent out some more invitations but a lot of the people couldn’t come. A pity really but I think this is a good amount of folks for a friendly get together. Too noisy if it gets anymore yanno?

He’d spin the spatula in his hand, though there was a point where he almost dropped it but the moment it seemed to fall out from his hand it’d just snap back into place like a magnet had yanked it there.

I don’t have a car like you do ittindi, but I do have a drake of sorts. I think they're called wyverns? Did you always have this car or was it a newer venture?


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Wed May 15, 2024 9:19 pm


A trap it was indeed, as Lumikki did not expect it in the slightest. Ittindi ripping off his suit in one seamless move put her in such confusion that couldn’t speak. Eventually a boisterous laugh escaped her lips alleviating her bewilderment. As now she was only entranced in the funny gesture. ” Ye always had peculiar way of making me chuckle, but no one’s ever made me laugh quite like this. Osmond, make it two! Ima go and prepare the drinks.” Lumikki left Ittindi to tuck away his clothes and show Tōga the car, instead taking a seat by her bottles of wine and pouring herself and Saturn a glass.

Meanwhile, he would entertain her as he twirled his spatula and played with his magic. ” Never thought I’d see ye this happy and full of life, maybe cooking suits ya. Toast some bread for me will ye? And add cheese and onions of the meat…wait Osmond, ever had an egg in yer burger before? I swear its delicious.”

lol why not, her swimsuit:

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 3:45 pm

Tōga's exclamation cut through the air with infectious enthusiasm as he greeted his old acquaintance. "Saturn-san! You haven’t changed too much at all, as well!" he declared, his words bubbling over with a warmth that might have puzzled Saturn. The last time Tōga had laid eyes on Saturn, he had been a formidable figure, a striking hybrid of human and bull with sallow-colored fur enveloping his massive frame. Although Saturn's outward form had since morphed into something less imposing, Tōga 's comment was a nod to the unaltered core of the man—the indomitable spirit and the hearty personality that had always defined him.

The reunion was tinged with the excitement of nostalgia and new adventures. "Oh, Ittindi-san! Let’s go look!" Tōga roared, the animation in his face amplifying as he envisioned the interior of Ittindi’s latest acquisition. His smile widened in anticipation, reflecting his genuine eagerness to delve into the details of his friend's new ride.

Tōga 's life had diverged paths with these friends, each pursuing their separate destinies until this serendipitous gathering on the island for a beach party. It was a remarkable twist of fate, and Tōga was determined to make the most of this reunion. His first catch-up session would be with Ittindi, a friend and a butler whose company he deeply enjoyed, and naturally, a thorough inspection of Ittindi’s new vehicle.

"How fast does it go? You have to let me drive it one day," Tōga joked, a devilish chuckle escaping him as his eyes roamed appreciatively over the vehicle's interior. The meticulous craftsmanship was evident—from the elaborate metalwork to the luxurious textiles that adorned the cabin, every detail screamed opulence. It was clear that considerable wealth had been invested into making this vehicle a fitting tribute to its owner. "Ittindi-san, receiving this as a gift makes you a lucky man indeed," Tōga remarked, his tone mixing admiration with a hint of envy.

As their conversation flowed, Tōga 's attention momentarily shifted back to Saturn, a practical need surfacing amid the festivities. "Oh, and Saturn-san! Can I have three burgers with everything on them, please?" he asked, politeness threading through his request as his stomach audibly agreed with the idea. "It was a long flight here, and I’m starvin’."

wx: 400 [1150]


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Mon May 20, 2024 3:06 pm

“I use a variety of tailors, there are so many suits and styles out there. I’m going to have to find a magical outfit that can copy styles it’s my only regret about this magical tuxedo. A true Butler knows what is needed for every setting, I love the outfit cute sash!”

Ittindi would say to Major Saturn & Lady Lumikki before he and Colonel Tōga walked away. Ittindi would be smiling at Tōga and Lady Lumikki’s excitement, he couldn’t recall he last time he had sat down and relaxed. It was probably with Tōga and his Young Master at that festival months ago.

”Well as the world’s greatest butler I expect my services are always a welcomed surprise. In a world of networking, pure passion is only appreciated after services are rendered. You know I’m not sure how to measure the speed, but you’re welcome to drive it anytime. Though I’ll have to be there I’ve been cursed to seek thrills, I’m sure that would be one I wouldn’t want to miss Mr. Tōga.”

