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The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.)

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The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:28 pm

Elise had settled into the guild for a while and had not really made herself stand out. But today she seemed have various stacks of books next to her, in a leather chair. The other side of her was a glass, some kind of bottle of an unknown drink, a box of cigars, a box of cigarettes. Elise seemed to be having another time where she was not hiding in her room and continuing her various notes and lists of other things.

So the question was, we're people interested in talking with Elise she was around yes. she was not locked in her room playing piano or harpsichord. ignoring everything around her before she would head out and deal with a few things she planned too that night.

So far Elise merely done as she wanted too, Joined a group she felt comfortable in. Sure there where being she could hunt within her guild but most of the people she met here so far have been ruled out as a threat to consider. But as the night was still young. So was Elise sitting here. So she would just lite up a cigarette, Open up one of the many things here was seemed to be recent reports of things of her interest and started reading.


The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 6:13 pm


Lumikki in tedium, wandered the halls of the guild that night. Leaving the dormitories and deciding to venture in the shared space, which was a cluster of buildings toward the center of the bridge. It encompassed the library as well as the recreational rooms, and it would be here that the little raven trotted to.

Lumikki presented mostly human, leaving her hair to be a pale white as she growing to like that change. Meanwhile, her skin was still a cool brown and her mix-matched still a staple to stand out. Among the dark stained hands and arms of course, or the continuously coiling shadows that wrapped and shifting along her legs. She was fitted in a night gown, simple and black in detail, with cute ruffles and bows. It was a variant she entertained along with oversized shirts as she was often keen on comfort. Her hair was tied back with a ribbon and bow, and as she took every silent step there were no shoes on her feet.

One her short walk along the bridge, Lumikki would gently sing a Joyan song she’s learned. Still getting to know the sing-song melody of the Joyan language; but as she passed through the door, the Demoness would fall into a whisper as to not be bothered.

That was when she noticed a woman reclined in a leather seat. Surrounded by a particular assortment of things to pass the time, but it would be the books and drink that stole her favor. ”Greeings lass,” Lumikki would begin in her introduction, careful not to scare the woman upon her sudden entry. But the lax posture maintained and the indifferent air would lead Lumikki to promptly assume otherwise, all the while her World’s eye would gleam anything of note to attune her in an instant. ”Aaaah, she continue, her voice in a soft gasp and her features seeming quite pleased. ”It’s rare to meet members still, especially ones that predate me. I’m Lumikki Hrùtr, a fellow member of the Dawn.” There was no need to request a name, the Demoness had it known to her, it was now on Elise to divulge that on her own, which ever choice didn’t matter. Yet eyes still keen on poison in the bottle and books on the desk, Lumi would give them another observation. Her sharp sense swearing it had the gist of the drink, and she plunge into her pocket abyss so that she could pull out more like it. Part to offer and part to partake.

”Oh but would ye mind me joining ya? I almost forgot I wandered in. I got distracted by the prospect of a drink and maybe a book, but admittedly the rest slipped past me.”

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 1:42 pm

Since Lumikki didn't know Elise her normal behaviours would over all be a bit odd at times. she would learn quickly over time as Elise got comfortable with people she knew her humour would show. After all after lowering the books she was reading after hearing a greeting she would casually mention, Elise answered in perfect Minstrel right away."Bonjour."It was a quick return. Elise's game would slowly start. She was a hunter after all Lumikki was at least safe, she stated she was a guild member.

Translation to english:

As she casually smoked, Elise still spoke mostly Minstrel, After all this was how she played her game."Je suis sûr qu'il y a un bon nombre de membres de la guilde qui ne me connaissent pas."She seemingly effortless able to carry on the conversation, After all Elise seemingly showed she could understand in Fiorian. Maybe Lumikki would pick up on what Elise was doing. Then she would opened the bottle. It was full still and oddly enough it was most likely what most people would expect from Elise. Cheap red wine, she could afford more costly wine now days but seemed to have a taste for it.

Translation to english:

But since everything was taken so casually, Elise seeming switched back to Fiorian."If you really wish to share drinks, I don't suppose you could pull glasses out of abyss realm?"Elise already kind of guessed what she did only because she partly expected seemingly looking demonic entities to have such things for use. Elise didn't know what Lumi could all do but merely seeming was going to see what could happen.

But she would move on the main part."If codex's of: Deities, demons, daemons, gods, angels, Nephilim and Seraphim's are your interest. Then feel free to look at them."Elise did not seem bothered about it. If anything she was most likely far more settled and calm then most people had seen Elise so far.

Even stopping for a moment."I will ask, you avoid my hunt logs, lest you read things that might be...harsh to weak stomach's."it was all detailed notes of what Elise has hunted, how long she tracked, what she did to find them, what all she did to them, Her list of threats to remove. It was a lot of information hence to a lot of books around her. Then Elise merely put her her box of Cigars in front of Lumi."Since we are sharing." Elise did speak clear Fiorian but she did still have a minstrel accent in it.


The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:23 pm


”That request is easy enough,” and so Lumikki would promptly lean in and reach into the abyss once more, only to pull back with two glasses in hands. She’d chill them both while they were in her grasp and slide one over to the women. All while she mulled over the prospect of learning the language spoken. For the moment, she was still sorting through Sinese. Perhaps in another few mouths, she’d know enough to be able to move on. Though she was not sure estimate would prove realistic, as this language was more difficult than she initially thought. Still she had all the time in the world, and the desire, to learn all the spoken tongue of Earthrealm. Should she ever need a break, or see the priority change, then she was free to do so.

”A fascinating interest indeed. I even recognize a few of the titles as I had need to read them meself. Though it’s always a delight seeing another make use of this library, and in that regard, those set of books as well.” The warning followed by the reasoning brought a smile to her lips. With the freshly poured just of wine, Lumikki took a nice long sip. Like Elise had her vices, the Demoness had hers. Not much of a smoker, but quite the drinker indeed, and it would be this that she found satisfaction. ”I appreciate the warning, it only makes me more intrigued. Granted we’re a guild of mercenaries and hunters, but it’s become a rare sight to see how the others do their work. Suppose it would do me better to meet each of ye over time so I know who I support in battle, but something like that comes with time.” She polished of the rest of her drink by the next sip, leaning back calmly in her seat.

