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The Nominal North

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The Nominal North Empty Wed May 01, 2024 8:04 am

Ittindi flicked his razor blade, as the shaving cream dissolved in his small cup of water. His face a smoothness that most typically weren’t aware of, it was 20-30 minutes of hygiene every morning for Ittindi. This involved shaving, showering, then his skin care routine of lotions and balms. Then finally he could spend 5-10 minutes picking his outfit for the day, though since obtaining his magical suit he hasn’t needed as much time. Just making sure there were no left over debris from whatever adventure he had dragged into last. Over his full body mirror was his recent promotion, Ittindi was now a captain in the Rune Knights. While he didn’t make it public it seemed that the higher level administration of the Rune Knights were aware of his new magic, that and his increase in power were the main motivators behind his promotion. Ittindi had been training long enough, that he was surprised by his own power rating in comparison to his compatriots. While he was still far away from Tōga he had apparently started to catch some of the others captains. At his current pacing he could be a Colonel by the end of next year.

He'd open his letter from the Young Master again, verifying that today they’d meet. It had been a while since he had left on his last journey. In the meantime, he had met one of his benefactors, demon overlord? Ittindi wasn’t sure how to exactly describe Lady Lumikki, either way Ittindi had a small goal regarding her and his Young Master. Better to serve in ways to serve the future. They had agreed to meet at a quaint tavern close to the outskirts of the town. It was one that Ittindi didn’t frequent as they didn’t use a staff that cared about cleanliness, when Ittindi had suggested helping improve that aspect he was laughed out the bar.

No doubt that he wouldn’t be laughed at this time. He was the highest ranked Rune Knight in the north at the moment. With all the trouble in other countries, the Knights had been spread not thin, but there were opportunities that weren’t normally available to the underbelly of Fiore. He wondered if that was what his Young Master wanted to meet about, Ittindi so hoped that he didn’t plan on turning back to a life of crime. While Paradise Dawn didn’t have the sterling reputation in a guild that he could build his Young Master’s nobility on, it did have caring people. Ittindi hadn’t met the Young Master’s guild mates in his last one, but it gave off a similar vibe to a guild that they had joined together. He hoped that beast would continue sleeping.

As he walked into the tavern the sticky floor and smell of old beer and sweat was an instant reminder of the standards. He’d look around for his Young Master, Ittindi wasn’t sure what he’d be wearing every time Ittindi met with him there was some new weapon or armor. With how long it’d been he wouldn’t be surprised if his Young Master was in a different guild again.  Not seeing him Ittindi would sit down near the entrance of the bar so he’d be easily seen in his black magical tuxedo, a top hat with a red stripe cloth, and he wore a deep crimson undershirt underneath with his silver money symbol instead of his usual ascot or bowtie the Young master was familiar with.

#2Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North Empty Wed May 01, 2024 2:49 pm

Knuckles Shi

It had been some time since Knuckles Shi, the red-haired Warrior had met up with his old friend and Butler Ittindi. Last he had seen the man they had fought, a human passed by a god, along with some rag-tag others and a fellow Rune Knight of Ittindi. Since then, Knuckles had not done much of anything and had taken some time to get to know himself after his new Pact with Lumikki, his Demonness lover and Pact Demon to whom he had gained power. Knuckles was still a Daemon sure, but now he had a pact that was allowing him to blossom and become his true self not an agent of some demon locked away and holding the power promised to him. Knuckles was now a man who prayed to a select few gods and worshipped in the Pegan arts. He commanded his hammers of Thunder still rumored to have been used by the god of thunder, Thor Odin's son.

While Knuckles was not sure what the future would bring to him with his unforeseen love interest in Lumikki, he had wished to fill in his friend on where his life was these days and see how Ittindi's dream of becoming the world's best Butler was coming along and also his Journey as a Rune Knight.

Knuckles had sent Ittindi a letter requesting a meeting in the Northern part of the country at a Tavern of all places where the two could speak and their voices would get lost in the crowd. The day had finally come and Knuckles was eager to rejoice in his friend's presence. Knuckles wore the same thing as the last they had seen one another, his two hammers on his hips within quick arm's reach, his leather armor blessed in a ritual of his gods, and a clown helmet he carried in his hands as he walked. The leather armor was adordained in feathers and was suited for quick and easy movement but was also studded so it proved him some padding in his reckless way of fighting. The only new addition to his appearance would be a Raven on his shoulder that carried the essence of his Demoness and Lover with it. It was one from her flock that had come to like Knuckles Shi.

Knuckles arrived earlier than planned making sure that they had drinks and a nice booth in the corner of the Tavern where they could see everyone coming and going but also where it was slightly darker in the ill-lit room. It was the perfect meeting place for a Criminal and Lawman to meet without anyone being the wiser.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North Empty Thu May 02, 2024 3:04 pm

While he was sitting Ittindi would want a beer, looking around for a staff member, he’d see his Young Master. He was casually relaxing in a booth in the corner, his outfit was typical, except there was now a raven on his shoulder. It made Ittindi giggle as he walked over towards his friend, it seemed he didn’t need to push if he was already caring for one of her birds. He’d look at it for a slight second wondering if Lady Lumikki was laughing tucked away in her bedroom watching their interaction.  The Voice of Naki was much stronger today, no doubt powered by Ittindi’s shame he didn’t plan on telling the Young Master about his new magic.  Come to think of it, this might be the second time in his life he had ever been ashamed in front of Knuckles.