After they walked back to the grill, everyone was putting in their orders with Major Saturn. Ittindi would walk back over asking one of Lady Lumikki’s servants for a glass of wine. While waiting for that he’d go back to Major Saturn to finish their conversation from earlier. The sun was perfect for his pale skin, it felt so warming in a nice way he knew he’d have to be careful after eating to not succumb to a spontaneous nap.

”Well Sir Saturn, I actually received it just a couple weeks ago. The novelty of it hasn’t worn off yet. It’ll just be another tool to becoming the greatest butler, now I can travel between countries at three times the speed.”

Ittindi would chuckle as Lady Lumiki asked about eggs on their burger. He had experienced it for the first time in Joya, that visit he had still been a member of Sleeping Calamity. Now his tongue seemed lighter and brighter with he Ankh shining on his tongue.  He’d peer out in the sea enjoying the sounds of friendship and waves, it reminded him of his earlier days as a butler when he was more popular.


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Wed May 22, 2024 5:57 pm

The laugh that left lumi wasn’t one he was expecting, ears perked and he’d glance at her. It was easy to forget what kind of culture she came from and the way that they expressed their amusement. Something that maybe someone on the quieter or a bit more passive would have trouble dealing with. Thankfully he had been working on the passive bit for quite some time, managing to give a big grin and bobbing his head in a nod to their order.

Two burgers coming right up, shouldn’t be long~ And all right! I could use some, cooking makes me thirsty. Thank you.

Saturn chuckled softly; he was enjoying himself but maybe it was the energy that such an event brought more than the cooking. Though he had to admit that he enjoyed being able to do so for more than one person. He’d pause and toss on some bread at her request, adding the cheese after a bit and then onion meat to the side. Only pausing after her question, having to swap out some of the patties.

I’ve never put an egg on a burger before no, I didn’t know that was a thing people did! I didn’t think to bring eggs. Most… Uh stuff on other parts of the burger. I suppose that I’m just enjoying the party a bit, though I admit that I do like cooking a lot. Feels nice. Kinda like I’m doing the right thing even without knowing it. If that makes sense.

Saturn twirled his spatula again, pondering the addition of eggs and the other variables to burgers. Wondering what other sorts of things people added and what he could try to add after a wee bit. Maybe experimenting was best left to when he wasn’t serving others so he could make sure that he was paying extra close attention! He’d ponder something for a moment and tilt his head to one side.

Where did you get your swimsuit? It’s cute.

Saturn’s grin quickly returned as toga declared that he hadn’t changed much; that could be taken a myriad of ways due to the fact that saturn had indeed changed a lot since their last meet. But at the core he was still a very friendly and loving individual. Saturn adjusted slightly, still fussing over the burgers at this point and having to add on three burgers next to both ittindi’s order and lumi’s. He’d have to dish them up separately of course to make sure that they were not over cooked.

I’d say the same to you Toga, you’re still very bright. It’s good to see that.

Saturn pondered somewhat at how the young man managed to fly the whole way here. He had never tried something like that and nothing near that long. The bouts of flying he had done had been part of his younger interactions with lumi and trying to force himself to fly by hopping off of the rune knight headquarter’s rooftops.

I don’t know how you can manage to fly that long, every time I do it’s always in short bursts. Like gravity doesn’t want to let me go!

Saturn’s mirth was evident, a few too many craters in the ground and a few too many guards spooked at the impact of him on the paved streets of fiore. Though his body had gotten considerably tougher than when they first met he had no doubt that toga was still the stronger one when it came to that regard.

I’d bet if anything, the best place to look for a suit like that or outfit that can swap like that is likely the markets in central or somewhere more exclusive. Money talks and custom orders might be your best bet Ittindi.

Though he wasn’t sure how much of his suggestion would be heard, given he was now making sure that lumikki’s burger wasn’t going to be too toasted. He’d ponder what he overheard and made sure to bounce back. Now scooping up a bit of drink from the glass that lumikki had poured for him earlier. Ears standing nearly straight up and his tail perked.

You weren’t wrong on liking sweeter, this is delicious Aurora. What’s it called?

His purple eyes burned brightly and he seemed excited. With ittindi leading the conversation to the vehicle again he had to wonder how frequently these sort of things made motions into creation. This was the first time seeing a mana car but he had been on several mana airships. Fundamentally different if he was to be honest… since one had to manage the ‘road of the world’ while the other had to adhere to strict landmass.

