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Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn]

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#1Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:36 pm

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki


Shyly she would walk against the building as she had to wear her special outfits due to the fact the others were being washed. Her red-black eyes gleamed and glistened as she would look around not knowing how to feel. Why did she have this outfit anyways? To her it felt somewhat revealing. Her long snow white hair would bounce every time she'd walk. Her dress stopped at mid-way of her thighs, sea green from the hips down and blue at the chest area. The dress had spaghetti straps and the chest area also had a white bow-shaped fabric. Her shoes were sandals with a single blue rose on each sandal.

Her face showed innocence, purity and sweet. Even though that was true, inside she was still a woman, spiritually an elder. She wanted to hold onto the purity longer, desired act like a child as she was cursed to look like one. She wasn't sure on what to do other than go out to eat.


Her right hand covered her stomach as she felt it rumble. Kuriana wasn't so sure on where to go in this case and wandered throughout Crocus. So far she has met an interesting child, Yoshino. Shall they always be friends? Even if she found out her real age and so on? Her lips curved into a frown as she thought of losing friendship already. Soon though that frown turned into a calm small smile, wandering to go somewhere to eat.

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 
#2Tenshi † 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:07 pm

Tenshi †
Finn had been in Crocus for a couple of days now. Luckily, Jake had thought ahead better than Finn had. Within Finn's green backpack was a small stash of Jewel for when Finn got to Crocus, enough to pay for a hotel for a couple of weeks. Luckily, the place he found was kind to Guild Members. Upon showing his tattoo, Finn got a discount. He wouldn't have much problems staying here, not for a while at least. Still, the fact of the matter was that he had come to a realization while coming here. He couldn't just rely on Jake to do everything. Sure, the dog had caught him off guard by not coming along. Despite that, Finn should have prepared properly for the trip ahead.

Now, after resting and finding some things to do around the hotel for a short while, Finn decided to explore Crocus. He hadn't really been to the Capitol, not often enough to consider himself well acquainted with it at the very least. Every brick, corner and road offered a new realm of possibilities for the young adventurer. Was this part of why that guild master had sent him down here? Possibly why Jake had been ordered to stay behind? Certainly if his brother had come, Finn wouldn't have explored the town. If he did, he probably wouldn't have taken it in this much.

Still, the absence of his brother was an upsetting thing. It-


A strange noise from just around the corner. Finn stepped around and saw a girl, facing away from him. Long white hair and a dual-colored dress made her a stark contrast from the brick and rock that made up the town. Everyone he'd seen so far was either in a large group, or seemed to be set on a specific destination. This woman was alone, and walking idly as if just letting the time flow by. Perhaps she'd be a good conversation?

"Uh... Hey there!"

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] D09aavQ
#3Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:20 pm

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki


As she walked slowly upon the walkway Kuriana hummed softly. Her bright red-half black eyes would glisten like jewels as she would think about where to go. She wasn't positively sure on where to go as she was still unfamiliar about this place. Her dress would waver as the wind past by as her her hair would with the dress. 'I have no clue why I'm here still...but I feel although there's a reason.' she thought to herself.

While her mind was off and her stomach was growling she then felt as if a shadow was arriving. The most casual hello was spoken, making her turn around. Her eyes opened wide as she looked up to see a male of blonde and blue eyes. 'I-is he talking to me?' she thought flustered holding back her blush. Lightly a pink would rise upon her cheeks, but soon disappeared making her look away. ''H-hai.'' she started to speak softly and girly-like. Her eyes then looked upon his making a shy smile. ''Wonderful day isn'-'' Grrrr~ she was going to continue, but her stomach growled making her blush and looked down at her stomach. 'Not now stomach!' She thought and proceeded to speak to the stranger that just spoke to her. Seconds later she would continue what she said. ''A wonderful day isn't it? Are you new to Crocus too?'' she spoke shyly and softly, curious.

