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Share in Fire [Zeno]

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Share in Fire [Zeno] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:42 am

The relentless cogs of political machinations within his organization had ground down Tōga's spirit. A man of action, a seeker of thrills and uncharted territories, he found the civic obligations of his rank a stifling burden. The departure of General Kon, the ascension of Saturn, and the ensuing turbulence had left him feeling drained and disillusioned.

The constant shuttling between Era and far-flung corners of the world had taken its toll. Tōga craved a respite, a chance to reconnect with the joy that had been extinguished beneath a mountain of responsibilities.

Luluhawa Island beckoned, a familiar haven of tranquility. A swift voyage across the azure expanse brought him back to its sun-kissed shores, where he longed to lose himself in the embrace of nature's serenity. He would reconnect with old acquaintances and immerse himself in the vibrant local culture later. For now, he sought solitude, a chance to recharge his weary soul.

Making his way to a secluded stretch of beach, he unfurled a blanket on the soft sand and laid his belongings aside, the weight of his twin swords a comforting presence even in repose. As the world faded into a gentle hum, a serene smile graced his lips.

He stretched out, allowing the warmth of the sun to seep into his bones, a contented sigh escaping his lips. The tranquility of his surroundings was a balm to his frayed nerves, a much-needed respite from the chaos that had consumed his life.

But the serenity was short-lived. A new aroma, carried on the gentle breeze, piqued his senses, a subtle intrusion into his private oasis.

"Huh?" Tōga's mismatched eyes snapped open, scanning the horizon with a newfound alertness. "Someone's coming."

The idyllic scene was momentarily disrupted, a ripple of anticipation coursing through him. Who would venture to this secluded corner of paradise? Was it a friend, a foe, or simply a curious wanderer drawn by the island's allure?

As the footsteps drew closer, Tōga's hand instinctively drifted towards his swords, a reflexive gesture born of years spent honing his warrior instincts. Yet, there was no fear in his gaze, only a flicker of curiosity.

Whoever this newcomer was, they were about to share in Tōga's refuge, a momentary respite from the tumult of the world. And perhaps, in the shared silence of this sun-drenched beach, a new adventure would begin, a chance encounter that would spark a flame of camaraderie and reignite the dragon slayer's passion for life.

wc: 434


Share in Fire [Zeno] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:09 pm

The perilous undertaking of many missions assigned to him by the winter court ran the youthful man ragged. In addition to his constant search for what he desired most, an immense amount of weight strained his mind. Once having the reflection of an earnest man, now he has that of a crumbling one, who knew not much joy but only accomplishments in his own right. Plagued with hardships from adolescence, he took solace in this life that he could not control, as it was all he had known. He hoped one day he could tell the stories of his journey to the one he holds most dear, praying he could witness their radiant smile for the first time.

His weary soul guided him to a place of rest, where he would rekindle the fire within his undying soul, giving him the strength to conquer any storm that thwarts him. Even with his body beaten, and his mind strained, the man finds himself always moving forward and fully composed as if life shined brighter than the sun.

Zeno found himself standing on the shores of Luluhawa island, a paradise said by many. The warmth from the intense sun was like a blanket enveloping him from that of Helios himself. Joining in unison with this warming sensation surrounding him was a refreshing gentle breeze coming off the oceanfront. A flurry of comfortable sensations wrapped around Zeno as if to lull him to sleep, but he would not let his tiredness win him over, nor would he rest there. He marched forward and traversed the secluded beach to enjoy the solitude that put him at peace.

Deciding to see if he was truly alone, he channeled the mana of the sidhe within him, making his eyes glow vibrantly with an amber and red aura. While his fae eyes are active, it allows him to see the souls of anybody in the surrounding area. As he continued aimlessly wandering the beach, symptoms of dehydration started to make themselves apparent from the long trip under the sun. He reached into his backpack to take a long sip of water from his canteen to quench his thirst and revitalize his body. A few moments later, after feeling refreshed, Zeno spotted a faint reddish-orange aura emitting in the distance. “Hmm…seems I have company…”

He heads closer to the aura, seeing it grow more vivid and clear compared to before. Curious to whom it may belong, he spotted a young man lying on a cloth in the sand surrounded by items. Not knowing the nature of this man, Zeno carefully trod over to the man and gave a friendly shout. “Hey there!”

