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Ends in Ice [PPCS - Skating Rink]

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Ends in Ice [PPCS - Skating Rink] Empty Today at 12:43 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had cleaned himself from the water of the pool and he wasn’t alone. Hai had done the same and he was sure Toga had also done that. Still, with him cleaned and his clothes back on the group would make their way to their next destination. This place was where the Skating Rink was. Drakkon knew how to skate as he was there when Lumikki had created the ice rink in Paradise Dawn that day. He was a bit different back then and he had gotten the abilities of Toge when he fused with him.

This wasn’t a problem for him, and he was wondering if it was going to be a problem for everyone else. The Dragon Slayer moved through the area and he would see the people that were on the ice. It seemed like a lot of people from this place were enjoying this activity a lot. He didn’t blame them because it didn’t snow down here. This was a first, and he figured he could just enjoy his time here.

It would probably be the end of his fun here as he was going to go back home and train Carmina. The Devourer had to get his army strong. It was nice that he was strong, but if he was the only one, then did it matter?

“Toga I’m glad we hung out together. It’s enjoyable indeed; I know you said you really wouldn’t join me, but truly think about it. We can do so much together, but I know you have people to think about, so that’s okay.” He said to him as he just made it brief.

They didn't have to talk about it, but their time together was all that mattered in that small thing he said. Hai looked at the man of fire, and he wondered if Drakkon could really beat him or if would things end in their defeat. It was going to be interesting and he couldn’t wait for it now more than ever. When they got to the entrance of the skating rink, the person at the beginning would look at them.

“Welcome to the Divine Ice and Demonic Crystal. Here you can use our rental ice skates for the rink, but please secure your belongings as weapons are not allowed on the ice. We have lockers and such for you to secure them. Will you Ice skate with us today?” He said to them.

Drakkon nodded as he would be giving a wristband, and then Hai followed afterward. The two of them would move to the counter to get their skates.


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