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 
#4Tenshi † 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:38 pm

Tenshi †
As the girl spun around, Finn felt his heart flutter slightly. His eyes had been trained for years to take in everything before him. Every slight change and every alteration in his environment was potentially a detriment while growing up. Worth Woodsea was not the most dangerous location within Fiore, but there was death all over the place. One false step, one missed thorn, could lead to a bad time.

Crocus was not the forest, though. There was no threat before him, and instead his eyes soaked in her being in a single moment. The long white hair that danced around her face, a frame that changed while the picture remained untouched. Glowing red eyes that shone like jewels, and tint in her cheeks that dared to try and match. The boy was lucky that his eyes did not linger in any location for more than a split second, for her curves were not lost on him either. For the first time in his life, Finn didn't know what this feeling was.

"Y-Yeah, beautiful," he started. "The weather! The weather is- I mean uh... Yeah. I'm new to Crocus. I uhm... Take it that you're hungry?"

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] D09aavQ
#5Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:56 pm

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki


She looked at the boy, biting her lower lip as if she messed something up. Did she already embarrass herself? Made herself look like a fool? She was somewhat in a panic within her thoughts. Kuriana was never around guys other than her father the scientist. Her cheeks were still a somewhat pink, turning reader as he said 'beautiful', but didn't say the weather was till afterwards. 'He couldn't have been talking to me. That's silly...' she thought coldly to herself. She made a sweet smile as she heard him ask about her being hungry.


''H-hai, I am...'' she spoke shyly and softly looking away and then looks back right at him. Her hands held each others behind her against her lower back. Her waist would motion side to side smally in a rather shy-adorable way. Her head tilted up to look at the blonde guy trying to gather and process back to normal. ''Do...do you want to want to go with? We're both new here! It'd be more fun right?'' she spoke bubbly and optimistic with a sweet smile. Finally she waited, hoping that he'd join her and hopefully she doesn't bore him.

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 
#6Tenshi † 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:23 pm

Tenshi †
This was a quick progression that one would expect out of some sort of anime, manga, or RolePlay site. The two had literally just met, and yet this was where they were at already. To Finn, it wasn't too odd. His experiences with other people had been minimal- After all, he was raised by Dog Beasts. That being said, even he felt rushed. It wasn't a bad thing- He was indeed new, and he could definitely go for some food. "Sure! Yeah, that sounds great!"

His voice held an obvious excitement to it, but behind that there was an edge. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were trying to break themselves from hers, but he couldn't. Not easily, at least. She was, without a doubt, beautiful.

"My name is Finn. What's yours?"

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] D09aavQ
#7Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:37 pm

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki


Her eyes continuing to look at his she would wonder on what type of food he'd like. She tried to hold her flustering and settle so her soul didn't cause a commotion. She'd smile and hear him say on how he'd join. After that he spoke of his name making her smile simply. ''My name is Kuriana.~'' she spoke soothingly and softly as she smiled more happily, eyes closed and everything till she quickly opened them back up.

Cutely she tilted her head and looked at him, quickly turned and then continued to walk slowly. She would make sure that she would walk slow enough for him to follow. Her hands were behind her, holding each other happily humming. Within breaks of humming she'd ask, ''What kind of food do you like Finn?~ I love all food so it doesn't truly matter what I like. Haha.~'' and ended with a giggle. Her heart was beating somewhat quick though, more than normal yet she continued to ignore it. Slowly she'd twirl though to look back at Finn to make sure he was following, if so she would smile happily and turned back to walk straight.

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 
#8Tenshi † 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:01 am

Tenshi †
Kuriana? It was a curious name. Normally, from what Finn had gathered, names were pretty straight forward. One could estimate a persons place of origin by their name. Kuriana, however, he couldn't place. It sounded almost catlike, which seemed to fit her personality thus far. Quiet, and yet easily intrigued. She was an interesting girl, this Kuriana. As she spun suddenly, Finn's eyes widened and his jaw fell, watching her begin to walk.

What the Glob?