WC: 446


Share in Fire [Zeno] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:38 pm

Tōga's grip on the hilt of Zangetsu relaxed as he rose from his sandy preserve. A heightened olfactory sense had alerted him to an approaching presence, but the air remained sweet with the scent of sea salt and sun-warmed flora. There was no hint of malice, no reason to brace for an attack. This was affirmed by a cheerful voice that grew louder as its owner emerged from the morning haze.

"Oh," Tōga murmured, his heterochromatic eyes adjusting to the sunlight as he took in the newcomer's form. A figure wreathed in vibrant hues, hair as dark as midnight cascading down their back, approached with an infectious enthusiasm.

"Hi!!!!" Tōga echoed, his voice mirroring the newcomer's ebullient tone. A moment ago, his instincts had been primed for combat, but now he found himself easing back into a seated position, a playful grin replacing his initial wariness.

"Sorry! I thought the beach was deserted," he offered, a mixture of sheepishness and curiosity in his expression. He took in the stranger's bronze skin, their hair flowing like a silken banner in the breeze, a cascade of chestnut hues shimmering in the morning light.

"But it's for everyone, so I shouldn't be hogging it, hahaha." Rising to his full height, Tōga stretched out a hand in greeting, his mismatched eyes sparkling with warmth.

"I'm Tōga. Nice to meet ya!"

The tension that had momentarily gripped the air dissipated like mist before the rising sun. The dragon slayer's initial apprehension gave way to a burgeoning sense of camaraderie. There was an undeniable charm to this stranger, a vibrancy that seemed to radiate from their very being.

Perhaps this chance encounter was a stroke of serendipity, a reminder that even in solitude, connection could be found. As Tōga awaited the stranger's response, he couldn't help but feel a flicker of excitement, a spark of anticipation for the untold adventures that might lie ahead.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting long shadows that danced upon the sand. The rhythmic lull of the waves provided a soothing backdrop to this unexpected meeting.

wc: 366 [800]


Share in Fire [Zeno] Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:51 pm

“Nice to meet you Toga, my name is Zeno, it's a delight to meet a soul who also shares a fiery spirit” He exchanged greetings with the young man by reaching his hand out to shake his hand firmly while wearing a bright big smile. “No need for apologies!, It is surprising to see the beach this empty though, especially on such a summer feeling day” he scratched the back of his head with his free hand while looking around, only being met with sand and a few palm trees in the distance.

Letting go of Toga's hand, he proceeded to take a step backwards "Oh, where are my manners? Would you mind if you joined you resting here? I had a long trip and felt ready to faint” He drops his black backpack into the sand and squats down, unzipping it to pull out a large canteen filled with water. Zeno took a long drink from the canteen, restoring the vitality he had lost from the immense heat and long journey on an empty stomach. His body is like a plant sucking up water with its roots. With the feeling of exhaustion cleansed from his body, he stares off to the sea watching the waves crash down, shifty effortlessly and endlessly. Mesmerized by the flow of the water as it reminded him of the ebbs and flow that came to him when practicing his magic.

“Hey Toga, how is it when fighting with a sword? Do you feel like the calmness of the sea before a storm? Or the rushing currents that pull and push everything in its path? I have never wielded a weapon before, so I am curious about your experience.” Zeno asks with a calm voice as he conjures several green wisps that turn into flaming butterflies from the palm of his hand. Raising his hand as if to send them off, fluttering towards the sea in front of him, bouncing about without an ounce of care or thought.

WC 333[779]


Share in Fire [Zeno] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:20 am

"Nice to meet ya, Zeno-san!" Tōga's greeting overflowed with the warmth and respect ingrained in his Joyan upbringing. Every syllable resonated with the vibrant cadence of his homeland as he eagerly clasped Zeno's outstretched hand. A hearty shake and a playful wag later, the two Dragon Slayers broke their contact, leaving behind an afterglow of camaraderie.