As Ittindi went to sit down at his friends table, he could see that he already had a pitcher and a clean empty glass for him. His Young Master pretended not to care, but Ittindi knew that he had probably spent a decent amount of time finding the cleanest glass for him. It was with that knowledge that Ittindi didn’t do his usual inspection of his cup before he sat down pouring himself whatever was in the pitcher.

”It’s good to see you Young Master, every time I see you I fear something else changes. This time I’ve been promoted to Captain, how fares your adventures?”

Ittindi would start casual, he saw his career in the Rune Knights as more of a hobby than his work as a butler. His time in the Rune Knights had afforded him plenty of travel opportunities and time to train, so that he could eventually take down his greatest threat. Though that spot was now being occupied by multiple entities all the same cause. More laughter echoing through his head, Ittindi had become accustomed to Naki, but today they were acting differently.

#4Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North Empty Thu May 02, 2024 6:37 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles greeted his old friend with a warm smile as he took a seat and filled his cup with the strong ale served at the Tavern. It was a Wheat Ale so the taste was a bit bitter for his liking but it got the job done. Knuckles reached over the table to grab a nut before feeding it to the Raven on his shoulder.  Hearing the promotion of his lifelong friend Knuckles smiled once more.

"Congrats Captain! Pride was found in his words of congratulations as he was happy to hear his friend was climbing the ladder effectively like he knew he could and would.  It was an odd dynamic, a criminal and Captain of the Rune Knights sitting across from each other knowing they were morally enemies but neither party was acting on it due to the history of their friendship.

"I'd wage you shall take Kon's spot by the next we meet.  I have met Kon a handful of times, was the Knight who had arrested me after I attacked him. We have fought every time we have seen each other. He is strong, a notch in the belt of someone I wish to surpass. But enough about that. I have news of something non-adventure related. It is about my... Affliction..."

That was probably the best way to state his contract with a demon which Ittindi knew all too well.   "I have cut ties to the demon I made a deal with all those years ago with aid from a Maiden from Iceberg. She is a part of my guild, a powerful magic user.  Her name is Lumikki, she uses Dark Frost magic and beats me with her magic. I say she made sure I could not touch her in that fight.  Though I lost that fight I gained her grace and eventually, we formed a team. During that time you will be happy to know we developed a romantic relationship. However, it was through her help in reforging my contract with her, allowing me to keep my daemon powers that our bond grew into something more. We are one in a sense that I did not know could happen. So there you have it Ittindi, I have found a woman powerful enough to bear my children and take my name shortly. "

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North Empty Fri May 03, 2024 10:54 am

Ittindi was surprised by his Young Master’s impromptu speech. It seemed that his relationship with Lady Lumikki was much further on than he suspected. While she had told them last time they met in the forest about his new contract, he hadn’t been made aware of the romance of the situation. This was exactly what Ittindi had planned to happen after meeting Lady Lumikki a couple times, so he couldn’t complain.

”While I’m not a fan of your condition, nor the race I understand. I have met Lady Lumikki a couple times, I think she will serve as a good enough influence for you. I fear I have encountered my own contract…on accident of course courtesy of the void I went to it with a bunch of my men. Karmic redistribution and all that you know I’m more of an Illumist myself.”

Ittindi didn’t speak about his religious beliefs in front of anyone besides Knuckles. He went to churches fairly regularly though often switching between them due to his traveling life. Ittindi had also met multiple employers at these churches so it wasn’t bad for networking either. Since the Young Master shared his guilt better that Ittindi share part of his. Ittindi still wasn’t ready to show his magic, unless his life depended on it to most. While he would summon the Naginta in close combat, he’d try his best to only rely upon his gun. It’d be good practice, better to put up an illusion of weakness then project strength like his Young Master.

He could hear Naki’s voice shrink as he admitted part of his mistake, though Ittindi was still unsure if he wanted to call it that. Though that would surely change as his and Naki’s relationship continued. In Ittindi’s mind they were still in a honeymoon phase, he still hadn’t seen the hardships that caused the other avatars to be reaped. What kind of demands that Naki would make for the sake of death? Would Ittindi find ways to defy them, he felt another power stirring in him prior to the sacrifice at the void. It had quieted at the new soul inside him, but that didn’t mean it was gone.

#6Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North Empty Fri May 03, 2024 8:19 pm

Knuckles Shi

"Ittindi, my faithful companion," Knuckles began, his voice carrying a mixture of gratitude and understanding. "Your support and understanding mean more to me than you know. Lady Lumikki holds a special place in my heart, one that transcends mere contracts and obligations. She embodies strength, wisdom, and grace in a way that inspires me to be a better man." He paused for a moment, reflecting on Ittindi's revelation about his contract and his religious beliefs. While Knuckles respected his friend's privacy, he couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie in their shared experiences and struggles.
"When you suggested I find myself a woman to produce an Aire and also rebuild the family outside the country I had figured it would come after my affection, never would I have dreamed that my affection would lead me to this woman. Nor did I ever suspect she would belong to Paradise Dawn of all guilds."

His eyes gleamed with hope as they looked up for a moment as he pictured his future with Lumikki.  "If I am honest, I thought about making a guild myself. One much like Sleeping Calamity, but dangerous in a different way." His eyes lost that gleam of hope and darkened as he looked directly into Ittindi's eyes. "Having a pact with a Demon from the Hells is not a joke, that is why I warned you about speaking such wishes out loud before when we were adding those people. I hope the Gods have placed a hand of protection over you as I have prayed for it.