Quickly following behind her, he had almost closed the distance as she turned to glance in his direction. Feeling his heart flutter once more, his cheeks reddened further. She was so close now. The fragrance she emitted was a clean one, with some unknowns laced in. [color:5df8=3366ff]"Doesn't matter to me. I guess we'll just go wherever we see," he said, his words quiet.

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] D09aavQ
#9Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:32 pm

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki


She'd walk slowly and then as soon as she saw him catch up to her when she turned, she walked normal. Her red-black eyes would wander as her thoughts wondered on where they should go. Her face had a sweet smile, cheeks somewhat pink as she still felt a somewhat shy fuse within her and walked in a straight position. Softly she'd hum and heard him speak on how it didn't matter to him either, making her smile within as well.

She wondered if she should continue this little act or was it even an act? Was it just the fact that she has been in this body for so long that the personality was real? 'Mmmm, where to take him though...I don't wanna pick somewhere he'd get bored and not like.' she thought. Kuriana tried to think of all the possible places that were here, but what wasn't here? Her eyes cornered to look at him secretly, seeing his face somewhat red. Was he shy too or something else? ''Mmmm, how about we go to some arcade that has some food?~ It'll be fun and it'll have tons of food!~'' she spoke excitedly and cheery as she turned to look at him with her wide sparkling eyes that were like black/red jewels in ablaze. She wanted to entertain and not bore her first male acquaintance...Hopefully this will work.

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 
#10Tenshi † 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:54 pm

Tenshi †
As she suggested a potential location, Finn went to answer- Only to be caught off by her sudden and dramatic movements. Turning and facing him, her face was suddenly a stationary thing before him. Was it closer than before? He couldn't quite tell. All he knew for sure was that he didn't know what to do. For a brief moment he stared in silence, soaking in her features. Her wide, crystalline eyes and her excited, almost childish smile. To many, it would be deemed as an almost immature behavior for a the girl. To Finn, however, it was a spark of color in the otherwise gray and black Crocus.

"You're beautiful."

The words escaped his lips, and then his mind processed them. Face turning a blood red and eyes widening, Finn looked away quickly and grabbed the brim of his hat, pulling it down over his eyes. "Sorry! Glob, Sorry! Yeah, arcade will work lets go!" His voice was higher than before, an obvious tell of his embarrassment. Without waiting, the young man would begin to speed walk past Kuriana. He didn't know where an arcade was, and he sure as hell didn't know where he was going. He just wanted to leave the embarrassment behind.

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] D09aavQ
#11Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 2:08 pm

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki


She tilted her head as she waited for him to speak and once he did her face became red. Her eyes somewhat widened more, watery as her lips quivered. 'D-did he call me beautiful?' she thought as if her mind then exploded. She has never gotten a compliment before besides her father and her past life, but why did this feel different?! Her body felt somewhat like stone yet warm. Kuriana's eyes couldn't leave his as if what he said shocked her.

Suddenly she was out of shock as he walked past her in a rather face pace. Was it her reaction? Was it because she didn't say anything. Her head shook as if to snap out of her. ''W-wait up!~'' she spoke softly and waved. She would run to catch up and when she did, she'd walk or try to walk the same pace as him. Her head tilted down and her pointing fingers twiddled. ''T-thank you for yknow...saying that.'' she'd say super softly and quietly. Her mind though felt cloudy as she herself didn't know how to react. Her womanly old soul on the other hand just couldn't speak, act or anything on this as it was dead silent.

Her eyes wandered to find a change of subject as perhaps it made Finn uncomfortable now. 'Where is this damn arcade I heard of...' she'd think and then her eyes spotted it. ''Hah! There! Let's go Finn!~'' she'd speak happily, grabbed his hand and dragged him along to the arcade doors. As soon as they got to it, she'd open it for him and walk inside with. Her red-black eyes brightened as the inside was rather amazing. It was dark yet lit up by neon lights of every color or every game and the lights where the food area was. Slowly she would let go of his hand as her heart beated quickly, noticing that she did in fact grab his hand. Slowly she would turn to look up at him. ''S-sorry about that. I was excited to find it.'' she'd say in a quietly soothing tone. Her eyes would light and sparkle like stars from the lights above and around them. Her smile would be sweet and genuine.