That’s certainly not very long if at all. I bet you’ll make good use of it, though with it being a mana car… does that mean it runs off of personal mana or some kind of mana tank?

He’d cock his head to one side, now dishing up toga’s burgers once they were ready. A little bit of everything as he asked before he put on his own. He liked his on the simpler side and didn’t mind if they weren’t entirely cooked all the way through. A little bit bloody, most of his steaks would be cooked that way too… something on that part had changed a bit as before he preferred his steaks well done which now felt like an affront to nature itself.

I’m just glad that I could get this put together for everyone, everyone’s always so busy or having to do so much…


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Fri May 24, 2024 7:26 am


” Hmmm, this? I like to shop around so I found it in a one of those shops within the Orchidia markets. I liked it cause of the black and the details but the shop keeper also insisted it suits me. After putting it on, I couldn’t agree more.” She’d take another deep sip of her wine as she watched Saturn as he cooked. The other two were returning from the mana car and settling in and Lumi would be happy to observe Ittindi partaking in some of the wine.

” I’d argue too bright. We already suffer the sun…but I’d say ye should get a real set of wings too! Can hardly be an imposing dragon without some.”” Her face was in a cheeky leer as she teased Tōga for her entertainment. It wasn’t often seeing him within a crowd of people she knew, really, meeting them all in a group felt odd but charging. As if a few facets of herself were merging into one.

” Huh, what do ye mean ya don’t know how he does it? Either way, its not all that hard to fly for a while, but depending on the size, it could get tiring…” She nodded along to Saturn’s comment on getting things custom, there were interesting magics out there so one to switch the appearance of his suit shouldn’t be so far fetched. Lumikki. Held out her arms,” I’ve gotten used to wear shadows meself, it helps since I tend to shift in form. Huh, oh so ye liked it! Good, good, it was a kind I found in me time in Joya. It’s called Choya from what I recall. I bought a lot on me visit there.” Though Lumikki would go silent from there as now she was too occupied with eating her burger.

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Fri May 31, 2024 6:59 pm

Toga's smile was warm as Saturn reciprocated his kind words, commenting on how little he seemed to have changed. "Somethings change, and some don’t," Toga replied, his voice a mixture of cryptic wisdom and bubbling enthusiasm. Reflecting on his journey, he considered the myriad of challenges that had shaped his path. Rising through the ranks from a private in the Rune Knights to his current status as a Colonel had not been a smooth ride. He had battled deities, confronted mages, and faced warriors whose power dwarfed his own. Yet, Toga embraced each experience, the good and the bad; every trial was a stepping stone that had led him to this moment, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

And pfft! I had to fly! That motion sickness I get when I take boats and stuff isn’t worth the travel anymore, hahaha,” he chuckled, sharing a bit of his personal plight that plagued many dragon slayers. Traveling by conventional means often triggered a crippling motion sickness in them, a malady that was both debilitating and challenging to manage. Now, with his considerable growth in power and the acquisition of his Birdsman’s Cape, Toga found freedom in the skies. Flying had become as natural to him as it was to the majestic dragons that had once trained him. There was no going back to the nausea-inducing alternatives of the past.

Awww, Lumi-chan! We all need a little sunshine,” Toga teased, playfully sticking out his tongue and laughing as Lumikki remarked on his inherent brightness—both in spirit and literal luminance. The dragon slayer and the ice demoness, despite their contrasting personalities, ideals, and elemental powers, shared an unexpectedly harmonious friendship. It was a curious and delightful dynamic; opposites indeed attracted, a phenomenon as old as nature itself. She was the embodiment of icy calm, and he was a blaze of fiery passion. Together, they balanced each other out, their interactions weaving a tapestry of warm camaraderie that neither ice nor fire could unravel.

Though, having my own set of wings like yours, Lumi-chan, could be just as cool as that nice ride Ittindi-san has, minus the motion sickness, of course,” he mused aloud. This lighthearted banter not only highlighted the unique bond between Toga and Lumikki but also illustrated how Toga's life, filled with supernatural battles and fantastical travels, still grounded him in moments of genuine connection. He was surrounded by some of the people he held closest. That’s all anyone could ask for, and well a burger, too.

wc: 434 [1584]


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 9:45 am

They all spoke casually about flying, Ittindi couldn’t imagine it, he had ideas when he had thread magic. The idea of swinging and using his momentum to have a pseudo flying if there was something to climb. He had managed to summon chains with one of his new spells, maybe he could do something similar with chains. Part of the problem was that with thread he wouldn’t do damage to the buildings, with chains he’d leave marks. To deteriorate the beauty of others for his own selfishness, something felt wrong to Ittindi. He’d have to find another way to perform aerials, if all his stronger peers handled it so easily. Major Saturn would mention that he could get another magical suit in Era most likely a custom job.