Knuckles cleared his throat as his face relaxed to his normal expression as the Raven jumped the to table and began to eat the nuts on the table.  "I understand your apprehension towards your goals and the uncertainties it may bring," Knuckles remarked, his tone filled with empathy. "But know that you are not alone in facing these challenges. We are bound by more than just duty the bonds of friendship and mutual support bind us."

As Ittindi mentioned his contract Knuckles of course assumed he was talking about some contract with the Rune Knights now that he was a higher member of their order.  He was sure the man before him felt at odds with a sense of duty to both Knuckles Shi, his closest friend, and the Rune Knights the very people he swore to.  It was not an easy job to balance friendship and moral obligations.

"The path ahead may be fraught with obstacles and uncertainties, but together, we will navigate through them," Knuckles declared, determination ringing in his voice. "We will face whatever trials may come, drawing strength from each other and the bonds we share. And who knows, perhaps we will uncover even greater truths about ourselves and the world around us in facing these challenges."

With a nod of assurance, Knuckles stood by Ittindi's side, ready to confront whatever destiny had in store for them, their resolve unshakeable in the face of adversity.Knuckles spoke to his friend, Ittindi, with gratitude and understanding in his voice. He shared how much he appreciated Ittindi's support and how much Lady Lumikki meant to him. He considered her to be more than just a contract or obligation but an embodiment of strength, wisdom, and grace.

Ittindi had opened up about his struggles and beliefs, and Knuckles empathized with him. He assured him that they were not alone in facing these challenges and that their friendship would help them navigate through them. As Ittindi shared about his relationship with Naki and the complexities they faced, Knuckles listened attentively, pondering on the mysteries of fate and the powers that governed their lives. He declared with determination that they would face whatever trials may come, drawing strength from each other and the bonds they shared. He believed that by facing these challenges, they could uncover even greater truths about themselves and the world around them.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North Empty Sat May 04, 2024 5:46 pm

”Yes, it is ironic I have also found myself working with Paradise Dawn members quite often. Luckily I was to much of a whelp to be remembered unlike you, I’m surprised they let you join honestly.”

Ittindi would quickly respond to the first blurb, he’d listen as he spoke about his future ambitions. Starting a family and a guild what a legacy that’d create as well as a meaning to his long-lived life. That’d be something that Ittindi could work with, it would be no problem to build his school there. He could see it now, a town full of nobles, butlers and criminals it would a diverse place. He’d have to teach his students some self-defense no doubt, but it would be an interesting community to say the least. Though Ittindi would have to find a way to ensure that the system of crime would be dismantled, it would be more of a proxy war between him and the Young Master.

It seemed that he was a little too vague for him, he didn’t seem to understand the implication. Ittindi couldn’t tell if it was on purpose as some kind of sick trick. He’d continue to listen to the Young Master hoping that he’d drop some kind of hint he’d heard him mention his demon problem. By the time he finished reassuring Ittindi, he felt deflated. This would be much harder than he initially imagined, should he just continue to lie? It would definitely make things simpler, but were they supposed to be more meaning to their friendship? Naki seemed to want to be in the open, it made Ittindi hesitant on revealing more to others, did it grow in power that way? What would happen if Lady Lumikki accidently let it slip, if they were lovers it was possible Ittindi would come up in conversation.

” Why I’m touched sir I hope you know the sentiment is shared, though I’d always prefer if you don’t commit any crimes in front of me. Well, the thing is my contract isn’t even technically that, I didn’t sign anything or agree to anything. I’m wondering if that’s why I’m still human, it does make a way of purifying myself harder. I’ll no doubt find a way forward, especially considering how good I’m getting with this.”

Ittindi would pull his pistol out quick draw style and twirl it in his fingers before putting it back in the holster. It was a move that he had to practice for many weeks when he was care taking for a family who’s father was a longtime captain in the Rune Knights. Ittindi learned it faster than he or the child thought possible, but now he could easily do some twirling tricks with his gun.

#8Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North Empty Sat May 04, 2024 8:09 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles was listening intently to Ittindi as he spoke. He couldn't help but smile at his friend's lighthearted approach to even the most serious discussions.  Chuckling, Knuckles replied, "Okay, I admit it. I may have left quite an impression on the members of Paradise Dawn. But trust me, old friend, I only commit 'crimes' in the pursuit of justice and the greater good."

As Ittindi spoke about his own situation, Knuckles couldn't help but feel empathy for his friend's plight. The lack of a formal contract added another layer of mystery to Ittindi's circumstances, causing them both to grapple with the uncertainties of their respective paths. He watched as Ittindi twirled his pistol effortlessly, a testament to the dedication and skill he had honed over the years. Moments like these reminded Knuckles of the resilience and resourcefulness of his friend, qualities that would undoubtedly see him through whatever challenges lay ahead.

Knuckles wondered if Ittindi did not mean his Rune Knight contract which seemed to be nonexistent he wondered what sort of, no he could not have, could he? Knuckles eyes shifted to a look of anger as he slammed his cup on the table causing eyes to focus onto the pair. His raven flew up at this action avoiding the Rage of Knuckles. "Wait, do you mean contract of the likes I have agreed to?"