Slowly she turned back around to look straight at all of the stuff, wondering where to start. ''Food first? Then games?'' she questioned shyly as her voice somewhat became higher pitched in a rather soothing way. Step by step she would go though, hopefully him following to the counter and looked up at the menu. ''Hey there, what can I getcha?'' the counter man spoke and looked at the two (if he followed). Kuriana would turn to look at Finn. ''You order first.~'' she spoke happily, tilting her head and smiled once more.

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 
#12Tenshi † 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Wed Oct 26, 2016 2:52 pm

Tenshi †
Finn felt as if the moments they were sharing were a tidal wave, sweeping them along in the current. Both of them were there, and both obviously had some influence on their surroundings. What was going on though was a fast paced whirlwind of youth that seemed to be catching both off guard. While it wasn't necessarily Finn's first time being awe stricken by a member of the opposite sex, this time was different. He was in a strange town by himself, with a woman he had literally just met, after four days of solitary travel. His mind was doing strange things, stranger than normal.

Once she grabbed his hand and pulled him along, surprisingly he calmed down. Seeing her so excited for their adventure almost soothed him. As they made it to the arcade that she had talked about and gone inside, he couldn't help but laugh as she apologized. He probably should have said something, but nothing came to mind. Then, as if on queue, it was his time to order. "Oh uhm right. I'll have fries and a hamburger I guess."

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] D09aavQ
#13Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:50 am

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki


Her eyes looked at Finn as she waited for him to pick his order. After seconds she would turn to the counter person, looking at him, wondering. Before too long she would stop wondering random stuff and look back at Finn to wonder if her fathers saying would imply to him too. 'Humans exist to be experimented on for other people's use.'. Kuriana was the 'other people' in this case or in all cases in the past and near future. Her eyes continued to shine with innocence as she had such deep thoughts. She couldn't imagine doing anything to Finn. There was no reason to as he didn't deserve such a fate as far as she has seen.

She listened to Finn say what he wanted to the man on the other side of the counter. Kuriana lowered her head to think for a moment, letting her bangs get in her face in the process and looked back up at the counter man. ''I'll have a bacon cheeseburger, some onion rings and a sundae.'' she'd request from the man. The guy looked at the girl in awe as the left part of her face was covered and her right eye looked at him with purity. ''O-of course. Coming right up.'' he said as he turned and waved. ''You heard the two. Get to work!''. 'But I didn't even pay yet! What the hell?' she thought and then looked at Finn smiling. ''I guess we should find somewhere to sit.'' she spoke normally in her girly voice.

Slowly she would walk slowly away from the counter, her hair bouncing left and right upon each step from her black plump shoes. Usually she would be wearing thigh socks, but today she wanted to wear short ones for this dress. The floors were black carpet so there were no noises upon each step, it was silent. Her eyes looked towards a booth that was right next to a black bar, separating people from the rollerskating rink. The other side of them would be arcade games of all colors, separated in an equal fashion. The table on the other hand was regular brown, the wood was glazed with an over coat as the booth seats were red cushioned, no tares. As she sat down she would look at finn, watching him. He seemed quite adorable, cute and yet mysterious, but who wasn't mysterious in their own way? ''Over here Finn!~'' she speak excitedly. No matter where he sat, she'd be happy to have someone to eat with and perhaps a new friend and entertainment for herself.

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 
#14Tenshi † 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Sun Oct 30, 2016 4:07 pm

Tenshi †
Finn quickly made his way following Kuriana, both of them having just ordered their food and now waiting on the actual delivery. Joining her at the table that she had picked out, he finally began taking in the area around him. It might have just been an arcade, but one could tell that this was the type of place that Nobles would come. It was large, filled with absolutely everything that someone could want to do. Games, both classic and new, as well as a roller rink and some other things seemingly on the other side. Finn was almost overwhelmed by it all, sitting in the booth across from her.