Lumikki made note of the box pushed her ways and received the gesture with a smile. ”I thank ye,” she spoke as she refilled her glass. Her eyes following the stream of wine as it filled her cup, when it was done, her glance would move over to the pile. Her finger pointing to a book that she recognized Yuurei reading the day they had met all that time ago.

”Yuurei promised me a war with the Seraphim, should I ever get strong enough to fight alongside him. I remember thinking about how pleasing it would be to rip off their wings and make them crawl about the ground they felt to good to walk upon….but a las….I still have yet to enjoy me war, I still have yet to collect any wings. Have ye seen any? I’ve been meaning to cause enough mischief that they’d send for me. Of course, I should focus first on me mischief elsewhere….but it’s nice to plan ahead.” In her eagerness to discuss a passion, Lumikki spoke freely about her desires. It was common enough knowledge that Yuurei had gripes with his own kind, so the intentions to pursue them were hardly unfounded. Of course it would not be the only pursuit Lumikki had in mind, as she longed to hunt those within the abyss as well. Just enough to garner more power and claim to the realm, just enough to server every thread any other world Demon could possibly have.

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 4:47 am

Elise seemed to listen with interest after all, they seemed not over all nervous with her, Elise expected any being who met with her to feel some kind of nervousness,unless they where that daring."You do know...these are all copies of what libraries I have been too over the year." Elise mentioned after all she was a bit of an odd woman. Even then she would just even mention who she worked."I will always mark sure it is known to be copies, To preserve knowledge and information, I will spend hours copy information from my travels and allow where i got information to be left there, unless their origin is it being left behind or abandon."Hints of how far more respectful Elise was as a person slowly lingered even if she was known as a:Blunt, Rude, Sassy and Sarcastic at times.

While Lumikki didn't seemed interested in the cigar, Elise took quick not of that and merely pulled the box away. With that she went to merely having a sip of wine and continuing the conversation that was being shown before her now. It was interesting with Elise, that she was looking for information about Seraphim. Thus Elise shuffled around a few books getting the exact ones with Seraphim. So far it seemed to go pretty casually."Any pieces of information on them, I have here. As for hands on experience. Most Seraphim experience so far is just Yuurei himself from person to person."Elise mention, There was a good amount of honesty from Elise almost like she took her work seriously.

But this showed, Elise was a hunter who had a lot of notes and details and her efforts took a long time. She did so much to catalogue Elise might not right away do any hands on stuff because she needed to be sure everything was good.

But even then signs that Elise had been not bias what she recorded was there, even in the Seraphim file was Yuurei himself. Various minor pieces of information. That was just in that section alone. There was minor information on Kaito, Miriko, Averie Yate, Helena Yates a woman marked Patricia”Peaches””Patty””Patches” Jazmine Scott,Judith Karlinius the Guild Master of Fairy Tail and various others, Pictures of what they look like description of look at the time. Then almost like it was on queue for her, Elise moved a few things around, opened a notebook to a blank page and started writing it was no Lumikki's turn to be taken note of.

But while she was taking notes."This idea of going to war with the is new to me,I don't have any wings so to say, But I suppose it would be useful if you have means for me to...catch them."Elise said almost like while she was writing notes now she seemed also thinking about a few other things.


The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 5:21 pm


Lumikki’s face would shift to that of amazement, it was not often she met another around the guild so invested in their research, but what more the lengths they took to collect their notes. A spark in her eyes would flash for a moment as Elise handed over a book and Lumikki would flip over the pages both amused and fascinated. Skimming over the pages with Yuurei first and foremost before glancing the details about the others. Thought seeing Kaito’s name felt odd at first, with every proceeding one she understood there wasn’t quite a simple rhythm nor reason.

”Do ye happen to have a book pertaining to Demons? I have me queries pertaining to ‘em first and foremost…Slaying them are a fascination of mine.” With dark stained hands, Lumikki gently ran her talon-like nail along the page. Using it to help her maintain alignment on the page as her eyes skimmed over all the interesting a minute details. Eventually her gaze would shift back to Elise with notebook in hand and a pen in the ready.

”Whether he calls for it or I, it’s safe to say that we could sever some threads.” A smirk played along her lips before turning to the pages pertaining to the Yates. Enough curiosity took her as she read into them with greater detail first. How could she not, they were from her Motherland. ”Nothing in life is free, even I didn’t forget that. And yer doing me quite the kindness, to which I appreciate. Me name is Lumikki Hrùtr, heiress to the Hrùtr clan of Dwarves, made up of seven families. We hail from Iceberg. Like Yuurei is a Seraphim, I became a Demon; and coincidentally like Yuurei….I became the Guild Master to Paradise Dawn.” By this time, Lumikki was half way through Averie’s page. What ever of note she could gather, she was making sense of it.

”I study magic of frost and darkness, the specialization I entered would be considered Spellhowler. One could note I’m privy to flight as I am akin to ravens, enough to be dubbed a Queen of ‘em. Helps that I understand what they say though.” Lumikki was now making her way through Helena’s notes. Skimming past all the information that crossed over from Averie‘s page. Her long nail, still trailing along the page so that she didn’t lose her place. ”But then again, I also derived from a Raven Demi-human clan called the Omena.” Lumikki did not mention her siblings, she didn’t very well go into her family in much detail. It was her that she was paying tribute with and no one more.

At this point, Lumikki was done reading up about the two sisters and reached to grab her drink. Her “World’s eye” now gleaming over Elise so that she may know more about her as well. And with a satisfied, she’d prop her head on the arm leaning atop the table. Her posture entirely relaxed.

With her understanding, Lumikki was now aware of the monster she sat beside. Cold and calculated for as far as her reputation could be discerned. Beyond that, one could not see the person hidden deep within the facade. Her pain, motivations, or origins were lost to that loudness of her actions. This didn’t bother Lumikki any bit, after all, there was comfort sometimes to be had in the presence of other monsters. ”Out of curiosity, if I requested yer aid in slaying Demons from the Abyss. Would ye join me? I have a particular vexation with beings of other realms treading all over our own.” Her voice was almost monotone, void of her usual playfulness; but at the moment it just felt like there was no need for it. No need for glee, or pettiness, or an energetic declaration. Sometimes, Lumikki just shifted to match the tone of the person beside her. A trait she would never particularly notice in herself. It was why those of dark races made her drunk with desires and those of wholesome intents quelled the hunger just enough for her to show some compassion. But in Elise’s company, she just felt cold and slow encroaching destruction. A feeling so primal and natural to the Demoness of frost and dark that it was in her very being to inflict that on the realm had she felt not reason for warmth or light to persist in the lands. It was people like members of Paradise Dawn and her family that quelled her true demonic nature, and in doing so, helped Lumikki elevate to something else.

