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Isobele Kozilek ♫

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Isobele Kozilek ♫ Empty Today at 3:58 pm



Name: Isobele Kozilek

Age: 92 | Born August 8, X704

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Ethnicity, Father: Pergrande born-Vampire

Ethnicity, Mother: Caelish Nerach Vampire

Class: Spellhowler

Race: Nerach Vampire

Rank: D-Rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo: Left Outer Thigh, Indigo

Face: Acheron [Honkai Star Rail]


Height: 6'0"

Weight: 121 lb

Hair: Indigo

Eyes: Amethyst

Overall: Blessed in her physical attributes, Isobele possesses a beautiful figure, having a model-like figure with an almost supernatural allure of sorts. Pale skin combined with a clear complexion lending to what seems to an almost foreign, if not exotic, appeal. With a look lending to a more unconventional sort despite having seemingly naturally beautiful qualities, paired too with an impressive figure, it is far from uncommon for the young Isobele to garner not only second, but also third or even fourth glances of intrigue. Perhaps not surprising, having a toned frame that seems to perfectly compliment her above average-height. Her long, dark purple hair flows freely down, extending down her backside to her thighs while a fringe parting covers her left eye and frames her face. Too, explosive amethyst eyes cast an intense gaze that would melt the hearts and serve as a manner of seduction on their own.

Her typical outfit - a scattershot collection of garments gathered over time and having seldom little connection from one piece to another - is predominantly Joyan in look, design, and style. Included is a black, strappy top with a high neckline and intricate cutouts. The cutouts form a V-shape on her chest, attached to the high neckline that is a choker. She wears a white and purple jacket with long sleeves reminiscent of a kimono, along with an asymmetrical, long, flowing cape that is attached at her shoulders and drapes down her back. The cape has intricate black and purple designs. She also wears a High-waisted, black and purple shorts that are snug and form-fitting, as well as black boots and gloves. Her boot on the left reaches her thigh while the one on the right reaches below her knee. Much of her outfit is decorated in purple flames, and she also has a red and purple flame tattoo on her left thigh. A silver belt with a detailed buckle wraps around her waist, adding a utilitarian touch. She has various accessories that are chitinous in nature, including a purple shoulder guard, belt, and strap along her spine, as well as a chain around her left wrist.

Extra: Although they are often concealed, whenever Isobele is either stimulated, enraged, or otherwise in her own state of delusion, her Vampire fangs will become fully apparent.


Personality: It's difficult, admittedly, to accurately describe just what sort of person Isobele is. On the one hand, there is a sadness to her, one that seemingly is amplified by her upbringing, the circumstances surrounding her development - or lack of one depending on perspective - and simply the tragedy of her tale so far. Conversely too however, there is no shortage of disgust that one can find themselves feeling towards the woman too. While her life has been far from perfect, the imperfections and hardships faced find themselves at odds against her own sins and warped mind, lending to an overall beautiful, yet complicated mind.

Tailored to the duality of circumstances, Isobele's upbringing was very much that, a fortune of two vastly different developments, even for that of a Vampiric lineage like that of her own. Born the lone daughter to the a Vampire Lady amongst the fabled Nerach bloodline, Isobele found herself a young child of distinction and near nobility while also being subjected to an emotionally-crippling relationship with those of her own brood. Nowhere more was this felt and experienced firsthand than by that of her mother, to whom Isoboele possesses a horrifically-complicated relationship with.

Despite being nearly 100 years-old, Isobele possesses the worldly knowledge and societal intelligence of a young adult - having been left isolated and sheltered from the world for the majority of her lifetime. To this, Isobele finds herself afflicted by what could be thought of as social naivety, if not even shamefully so. Social cues, behaviors, her brain's ability to adequately process such mental faculties has been significantly skewed through the combination of the adoration of the family servant and thralls, the neglect and at times cruelty shown by her mother, and the broader isolation taking place over the near past century.

The tragedy of Isobele more than anything falls to the dynamic between her and her mother. Shortly after her birth, Isobele's father - a born Vampire - was felled, leaving her without a father and her mother - one of the few remaining Nerach Lords within Earthland - now a widow. While much too young to fully comprehend the ramifications of her father's death - now leaving her as the last Nerach Vampire within her Brood - the impact was doubly felt by her mother, the weight of which compounded by the natural grief that was felt by his passing. This led to her mother suffering what only could have been described as a complete mental break and bipolar episode which she to this name had yet to recover from.