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North Empty Sun May 05, 2024 12:09 pm

”Yes, well similar but from those I’ve consulted its far different from the typical arrangement. Like I said we went to the Void to sacrifice, and all the others I’ve spoken too received items. I thought my luck would be similar; turns out I’m unique and now an avatar of an Oni. However, I’m still human the only “compelling” I’ve has been to live an exciting life. I haven’t had to change any of my hobbies as of yet so I guess I’m an exciting butler.”

Ittindi wouldn’t remark on the magic change, just that he had  Naki, others had a hard time understanding. Choosing to believe that Ittindi had worked out some deal with Naki, no he had woken up with his new powers after his void sacrifice. He had asked about it before, and Naki’s response had been that they’re so powerful they don’t require consent. Ittindi still thought there was something fishy about that, but just another thing to chalk up to research.  Though to be honest, Ittindi did feel as if since receiving Naki he had become more brash. It was hard to quantify since the situations he found himself in often resulted in having to think on his toes.

The many different masters he had; he’s always been one to make quick decisions. However, he used to find himself planning more…creating possible scenarios to counter. Instead, he now just lets the surprise hit him and responds accordingly his experiences tempering his future just as much as the action causing the situation. For Ittindi he couldn’t decide if that was a sign of his patience finally waning in the smallest amount or the influence of a demon. It was these kinds of deep dives that gave him new perspective to the idea of possession.

Was this how Knux felt, was his anger something the demon created or potentiated, and now at this point in the Young Masters’ life did it matter? Would Ittindi recognize that if one day Knuckles was calm and dispassionate that this was the true Knuckles or would it be fake to him at that point? When it came to questions of the mind or separation the ambiguity was what mythical creatures fed on. How to fix something that was unknown especially if the “fix” might irreparably change someone’s personality?

#10Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North Empty Sun May 05, 2024 7:58 pm

Knuckles Shi

As Ittindi revealed the unique nature of his contract, Knuckles' expression shifted from amusement to concern. Ittindi's confession of being an avatar of an Oni made Knuckles ponder the differences between their respective pacts.

"I must say I am disappointed in the outcome of which the void has gifted you this power." Knuckles began, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "The Void blessed me with the second hammer, nothing so cursing."

Knuckles thought deeply about the implications of Ittindi's newfound abilities, the subtle changes in his friend's behavior and decision-making that might take effect and be the influence of his Oni patron. The contrast between their experiences raised questions about the nature of possession and identity, leaving Knuckles grappling with the essence of his own identity.

"I am settled onto this path with Lady Lumikki, she has freed me from the demon who wished to use me and moved the objective of what I must do to obtain my power from him where as Lady Lumikki offers it freely as we help each other."

Knuckles reflected on his struggles with his demon, the moments of anger and frustration that seemed to echo the demon's influence. He wondered if his rage was truly his own or a manifestation of the demon's power. The line between self and other blurred in the realm of contracts and pacts.

"Ittindi, my dear friend, I hope this Oni is not a charismatic devil, I swear to you however, I will assist you in any way that I can." Knuckles declared, his voice full of determination. "No matter the challenges we face or the powers we wield, our true strength lies in the bonds of friendship and the integrity of our souls."

With a nod of understanding, Knuckles stood beside Ittindi, ready to confront whatever trials awaited them. Their friendship would serve as a guiding light in the darkness that lay ahead. It felt as if this was all his fault like his darkness had dragged Ittindi down a path that led him to this curse. Within the walls of his mind he apologized to his friend as he was too ashamed to admit this out loud, still his face showed his pain as he looked away from Ittindi.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North Empty Mon May 06, 2024 7:13 pm

”It is not charismatic, that would actually make it much easier. No instead it is very logical obsessed with the cycle of life and death. It claims that I’m now an avatar of the cycle. I think I grow stronger and will find a way to expel it. It was confused by Lady Lumikki so if she can become strong enough to scare it so can I.”

Ittindi hadn’t put it into words how he had been feeling about the situation. This covered it pretty well, he knew that it was possible especially after meeting Lady Lumikki. The power gap was even wider than he had with his Young Master, there always seemed to be another gap. This one offered a tangible reward, being able to be a master of his own fate. Or was Lady Lumikki unobtainable for mortals? A question that Ittindi would have to mull over.

Ittindi would take a long drink, then let out a satisfied exhale. It did feel nice confiding in his Young Master, though he didn’t mention it changing his magic. He had a odd feeling about that, he didn’t hate his new magic, the spear was very useful. Ittindi just missed nature, his attunement to it was weakened ever since his magic switched. He still found beauty in nature, but it was almost as if he had acute hearing loss just a small bit missing from the whole. A muted forest was still his preferred get way over the Rune Knights training grounds.

His men hadn’t questioned it until he had became a captain, now they wondered if Ittindi had some private training method. Something that increased his strength faster than the rest of them, the truth being much darker now that his power came from this Naki. He even had thoughts about training with a spear more than his gun, but Ittindi planned on keeping two of his plans. One to be one of the greatest pistol wielders in the Rune Knights, that was one he didn’t verbalize. The other was to continue his path of being the greatest butler. No demon would ever convince him otherwise.

”Still, I’m more excited about your news Young Master. Perhaps I’ll start to save to see if I can find us an island or something suitable to build a manor on for your future family. That’d be quite an elegant gift if I do say so myself.”

#12Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North Empty Mon May 06, 2024 7:29 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles spoke with unwavering determination, "Lady Lumikki's strength knows no bounds, and with her by our side, we will face this challenge head-on. No matter the trials we encounter, our bond will see us through."