The inverse to Yuurei in many ways. She did not suffer being torn down, but she did have to strive to rise up.

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Thu Jul 04, 2024 7:45 pm

The notes of people that she met where summaries of what her first meeting with them where like, As well of any events to note of since their first meeting with them. Even important sections to note that most people profiles were marked as safe or not a threat to the public. All but one of them in which seemed to have been written over and altered at least three times. It was the profile of Patricia”Peaches””Patty””Patches” Jazmine Scott. And her status was marked: Dangerous to the public. One had to keep in mind these were Elise's profile. Easily shown was that she could have her mind change.

But maybe that was a talk for for later. Elise seemed to be making Lumikki's proflie and writing it down. After all there was still various other files, Kazimir of Fairy Tail, Emil of the same guild. Elise recorded a lot and it was all written from her view of it. With it being Elise's view there was a chance for Bias and possible misleading information."Oh...You want all of my demon information?"Elise was given a fair exchange so alas, Elise seemed willing to share after all it was a deal of sorts. She was given more then enough. Picking through what she had here, Elise them simply moved a few book and placed them gentle down."I have a few...large ones in my room. Let me go get them."Elise sounded a bit excited most likely because these series of events where playing out a lot different then she assumed. But it gave Lumikki time to read everything else she was interested in while  Elise actually got out of her chair, to go to her room and get the larger demon books.

All of the random parts of herself she mentioned were taken into Elise's notes as Lumikki profile was set in the same manner as Kaito's and Yuurei's however the Status section seems to have yet to be filled in.  Either she did not fill it in yet, Or Elise had not fully chosen. So far the signs to seem to favour that Elise found Lumikki in her harmless section."So that explains the various flocks of ravens I keep seeing as I get up at night..Here I thought I needed to add a new page to an unknown section."Elise had mentioned seeming it was far more in the background as she was in her room gathering books and tomes.

Elise collected a lot of stuff. Even as she return the vast weight of each she put down was a apparent each one she put own was just louder as it was placed down due to each ones sheer amount of weight. Massive books from the basics of demons, advance knowledge and Elise's logs of various rumor she heard of how to deal with them in passing, She seemingly was giving Lumikki a lot to read over.

It was a reader's gold mine even hearing it from Elise would even mention as her Request to help her fight demons."Ohhh...now your just sweetening me up aren't you?"Elise said with a laugh." I would be more then willing to help you with that job, But part me thinks you already know what kind of things I will hunt with out a second thought."Elise said merely because she sounded invested.

The minor written profiles where interesting to anyone who had not read them. It seemed reading about Helena showed a lot of connections. Surely what all entailed would be interesting to Lumikki even if she had not met either Averie, Helena and who else was revealed.

Averie's Profile:

Averie Profile did not yield anything too in depth be reveal Elise was quick to act in the past and she was feeling self aware to when she was wrong. But when one moved on to the Helena Profile it revealed much more to connect some missing pieces.

Helena's Profile:

Helena's profiled while left some ending to the point and vague in some parts, Showed Elise's flaws and as well hints that profiles are connected with pieces of information.
Patches' Profile:

While Miss Scott's profile lack appearance and nationality, It seemed to express' Elise's worry to the safety of the public even if she knows there s a small chance for her to saved. But there was an in complete profile for the "Magic Thief."

There was little information on Magic Thief. Elise just had to summarize how much of a challenge this situation was to handle.

Magic thief's Profile:

Written was not the most organized with each note being written the exactly the same, but the important information was still all there and able to be picked up. All and All i seemed Helena Yate had a rough patch recently, But Lumikki got a lot of demon books to read Then Elise settled into her chair and continue her vice of smoking. There was causal wine sips between as well, While she finished her notes on Lumikki.


The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 12:28 am


”—Bigger ones!?” Lumikki gasped, her eyes aflame and heart fluttering at the prospect of all the collected knowledge. She was nearly swooning at the prospect of reading more, the library of the Dawn was far too limited for her liking. Sure there were many tombs and manuals of monsters and how to hunt them, but there were so much more to read into. She’d have to correct this over time. Perhaps like Elise, it was time for her to travel and collect all she’s encountered. And if she was lucky, sneak in and out of the Abyss so that she may gather more.

Lofty dreams as they were, Lumikki returned to the page notes to keep reading as Elise left to gather more materials. The names that interested her, all bore interesting new knowledge. Along with the occurrence of two Icebergians meeting with troublesome situations. Lumikki wouldn’t pry further, from what she read, the events fell into somewhat of regretful spot for her gracious host; but she would keep all the things she read in mind should she happen on a chance to pursue them. Especially the annoyance of “Magic Thief.” Lumikki decided right then and there, that it was time to learn Bosco’s language in full.

After a small bit of time, Elise had finally returned. Lumikki didn’t look up right away as she was still looking over the unfortunate cases of Ms Scott. What a pitiful human, she thought, I wonder what plagues her? Though whatever the answer may be, she wouldn’t learn a lick of it anytime soon. Between the prospect of meeting “Patches” and visiting her sister. Perhaps the West would make for an interesting location soon.

Each thud only getting louder would instantly stir the Demoness of anymore lingering thoughts. Her eyes widen from the number and thickness of the tombs. ”Those look so….incredible….” She sighed as if swooned by their appearance. She never knew there could be so much knowledge about Demons in one place. ”I’m not sweetening it ye know, just figured it would be a pleasure. As a Demon, I admit I have a desire for destruction and chaos. The temptation to tear things apart and freeze it over in endless winter…but ye see…I feel that yearning for them and any of the like. I want to destroy those complacent fools that think they are so far removed and better. I want to make ‘em rue bothering us at all, cause they figure we couldn’t do a thing about it. Well I’ma soon prove there’s just so much we could do and seeing ye makes me sure we could do even more~”

Lumikki closed the book she had in hand and lightly put it to the side, she already memorized all she’s read and even if she didn’t, she now how a method to retrieve it. The choice of which to start with stumped her for a moment, she’d linger for a while before settling on her choice. Ultimately she wanted to know what could possibly fill the biggest one first and pulled that one toward her. ”Ye must think me odd for wanting the dream I have. Or perhaps not, yer meticulous in yer notes but not too hung up on needless details or motivations. Just things applicable on what serves as a threat or what could be left for the moment. I am no threat as I was born in this realm first and foremost and have too much family and the guild to look over. By the way, for notes sake, I’m twenty-three…” She cracked open the massive book and looked over the table of contents.