Jumping and looking down at his hand, he realized he had rested it directly on top of hers. Quickly looking up to her eyes, than away from her with a flustered look, he wondered what to say while removing his hand. "Sorry about that... This place is huge! When did you find it?"

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] D09aavQ
#15Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:21 pm

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki


She wondered on when the food was going to come out, but honestly she could care less. It was nice to go and spend time with the first male of this life time. Her eyes looked to watch him yet not his other movements oddly. Soon she then felt his hand upon hers, making her face instantly pink. His hand was warm, but soon he took away his hand and apologized. 'He's quite adorable...' she thought and smiled sweetly. ''P-Please don't apologize! There's no need.'' she spoke shyly and softly, waving her hands in front of her. In seconds she would put them down and then saw their food arriving. It smelled wonderful and refreshing. ''Here ya go ya two.'' the cooker spoke, nodded and left after putting the food down in front of herself and Finn.

''It smells rather good.'' she spoke happily and looked at Finn, into his eyes with her own. Her eyes would slowly look at her food, taking her food one by one and nommed it slowly as she wondered on what more to say. She never really was alone with a boy before...

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 
#16Tenshi † 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:24 am

Tenshi †
As their food arrived, he couldn't help but shoot a smile at the girl before him who had begun to nibble on her food. She was an interesting one, and although he was rather caught off before, now it seemed rather... Calm. It was a strange series of events, that was for sure. He had quite literally no sooner met her than he was being dragged off to have lunch and play games with the girl. Digging into his food silently, he finished his meal without a word to her. As he finished, glancing at whatever she may or may not have left on her own plate, he grinned. "Ready to get to some games?"

Once receiving confirmation, he'd stand and wait for her to join him as they made their way over to the actual arcade portion of the unique building. Allowing her to actually choose the first game, whatever it was, he'd look at her with a laugh. "I'll be honest, I've never played any of this gunk. Can you show me how?"

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] D09aavQ
#17Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:51 am

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki
She nommed and tasted her food in delight. It was as if she hasn't eaten any good food in awhile even though she has. Kuriana slowly would lift her right hand to brush her bangs away from her eyes as they would fall. Her red-black eyes would sometimes slowly look at Finn with a shy smile and then back at her food. He was really cute, but should she even say such a thing? Her heart pounded in a rather face pace while she thought of him. As her mind became lost she would then hear him speak to her, making Kuri look up at him.

Finn started to ask about the games and if they should go play now. Her face blushed a light pink as she nodded to this gesture. ''O-of course.~'' she'd say in her light soft voice. Slowly getting up she would grab his hand after patting down her dress. Next she would walk to a game with a single hockey puck and two gripping sliders. ''Well, this this game. We pretty much have to compete and whoever gets more pucks within the other persons goal, wins.'' she started and then looked around as her other hand would trace the edge of the hockey game. ''There's also games that you can win tickets and get a prize in the end with whatever tickets.'' she spoke with a rather exciting tone and cheesy grin. Her bright eyes looked at finn while holding his hands, wondering on what he wanted to do. ''It really depends on what you want in the end.'' she spoke softly, eyes glistening into his, but calming herself down a little so her hands don't sweat.

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 
#18Tenshi † 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:37 pm

Tenshi †
One thing Finn was not was a Casanova. He didn't really understand the concept of letting someone win a game just to let them win. While he could go easy on someone in combat and let them win if he though himself stronger than them, games were different. That being said- Competitive spirit wasn't the driving cause. Sure, he wanted to win and enjoyed knowing that he had beaten someone through effort. That being said, he could have just as much fun losing (most of the time). Rather than being driven by that urge to prove his superiority, it was simplicity that allowed him to be the way he was.