Although tragic in its own regard, the true victim of her mother's insanity was Isobele by far. Early on, her mother was distant from her, if not at times dismissive of her existence, overcome by grief and sadness. In time, particularly around when Isobele matured into a young adult did their relationship permanently change. By this point, her mother had come to view her as more than just a daughter, but something instead far more complicated. As one of the last Nerach Vampires, Isobele was viewed in her mother's eye with a level of reverence, the last vampire of her Lineage barring a child by Isobele's conception. More though, she found herself viewed as a sort of surrogate of her father, a replacement within her mother's warped mind.

This began a wicked cycle in which her mother at times viewed her as her father, treating Isobele with the subservience that a wife would provide to her husband, extending even to that of carnal taboos. Likewise, her mother came to expect of Isobele the same sort of affection and care that would come a husband to their wife, taking great exception when such need was not met. The affection and expectation had a lasting impact on the young Isobele, having yet discovered her own sexual identity instead having it corrupted in a warped relationship that left Isobele as conflicted as it did fearful towards her mother. Particularly it was the sudden shift in personality within her mother, at times viewing Isobele as a lover, sometimes with unrequited passion and other times with an intense sense of isolation and projected neglect. Beyond these moments were also those in which she viewed Isobele with an unwavering sense of hatred and contempt, in part towards the actions which took place between them, sometimes simply for Isobele's mere existence.

The relationship that existed between Isobele and her mother left the young Vampire with an horribly warped view of not only the idea of a healthy relationship, but also the nature of sex itself. With both intertwined between moments of adoration and spite, the young Vampire has as much come to fear the idea of attraction whilst also wishing for something meaningful, yet leery of finding such comfort. Too, despite the cruel nature that her mother often displayed, Isobele found herself as much enthralled by the adoration and pleasure brought onto her to the point of her developing an inverted Oedipus complex, strongly attracted to older women.

Unlike the majority of Vampires that often tend to look at humans as little more than cattle, livestock to be drained of their blood, Isobele's perception of humanity is far more conflicted. Far from a stranger to the taste of human blood, Isobele often had the distinct luxury of feasting on thralls and other women often brought for her and her mother's entertainment. Outside of those encounters - and often at the insistence of her mother - Isobele has seldom, if not even, hunted on her own. Though she can smell and almost taste the blood within the air and the aroma that persists around humans she passes by, the idea of hunting and sating her hunger are simply too alien.

It would be wrong though to paint Isobele as an innocent soul. Whether inherited from her mother or developed amidst years of abuse, but in time Isobele seemed to develop her own manner of delusions. From voices in her head and memory lapses to violent dissociative breaks, these moments are all too fleeting yet resonant of the very violence and cruelty so often associated with vampires. Most concerning to Isobele are the moments that immediately follow these violent episodes where in which her presence of mind fails to return, instead being overtaken by her Vampiric subconscious. It is in these moments where the desire and willingness to feed overtake everything. Tied to this subconscious split, it is not uncommon for Isobele to regain her self, the taste of blood filling her throat, adorned upon her hands and face, leaving her terrified of just what happened.

But in that horror exists another that Isobele fails to properly understand yet. The slow, subconscious swaying of her morals and ideals towards the darker destiny, her Vampiric lineage, that would see her indulge and feast on the blood of all those before her. A notion that she would dismiss with all of her being, with each time that she experiences the taste of blood, knowingly or otherwise, a small part of her dies, only to be sacrificed for the part of her that has embraced her Nerach heritage and fate. With this descent, other parts of her persona inevitably change, the differences being subtle, hard for one to adequately pick apart or notice. At least until it is too late. These changes may be minor, inconsequential, while others may be far more impactful or noticeable, even perhaps having direct influence on her behaviors than being subtle.