”Paradise Dawn was the first and only guild I’ve joined and Yuurei was the first to point out I’m a Daemon and advise me from there. I had to slay me father before I could be reborn, but no one will miss him.” She was now flipping through the pages, less interested in the things she was sharing with each word. It was a fair price for the selection before her. ”Feel free to ask what more ye need for yer notes and I’ll answer what I can. Tis the least I could do for the assortment ye brought me. Of course me reputation has spread further than I would personally like, so ya creating a file of me should hardly do me any more harm.”

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 6:59 pm

Elise seemed to almost chuckle at the excitement that seemed to come from Lumikki. It seemed Elise felt a sense of pride that all of this work was being looked at for it's intended reason. All of the hours to make every little perfectly clear to read in Fiorian was paying off for her. It took her many years to get that down because she was so quickly with minstrel, That she would almost write minstrel words while trying to write fiorian ones.

As for Elise's joke about being sweetening her up seemed to have landed but maybe she would just make it clear it over all. As she took another puff of a cigarette, placing down a music box as well, she would start winding it up."Oh? claiming territory are we?"With how Elise asked this, you could tell Elise was not serious in the slightest about it."While my goal is a bit more then just greedy...it is still ideal towards something I want to work towards.'Elise had larger stretching goals yes, But she was not unreasonable talked into helping if it was fitting.

But as they moved on to the next part, it seemed almost like Lumikki was expecting to harshly judge her. Maybe this was yet another twist. For Elise did not seemed to judge unless warranted. Even marking down the age she mentioned she was, Even adding the noted of "Claims to be." into it. But a song would start playing from the wound up music box. While it was not loud enough to break the conversation it was still there to just give some background noise to relax too. With how she stated this next line was almost like all the years of being a nun allowed her to reflect some things slightly."One thing I use to tell a few troubled souls.....Thy shall not one judge, Lest they be judged in the same manner themselves in return."Elise was not judging her at all seemingly.

Every being had their flaws and ideas. goal they stride for and the own will to carry it on. That was the beauty Elise was hoping to eventually get powerful enough to ensure for everyone."I am not here to judge, Same way Emil never judged me from wanting to murder my own parents and pull my little sister from minstrel to spare her life from going through the same thing I did."Elise used a personal example but one would learn Elise was not shy about things she did in the past. This was all things helpful to a person to understand her.

Taking a casual sip of her drink."Expect me to be a harsh judge...but fair to only when the time needs it to be so."It was a safe way to think of it, Only ever expecting it when it needs to be a thing. After all she was not judging right now she almost killed her own parents to save some one she loved. Just some one talked her out of it.

But there was something that connected people together it was seemingly how everyone ended up at this guild."And here he just walked into church and asked me to join when he learned I was not a casual only prays nun."Even then now she was not a nun, but that was entirely the point."Sure...I've met a fair share of guild masters....the Fairy Mother, Alisa...While both where nice while one was over barring with making sure I took some food and water before i went...There was always a form of not feeling like it was just an momentary place to stay here."Elise would most likely eventually hope that she could explain how feeling homely was like for some one who moved from church to church a lot.

But if some one pieced together Elise seemingly always working at night, only stayed because some one made her feeling like she felt like she could have a home, Surely other people could try but almost seemed like other might try and change her way, When here she just fit in.

But she did have question, while she casually puffed away again."How does your connection to the ravens work?"Of all things not about Lumikki herself, anything personally. It was about the ravens. But most likely it was towards benefiting them all later. Or she assumed they spied on her and she wanted to see what they knew with out admitting it.


The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 5:43 am


"Always," Lumikki smirked, but she didn't come off alarming but more so, playful. Her features remained an invitingly soft as she continued her teasing. "If yer greedy for the things ye desire then I suppose ye could consider me gluttonous. As I'm quite the ravenous person in the pursuit of me goals." Lumikki would continue to flip the pages, loosely looking over the mentioned Demon's names. All were written neatly and carefully, in a handwriting the mostly looked simple save for a few flourishes that added a bit of curves and flow to her work. And every once in a while, her eyes would note words and phrases she could assume were from the language Elise spot upon her entry.

"I'm not one to judge per se, I prefer the role of a passive observer. Least until there is an amusement that comes from me involvement. Well...I did, before I rose to a position where that is no longer proper." Lumikki did not find a need to explain what the position was. Figuring a woman with such meticulous notes and observations had an inkling of it already. "I wouldn't judge ye for that. One would need context before they could ever conclude anything. But I do judge, and I exasperate. See, I'm not a fan of the weak, which by me definition are those that harass and hinder the innocent and less capable of holding their own. Weakness disgusts me. Either I cull 'em meself to save others the trouble, or push 'em to their limits to see where they go, but it's truly the most deplorable that brings out the monster in me." Contradictory to most Demons indeed, but the honor deeply instilled in her kept her from being the more demonic aspect of her nature. Paired with the deep and vast love she had for her own.

Lumikki chuckled, meeting the two she could figure out which was which. "Sweetheart isn't she? She was wonder indeed. I had the pleasure of meeting her on her visit here for Yuurei, but that bugger had no sense of showing her around. Meandering some nonsense about peaking into his memory and showing the poor thing some ore instead of a meal. I did the work for 'em and showed her around for a tad. As for Alisa, she has her share of and motherly too. I'm starting to wonder if all the women Guild Masters do." Lumikki mulled that over, giving her eyes a small break from the pages and getting more comfortable in her seat.