"Indeed, it's quite serene here, isn't it?" Tōga gestured expansively toward the ocean, where the rhythmic dance of the waves kissed the sandy shore. He admired the natural calligraphy of the jagged rock formations that punctuated the coastline, their contours allowing the sea to weave in and out in an enchanting, perpetual dance. "This part of the beach is a hidden gem, really. Away from the clamor of parties and the bustling crowd that frequents the other side," he explained, his voice carrying a note of fondness for the quieter alcove they found themselves in. His time on Luluhawa Island had woven into his being a deep appreciation for its culture and idiosyncrasies, making him feel almost like a local, embedded within its vibrant community.

When Zeno settled beside him on the blanket and inquired about his swordsmanship, Tōga's expression shifted to one of thoughtful contemplation. "Hmm, good question," he mused, his gaze drifting to the twin blades resting nearby. A sheepish grin spread across his face as he grappled with how to articulate his journey as a swordsman. "It's a bit of a mystery, to be honest. I'm still very much on the path of discovery when it comes to wielding these blades. You know what they say—actions speak louder than words."

"Here, why don't you try one?" Tōga proposed, his eyes lighting up with a spontaneous idea. He offered one of his swords to Zeno, an invitation to test the weight and feel of the weapon. "Let's have a friendly spar. It might give you a better sense of it, and hey, you can share your perspective with me!" His tone was encouraging, laced with excitement at the prospect of learning from the exchange and deepening their newfound acquaintance through the timeless dance of duelists.

This spontaneous invitation was quintessential Tōga—always ready to transform a moment of curiosity into an opportunity for shared experience and mutual discovery. It spoke volumes about his character: his openness to feedback, his eagerness to learn, and his innate ability to forge connections through shared activities.

wc: 419 [1219]


Share in Fire [Zeno] Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 7:25 pm

The encounter with the young man was turning out to be more of a fruitful one than Zeno had anticipated. With it being only just them two on the beach, it helped make things feel more comfortable, as crowds would tend to make him feel very irritated and reserved. This was his first time visiting a beach in this state, a true paradise for the fae who would spend their blissful free time in the lush greens of Fiore. As he and Toga continued their conversation, he awaited the response to the question asked patiently.

Hearing Toga mention he was pursuing a path of discovery intrigued Zeno and made him wonder where his journey would take him and what he would find. Does a path with such an unclear destination ever end? Will it feel like a waste of time if he dies without feeling like he has completed his journey? These were the questions he thought about but would not dare ask the young man as he felt it would ruin the cheerful atmosphere established. Zeno never sought anything like self-discovery, as he was raised to follow the orders of the winter court. The only thing he pursues is freedom and discovering his sister’s whereabouts. Maybe in itself, this was a form of self-discovery, but he could not be sure as it was a confusing concept to grasp. What lies ahead once he finds his sister now looms in his head. At the end of his response to Zeno's question, Toga would make an interesting proposition.

Toga proffered that Zeno use one of his dual blades in a duel, which was a surprising yet generous response. This sincere act would indeed be the most efficient way to experience swordplay and dive into another custom shared among the people of the land. “Hmmm, trying my hand at the art known to be swordsmanship…I accept” Zeno said happily before drifting deep into thought again. Trapped in his vivid imagination, he pictured how it would be to wield a sword as he had little weapon experience in the past. He had seen countless matches in the arena of different weapon users but never used one himself in actual battle. His weapon training only came in the form of defense. “This beach will make a remarkable training ground for a first-time experience like this, is certain. So tell me more about this blade. it seems to be the counterpart, no?”

Reaching out his hand to grab hold of the blade handle that Toga presented to him. Raising it to the sky, examining its fine details, and adapting to the weight of it. His eyes shifted towards the sea when it made a large splash. Watching the waves pushing and pulling endlessly as he slowly aimed the sword toward the water as if cutting it in half. Thoughts of his times in the arena surfaced in his mind, lighting the flames of excitement in him once more. Zeno stood up and properly held the weapon, ready to commence a sparring session with the young man known as Toga.