  • The Wind: The weather and the world are much a foreign thing to Isobele, seldom balanced. While the dynamic of the sun and moon bring little worry to Isobele due to her Nerach bloodline, it is only with the wind that there is a true sense of fairness. Vampire, Nerach, or one of those who live their lives in the daylight, the wind views all of them equally, blesses them equally. As someone split between those who who by the day and those that live by the night, it's welcome to be accepted by something of the world.
  • Blood: An addictive tonic that for as much as her will seeks to deny it, it simply exists like a perpetual drug that she wishes for just a bit more of. Unable to erase the biological makeup of her person, Isobele finds herself seduced to the scent and sight of blood like that of an insect to a fly, helpless to resist the indulgence that comes with it.
  • Her Mother: For as much as Isobele may find the actions of her mother heinous, everything that she had afflicted upon her worthy of utter contempt, it will not change the fact that she is her mother. She was the woman who gave birth to her, who gave her the gift of her Nerach ancestry. And she was her first lover, with a closeness to her that she unlikely would be able to experience in other relationships moving forward. It leaves her torn, while at times wanting to hear news of her mother's passing, as much wanting her to return to her and feel her touch once again.

  • Mass Panic: Although Isobele can handle herself within a crowded environment decently enough, that capability ceases once a moment of panic sets forth within the people. One person's fear - whatever it may be - incites another towards dread and then another. In no time at all, suddenly the situation has spiraled out of control; any sense of safety is evaporated away, and inevitably someone will end up hurt. Worse even, injuries that occur in these kind of situations tend to be the ones that spill blood.
  • Wetness: Isobele seldom experienced the rain throughout much of her life until recent, such that both experiencing it and the physical sensation of it still leave her unnerved. It's not only the destructive power of the rain - the ability that it possesses in ceasing all activity in the given area - but also the physical feeling upon Isobele's skin. The texture of the rain, particularly that of the weight and feeling that it her wet hair carries, leaves her feeling unwell, sickly even.
  • Her Mother: There are two truths to how Isobele regards her mother. While at times she views her as a lover that she wishes to return to, often times she equally views her as a betrayer, one who lost all rights to claim herself as a mother, or Isobele as a daughter. Whatever once existed between them, whatever bond could have persisted between the two stand as nothing more than kindling, the remains of a lifeline long since burned to nothing.

  • Discovering Herself: Having lived for nearly a century, Isobele still does not know much of herself. Her dreams, her goals, her aspirations, her vision of her future, all of it are unknowns that she never gave much thought to before. Now on her own, no longer shackled under the control of her mother, Isobele hopes to find her own way, figuring out her destiny on her own terms.
  • Finding Finality with Her Mother: Although she hopes to find her own way and create her own destiny, there is a shadow that Isobele knows shrouds over whatever road she walks; the fate of her and her mother. Though she longs for peace, a chance to salvage some sort of a relationship between the two of them, there is a part of Isobele that knows that their future may alternatively lead to conflict between the two. It's an outcome that she hopes does not come to reality, but regardless of how fate leads them along she knows that there must be a resolution.

  • Being Alone in the World: For nearly a century, Isobele lived under the safety and comfort of her mother's coven, the rest of Earthland a thing of ignorance to her. The challenges and hardships that exist, particularly for a Vampire, were non-issues for her; her safety was always assured, her comfort never denied, food always made available, and no shortage of blood at her disposal should she want it. All of those luxuries are gone now with Isobele now on her own. It's a complete break from the past century and such a drastic change, and the circumstances surrounding it, leave her admittedly terrified of what may be next for her.
  • Witch Hunters: "Beware the Witch Hunters for they will see you as nothing more than a beast to be put down." As a Vampire, Isobele was raised with the constant reminder of the type of threats that she must be mindful that exist. No threat was greater emphasized to her than those of the Hunters, Witch Hunters in particular. Humans and humanoid-like races that have forsaken their legacies and decrees in favor of pursuing those like Isobele. For those with such dedication and no doubt experience, that she may run afoul with those is a terror that exists perpetually within her mind, keeping her leery.


Strength: 11

Speed: 6

Constitution: 6

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 1


Magic Name: Lightning Dragon Slayer

Magic Element: Lightning

Magic Enhancement: -

Magic Description: What is the description of your magic? Please do note that your magic may not be similar to that of a magic on the List of Banned Magics or to one in the shop. In case you wish to get a magic with a gimmick, you may purchase on later on in the shop with an element that matches yours. For now, you will have a basic elemental magic.