But Elise's question would make Lumikki look up and smirk once more. "Ye could consider 'em like me servants, doing things on me request. Of course the catch is they understand me and I them. Of course, if ye ask, then I assume ye know more or want to know more. They are indeed me spies, but only pass on things that are relevant to me or useful for me to know. Long as I care for ye or yer of me one, I won't step in further than the surface. Of course if ye betray the Dawn then that's another thing entirely."

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 11:56 am

It was most likely interesting to see how Elise had this view of being this very blunt, harsh and sometimes hard to get along with woman. it was only when you had common ground with her did one actually see that Elise was not too horrible she had a lot of things she considered more important then making friends."Oh I suppose that isn't too horrible, Most people in the guild seem to be handle the fact I consider killing them depending on if they fit a list pretty well considering."She laughed about it slightly because it was just how she was.

In the grand scheme Elise putting people at the bottom of the list if you looked into how large of a scope everything else does, It seemed that being at the bottom of the list pretty much meant you where free and not in danger of Elise coming after you unless you did something to change it."I suppose the context of my visit will be for another conversation."Elise figured she would leave her hanging on that because it was a bit much to admit at the time. Plus in some manner Elise still felt like she was not letting go of it yet.

But what was revealed what Elise got from Judith."She was an odd one, Summed up i was told to lighten up and given a bottle of Fairy Tail Wine, I still haven't opened it up yet."Elise might not have told it the best, Most likely with Judith there was much more and it was not mentioned at all.

But as she mentioned about the Ravens. Elise seemed to take notes like it was an interesting additive."Well good thing I might greedy about my goal....but backstabbing isn't in the plans."Elise lauhged about it slightly.


The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Sun Aug 11, 2024 7:08 pm


"Normally I'm not keen on being hunted, and as of late, it's become far too often....Admittedly, I'm growing rather bitter and jaded for it.--But, at least how I see it, ye find comfort in knowledge. Something I would know all too well meself. Paired with how yer one of me precious members well, how could I deny such a simple and innocent request." As Elise chuckled, so di the Demoness. Her fingers were running down the page as she was noting the names. Some she swore she heard before, and her face would show it with twitches of irritation for each time she registered one. Then it occurred to her in that moment, she could very well search with intention. It was time to delve into the Demons that now very much plagued her dearest friends.

Lumikki nodded off the cliffhanger Elise had given her, while flipping throughout the pages until she found "L". Looking for Leviathan now warranted more curiosity than a hidden truth tucked into a foregone tale, but it didn't. Not that she wasn't interested. Lumikki, well verse in all things shadowed and recluse was simply aware of those akin to her nature. And so she respected the shadows they wove.

But the next part wouldn't fail to get a rise out of her as Lumikki looked up at the prospect of wine. "Wine ye say, lass? What could be keeping ya from enjoying it, if I might ask?" Her glowing eyes betrayed her excitement, but the smile playing on her lips kept her more playful than threatening. She was calm enough to ask the next question, though.

Lumikki sat back, pulling herself away from the notes and book before her. Her face looked sincerely touched by Elise's answer, knowing just how hard it could be to mange one's ravenous desires. "Consider me moved," she started playfully, her hand posed cheekily along her chin. But soon enough, she'd wind down and reveal her genuine relief, easing out her actual emotions. "I'm glad...humans hunting me have become far too tiresome as is, but what more, worriying about the members thoughts on me birds can be tiring as well....I make sure to keep enough to meself so that no one else is bothered. Of course! Everyone lacking our guild marks is faaair gaaame."

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Nerili11

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The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Thu Aug 15, 2024 7:44 am

Over all what Lumikki stated what was expected by most people to say. Elise was not that foolish, but she could not help herself while she was comfortable."Oh....really didn't think it was a problem, I am sure there is a few people who would not be being hunted by me whatever reason why i do not know."It was easy to figure out Elise was joking but this would nail it in so to say."After all I am sure there a few people who want me to charge at them....Most likely something about pretty woman and getting close to them."Elise said as she put down her cigarette as it was just at it's butt and lit up another one.

Leviathan seemed to have mostly the basics that everyone had and could learn, But notes of various other travellers who witness signs of the beast lingering, Or what they thought was the beast, As well what storm conditions. It was notes from various other hunters, priests, nun whomever had something recorded and Elise had in passing, She had record the only thing uniquely Elise was a list of possible exact locations for where it could sleeping, basing errors on how correct they would be by percentage amount.

So normal in depth Elise notes to be expected. But when it came to the wine gifted by Judith. Elise seemed to paused for a moment, Almost like she was unsure how to answer the question. Then the song change from the music player, But key details to take away was, It was a live recording. The voice of Elise was preparing to play, upon the counting of three the recording of Elise playing the Harpsichord started this song but she would eventually answer the question."I suppose I have not lighten up yet."Elise concluded, It was the most basic and not thought up answer possible.

But maybe Elise was being honest, one did not have all of this stuff gathered and record while be bright happy and chipper, Between all of the stuff with Miss Scott, all of the detailed notes of how people have died and been dismembered by monsters and anything else even possibly how long they suffered for. It was most likely hard to see Elise as a happy person, Rather then a cold, jaded woman who just worked and nothing else. She in reality had nothing to make her feel lighter and cheered up ever. Since the first song seemed short, the music box had the seemingly had another recording of Elise playing music, Counting her self in and preparing to play another song It you realize it was Elise playing all of this, One realized Elise had talents even if beaten into her, yet no one heard her play or even seen her play at all ever. She was hiding that too.

Elise was a different kind of monster, but each monster had a heart. Emotions and feelings. Even if Elise ignored them quiet often."Even the most powerful...Have emotions and feelings. Even I have them, Even if I just run from them."Elise's honestly might be odd for most people, but she was hunter of logic and reason, Her list and info was so vast for that reason. If something was truly harmless they weren't going to have Elise hunt them.

But she would end this moment from with a trademark add in humor."Besides....If i ever considered it, I stab in the front so you know who killed you."Then she waited to hear or see what would be said by Lumikki from it.


The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Sat Aug 17, 2024 11:20 pm


Lumikki chuckled at Elise’s remark as she reached over for the glass. The Demoness brought her drink up to her lips but waited a moment before sipping, as if she was pondering something else that was amusing. ”Rumors have it, Yuurei is the womanizing type. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was one of lads that’ll love seeing ye run closer. Emil on the other hand would probably see is as a challenge….flipping it into a mess that quickly turns sour…” No longer waiting, Lumikki took a deep sip. Like Elise being done with her cigarette, she was done with her drink. And it was with glee that she’d pour herself more, blowing onto the surface with a chilled breath and taking another candid gulp of her chosen poison.