WC 519
TWC 1298


Share in Fire [Zeno] Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 6:41 am

The joy that radiated from Tōga upon Zeno's acceptance of his sparring offer was palpable, transcending mere happiness. His smile blossomed, stretching from ear to ear, revealing a gleaming array of teeth punctuated by elongated canines—a reminder of his draconic heritage.

"Thanks! I think we're going to learn a lot from one another in this duel," Tōga exclaimed, his words brimming with unbridled enthusiasm. For him, this moment was more than a simple exchange of blows; it was a bridge to his cultural roots. In Joya, his homeland, the art of swordsmanship was as integral to daily life as breathing. The symbiosis between forging, blacksmithing, and wielding the blade was as natural and rhythmic as the celestial dance of sun and moon, as essential as the interplay of warmth and breeze that caressed the land. To truly understand the katana was to grasp the very essence of Joyan identity—a profound connection Tōga yearned to forge.

With reverence, Tōga lifted one of his prized weapons. "Here, this is Rengoku's Kimetsu," he explained, extending the tiger-striped katana to Zeno, hilt-first. "Exercise caution—its edge is razor-sharp, and it harbors an innate affinity for fire." He deliberately omitted mentioning the blade's supernatural efficacy against nocturnal creatures, deeming it unnecessary information for their friendly bout.

"I'll wield this one—Zangetsu," Tōga announced, hoisting the imposing black cleaver overhead before resting its blunt edge on his shoulder. "Zangetsu was my first weapon, with Rengoku following as my second. Typically, I use them in tandem, but this single-handed practice will prove valuable." As he spoke, Tōga pivoted, creating a ten-meter gulf between himself and Zeno before facing his sparring partner once more.

"Zeno, the opening move is yours!" Tōga declared, his posture a blend of relaxed readiness and eager anticipation.

In this moment, the beach transformed into an arena of cultural exchange and martial artistry. The rhythmic lapping of waves against the shore provided a melodic backdrop to their impending duel, while the salt-laden breeze carried whispers of ancient traditions and modern aspirations. For Tōga, this wasn't merely about honing his combat skills; it was a pilgrimage of sorts, a quest to honor his heritage while carving out his own unique path. Each swing of the blade, each step in the sand, would be a brushstroke in the masterpiece of his identity—a fusion of Joyan tradition and his own draconic nature.

As he stood poised for battle, Tōga felt the weight of generations past resting upon his shoulders. The legacy of countless Joyan swordsmen seemed to flow through Zangetsu, merging with his own strength and spirit. This duel with Zeno wasn't just a test of skill; it was an opportunity to breathe life into the teachings of his ancestors, to make tangible the abstract concepts of honor, discipline, and artistry that defined Joyan swordsmanship.

As he awaited Zeno's first move, Tōga's senses sharpened, attuned to every subtle shift in the environment. The grains of sand beneath his feet, the play of sunlight on Zangetsu's obsidian surface, the distant cry of seabirds—all melded into a tapestry of awareness that centered him in the present moment. Having moved to where they were now separated by 10 meters, the dragon slayer eagerly awaited Zeno’s first move.

wc: 552 [1771]
Combat Log:


Share in Fire [Zeno] Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 4:06 pm

“Rengoku Kimetsu…what a magnificent beauty you are. I wonder how well I will resonate with this blade” His attention shifted to the long ebony-colored blade Toga lifted from his side and placed it over his shoulder. “Zangetsu, another fine blade, with rather interesting names. Something more to remember them by” intrigued by these not so ordinary looking swords, Zeno had a feeling this man was powerful and these weapons of his were quite special in fact.

“How fitting to receive a fire elemental weapon, Rengoku kimetsu, and I shall synchronize perfectly” He swung the sword enthusiastically, slicing and stabbing the air, acclimating to the essence and feeling of the blade. Making a couple more slicing and chopping motions, green mix with red fire began emitting from the blade. With one final swing in the air, the embers disperse. “Hmmm, swords feel relatively good to wield, I must say, Toga, my friend.”