As Ittindi discussed his plans to find a suitable place for Knuckles and Lady Lumikki to build their future, Knuckles felt grateful for his friend's kindness. The thought of creating a home for their future family filled him with warmth, and he envisioned a future filled with love and happiness.

He was happy that the woman he had chosen to spend the rest of his life with was someone Ittindi liked and supported him being with. Furthermore, he was glad to know that his Demoness' power had become so strong that even an Oni of Life and Death had retreated in her presence. With her help, he knew he would soon reach the same level of power to aid his friends and ensure his future bloodline was powerful and secure.

"Ittindi, your gesture is truly touching," Knuckles replied with a smile. "An island or a manor would be an elegant gift and a testament to the depth of our friendship and the bonds that unite us. But more than any material possession, it is your friendship and support that I value above all else."

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North Empty Tue May 07, 2024 7:54 pm

”Of course Young Master, I can’t think of anyone I’d rather share my future with. I’ll have to show you my new vehicle as well next time you’re traveling. I dare say it might be one of the most lavish things I’ve been gifted for my job.”

It had been a more recent gift, one of the families he worked for in Era was complaining about how he hadn’t visited in a while. They had sent him a luxury custom made mana-car so he couldn’t make excuses about the train or carriage travel. Ittindi had driven it around the streets of Orchidia and it brought a certain thrill. Naki seemed to enjoy the rides more than him, especially when the roads were less hospitable to cars.

Of course, the Young Master had his airship, Ittindi had not had the opportunity to ride on it. Their always seemed to be some event that caused them to separate before they could travel to other regions or they were meeting each other in different regions. He’d finish his cup, and would wait before he started another.

”Hmm, so I’m between mastering a spear, a naginata to be specific or my trusty sidearm. Which do you think would be a better idea Young Master?”

Ittindi was still in between which he wanted to focus on more. It wouldn’t be obvious to others that his magic was different just from a weapon materializing, he could lie and say that was one of its magical effects. The problem was he also really loved his gun, the past couple nights he had been considering which he’d master and which he’d just keep up with the basics, he hoped Knuckles had ideas since he specialized in weapons.

#14Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North Empty Tue May 07, 2024 8:29 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles took a large gulp seeing Ittindi had finished his cup already, he had gotten so lost in the news he forgot they were here to have a load off and catch up as they did from time to time. It was hard when you were not in the same guild to keep up with your closest friends. Though oddly enough the two always seemed to cross paths during world events as pioneers of their respective fields and guilds.

When Ittindi mentioned his new Car, Knuckles painted a confused look onto his face. "I am not familiar with this car. Though I am excited to see this beast. Perhaps Fang would love to see it as well" Knuckles said mentioning the name of his White Wyvern that he had released from his services once he had got the airship while a mob boss. He had been rich again for a while, and still had money from that adventure but being an honest working man was less paying for now. Perhaps he should look to collect in on a few bounties of his old 'friends' after a bit of sport.

"Well, you did well with your gun against that god we easily beat. Ha! What a worthless bunch we were there with eh? Thank the Gods for you and Toga. That other swordsman likely stained his trousers when I threw him through the air!" Knuckles slapped the table hard as he laughed pausing only to polish off his drink. "To be frank though my friend, truthfully it depends on which you can pair better with your magic. I can see a lot of combos using your webs to extend the range of your attacks with a spear and even recall the spear to your hand after you toss it. " Knuckles started strongly, then looked over Ittindi's frame. He had the body of a spell caster. It was times like these when he was grateful he was one of the rarer ones born without the ability to cast magic without the aid of magical items.

"With that frail body you should probably avoid close combat until you get some armor or have the strength to throw that spear of yours. It would not matter if you have range with that spear if you can not use the weapon properly, it would be like me trying to swing these hammers if I could barely lift them. Sure I could still bash a skull in, but I could easily catch my legs."

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North Empty Wed May 08, 2024 5:28 pm

Ittindi would laugh with Knuckles talking about the fight with the avatar of the god. Funnily enough there were probably people in Joya who saw him similarly now, though Ittindi still didn’t feel the same command that the other avatars of souls he seemed to meet.

”You know what’s funny, that knight was the guild master of Guardia Compagnia. I had thought his face was familiar, so I went to see if he was famous. Imagine my surprise. Yes Tōga is quite the Colonel, he’s risen through the ranks as fast as I hoped I could. He deserves it from his fighting prowess though I wish he respected the ranks more. He’s like you in that way, but that speech is for him next time he brings it up.”

Ittindi thought back on how the guild master had acquired the magic of the avatar. Since then, Ittindi hadn’t heard much on the Rune Knight airwaves about the guild. He did still plan on visiting the guild to see Decebal. As he listened to the Young Master talk about the pros and cons of spear versus gun one line stuck with him more than the others. Ittindi’s body frame, it made people think of him as weak. They probably wouldn’t even expect it to appear, better to focus on the gun. That way when people truly felt like they had bested Ittindi he could pull out the spear and give them another round of reckoning.

”Yes I think you’re right Young Master, I’ll focus on my gun. I’ve been doing strength training and such for my spear, as for armor I was going to do some saving again. I was thinking of getting a custom magic suit then have some enchantments for defenses. That stuff you wear just looks so unfashionable; your best dressed day might be in a casket. I couldn’t stand that thought for myself.”