”Yes, I’ve had my eye on a particular necklace, but after that I have to start saving for another custom suit. They get to ludicrous amounts once you want them enchanted to be able to take some damage. The man who sold me this one said that one day its magic would wear out, but I’m hoping to get a couple more months out of this.  Yeah the car itself runs on mana, but since it’s meant for regular people the drain feels like nothing to mages.”

He couldn’t imagine how much debt he was about to go into, Ittindi had even considered a loan the other day. Instead, he had decided to return to Era to take a couple of more lucrative jobs than he could find out north. That way he could start saving again, then after his necklace and suit were bought it’d be time to save for Lady Lumikki’s and his Young Master’s gift.  Ittindi had been surprised how much mana he could feed into the car, on straight ways he had learned to pick up quite the speed before he got close to the red indicator for the engine.

He’d take another sip as Lady Lumikki spoke about where the wine was from, it did have a good taste sweet but Ittindi of course preferred the dry that was expected at higher stratum functions. He was also surprised to hear that Colonel Tōga got motion sickness. Their talk about transportation also gave Ittindi another idea. He should learn how to drive his mana car and shoot, that would help boost his clear rate. Though the thought of repairs for a custom machine, gave Ittindi’s wallet another panic attack.

”It is nice to see everyone, I wasn’t aware we all knew each other. Though it worries me Lady Lumikki your guild isn’t planning a heist while we’re all distracted here right.”

Ittindi would say the last part jokingly, he knew that if Lady Lumikki wanted to she could dispose of all 3 of them not with ease, but he was sure it’d be possible. Paradise Dawn had been quiet for so long, after witnessing Brone’s and her power the other day explained the Councils fear of the guild.  Soon a burger would expel all these ideas away as Ittindi found food far more interesting than Guild or World Politics.


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:14 pm

I’ll have to go and check out Orchidia sometime, wonder if they have something in my size. I’d like to agree with the shopkeep, it does suit you. Though I don’t think I’d wear something like that.

Saturn chuckled softly as he continued to work the grill; the demon pondered lightly if humans could actually get wings like dragons or if they were something that should be magically induced? That was an interesting sentiment and maybe of the two toga would figure it out. The cheeky teasing went right over saturn’s head and he thought she was being legitimate about it.

Maybe I just need to practice more on flying then, Stretch a muscle I didn’t know I had.

Saturn was thankful that lumikki was so well traveled; from joya to sin, to Orchidia. Where hadn’t she been? He’d have to tickle her brain about it later. Saturn grinned wide at the name of the wine, he’d pull out a little notepad from his pocket. Writing down while his spatula just hovered in the air the name of the wine and it’s home.

I’m going to have to go and pick myself a bottle or twelve thanks to you Lumikki~ Maybe I should practice with my magic, might be a little harder for me to make things fit though. Maybe should study some fabric first too hmm… And yeah! It was hard not to like; you know I like sweet things.

So toga got motion sickness? He didn’t know that; saturn blinked a little and folded his arms. Pondering over this and had to wonder if it was just a personal thing. Did he get motion sickness? No? Traveling on boats and the skies were easy even if it wasn’t under his own power.

Did you always have motion sickness toga? And true! It’s good to see that sort of thing; the change I mean yeah. Uh.

Saturn laughed a bit; passing onto him the burgers that he had asked for. It wasn’t difficult to serve this many people; hell the drinks made it easy and the weather even easier. He did have to wonder where this brightness from toga came from; was it a natural thing? Something that he learned over time? He wanted to know more about the other dragonslayer.

Sunshine and shadow; two halves of the same and yet you two get along so well haha.

Saturn chuckled softly and his ears flicked as Ittindi led the conversation to a necklace. Saturn cocked his head to one side; inviting the butler to share. He was curious regarding the item and further yet he was saving for another custom suit. With the information regarding the car available… maybe he’d get one.

Mmm. What Necklace? And a suit huh? How many suits do you have? Maybe I should get a car like this. Though I’d feel bad about my wyvern. He’s such a friendly fella.