Noticing an arena materialized from beneath caught Zeno off guard, leaving him flabbergasted. He squats down and knocks off the floor, the once sandy terrain had completely changed, he thought. “I had no idea this beach had magical properties to it, this truly is a perfect location for sparring” Seeing such an event unfold suddenly made Zeno feel giddy and curious about the beach.

After a few minutes of inspecting the arena, he took a long inhale, he held his breath before slowly exhaling all of his jitters away. Lasering his focus on the man before him, Zeno's serious concentrated look washed out the smiling and happy expression he wore just moments ago. “Let us begin'' He took up an iai stance, firmly holding the handle of Kimetsu while charging forward low to the ground. Closing the gap between them quickly before slowly drawing the sword from its sheath as a feint action.

Upon reaching a difference of 1 meter from Toga, Zeno decided to dart to the left, passing him by roughly a few centimeters while still holding the hilt of the sword with his right hand and the sheath with his left. Stomping his right foot onto the ground and pivoting his crouched body to face Toga, Zeno unleashes the sword from the sheath, performing a horizontal slice at the man's left flank. Letting out a deep exhale upon swinging Kimetsu. His muscles ranging from his shoulders down to his fingers all tightened up along with his legs and chest in that moment.

WC 408

Combat Log:


Share in Fire [Zeno] Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 1:43 pm

The sand beneath their feet served as the stage for an impromptu ballet of blades as Tōga observed Zeno wield Rengoku’s Kimetsu with a natural grace. The Joyan weapons, Zangetsu and Rengoku’s Kimetsu, were not merely tools of combat but extensions of Tōga's heritage—a heritage rich in the lore of a land where the line between the mystical and the mundane was as thin as the blade of a katana. Each weapon held a story, etched into their very metal; Zangetsu, forged from a meteorite, bore the weight of celestial mysteries, while Rengoku’s Kimetsu, designed for vanquishing darkness, whispered tales of ancient battles against malevolent spirits.

As Zeno swung the tiger-striped katana, a small ember danced along the blade, catching the light and Tōga’s appreciative eye. “That Kimetsu is a fire user's dream; no wonder it resonates with you,” Tōga chuckled, his voice a blend of camaraderie and pride. The ember’s flicker was like a nod of approval from the weapon itself, recognizing a worthy handler.

Zeno’s stance, deeply rooted in the traditions of Joya, spoke of a disciplined approach to the martial arts, one that Tōga recognized and respected profoundly. “Impressive stance—feels like you’ve wandered the halls of Joyan dojos,” Tōga remarked with a playful smirk, as he adjusted his grip on Zangetsu, feeling the familiar coolness of the black steel against his palm.

With the ocean’s breeze as their chorus, Zeno initiated their dance, his movements embodying the swiftness of a summer gale sweeping across the shore. He advanced with a precision that belied the casual setting of their sparring, his form a blur against the backdrop of the sprawling beach.

Tōga responded in kind, his body pivoting gracefully on the balls of his feet, his movements synchronized with the rhythm of the duel. As Zeno’s blade sought to carve a path through the air towards him, Tōga’s Zangetsu rose in a swift, defensive arc, the sound of clashing steel punctuating their exchange. The flat of his blade met Kimetsu's edge, a testament to Tōga’s quick reflexes and keen eye.

Capitalizing on the brief moment of contact, Tōga exerted a push against Kimetsu, aiming to disrupt Zeno’s balance and reclaim the flow of the encounter. With a fluid motion, he maneuvered Zangetsu horizontally, targeting a gentle yet firm strike with the blunt side of his blade toward Zeno’s midsection. If his maneuver succeeded, it would not only test Zeno's recovery skills but also remind him of the playful yet earnest nature of their spar.

wc: 431 [2,202]
Combat Log:


Share in Fire [Zeno] Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 4:20 pm

The moment the two steel blades collided, a strong vibration was sent through the arms of Zeno, jolting up through all his joints and muscles from the fingertips to his shoulders. This caused his arms to loosen, then lock right back up. Such a sensation demonstrated a taste of just how strong and sturdy Toga and his blade are. It was as if Zeno struck a wall of iron. Both men's feet were planted firmly on the stainless tiles while a gust of wind blew between the deadlocked blades. The grinding sounds of blades chafing against one another played like music in Zeno’s ears as he looked Toga in the eyes.