He didn't understand the concept of letting someone else win. To lose was one thing, but to not try so the other person could do better? That was more of an insult than a good grace. How would that be enjoyable? How would that help anyone? It wasn't a concept that really rang with Finn. Even though Jake had tried to explain it, Finn just couldn't comprehend. And so, when she explained the game, he nodded with excitement and gave her a thumb up. "Got it! Lets go!"

(Go ahead and decide who wins in your post, then we can go to the next game xD)

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] D09aavQ
#19Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:08 pm

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki
She looked at him as he seemed to agree to play the hockey one. Her long white hair would sway as she would walk away after letting his hand go. Swiftly she would turn around to look straight at him from the other side, her body bend forward and her eyes looking at him daringly. Her right hand started to reach for her black gripping bar and smiled small as her eyes would wait for the hockey to shoot out. Next her left hand would lower to push the button after putting some money in and there it went. First it would bounce back and forth towards her, making her black her goal instantly and then smacked it towards the goal on his side.

Kuriana giggled cheerfully rather or not he blocked it and shot it back at her goal. If he did, she would try to block it in time. This was somewhat fun to her, simple yet fun. Her heart felt childlike and her eyes looked into his every time it was his turn to block, smack back or let it goal. This would go on till him or herself got to ten points, shooting out tickets to the winner. Rather or not she lost, it wouldn't matter to her...for now.

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 
#20Tenshi † 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:13 am

Tenshi †
Although Finn had exceptional reaction time, there were simply too many distractions. He didn't know the strategy behind the game, he had never been allowed trial and error. The strange wind being shot off the table kept making him wonder where it came from. The fact that the puck would reappear after every shot made him wonder how it worked. He simply was overwhelmed. This thing that seemed so common and normal to all those around him, to Finn, seemed like it was some foreign concept that he could never begin to grasp.

Before long, Finn lost the game. The final score was four to seven, with Kuriana easily beating Finn at the end of the game. Sighing and grinning at her, a small chuckle bubbled up from his throat. "That was fun, good game!" As they went around, seeing more and more games, he found himself being less and less caught off guard by her grabbing of his hand. Before long, though, he knew that time was going on and he actually had to get to work.

"Hey," he'd begin, grabbing her attention. "Today was a lot of fun. Thank's for spending it with me, Kuriana. I have to get back to work though." On his face was an almost pitiful smile, showing that he would stay if he could. However, he really did have to get going for now.

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] D09aavQ
#21Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:43 am

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki
She looked at him and smiled as she listened to him giggle/chuckle. Her face blushed a little pink and tilted her head. She knew that soon enough it would be time to go and this little time together will end. Would it be the last though? Something within her started to hurt, but it would later disappear like all things. Kuriana listened to him say on how he had to go back to work. 'Right...forgot already.' she thought and made a small smile. ''R-right! Alright.'' she started to say softly and nodded her head. Her head turned to the left and then quickly to the right, soon after towards him. Quickly she would peck his cheek and smile shyly. ''I-it was nice to spend this time with you Finn..Thank you.~'' she spoke in a quiet soothing way as she would slowly let go of his hand.

Soon her back turned towards him, but not fully till after she waved bye to him. ''Maybe someday we'll have more fun and possibly a better adventure!~ Good luck with your work.~'' she spoke normal toned yet sweet and then disappeared out the door.


Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 
#22Tenshi † 

Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] Empty Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:00 pm

Tenshi †
Reaching up to his cheek, which was now a beautiful shade of scarlet, Finn didn't know how to react. Part of him was happy she had gone for his cheek instead of his lips. He didn't know her well, and he'd never had a kiss. Even this, other than his mother, was a first. He had no idea how to react, instead smiling and nodding his head. "Y-Yeah, I'll see you sometime again. I'm sure of it. If you're ever in Hargeon, I'm a member of Blue Pegasus, come by to see me!"

With that, Finn turned and left the area. He thought he played that coolly enough, but truth be told he was likely wrong. After all, with the redness of his face, how cool could he have looked?


Adventure Time: Crocus [Finn] D09aavQ

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