Saturn mulled over it and would pass ittindi his request next; the man was probably hungry. And like any good chef he’d serve himself up last. Thankfully he didn’t have to worry about the same effects as the others. He liked his fairly plain; cheese and some lettuce with some ketchup. Easy. Though he’d make sure the grill wasn’t smoldering too much as he didn’t want to start a fire.

Well I met toga in the first few weeks of being in the rune knights and Lumikki I met here on the island gosh what feels like forever ago. I never met you but I heard about you so I thought sending an invitation was warranted! There were others I swear I could have sent some stuff to but I guess they never made it or they were busy.

Saturn sighed a little bit; there were probably a many different things that could have gone wrong. With the spatula now placed firmly back into it’s holster and the demon took a seat, adjusting and fiddling with his apron so that it wouldn’t get dirty he’d neatly fold it and place it on the table. His burger now in front of him and the wine off to one side. Humming a bit he’d wonder…

I don’t think that Aurora would do that sort of thing; too nice of a day for that.

Saturn let out a laugh, gently spinning his tail around one of his fingers before letting it go back to its own natural behavior. The demon appearing demi-god was still in a very good mood and was certainly enjoying his time with the folks here. Though just how long could this sort of party last without some sort of hiccup? Hopefully forever!


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 3:05 am


Lumikki would sprout her four wings in a jest to hammer the point of how she had her own. Eventually so would he, but it was more fun to relish in the superiority now. They curved around her comfortably as she leaned back, one fanning her while it cooled the air to alleviate the dry heat. ”Quite the drawback~” She stuck out her tongue too as childish games weren’t beneath her.

“Huh! I suppose we do get along quite well considering how much of a pain fire is, but I don’t get where he gets all the sunshine from.” Lumikki took a deep sip of drink, finshing her serving and holding out her hand for another. To which one of her servants kindly complied.

”Huh…a heist? No one told me about one though that’s not our usual work. They’d know better than to not slide me a cut as it wouldn’t take long for me ravens to tattle on ‘em…” Lumikki was mostly joking but she also wasn’t. How rude would it be to not be in the know or get something for their rowdy nonsense. Well, it was all a mess really. “Osmond the burger’s pretty good~ I want another after.” She’d glance at Tōga’s batch and squint in thought. “Couldn’t ye just eat the flames?” Though she was mostly joking as now was a good time to tease. ‘Ye know, I’m surprised ye came Ittindi, but it’s real nice having ya.”

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:49 am

"Absolutely!" Toga's laughter echoed through the clearing, a warm symphony tinged with a hint of self-deprecation. "Boat, car, train, even a rickety wagon pulled by a grumpy ox...you name it, I'll probably lose my lunch on it." He winced inwardly, recalling the countless nautical escapades with Lumikki that had tested his fortitude – and his stomach. Those turbulent voyages through treacherous storms and choppy seas had almost sidelined him from crucial battles, but with a bit of quick thinking and a whole lot of willpower, he'd always managed to rally, his fiery spirit undeterred by the queasiness that plagued him.

"I'm surprised you're immune, Saturn-san," Toga remarked, his voice laced with curiosity and a touch of envy. "Isn't motion sickness a common affliction among dragon slayers? Or am I misremembering our previous adventure? You are a slayer right? We solved that mystery?"

A wave of gratitude washed over him as Saturn presented him with a pair of sizzling burgers, their tantalizing aroma, a symphony of spices and succulent meat, teased his senses, and his smile broadened into a grin that could rival the sun itself. "Thank you so much!" he exclaimed, bowing his head in appreciation, his manners as impeccable as his appetite. With a childlike glee, he turned his attention to the feast before him, a new mission taking precedence over conversation: devour!

He took a massive bite, savoring the explosion of flavors and textures that danced upon his tongue. The warmth of the freshly baked buns, the juicy tenderness of the patty, the crispness of the lettuce and tomato – it was a culinary masterpiece, a symphony of taste and aroma that transported him to a realm of pure bliss. A sigh of pure contentment escaped his lips as he swallowed, already anticipating the next delectable morsel.