With eyes returned to the text and the conversation now stirred for wine. Lumikki made note of the details written amid the writings of her dear member. It was a collection of things she somewhat already knew, a few things of note she’d never consider as she wasn’t of the perspective of clergy and never wished to be, and the final notions were pointed toward possible locations. Vexing as it was, she wondered, should she tell of Yuurei’s affliction or keep it hidden. She wasn’t sure how well it could fair if new broke out. Nor was it her business to tell. Her lips pursed together as she gave it a lot of thought, ultimately taking another massive gulp from her glass instead and sparing the Angel of his dirty secret being known for the moment.

”light doesn’t appear as though it suits ye anyways,” she’d joke after a deep breath from indulging deeply in her drink. The burn was fresh down her throat and stomach, and it was loosening what even stressed her enough to walk the halls at night. ”But when the occasion comes when ye ever crack open a bottle of wine, I’d love to join ye if ye’d have me of course.” Lumikki light rested her cup atop the table before reaching for the bottle and generously pouring another glass. While she twisted the top back on, her eyes were again skimming the pages. Losing a lot of her personal grace as she fumbled sliding the bottle back to its prior spot as it clanged on the table making a loud sound. ”Yesh…” Was all that escaped her lips as she watched what she was doing now.

”Isn’t it so annoying?” One could pick up the agitation in Lumikki’s voice as she was flipping the pages to now look into Shuten Doji. An Oni was Demon in a way but before she could get to “S” she had stopped at “P”. Running her finger down all the names until she stumbled onto Pyreaus. ”Ye’d think as a Demon, I’d be rid of those….and I would save for the fact that I still cling to me humanity. As vexing as it all is, I do me best to appreciate them despite being annoying to have. Even if I meself only try to ice ‘em over.” She’d chuckle at that and only more so after she heard Elise’s further response. ”I’d appreciate that ya know. No warrior of Iceberg would even die in peace being struck from the back. We would much rather face death head on. Seeing the one who. Conquered ye is a right none of us would like to forego before the Valkyrie’s take to the far off lands.”

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Nerili11

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The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 7:05 pm

If anything the more a person could like something, The least likely Elise was going to care to entertain it unless it was related to her work."Sounds like an Yuurei problem...Besides i rejected him when he met me the first time, I am sure he got over it."Elise laughed about it. Only because she knew she would be a horrible partner, But also never knowing her type some one like Yuurei would surely be unhappy with Elise.

At least in her view. Elise viewed herself the problem no matter who would try to date her one who would remained unloved because she never felt like she deserved it or would be able to feel it beyond being raised to used it against people. Thus Elise had many problems internally to solve through."Emil can do better then me anyway, I am not worth the time."This slowly showed Elise's self worth in how she views herself as a dating potential. Which by that she didn't think she was worth the time, she was just too hard to deal with.

As for what it seemed the Fairy Mother suggested, Judith suggested Elise lighten up, But what Judith actually said was far more in depth, Elise however did not heed the message told she would if anything avoid it."Another day Judith...maybe one day I will get it."Then she laughed about it.

Then almost like it annoyed her."Emotions make my work equally as easy, As it does hinder me."Elise mentioned about it almost like it annoyed her even greater then most thing. Emotions is why Elise did a lot of things."Emotions end up being the bane of any other hunter I met during my days of a nun, Most new ones did not last long.."Elise did have reports of a lot of situations of that, rash reactions before thinking and doing an action often resulted in what they fought killing some one she knew.

But Elise notes had many things so useful, one could not help the value of such notes, Even with how well they kept. Elise just let out a sigh."my work would be easier if I was an emotionless hunter, None attached to me...no one cared about me and I cared about no one...but even i can not run from that."She merely let it at that for a moment.


The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:04 am


The creature of darkness that was Lumikki almost garnered a faint glow that contrasted her usual nature upon hearing of the Angel’s past rejection. As if hearing the small tidbit of news was melodious to her ears. Though she would not entertain showing anymore of her feelings towards the matter, even if she was decently pleased. Such feelings sprung more for amusement than malice, it was just pleasing to know that there were others who could abruptly deny his charms. Within the Illumin locked territory of the North, their Warden was a beacon in more ways than one, and it spurred her spite and ire in the slightest.

”Huh..” Now the Demoness was entirely taken aback. Her eyes no longer amid the pages, her passive amusement distinguished. ”The bloke is a fine fella sure but I wonder sometimes if the best thing about him is the wee lil ones. He’s….a being more akin to chaos than I choose to be personally. Trying to maintain an amicable and all for the sake of me desire, but he…well he seems troubled by his own demons.” Lumikki looked over Elise with further confusion, not sure where the remark came from but she wasn’t made bothered by it. More she welcomed it, for all the guild members no matter how odd were her people.

It’s was with a playful sigh Lumikki went on, “Looking over these note, ye don’t seem like the type who wants to waste time with people. Ye have hungrier desires elsewhere. I wouldn’t think more of it, people are irritating as it is.” With satisfaction from her response, Lumikki grabbed for her drink once again to take a few more sips. Passively passing her eyes back onto the notes of the page.

As if mirroring her own irritation, Elise spoke her thoughts on emotion with a faint dose of venom coating the words. Though she wasn’t pleased with them, she saw far too much power to dispose of them as well. But in the end, Lumikki found herself agreeing with most of it, especially the last point.

”Folk think Demons deprived, most notes and stories would give light to that. Speaking of how chaotic and destructive our kind are without knowing the reasoning as to why. As if we pose a baseless sense of carnage with no reason what so ever, besides that we can….” Lumikki sat back, in the same motion, her hands ran through her hair. The silky, pale white locks running through her fingers effortlessly like ribbons before Lumikki repeated the motion a few times over and pulled her hair back into a braid bun. For the display of vulnerability, Lumikki always felt there was a need to match it. How else could she earnestly prove her sincerity, at least that was how she reasoned it. Only time would prove if those efforts really mattered.