History: The Nerach, they are beyond what most Vampires are. They exist beyond the realm and restraints that our world confine the nightwalkers to. They are the reason that even now we must look at the accursed race as such a dire threat, a single bloodline that has kept a race at the forefront of the fears of Earthland.

That is the story told of the Nerach, the fabled mantra of horror that is relayed throughout, as much an alluring call for those that seek out such power as a rallying cry to unite those that seek out to eradicate such creatures. Though somewhat exaggerated, like any legend there is some degree of truth in what is spoken, the Nerach bloodline having been eradicated and reduced now only to that of a reclusive few that have disappeared throughout the remainder of Earthland. Yet, in spite of their isolation the Nerach have continued to exist, their bloodlines having persisted and in some cases thrived, their broods growing as the centuries have carried on, their existence as much a singular dream that all Vampires and Vampires-to-be hope to achieve.

Most will never come to realize such a dream.

Many will be felled or otherwise wither away before they realize such ambitions.

Few perhaps will come close.

But even for the most accomplished, the ones most likely to succeed, their fate and survival come at the mercy of the Nerach themselves.

Ekaterina Kozilek. Brood Mother. Lady of the Nerach. The Scourge of Caelum. Few have inspired such an aggressive amount of pilgrimages among the Vampires, only for the overwhelming majority to have their efforts end in them becoming the feast themselves. Of those who survive the trials, that manage to prove themselves worthy, they find themselves blessed with an opportunity greater than anything that one can imagine.

To the females that survive the trials of Kozilek, the honor of a place amongst the Lady's Brood is their reward.

To the males, the opportunity to continue the Kozilek name, the Nerach lineage. The chance to sire a child with the Lady herelf. A glorious opportunity, there is seldom a greater honor for those whom find themselves afflicted or blessed by Vampirism, to help rebuild the greatest coven that the Earthland had ever witnessed.

Despite such the prestige and honor that one would come to bask in, having such an opportunity, seldom does it ever yield true. Over the course of nearly two centuries, the Brood Mother fostered yet a single child with an otherwise unremarkable Vampire that hailed from the Principalities of Pergrande.

A daughter, of whom this story heralds, born of the name Isobele.

"My daughter, my child, the extension of my body... My blood... My legacy... I shall gift you everything the world possesses. Never shall you fear the world, but I see it bow to you. My Brood is yours, now and forever. Their blood is yours to feast, their prey is yours to foremost dine on. Until my passing, I will see you rise to the greatest of heights in our family's name."

An innocent child of pure Nerach blood, a youthful Isobele was raised a life of utter luxury, by traditional and Vampiric standards. The lone daughter of the Brood Mother, a fortune and fate of which few among Earthland could hope to have been born into, the young Isobele was the shining gem of not only her mother, but of all the Coven beneath the Lady Ekaterina. Even across the depths of which rumors and stories spread throughout the Underworld of Fiore so too did the name of Isobele Kozilek spread like a plague, with it coming great adoration and praise to the happy family.

The happiness came to an abrupt and violent end when the news spread further, the birth having reached not the ears of a Vampire but rather instead that of the one whom had been hunting them. The Witch Hunter Aegir, an up-and-coming hunter of the Magically-imbued and blessed by the Heavens and Hells equally, whom had only just begun to create and define her legacy, happened upon the news of the young Isobele. Aegir would be the first to attempt to end the Nerach at the child's nape. Far from the last, but by the closest to find success. In what became an elaborate and vicious game of cat and mouse, though it did not end how the Witch Hunter had hoped it would gone, she lived another day, having failed to slay Isobele but instead succeeding in the slaying of her father, the Pergrande Vampire.

An impossible decision that many would come to find, but a simple one for the Lady Ekaterina. Sacrifice the child's father to save the child? It took not a second thought for the answer to be so obvious. With a moment of absolute control, the Brood Mother saw the Vampire who had for nearly a decade shared a bed with her struck down in an effortless display, not a tear shed, yet a smile spread across the Vampire Lady's face, knowing the sacrifice came with the assurance of their survival, both hers and her precious Isobele.