Before he could embark on his second burger, Lumikki's playful remark about his fire-eating abilities caught his attention, a spark of amusement igniting in his eyes. "Oh, the barbecue embers would definitely add a unique flavor!" Toga exclaimed, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "Perhaps, after I've had my fill of these burgers, I could offer my services as a fire extinguisher. After all, waste not, want not!" He chuckled, imagining the spectacle of a dragon slayer devouring flames with the same gusto he applied to his meal.

wc: 396 [1980]


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 2:55 pm

Major Saturn had asked Ittindi possibly the most difficult question in his life. Who counted how many suits they had? It was like asking a queen how many shoes she owned. Why count something when no number would ever be enough? 107 was the rough estimate last time Ittindi counted. Though he had less time to model them since acquiring this magical suit. He had a couple of ideas on how to solve that on his next iteration, but it would be very costly all the same.

”Hmm, I do enjoy it but animals can be a better companion than most so I can see the hesitation. I use to have a cat growing up myself, I think about getting another pet some days. As for suits I think I have a modest collection around 107 I think?”

He’d finish speaking to Saturn while the conversation continued to churn, Lady Lumikki commenting on if there were a hypothetical heist she’d be upset as she wasn’t made aware. It probably was a surprise that Ittindi had decided to show up, he had been relatively quiet in the Rune Knights in his entrance. The recent change of his life expectancy had triggered a need to rush his plans, discard some entirely. Not something that anyone was keen to admit, so Ittindi would just smile at the nice part of the sentiment.

It still took Ittindi by surprise that most dragon slayers got motion sickness. He wondered what in the magic caused such a strange reaction even more surprising was that he mentioned casually that Major Saturn was also a dragonslayer. Ittindi really needed to study up on his superiors, or at least spar with them to be more aware of their abilities.

At least with such rare magics, Ittindi wouldn’t be too judged harshly when his new magic was discovered. He still hadn’t reported it anywhere, as far as most knew Ittindi was still a thread mage. Before he could think more about it, Major Saturn offered him a burger and the smell erased all thoughts from his mind. Taking the plate Ittindi knew that this was one of the time’s his disciple was being tested.

He wanted to grab the burger and take a huge bite, but even in appropriate swimwear it would bee seen as uncouth to eat a hamburger with one’s hands. He’d pull out an engraved utensil kit, it had been a gift from his Head Butler on his first job as one. Then he’d take a second, Lady Lumikki’s mind powers would see it but for the others it was just a brief pause. Ittindi always prayed before a meal, though he didn’t do it as formally as others, not wanting to force tradition on others. He’d slowly cut a piece of the hamburger and take a bite.

Either Major Saturn was a better cook than Ittindi assumed, or he was a lot hungrier than he first thought. He’d cut up another piece and would quickly eat around half of the burger before stopping to look around to see where the conversation was at. Even worse Ittindi barely had his elbow to his mouth for cover when he let out a small burp for eating so fast.

”Excuse me.”


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:23 am

Saturn was puzzled in regard to the sensations of motion sickness. He couldn’t imagine getting sick from something moving with him on it; seeing Lumikki fan herself with the wings he wondered if maybe one of his other states would be more comfortable in the heat but didn’t want to take away from the meeting just flipping through them. Saturn chuckled at the mention of the ‘sunshine’.

I think fire and sun go hand in hand. If he wasn’t already a fire dragonslayer he’d be a sun dragonslayer I bet!

Saturn chuckled a little bit and with lumikki asking him for another one afterwards. He’d nod his head a few times; he’d have to get back to it once he was done with his. He didn’t eat nearly as much as the others could probably. Even if he was on the smaller side at the moment.

Want another one the same way then?

Saturn’s attention was drawn back to Toga as he brought up the motion sickness; rubbing at the back of his neck and the dragonslayer’s expression shifted slightly. He was… After all something that didn’t make sense to a lot of people. A demon from outside of the earthlands grasp yet within the realm of creation that was also a dragonslayer… a very strange dragonslayer.

I am. Uh. No longer just a simple darkness dragonslayer I’m afraid. I think it’s common when it comes to being a human type dragonslayer Toga. Maybe it’s because of my nature that saves me from it. Either that or motion sickness simply forgot to affect me.

Saturn let out an amused chuckle; bowing his head back to toga as he gave him the burgers. He was happy that toga and lumikki seemed to enjoy his cooking. Eating flames was strange to him still and he knew personally that he could only consume one element still.

I’ve never seen someone really eat flames before outside of the flame dancers here…

Hearing the amount of suits that ittindi had floored saturn. He’d look down at his clothing and gave it a small tug. He only had a handful of outfits and only one big one that he kept in his ‘truer’ states. The demon was a bit surprised anyone could have that many honestly.