The deadlock only lasted a few more seconds before a shift in the power balance between the two occurred. The fiery Dragon Slayer showed his hand, pushing his body and blade forward with a sudden burst of power, causing Zeno to be launched backwards. Using the momentum of being pushed back, he retreats by taking a few steps backwards on the ball of his feet. Once regaining his stance, he planted both feet firmly on the floor and bent his knees to a near squatting position. Zeno holds Kimetsu upward firmly as he notices Toga approaching, making his counterattack with a horizontal slash.

“It won't be that easy my friend!” Zeno shouted with a smirk on his face.

Shifting the sword and his body to the left, Zeno adjusts his grip and hand positioning on the handle of Kimetsu, placing his right hand underneath the hilt and his left as the base. Turning the blade to align with his right arm’s elbow as if it was an extension. Flames began to spark from the sword as Zeno began to swing the blade in upward motion to deflect Toga’s incoming horizontal slash. With a loud roar, Zeno exerts a bolstering amount of strength, causing a blaze of fire to erupt from the blade just as he swung it with full strength, knocking Toga’s blade upward, blocking his attack. Red flames swirl around like a dragon flying up to the sky.
With an intense stare, Zeno looks onward, not wasting any time. He goes straight on the offensive. With Toga’s attack being blocked and his stance returning to neutral, Zeno breathes in deeply. Stamping his right foot down onto the ground in front of him and quickly pulling the sword back into a quick draw stance. An explosive aura of fire forms around Zeno, slashing in front of him to let rip a large fiery dragon. It burst forward from the flaming aura surrounding him at breakneck speed, driving straight in the direction of Toga who was just a foot away.

WC 450
TWC 2156
Combat Log:


Share in Fire [Zeno] Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 9:44 am


The clash of blades set the stage for a spectacle of raw power and finesse. Tōga's initial strike sent Zeno stumbling backward, the disparity in their physical strength evident as the swordsman momentarily lost his footing. Yet, the dragon slayer was quick to capitalize on this advantage, propelling himself forward to seize the fleeting opportunity for a decisive follow-up strike. However, Zeno, far from defeated, summoned a defensive tactic Tōga knew all too well—the creation of a fiery barrier. The wall of flames, birthed from the depths of Rengoku's Kimetsu, roared to life between them. It was a clever maneuver, using Tōga's own affinity for fire against him, and it halted the pink-haired mage's advancing slash with a sizzling crackle.

What unfolded next was a dance of dragon fire. Zeno, not content to merely defend, reignited the flames of combat literally. With a flourish, the fiery dragon, a signature of Rengoku’s Kimetsu, spiraled forth. The magnificent beast of flame surged towards Tōga, its maw agape with a conflagration poised to consume him.

Tōga, a Fire Dragon Slayer by nature, could have easily absorbed the fiery assault, turning his foe’s attack into nourishment for his own power. Yet, this battle was as much about teaching as it was about testing limits. Opting against nullifying the attack, Tōga chose instead to meet it head-on, to show not just resilience but the unyielding spirit of a warrior. He plunged into the fiery dragon, his body slicing through the intense heat and flames that would have deterred any lesser being. To Tōga, the flames were a familiar embrace, a reminder of his elemental heritage that he bore proudly. As he pushed through the inferno, the flames licked at his skin, evidence to his resistance and endurance.

Emerging from the other side, the heat of the battle etched into his smoke-singed clothing, Tōga was a silhouette framed by the dissipating flames. Close enough now to see the determination in Zeno's eyes, he unleashed a horizontal strike1, swift and precise. The air crackled around him, superheated by his passage through the dragon's fire.

wc: 371 [2,573]
Combat Log:

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