Ittindi was half joking, but he did wish that sometimes the Young Master would lean more into his nobility. He knew there was plenty of pain there and that’s why he avoided it so he’d never push the issue. Instead, he’d rely on small jabs, Knuckles would of course tell him if he ever went too far. Or he’d sock him either way the message would be clear.

#16Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North Empty Wed May 08, 2024 5:46 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles could not help but chuckle at Ittindi's remarks about his armor. "Well I'll take effective overlooks when I am rushing head first in. I do not create the look of the armor I get I buy them for the properties they have. But I'll have you know under this very suit of armor I am wearing a pressed and fitted shirt. I do adore the finer things in life you know, I am not a barbarian. There are just only so many things out there. "

He waved to the waiter as he laughed a bit. "Why just the other day this guy tells me Sir, you seem like the type of man who could use an armor that lets you tunnel underground and reflect damage back onto those that hit you! Thus there I was hooked on his sales pitch. I said why yes Sir, that sounds like a nice suit of armor. Immediately I start planning on an attack combo going from the air then underground and vice versa. He then tells me this very same armor allows me to form into a ball that doubles the damage I can send back to my attackers. While not my style I think well that would be useful if I ever get caught in a bad spot. Then he shows it to me."

His face shifted as if he had gotten a bad odor stuck in his nose. "He wanted to sell me an armor that made me look like an armadillo. It was so tacky I thought to hand the man over to my old mob buddies for a crime against fashion."

Knuckles settled down and leaned back in the booth. "You know I can help you train. You need to visit Paradise Dawn and check out our Gym. It's great, one of the best I have ever been in. Though take what I say with a spoon of salt, I hear there are some spear styles that use their enemy's strengths against them, something about using the momentum to enhance your own attacks. That style requires more cardio than strength though. "

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North Empty Thu May 09, 2024 3:06 pm

It was always delightful for Ittindi to hear how his Young Master kept some of his decorum from his noble times. Ittindi laughed again the thought of Knuckles finishing a battel and taking off his armor to reveal a fully drenched fitted shirt and slacks. Then again that might attract people, he wondered if that’s how he seduced Lady Lumikki. As the waiter swung by, his service was hovering around a 6.5/10. While he had been attentive to their table and the other 4 he was serving, it didn’t pass Ittindi’s notice that he did a very meager clean up of tables after patrons left. One wipe down with the same dirty rag he had been using since Ittindi entered the restaurant. He knew his towel brands well that one was meant for washing oneself not for cleaning tables, the dirt crusted over the edges of it and the white had gone to a dingy grey. Ittindi was aware that this fell on the owner more than the waiter, but he wouldn’t accept such standards even when he does wait on the side.

”Just think Young Master, you could have been “The Rolling Calamity”. Seriously, I couldn’t imagine you wearing an armor like that. If you ever do wear something silly like that I hope you know I’ll take a picture and frame it on my desk.”

Ittindi was being serious about the last part, the idea of his Young Master embarrassing himself in such a way. It brought the biggest grin to Ittindi’s face and it would be worth the cost of getting a picture taken, something Ittindi hadn’t done since his induction into the Rune Knights. As Knuckles spoke about training at the Paradise Dawn guild hall with him Ittindi was surprised. He had worked with a decent amount of Paradise Dawn guild members and not one had mentioned a training facility. Though there were rumors around Era that a new academy was being built in a remote location.

”I’d love to go train there, it’d be great practice for my gun. I’m afraid I plan on becoming as strong as you to wield my spear. No one will expect a well dressed butler to be hiding strength, it’ll be easy enough to tailor my outfits to hide my muscles.”

#18Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North Empty Thu May 09, 2024 4:06 pm

Knuckles Shi

As the waiter approached, Knuckles made his order: a bottle of the finest wine they had and fresh cups. While they waited for their order, Knuckles resumed their conversation with a tinge of unease. The prospect of a permanent photo was not something Knuckles relished being a part of. He sighed and tossed another piece of food to his Raven.

Despite living in the woods during jobs, Knuckles still had standards. He turned to Ittindi and said, "Oh, you can get even stronger than I am currently and barely be bigger than you are. Would you like me to show you how?" It was a free invitation for a torture session with Knuckles, and he couldn't help but grin at the thought.

It would be nice to have Ittindi in the same room with Lumikki. Knuckles was curious about how they would treat each other. Most of all, he wanted to spend time with the two people who meant the most to him and supported him. He let out a sigh and looked up at the ceiling. Since his Demoness was now in charge of the guild, he wasn't sure how much free time they would have together.

"I think I'm going to be stuck in the guild I want to destroy. If I destroy it, I'll break Lumikki's heart. Shit just sucks. How much longer are you going to play cop for?" Knuckles asked, his frustration palpable. There were going to be some changes that came from this new lifestyle of romance and later on having kids and he was trying to figure it all out.

"I think I am going to ask her to marry me properly, and I am going to need a ring that fits a Demoness of Ice and Darkness...."

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North Empty Fri May 10, 2024 8:32 pm

Ittindi didn't have much to day listening to his Young Master talk about how things were going in his personal life. He had given so much thought to the idea of his Young Master and Lady Lumikkis future. As he considered the children the estate the whole future. A large smile appeared on his face as he continued to dream. The waiter reappearing with the wine glasses did bring some increase to the waiters character.