That’s a lot of suits. I only have a handful of outfits myself. Maybe three for this size? And then one for big me.

Saturn felt like it was ideal to share that before standing up; he had finished his food very quickly and then chuckled a bit when ittindi tore into his burger and had that little burp. Either he was hungry or the burgers were hitting the spot. Knowing he’d likely get asked for more from the other two and he felt like having another himself he’d put on some more burgers…

Mm. You know I wonder what other kinds of things we could do with our music if we weren’t part of the guilds we are. What sort of lives we’d be living. I’d like to think I’d be a musician performing for people somewhere. What about you all?


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:04 am


”Aye, the same way! Hmm didn’t think ye had a pet before, but a cat is one of the better choices. I heard of a breed called a ‘Tuxedo cat’. Could probably suit ye and yer modest collection~” Lumikki chuckled at her jest and went for another bite. She was quite entertained.

”Huh a musician performing everywhere? What’s stopping it from doing that right now? Shouldn’t yer dream be more grand? Something ye can’t do with the life ya have now. Hmmmm but as for me…..Maybe I’d dedicate me time to studying and archiving myth and legends. I’d even bother traveling to places to uncover more.” Lumikki sat back and gave her answer some more thought. Even she wasn’t quite sure what she would do. Perhaps there was never a choice for her. Guild or not, she was a Daemon and that painted her options. Outside of her home life, it was hard to say if she would have been treated as kindly as she was. And so Lumikki was grateful for the life she already had.

Around this time, her servants returned from the trip to the shop. Bringing snacks like chips and sodas. They placed all the chips and sweets on the table, and brought the drinks by the wines so that Lumikki could chill them all. ”Thanks loves, feel free to enjoy the sun a bit if ye like.” She’d summon the rest and instruct them to do the same. Most went out to the waters to relax, but Alvis would choose to stay by her side. Sitting next to the Demoness and pouring her another cup of wine.

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:51 am

Tōga's brow furrowed, a quizzical expression dancing upon his features. Saturn's revelation, while straightforward, had left him utterly bewildered. "Forgotten you?" he echoed, tilting his head like a curious bird. "I haven't encountered many fellow Dragon Slayers, nor have I been in a situation where motion sickness seemed to affect them. It's always been... a given, hasn't it?"

Dragon Slayers were a rare breed, their magic both coveted and feared, making them subjects of intense scrutiny and fascination. Tōga couldn't help but sigh inwardly, acknowledging the irony that others likely understood the nuances of his magic better than he did. They were, in a sense, living experiments, their every strength and weakness meticulously cataloged.

Yet, Saturn defied the norm, an anomaly amongst their kind. A Dragon Slayer immune to the dreaded motion sickness? It was unheard of. "Consider yourself lucky, Saturn-san," Tōga remarked, a playful grin spreading across his face. He clapped a friendly hand on Saturn's back. "Sometimes I wish it didn't plague me so, but I suppose it's part of our... general charm."

Ever the optimist, Tōga always sought the silver lining, even in the most inconvenient of circumstances. Life, he believed, unfolded as it should, for reasons beyond his comprehension.

Lumikki's and Saturn's simple wishes and dreams resonated with him, a kindred spirit drawn to the allure of the open road. "If I weren't a Knight or tied to any guild," Tōga mused, "I'd probably be doing much the same. Exploring, wandering, seeing all that this world has to offer before I off and died somewhere."

The wanderlust in him was insatiable, an unyielding yearning for new horizons. Whether as a Rune Knight or a nomadic adventurer, Tōga was determined to leave his mark on the world, one step at a time.

How about you, Ittindi-san?
[347 [2327]


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 9:00 pm

Ittindi was listening to Major Saturn passively while still fully absorbed in his burger. It seemed that most dragonslayers suffered from motion sickness according to Colonel Tōga but Major Saturn didn’t seem to suffer from the same affliction. As he hinted at his origins, Ittindi was curious on what Major Saturn’s origins were. Probably not the best question to ask someone on their first official meeting. So, he’d hold his curiosity now, chuckling at Lady Lumikki’s joke. His first cat had not been a tuxedo as perfect as that would have been. Instead, he was black as midnight, considered an unlucky creature Ittindi felt nothing but love and luck from him. The thought almost brought a tear to his eye, but he had cried all that sadness away when burying him. Then in the following couple months, it was one of the ultimate tests of his stoicism, he had to find time to cry at night and wake up early in the morning. That way after he cried he could reduce his puffiness with a hot towel, it wouldn’t do to ever look anything but the best for the job.

