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Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa]

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#1Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] Empty Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:17 pm

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki

Shall life find its way...
By flying and by being free.~


Click here to see outfit:
Kuriana started to walk within the night after leaving the hotel that she decided to stay. She honestly didn't feel like dealing with another immature woman who thought she was high quality. Maybe she should've acted like her real self and just left. She hated the drama of another woman, which was why she never laid it on Judith in the past life. Her eyes looked and wandered as she wasn't really sure on where to go. She was wearing a white and black dress, straps and her simple little hat.

She had to get stronger...to defeat those who wronged her. Her eyes lowered half way, body rested against the brick and sighed. ''Are all women like that now?'' she questioned herself quietly. That woman was on her mind, but why? Kuriana tried to think back last night on the whole conversation, what could've been said instead and what the woman could've done instead of shit talking.

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] Empty Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:13 pm


Alisa had a pretty good memory but even if she hadn't there was no way she could forget. No matter how she looked at it, she went too far with that girl, whose name she didn't even know... As frustrating as it was to watch another self assured brat walking around on a quest to punish the world for mistreating her, she defenitely went too far. For all her aloof demeanor, Alisa was still a blunt, passionate woman, and found it difficult to hide her feelings when something struck so close to home.

The little girl defenitely knew magic, and at least her voice was already grown up. Would she overcome her hatred for the world in the next few years, or would she delve deep into it and become one of those people who younger Alisa swore to kill? Hopefully she didn't make it even worse, or else she too would have a share of the responsibility.

Today, she had saved some of her energy throughout the day, opting for a lighter training, so once the sun set she was still relatively fresh. And why would a battle nut like her do such a thing? It turned out that there was indeed a need for someone like her, even in Crocus. Granted, she didn't know if it was actual dark mages, but if these people had magic they defenitely would be. While walking around she heard people talking, and learned how a few children and young teenagers - primarily girls - had been going missing since a few weeks back.

Naturally, she had to investigate.

The air had cooled down slightly since yesterday, and thus Alisa opted for thicker leggings and and a shimmery cashmere sweater (closed chest this time around), forgoing a proper scarf in favor of the turtleneck. And thus she walked around the streets to the sounds of crickets, avoiding the crowded nightlife and venturing into the area where most disappearances had occured. It didn't take longer than an hour to happen upon a trio of suspicious looking men wandering through a dark alley. Narrowing her eyes, she turned to follow them...


Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#3Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] Empty Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:02 pm

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki

Shall life find its way...
By flying and by being free.~


Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] Untitl11
Sighing softly she would lean against the wall still. Her red eyes looked up at the night sky, wondering on what to do with her own life. She somewhat couldn't remember a lot from her past life before this one besides having a child...yet not her name. As she was thinking this, unknowningly someone or a group was coming for her. They knew her yet she didn't know them. Next thing she knew hands would block her from going either side. Her head tilted up as her bright red eyes glew. ''W-what do you want?'' she questioned softly, her white hair swaying to the side by the wind. The guy smirked and lowered her gaze to look at her. ''Heh...Your magic and you.'' he spoke in a hasteful voice. 'My magic? Why? Did he know? Her eyes glared and looked away. ''I have nothing special. Go away.'' she spoke and bit her lower lip. ''Oh? I'm sure the whole soul experimenting doesn't exist, huh?'' he joked and the other two, one on each side of the main guy laughed. 'Who are these guys?' she wondered coldly and tried to think of a way out...she wasn't strong enough yet.

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] Empty Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:39 pm


She followed the men unnoticed, which wasn't really hard given how focused they were on the opposite direction. Even though it got darker the further into the alley one walked, they seemed to know exactly where they were going, like they were homing in on a target. Suspicious... Too suspicious... Even if these men didn't look incredibly shady, it would still be suspicious, and eventually that feeling was confirmed as Alisa turned around the corner and found what she was looking for. The three of them circling a much shorter girl, obviously a teenager or even a child. Yet with the men around her there was no way of getting a proper look, for now.

It didn't matter, she had found her targets, and acted immediately. Producing a quick crystal ball, she fired it at the one in front with a quick kick, catching the man off guard and knocking behind the neck, hard enough to knock him out on the spot.

"Ooh, that easy...? I'm not surprised you'd gang up on a little girl then, anything else would completely out of your league", Alisa taunted with a confident smirk, readily assuming a defensive stance as the men turned to face her:


There was a reason behind her venomous mockery other than simple confidence. The way she held her palms open in a steady, defensive stance  was a part of the same scheme, goad her enemies into attacking so she could do what she did best: defend and counter in a single movement, faster than they'd even be able to see coming. And against simple thugs, it was all too easy, "And you call yourselves men? Truly pitiful..."

Enraged, one of the men ran towards her while the other took his eyes off the girl, possibly allowing her to escape or defend herself. As for the attacker, he'd have his work cut out for him, throwing a predictably wild haymaker. She met his head on offense with a fluid defense, her body shifting away slight and grabbing the man's wrist with her forward hand, tugging him off balance and drawing him into Alisa's lead hand. The counter came in a swift burst of movement, with a straight punch to the sternum, followed by a chop to the throat, both attacks hardening with a crystalline layer right before impact.

Reeling from the sudden strike to his vital points and gasping for air, the abductor was on the ropes and Alisa followed up immediately, throwing a mighty roundhouse kick to the head. Once again, her leg hardened with a crystalline layer right before impact, smashing into his head with a loud shattering impact, and knocking out the second foe, "See...? Pitifully weak.", she uttered one final taunted and flipped her hair behind her, eye the next enemy.