He was still just barely above average, ittindi knew he could do better. As the Young Master continued on about his love for lady Lumikki.  ittindi didn't take such talks of love lightly. He was happy for both of them wondering if she truly returned his feelings. From the blushing on mentioning him Ittindi belived it. He hoped that he too would find someone who admired him in such a way before he passed. His first love would always be for the butler arts but he could make room for someone else in the picture.

#20Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North Empty Sat May 11, 2024 4:06 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles fetched the glasses of wine and filled a glass for each other, taking notes over the years on how to do it properly to allow the wine to breathe just enough while pouring into the cup. Once the glasses were filled Knuckles would slide one of the glasses to Ittindi while lifting his to his lips taking a sip and allowing the flavor to saturate his tongue. It was okay, a bit bitter but it would do. Knuckles nodded to the water and thanked him before looking back to Ittindi. "I wish to pick a ring out for her. If you have the time I would like you to accompany me and help me make sure it is the perfect one. More importantly, Ittindi you have been my only friend since I can ever remember. Before Sleeping Calmanity before Paradise Dawn, there was you my friend, and because of your dedication and loyalty to me, I would be honored if you would be my best man at my wedding. There would be no one else I can think of to have that spot."

Kuckles fed Murder more food and scratched the Raven's head. It was a good bird and one of hers, a testament of their bond. He was happy with life for once, no demon controlling him. He was able to chase his own passions and dreams once more.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North Empty Sat May 11, 2024 8:46 pm

Ittindi test of stoicism was one of dire straits, that was the life of the greatest butler this would be a chapter in his autobiography. While he wouldn’t cry his eyes would sparkle with that microscopic bit of water. Ittindi would stand up and place both hands on his friend’s shoulder appreciatively.

”Of course Knuckles.”

Ittindi couldn’t say more as he took some of the wine offered to him it was indeed a good breed and it helped center him. He hadn’t heard his Young Master talk like this in years, it was pleasant. Happiness, but it was finding someone truly powerful, Ittindi couldn’t let go of his greatest hobby. His body, mind and soul they would have to be strong enough for everything to come.

”So Young Master, what do you think you’ll be up to next? I’m probably going to be headed back to Central eventually than Magnolia. I’m expecting a promotion in the next month or so, my power is on the rise. Soon I’ll be able to tell you what to do.”

Ittindi was of course joking, but he knew that he’d be paying for that remark next time they sparred. He did look forward to unlocking the next iteration of his weapon, it had some features locked away for when you hit major.  The quartermaster had really sold him on the features even though it required a heavy payment as it wasn’t standard issue technology. It was meant for the Rune Knights that didn’t use magic, but there didn’t seem to be any prominent ones of their generation. While they all had different weapons he knew Colonel Tōga had his large blade.

”I am thinking of getting a creature though to be honest. Something to travel with me in the car, for when I’m tired of talking to people. I always wanted a pet, I’m a high enough rank that my barracks allow pets since I’m the one who signs the waiver. ”

Ittindi had scoured some different merchants exotic beasts sells, but so far hadn’t found the creature that made a bond with him. Once he did he knew that be the pet for him, until its life ended he only wanted one at a time. He just didn’t know what kind of pet he wanted, but he had always been jealous as a child not having one.

#22Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North Empty Sun May 12, 2024 12:35 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles was a bit overtaken by Ittindi's response to asking him to go ring shopping and to be his best man, he knew the man cared since he ALWAYS pushed it at him but to see this level of excitement out of Ittindi was rare. It made Knuckles feel like he was making the correct choice in life for once. Ittindi then asked what was next for him, and then spoke how his goals were to reach the next Rank within the Rune Knights' pecking order. He even made joke about telling Knuckles what to do, and Knuckles could not fathom a single time he had ordered Ittindi to do anything.

"Well I imagine if you become that strong, then this Oni will not be an issue for you. Remember you can also ask myself and Lumikki for help in dealing with that matter. We have experience with this kind of thing, but those are good goals for yourself. I will hold you to them, if you're not as strong as I am today by next we meet I will have to show you the full power I can bestow down combining that of Devils and Gods alike."

Knuckles chuckled heavily as he was being serious. It had been some time since the pair had trained together and he was setting a goal for his friend. "As for me, I will be heading back East. It seems a little criminal friend of mine has been harrasing a little raven. Though they pale in power to even you I suspect by this time, I think it is time I send them a more permanent message about who the hell he is fucking with. " It was in that last sentence that Knuckles' Daemon powers surged for a moment as he pushed out his bloodlust thinking of Erebus, the last Member of The Akdudama Syndicate. "It was a mistake to even join their rank more so to claim the title of Don by their ranks. After that Lady Lumikki and I will head to Iceberg to start the reclaiming of her family lands, and to slay Demons from here to there. I expect by the time that comes I will be closer to evolving into something more sinister and powerful but fear not for my path is True Ittindi."

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North Empty Sun May 12, 2024 8:57 pm

Ittindi would become enraptured by the Young Master plotting out his next couple months, there seemed to be some overarching plot. It was rare for his Young Master to do so unless he felt there was something to be gained. He wondered if he was speaking of his mysterious guild that he had never heard the name of. It was hard to imagine someone causing problems for Lady Lumikki, but he could understand his Young Master filtering out the weak. He just hoped that if the man proved to be more of an issue than he thought he’d catch word of it. Surely anyone who could capture his master would still be hurt from the battle afterwards. At a moment like that Ittindi could prove to be useful. That’d have to be another artifact he’d get for his Young Master. Something that could summon both back and forth for each other in emergency. He’d scour the records when he was back in Era.