Speaking of which Major Saturn posed an interesting question what they would be doing if they weren’t in their current guilds. The thought was a terrifying one for him, as he listened to everyone’s response he had a choice. Did he share his truth with these comrades, or did he continue his butler façade? He had revealed much to Colonel Tōga on their night out drinking and smashing pinatas in that festival. Similarly for Lady Lumikki, Major Saturn interest had little to do with the Rune Knights. What would be the harm?

”Hmm, I’m afraid that’d I be in a much worse position without the Rune Knights accepting me. You see I use to be a criminal of sorts while serving different Masters, that was part of what made me decide to be a butler for the people. I of course have left that all behind me and the Rune Knights were gracious enough to forgive my past transgressions. “

Ittindi would finish speaking then take another bite of his burger, then when there was another pause or lull in the conversation he’d ask Major Saturn a question.

”Do you have any music from your home you remember Major Saturn? I’d love to hear it sometime even if you are out of practice. Music can be a pathway to one’s soul and I’m interested what yours sounds like.”


Beach Party [Lumikki, Ittindi, Toga] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 6:42 am

Nothing really I’d suppose. And not every dream needs to start off grand does it? But maybe I’ll try to think of something else sometime, maybe in the distant future I can fuss with it.

Lumikki had a good point regarding his choice of a dream of what he could do outside of the knights. Saturn tapped his chin thoughtfully; she’d spend time studying and archiving? That seemed fitting to him; she was the sort that was curious beyond belief wasn’t she? Saturn’s eyes danced over to the servants returning all those snacks and the like, he’d lean a bit to check those sodas out. He hadn’t really drank one before; thanking them with a few bobs of the head.

Maybe you could study a bit next time you’re near a library, couldn’t hurt!

Which library? Well it might have been a bit too on the nose for him to say in central but he’d happily give her a little nudge on the shoulder from it. Flicking his ears and the demon paused; looking to toga with a small chuckle.

Oh. Forgotten Dragonslayer is what I’m told the magic is. Making a pun without someone being in the loop. Erm.

Saturn paused; was it wise to share what he had developed into now? He wasn’t certain. It was already obvious he wasn’t human and after a few moments; knowing that they were trusted instances he’d at least allude to the fact he wasn’t.

I think a lot of dragonslayers are normally human, so perhaps it’s just a mixture of dragonslayers and human species. Perhaps I have another kind of sickness. Only time will tell!

Saturn bobbed his head a few times; grinning at the idea of him being lucky. They just didn’t know what he had yet! Knowing that toga had to deal with it explained the whole flight bit. He had to wonder… did that extend to natural beings like wyverns or worgs?

Do you get motion sickness when you ride on beasts?

Saturn felt that clap on his back, turning slightly and smirking. It was clear he shared the idea of being lucky; or at the very least entertained it. Hearing that he would be exploring and wandering the land made sense to him. Toga was probably someone with a deep adventurer spirit and he was curious if he’d still be a dragonslayer if they hadn’t been a part of the knights. Perhaps he’d be something more of a blademaster? Saturn’s eyes flicked over to ittindi as toga led to him. Surprise etched his features at hearing that ittindi had once been a criminal of sorts! Saturn felt the words fall out of his mouth before he could even think.

But you’re so nice? I could hardly imagine you as one even in the past.

Then came the question that he wasn’t expecting; music that he remembered from his home? Saturn stood there for a few long moments, his eyes slowly going skyward and he’d rub at the back of his neck. Music and magic were the same thing where he came from. His breath eased out and there was a low hum on par with his words.

Where I come from music and magic are the same thing. A way of… life and being. There’s not much way of communication out there without it; you sing your songs out in space and hope that someone feels it. I don’t so much… remember. My home as I remember my music. The stuff I was playing before I was dragged down into earthland as a demi-god.

Saturn held up one of his hands, a seal of purple and golden light spinning up. It was a softer melody; a simple tied emotion. There was laces of love, contentment, happiness and friendship. It was all genuine and right from the heart. Though it was fainter than he’d like as it was overshadowed with something ominous in the background causing saturn to stop. A slight flick of his wrist and a furrowing of the brows.

Though if you mean instrumentally? I’m… not the best still. But I’m learning.

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