And so as Lumikki pulled back to the table to reach for her drink, her form, now entangled in shadows, gave way to her base form. With skin of night marked with glimmering cyan tattoos, and wings that adorn her head like a crown. The pale blue hand reaching for the drink, now brought it back to her indigo lips as Lumikki took another deep sip. She didn’t speak again until after resting the glass back onto the table. Her sad eyes looking right toward the huntress before her, showing her fatigue and dismay.

”But I’ve come to see that were cursed to feel too much, and so by doing that, we pour the excess in destructive means to state those afflictions. It is the nature of those passions that paints the madness of a Demon. For what form the destruction takes…I mean…I’m hardly any different. It just so happens me passions, ire, and desire churns into a poison I’d rather direct in the Abyssal realm. Or to any being that wishes to meddle in our lives with notions of never being opposed for it. I can’t say I loath all the Gods or worldly beings, me disdain falls upon those that don’t suffer here, don’t know of things here, don’t belong here, but seem to find themselves so grand, powerful, impactful, that they think they could toy with us…..It’s why I want to bite the hand that extends our way.”

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Nerili11

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The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 2:12 am

When it came to his children and Emil over all it seemed in the end Elise would only seemly put her thoughts about in there."I have no place to judge Emil or how he chooses to raise his family, I only firmly belief a good parent, Focuses on his children, Emil does well with that. But I have no place with in that. I am not parent material."Elise mentioned almost like it was another crack in this grand front of Elise the hunter. Elise's personal self worth of her social relationships seemed strained. The disconnect between how social one could be and Elise was currently was a grudging scar.

Elise merely laughed in some manner along with the humour. After all. "Yes...Achieve an impossible task."She chuckled about it Elise was self aware she knew it was an illogical and impossible task for them to achieve. She just seemed to be stride for it because there was still some thing to achieve even if her entire goal was insane, But somethings where possible. Some where impossible. Somethings are possible to achieve and that what she could achieve and was possible. The list existed for a reason.

But maybe this would be a new thing of note for a hunter's view of things."Anyone who blank assumes all Demons are heartless monster, Clearly have things they can confirm, But merely for...Equal monsters look at them in the mirror everyday."Elise mentioned merely kind of finishing her glass and pouring herself another one."Humans....Elves....Demi-humans...All being a capable of being monsters, A human has done equal horrible things to other people.."Elise always had files the acts humans had done to one another, No one was innocent and over all that was most likely a lot more stuff that one day Lumikki could dig into.

In the end, There was always various thoughts about it."Everyone has a equal or worst monster...It is what makes them act is the better question."Elise almost felt like this plain logic was something. But they were also talking about a beings nature. In which when they talked about a persons nature."But I suppose...how one is nurtured is a major factor."But this was another ramble into the vast idea of the nature of free thought and teaching a mind to be free completely.


The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Tue Sep 03, 2024 8:58 pm


”Aye, I’ve seen the cruelty. It’s in spittin’ image of the most pronounce of me kind. They humor me with their devilish ways and maddenin’ tendencies, but look at me like I’m some sort of outlier, some creature. Of course, it was always meant to be a mixed bag. This wretched area is interwoven with the Illumin faith, which in turn means they’re ran by their own Demons. Just the kin that are paler in appearance than I. Can’t say I don’t desire the chance to leave, but good on Yuurei for finding a place to adore him.” Without much thought, the Demoness had a claw to the table slowly digging into the surface. Mindlessly carving the wood in an absentminded line that grew deeper with each passing. It was clear she was irritated about it all, but she had the sense and control to keep that to herself.

”That is a good question. I wonder it every time. Can’t say I inspire mischief meself, but I do enable it from time to time. Part in observation of the depths one would go in their delusions, and part because it is still in me very nature to watch something fall apart to pitifully before me. Watching a being unravel and pull at every single one of their threads? Well admittedly, it’s quite delicious. Hardly takes a coo or seductive whisper on me part. Sometimes it’s the hope to protection for their misgivings, or some promise to power to show for their depravities. But really, I just watch them destroy themselves before me very eyes and somehow try to justify it. I can tell ye, if I wasn’t a Demon, I very much find it all maddening. This brainless cycle of hostile entitlement is enough to numb the brain and heart of a mortal who still truly cares of the world.” The light too was diminishing form her eyes as she could only now offer a more hollowed stare. This conversation was not agreeing with her.

—Hmpt, Aye! Could be a case of nurture and nature indeed. That is to say, I think nature deals a heavy hand. I can spell that out for ye fine enough. But then it’s also clear by me demeanor and creeds that one could become more if nurtured to do so. Then it begs to differ, what really is the truth of it all?…”

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:17 am

Elise if anything chuckled for a moment, The world full of quick judgment of everyone Elise was guilty of it, Anyone she knew was guilty of it. No one was truly innocent of it. Lest they truly were raised to have a really unbiased. But such people where few and far between. But she had to make her witty comment."I have found most sentient monsters I have fought and handled, Even daemons sometimes too...Have some what been more polite and respectful. Then most people I know."Elise mentioned casually as she ponder on it more. But Elise also would mention."But...I was raised to be a cruel monster, By another one...So maybe my opinion is not worth much in that scale."She left it at that.

As it seemed another song would play, It was Elise counting in again on this recording and it seemed to move on to more piano music. It would feel like a rather sad song as it went on. But they where just generally talking over all. But if you started to dig into Elise as she spoke, She viewed herself as a monster and in some manner not even remotely closed to being a normal social human being, scarcely worth the effort of getting to know. But that was an Elise flaw. Most people seemed to think otherwise of it.

Truly underneath Elise's rude, snarky behaviour. Was not some anti-social woman who hated everyone, But some one who cared about people far more then anyone else could ever assume, She was just never raised to process or express it the right way and was suppose to be an eventual monster that over took the one that spawned her."Suppose one day...we will all be free..."Elise mentioned that seemingly almost like in part she was slightly lying, Most likely to herself. Elise was never free. "Or I will end up in the underworld trying to achieve my goal."Elise did not rule out dying long before she achieved anything. This was nothing new but something she considered normal. She expected death almost at any turn.


The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 7:19 pm


”Maybe we all got monster in us? I was raised by good folk, but made by a monster and a cowardice man with good intentions. Depending on how ye bare those fangs and claws however, ends up earning ye the image. But I can’t bring meself to judge a wounded monster for showing their weapons as they hold off the world. Que sera, sera me friend. No matter what ya use to define ya, it won’t be enough to make or break ye.” Lumikki who was previously so hyper focused on the notes, now turned the pages as is they didn’t matter anymore. Everything written is still interesting, but not at the expense of the woman before her.