The aftermath of the Brood Mother's mate created a wave of confusion throughout, enough such that Ekaterina, Isobele, and the rest of her Brood were able to sufficiently disappear from the crosshairs painted by Aegir. In time, the target was removed entirely yet instead of there being any sort of calmness or peace, instead there came chaos.

All of which were from a most unlikely source, the Lady Ekaterina herself.

It came only following the death of her mate that the significance of Ekaterina's plight truly came to a reality, as well as her to a realization. Her piece of the Nerach lineage had nearly come to an end, averted only thanks to the sacrifice of her daughter's birth father. It was a noble sacrifice, unheard of even across the Vampires throughout Earthland, one that Ekaterina would have been more than willing to honor and respect... At least if in the early throes of her insanity did she come to see an even more impressive mate in none other than Isobele herself.

In the years following the death of her father, Isobele's maturity would align with that of the increased presence and smothering of her mother, her treatment of the young Nerach Vampire seeming less like that of a mother tending to a child and rather a romantic interest seeking to court another. Isolated from the rest of the world - save for the Brood Queen's Coven would never speak out against Ekaterina's treatment of Isobele - the young Vampire knew no better than to assume it simply a mother's care. And for decades, there was little reason to believe differently.

After all, her mother provided her with everything, the concerns and hardships that many a Vampire legend told of never seemed to affect her. There was never shortage of sustenance to bask in. Her safety was all but assured, the entirety of her mother's Brood willing to fall to ensure her safety. And anything that may have intrigued her, any trinket or activity that may have prompted curiosity within her was indulged and sated. By all accounts, it was the perfect life.

Until a fateful night, as the two lay together within Ekaterina's bed, pillow talk devolved into that of any fight typically imagined between mother and daughter. Within a short moment, the depths of Ekaterina's delusion and madness came to reality as no sooner did Isobele find herself pinned to a wall, one hand upon her throat, the grip tightening with every second, and a broken piece of wood pressed right upon her chest, demanding the most meager of pressure to pierce right through her. Even more terrifying were the eyes, a cruel shade of red as derangement overtook everything, the young daughter weeping in terror now at what was on display.

Then the color returned somewhat to the Brood Mother's eyes. Her grip weakened and no sooner had the makeshift stake found itself tossed aside as the mother dropped to comfort her daughter, a panicked look in her face met by an equally terrified look by the young Nerach. A harrowing moment, one that shattered the illusionary life that had enveloped Isobele all this time. Now the fear of what her mother may have done next always lived within her.

As it would for several decades more.

A twisted reality that saw Isobele as much a victim to her mother in all facets as much as she found herself sympathizing with woman losing to her own delusions. It scared her, terrified her of what would happen next, and yet too made her feel as much compelled to stay for her mother's benefit as it did want her to depart as far away as possible. Perhaps foolishly, she held out hope...

Hope that her mother would return to the woman whom she thought so fondly and lovingly towards.

Hope that what had happened in the past would remain buried and eventully forgotten.

But the tragedy was simply that it was not to be. Her mother's delusions remained as powerful as they had been becoming over the near century, to the point where even under her greatest of charms and capabilities did Isobele utterly struggle, both to survive the onslaught by her mother, but also try to bring back - if only for a second - the loving smile of her own flesh and blood. Alas, it came with great heartbreak as she started to realize that the woman that she owed the world to, who had as much brought her into the world and helped mold Isobele into the woman that she was now, was beyond saving.

With a final turn, she looked sadly at the sleeping matron, it being the closest thing to any sort of peace that she could as much remember seeing her mother in. It broke her heart all the more and despite every muscle and bone within her being wishing for her to return to the bed and embrace her mother again, hopeful that things would be better tomorrow, she made the most difficult choice and left.

Leaving not only her mother, but also her brood, all the safety that had been there, all the luxuries that existed. Everything and anything.

As she stepped out into Earthland for the first true time, alone and without anything to guide her either for shelter or towards destiny, she could not help but find herself frozen in place as a gust of wind blew past her; her first time ever experiencing such weather, or any weather for that matter. It was something new, the very first thing of what would become a world of new revelations, of pain, of growth, and hopefully somewhere within all of it, a cure to help her mother.

Discord: naksa

Reference: Alisa

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