Regardless of whether or not she had gotten away or not, Alisa's smirk would fade the moment she saw the girl she'd just aided, "Y-you...!", what to do now, eyes widening for a split second at the coincidence of running into the same girl twice. Then again, this wasn't overly surprising, just like last night here was the young teenager walking around alone, likely heedless of the danger she was in. It was a feeling Alisa knew all too well, having nealy cost her life and being the major catalyst for her change in the past few years. But there was no time to ponder on the past or project her flaws in this girl anymore. She did that too much the last time.

Sighing, Alisa realized she'd have to swallow her pride for a greater cause and do something she rarely did, "I'm probably the last person you'd want helping you, but for what it's worth, I'm sorry. I doubt you care much about my reasons, but I went too far. Just this one time though... I need you to trust me.", , speaking earnestly with a genuinely concerned look in her eyes, all she could hope was for the girl to put their little feud aside until the kidnappers were all gone.

With this, she'd try to approach the girl as more footsteps could be heard in the distance. Clearly, these guys had friends...

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#5Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] Empty Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:51 pm

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki

Shall life find its way...
By flying and by being free.~


Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] Untitl11
Kuriana looked at the guy who was in front of her and then cornered her eyes to look at the other two. Her red-black eyes just glared at the man in front wanting to kick him in the balls. Before she could though some inturruption occured. Something made the guy get away from her as well as the other two, but what or who? She heard some noises, people getting beat up and so and then she finally saw who was there. Her eyes half-way closed in irritation and sighed. 'Great...it's her.' she thought somewhat disgusted. She listened to the woman talk and for once, she wasn't a bitch. She then wondered if she's here to show off or some other crap because ...who knows. ''Trust you... Trust isn't very easily earned you know, but I'm sure you do.'' she spoke in her normal girly voice and looked at the guys, shaking her head.

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] Empty Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:15 pm


WORDS: 302 | TAG: @Kuriana | CLOTHES

The answer was somewhat predictable, but then Alisa expected an outright "fuck off" or something of the sort. She wasn't here to play buddy buddy, but unlike what she might have come across, she bore the girl no ill will, and would defenitely try to keep her safe from these goons.

However, the little girl was much too focused on her and not so much on the last bad guy, who was ready to grab her from behind into a chokehold. Locking on her murderous gaze on the enemy, she suddenly darted off into a sprint the moment he took his eyes off her, jumping into a flying side kick and smashing into her target squarely in the jaw. She had to jump over the girl to strike the target without hurting her, which she did with flying colors. This was one of her best training attacks after all... Thus when she landed, she was behind the girl instead of in front of her, "You can go back to hating me once we get rid of these guys.", answered the woman with a soft smile, clearly not too concerned with what other people thought of her. However, she sounded truly resolute as far as helping her against the thugs this one time, "I'm Alisa by the way... Whats your name? It gets annoying to just call you "little girl" and "you" over and over."

But then they wouldn't really have that much time to chat as a five men reinforcement group arrived, clearly pissed at what had been done to their friends. Two of them moved forward to attack as Alisa stepped forward, "Please... Get behind me If you don't want to fight."

Frighteningly Beautiful

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#7Kuriana Kozshiroyuki 

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] Empty Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:52 pm

Kuriana Kozshiroyuki

Shall life find its way...
By flying and by being free.~


Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] Untitl11
She looked at the woman, ignoring the guys by them. She closed her eyes for a second and shook her head every-so-slowly. She felt somewhat irritated that drama was everywhere she went. Why couldn't she just be at peace or something? Her neck started to hurt, her eyes getting somewhat droopy and she had to stay up. The woman started to give out her name, Alisa. 'So that's what the woman's name is...' she spoke within her thoughts.

''Kuriana...'' was all she spoke. She really felt too lazy right now to actually fight or just tired. Yawning softly she would just be lazy and sat right behind her. What kind of timing that these guys appeared and her....Something was getting to her, draining her energy, but what was it? Her eyes slowly started to close and then blacked out.

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] 14772411
Sometimes...it feels although my real self is within the darkness part of the abyss...while here I am...standing. 

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] Empty Sat Oct 29, 2016 9:23 pm


WORDS: 355 | TAG: @Kuriana | CLOTHES

Smiling as the girl gave her answer, Alisa was visibly glad that they could at least achieve such a measure of truce. She was content to let the girl on her path once they were in the clear but for now she had to make sure she reached that far. Kuri stepped back and allowed Alisa to step forward, keen eyes identifying each and every opponent. With the girl safe behind her and no enemies coming from that side, she faced the threat alone, taking her signature stance, "Don't worry, this will all be over soon.", she said reassuringly before smirking smugly at the enemies, flashing a "come on" gesture with her lead palm, "Won't it boys~?"

Even without magic, Alisa was a master martial artist. So long as her opponents were simple thugs, they'd need an army to bring her down in such a narrow alleyway. In this battlefield, their numbers were worthless: The first charged with the front kick, to which Alisa parried and responded with her own towards his grounded leg, following with a parry against the next enemy's attack, and then the next. All a succession of fluid parries and defenses with counter attacks to throat, cheeks, or gut mixed in between

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] 576105f332


It wouldn't have been longer than half an hour... Once all foes laid uncounscious or dead around her did she turn back and notice the girl had passed out, and why she didn't know. She certainly couldn't bring herself to leave the girl alone when bad guys were after her, so she carried her out of there and took her back to the one place she knew her to feel at home. The park when they fought last time. Laying her down on the bench, Alisa rested Kuri's head on her lap and gently petted her hair, trying to coax her awake. She was so much cuter when asleep like this...

Why did they had to fight like that last time?


Frighteningly Beautiful

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Don't judge a book by its cover [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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