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Save The Merchant Ship! PT.1 [Deadliest Catch, S-Rank]

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Save The Merchant Ship! PT.1 [Deadliest Catch, S-Rank] Empty Today at 7:32 am


Save The Merchant Ship! PT.1 [Deadliest Catch, S-Rank] Bju7JvR

The salty embrace of the maritime air greeted Tōga like an old friend as he approached the familiar docks of Luluhawa Island. His missions here had become as regular as the tides themselves, each venture into these waters adding another chapter to his growing saga of oceanic adventures. The exact count eluded him, though it surely exceeded a dozen expeditions, each one driven by a combination of civic duty, moral obligation, and the welcomed weight of jewels in his pocket. The weathered planks of the dock creaked beneath his feet, a symphony of aged wood that had witnessed countless arrivals and departures. Ahead, the captain's figure cut a distinguished silhouette against the backdrop of endless blue - his grey hair catching the afternoon light like seafoam on waves.

"Ahh, Tōga! Glad you came. I'm wagering you're here for a quest?" The captain's voice carried the wisdom of decades spent reading both weather and people, though today it held an unusual undercurrent of concern.

"Yeah! You know me too well, hahaha!" Tōga's response bubbled forth with characteristic enthusiasm, his eyes crinkling into happy crescents as his smile rivaled the brightness of the tropical sun. However, the captain's usually jovial demeanor had been replaced by something more somber, worry etched into the deep lines of his weathered face like channels carved by years at sea.

wc: 246

Last edited by Toga on Sat Oct 26, 2024 7:48 am; edited 1 time in total


Save The Merchant Ship! PT.1 [Deadliest Catch, S-Rank] Empty Today at 7:33 am


Save The Merchant Ship! PT.1 [Deadliest Catch, S-Rank] Bju7JvR

"Well good, because we need your help." The captain's words carried the weight of impending danger. "Reports from asea speak of some large serpent-like creature attacking one of our merchant ships not too far off. It seemed too good to be true, but one of the ships came back and well... it provided evidence." The captain's gesture drew Tōga's attention to a nearby vessel, and the sight made his breath catch in his throat. The merchant ship's wooden hull bore the savage autograph of something truly monstrous. Massive gashes carved deep into the timber told a story of violence and terror, while fang marks larger than any known sea creature had left their permanent impression on the vessel's remains. The damage spoke of power that exceeded even the most fearsome normal denizens of the deep.

The sight triggered Tōga's analytical mind, years of combat experience allowing him to read the story written in splintered wood and torn metal. Each mark, each point of impact, revealed something about their mysterious assailant - its size, its attack patterns, its ferocity. Yet rather than fear, these clues ignited the familiar spark of excitement that accompanied every new challenge. With a reassuring smile that could calm storms, Tōga placed a steady hand on the captain's shoulder. "Don't worry, I got this!" The simple phrase carried the weight of countless victories, a promise backed by a track record of triumph against impossible odds.

In one fluid motion, he unfurled his Birdman's cape, the magical garment catching the afternoon light like the wings of some mythical sea bird. Then, with a burst of mana that sent ripples across the harbor's surface, Tōga launched himself skyward. The sonic boom of his departure scattered seabirds and turned heads along the waterfront as he streaked across the azure expanse, a pink-haired comet on a collision course with adventure. The ocean stretched endlessly before him, a vast blue canvas hiding both mystery and danger beneath its surface. Somewhere out there, merchant ships sailed in fear of a creature that had yet to meet the might of a dragon slayer. As Tōga soared towards his latest challenge, the salt spray in his wake glittered like diamonds in the tropical sun, nature itself seeming to celebrate the beginning of another grand adventure.

wc: 418


Save The Merchant Ship! PT.1 [Deadliest Catch, S-Rank] Empty Today at 7:45 am


Save The Merchant Ship! PT.1 [Deadliest Catch, S-Rank] Bju7JvR
The first signs of catastrophe reached Tōga through his heightened senses - the acrid stench of burning wood carried on the salt breeze, punctuated by desperate human screams echoing across the waves. Nature itself seemed to recoil as thunderous splashes and bestial roars shattered the usual concord of wind and wave. Without hesitation, Tōga banked eastward, his cape snapping sharply as he accelerated toward the source of the chaos.

"Oh my..." The words escaped him in a whisper as the full scope of the devastation unfolded below. The ocean's surface had transformed into a hellscape of burning oil slicks, their orange flames dancing mockingly against the blue expanse. The wreckage of several merchant vessels lay scattered like broken toys, their splintered hulls testament to the raw power of their attacker. Amidst the debris, human forms bobbed precariously on makeshift rafts, their lives hanging by threads as thin as hope itself. At the heart of this nautical nightmare coiled a creature that seemed to have slithered straight from mankind's darkest nautical legends. A serpent of impossible proportions dominated the seascape, its scales gleaming like bronze shields in the fire's light, each one large enough to serve as a roof for a modest home. Fangs longer than coastal watchtowers protruded from its massive jaws, designed by nature for maximum devastation. The beast moved with predatory grace through its victims, treating the destruction of ships and lives as mere entertainment.

wc: 256


Save The Merchant Ship! PT.1 [Deadliest Catch, S-Rank] Empty Today at 7:46 am


Save The Merchant Ship! PT.1 [Deadliest Catch, S-Rank] Bju7JvR

Tōga's response was immediate and decisive. "Ahhhh!" His battle cry accompanied an explosion of magical energy that transformed him into a living star. Waves of crimson, gold, and brilliant orange power erupted from his form as he channeled the force of a supernova through his being. Like a meteor striking earth, he launched himself at the serpent, their collision sending shockwaves across the water's surface. The impact sent both combatants tumbling into the depths, though Tōga quickly fought his way back to the surface. Emerging with a powerful gasp, he immediately turned his attention to the scattered survivors.

"Get outta here! Everyone gather on what ship still works and head back to land. I'll keep it busy!" His warning barely preceded the serpent's explosive resurfacing, its return generating a wave that threatened to swallow the remaining vessels whole. The ocean itself seemed to tremble as predator and protector squared off, marking the beginning of an epic confrontation. Tōga found himself walking a deadly tightrope of power management. Too much force risked incinerating the very people he sought to protect, while too little might fail to deter the ancient beast before him. Each move had to be precisely calculated, every burst of energy carefully controlled as he wove a deadly dance with his massive opponent.

The survivors, spurred by Tōga's presence and warning, scrambled toward the sole remaining seaworthy vessel. Their movements were desperate but purposeful, years of maritime experience helping them coordinate even in crisis. The ship, though battered, represented their only hope of escape from this watery arena of titans. As Tōga engaged the serpent in their lethal ballet, the sky above seemed to hold its breath. The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the turbulent waters, highlighting every splash, every dodge, every tactical exchange between man and beast.

The dragon slayer's eyes never left his opponent, even as he remained acutely aware of the evacuation effort behind him. Each movement of the serpent telegraphed its intentions, its ancient instincts making it both predictable and devastatingly effective. Yet for all its primal power, it had never faced anything quite like a Supernova Dragon Slayer fighting at the peak of his abilities.

wc: 388 [1,308]


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