” Sounds like the next time we will be seeing each other is in the East Young Master. Though I’m not sure if our time there will link up perfectly, it depends on how much time I spend in Era.”

Ittindi had heard many mention Iceberg, the person who had inducted him into the Rune Knights when everyone else didn’t have the time was from there as well. A tough place he knew demons, dwarves and necromancers from Iceberg. They all seemed normal enough besides their unique quirks. While he’d prefer if his Young Master’s or his company was mostly human that didn’t seem t be the case. Would he have enough time to visit at the same time as them? He could make room in his schedule with his new rank. It could even end up helping him in extending the Magic Council’s reach. However, he didn’t have their customs learned, that would take a considerable amount of time.

He'd give it more thought at a future venture, focusing inwards instead. It did seem that Naki was satisfied with his current adventures for the first time in a while he could feel an almost sleep like state exhibited by his demon. It seemed all he needed to do was be around every world event. The worlds best crisis butler, that just didn’t have a ring to it. He’d have to workshop it wondering what rank he’d need to utilize the marketing department of the Rune Knights with branding questions.

As his Young Master went over his newest power, Ittindi frowned for a millisecond probably caught by his friend. He didn’t even like what happened to him when the probability he seemed low after seeing everyone else’s gift. Ittindi still felt that lingering for his silk, now replaced by chains, he needed to create more spells with it soon he could feel his brain bursting with more stories from the past.

”I trust your intentions Young Master its whatever power you intend to use that I worry about. Even Gods can start to sound like demons in other cultures. Not ours of course.”

#24Knuckles Shi 

The Nominal North Empty Mon May 13, 2024 3:15 pm

Knuckles Shi

It seemed Ittindi and him were heading to the same place after all. Well, close enough anyway. Erebus had made himself a target after Knuckles had let him live and allowed him to run off. Though now Knuckles was regretting that he was not merciless that day. Knuckles gathered himself before going too far off into his darker thoughts. "Well if we are both heading that way why not travel together, it would be a nice change of pace. We can either take my Air Ship and see the world from the top or take this Car you have. I am heading to Hosenka, and hopefully closing the door to that Mafia hideout. It would be a great place for the Knight to raid, but I want the fun to myself you see. "

Knuckles himself would have to pay Brone a visit before he proposed to Lumikki and also learn the customs. While they shared the same gods the culture they had was different. He did not wish to cause an issue with the work she wanted to do with uniting the clans together but it would be something he would likely have to do alone.

Ittindi showed an extremely brief show of negative emotion and wondered if he was already struggling with things from the Oni. "Fear not my friend for the power I now have is tied to a mask." Knuckles hovered his hand over his face and a white mask appeared, it was much like the face of a jester but the expression on it was scary and demonic. " It is probably closer to that TakeOver magic that some people use to access demon's powers. But I am in no danger of losing myself to it. " He waved his hand away and the mask vanished.

Knuckles took another drink of his wine as he looked at Ittindi with a seriously questioning look. "Have you any idea where your guild Master Kon is by any chance? The last I met him was in Joya. I would like to have a rematch with him. Just when I think I have learned all his gimmicks he pulls out something else. He is an interesting guy I will admit. Oh, and if you would like when I am done in the east I can give you some information on AKUDAMA SYNDICATE members. I am sure it will help you get that next promotion."

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

The Nominal North Empty Mon May 13, 2024 8:41 pm

Ittindi was delighted by the offer from The Young Master. He felt that it would be best if they used both their forms of transportation. The initial travel to the east would have to be done to central, he hoped that his Young Master had business there besides being arrested…again. Every time he seemed to see him there there was a bounty on his head, his gun chirping at the thought. Though today it wasn't vibrating which meantt here were no large leel criminals in their immediate vacinity. Mostt likely the Young master hjad been workign on his boutny in anticipation of marry ing Lady Lumikki.

He wondered what kind of ceremony that a demon would want. Or better yet if they'd be following icebergan tradition. It seemed that everything there being so cold would mean a lack of elegance. However both members of Paradise Dawn he met from there had the highest levels of decorum. It made iceberg a destination for him sometime just to observe the culture or pick up some books about it. He wondered if there were people he came to Fiore with the same intentions.

”I'd like it if you also took me to Iceberg some time it seemed that both you and Lady Lumikki like it there. I might efven see if I could purchase land there for you it seems to be a common link between you. Though I don't know how I feel about the cold but I’ll give it a try for you Young Master.”

Ittindi was sure there could be some beauty in the barren ice wastelands. He had found it so easily in places teeming with life like a forest, but with his new sight of death maybe a icy wasteland would fit perfectly for Naki. There had to be more for a whole civilization to thrive there, Ittindi just wasn’t sure what an icy biome would look like inhabited by others.

”As long as you also know that we will have to stop in central. I have some quick b usiness I need to handle there. I also need to wrap up a pretty long term investigation here before I'm ready to leave. Sometimes the Rune Knight life is as expansive as my real passion of butlering.”

Ittindi wouldn't think about his desk full of investigations on the shadowy invasion of magical plants. He'd need to finish that up before he set up his office for the next individual. Ittindi was surprised by the level of detail his Young Master was engaging in. Truth be told he hadn't planned that deeply since before he had received Naki. That kind of in depth planning was frowned upon, no doubt that would be his downfall in the end.

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