The melody would fill the gaps of silence where the pair could not. Building in tension as if playing of the drama of their conversation. Lumikki found it moving and perplexing, not yet privy to all these sounds as the world was will a new experience for her. And this song was just another blessing of the world for her to fixate on in time. Compelling her with an urge of passion that she’d suppress for now.

”Lass if I find ye’ve gone to the underworld when ya weren’t done with what ye’ve set out to do, know I’ll come down to drag ye out meself. Fine peace before ye rest, otherwise ye’ll stir in yer grave for all of time.”

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 6:02 pm

It seemed that struck something in Elise, weather it was the mixture of cheap wine she had, the cigarettes she smoked. Or something else entirely the feeling of something to some what build a connection. Or because some one actually wanted her to achieve some of the things she wanted too. Some one wanted her to achieve at least something related to her goal and she almost wanted to feel something other then her in trained basic emotions.

So she would laugh, it was quick laugh it was total of one second of a laugh. A hearty chuckle most would consider it as."Oh...If only some one raised me, that had your mind set."Elise said trying to humour herself with in the sad reality of what her life was.

But moving on from it. So staring at Lumikki, point at her with right hand that still had her wine glass in it, her Glass three fourths full."Careful Lumikki..."Elise actually chuckled again. Almost like still felt it was a joke."I already consider my goal impossible, But you might actually get me to believe, If I ever ended up in the underworld and still breathing. Then you might actually save me."Elise almost sounded like she wanted to believe her but partly didn't because her own distrust of others at this time.

Then she finished off her glass of wine and kind of waited to see what Lumikki would say. After all she wanted to believe her, But still almost felt like she couldn't. Suppose this was how people bonded with one another. Would Lumikki do something most people might not achieve, bond with Elise enough for her to trust some one? It was signs of progress. It was sign maybe Elise wanted to try.


The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Thu Sep 26, 2024 8:15 am


One could perceive the short chuckle as odd. Normally not the sort of reaction one would expect from a comment like being hoisted from death; though it was not a sarcastic laugh so much as it was a cathartic one. A means to release the tension of emotions, at least, that was how Lumikki thought it to be and she’d join her mate in the laughter while mindfully trying to now linger longer than Elise.

”Sounds like sentimental rubbish, aye, but we’re yer family now. How ever they failed ye, I will not.—Granted mistakes would be made; but I’d like to think that none could be as atrocious as making ye feel something like that.”[b] As Elise took a sip of her drink, so did Lumikki. Rather, she gulp all in her cup and swiftly poured herself another, drinking upon the new glass as if to continue what she started and finishing it in a few deep gulps.

The burn of the drink was soothing, it was a pain Lumikki came to enjoy. How it clawed at her throat mirrored the same sensations she found herself having when her mania desired for her to claw apart her flesh and skin by use of her very talons. As if the self destructive tendencies granted to her from the Abyss only found new ways to poke its head despite her stubbornness for self control and assurance. A detriment that might take divine intervention down that line to maintain, but for now, she’d suffer in dosages she could enjoy.

What more, drinking would not turn her drunk as quick as it once has. Like her new body harbored a defense for its effects to a degree. The Demoness didn’t mind the uptake, but the lack of results at times proved vexing. Leading to more reckless and destructive behaviors in way of drink to circumvent such frustrations.

[b]”A Demon has nothing but time, yet most never achieve any purpose. Most amount to nothing more than dignified thralls…”
Lumikki lightly put her glass down while leaning into her portal to pull out a second bottle. With an elongated talon-like nail, she’d impale the cork and swiftly pull it out in hopes to avoid it breaking as she opened her new drink. With some success, she promptly took a swig bringing out a flush of blue within her cheeks. ”Tis to say…I have nothing better to do than to drag ye out those troublesome messes. It gives me fine purpose to watch out for me kin. So yes….might as well toy with the impossible~ Might as well considering yer aiming to do the same.”

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 6:48 pm

It seemed in this moment, Maybe Elise showed she was not the monster she always thought she was, Not only that anti-heroine who comes in after all of the worst of the being who have ruined the lands around her. Killed many people and left plenty more broke and scarred for life. But alas, Elise's tales as a nun was best left recorded, Many could be found in her papers.

So Elise would actually do something most consider of her trade a bit, out of place, almost pointless and risky. The Music box would change to another song, Another time or day Elise would count in, To the sound of some one else counting in with her. Another female voice. Then she would make her offer."Well if that is truly how you feel, Then allow me to...make a deal." Elise maybe in some manner revealed far more melancholic then she ever intended, But as they mentioned before, She was human, She was struggling with her identity and truly building a connection with people."Say you have to drag me out of underworld, When you do...I will give you something. Something I am keeping away and stored."She had brought this item up before and she did recall some interest.

So Elise made it a part of the deal."You do that, I will give you that bottle of wine I got personally from The Guild Master of Fairy Tail, Supposedly it is from her first or second barrel. It will remain unopened by me, during the agreement of such deal."Elise was putting that in. Almost as token of being comrades making a gamble."you'll also get the first glass."Elise then waited to see what Lumikki would think about this, She wanted to assume it was going to be a passed on deal.


The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Empty Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:07 pm


With eyes wide, Lumikki gazed upon Elise. Her expression locked in place, almost frozen, as she curiously listened to what her member has to say. By the mention of “deal”, Lumikki’s lips curled into a deep set smile. As clarified the stipulations, the grin would only grow. All the more was she growing to enjoy Elise, and what more, the woman’s company.

”Kukuku,” Lumikki chuckled, like chimes of a bell the rung through the air. All the while she nodded along to all the things Elise finalized. Agreeing to every word before uttering her own. ”I would rip the doors to Helheim for ye without a reward, lass. But I will gladly take this deal and that offer. I’m neither a saint, so I would best with motivation. A glass of fine wine like that would prove worth, all the effort that comes along.” And with that, Lumikki cemented her resolved. This was but another reason to live for, another reason to keep focus.
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Curtain Call
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The Smoking (ex)Nun(Open/Social.) Nerili11

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