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42! The answer to life! [Alek/Private]

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#1Lee Nakamura 

42! The answer to life! [Alek/Private] Empty Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:33 pm

Lee Nakamura
The young redhead only sought to find the missing pieces of her lost self. A new founded goal than to hide the most scarred face in all of Fiore. Each scar had a story, each story has a tragedy, and each tragedy has to be told. A man's journey never ends until they are forgotten. The wise man she claimed as her father told her that when she was only a little girl. There were so many quotes her father said to her that many would live by. Though, only a few stuck out at her. Such as another one that she keeps remembering time and time again

"LeeAnn, you are a Nakamura. A long line strong people. Don't ever let the struggle be your true identity"

It was a strange quote, but a good one. What she thought it meant was to never let the evil win. Do not become swallowed by it and let it affect you. Something she struggles with day by day. Her father loved her. Hikaru was right that day. Daddy's girl, she really was her father's favorite because she was his only little girl. The thought of her parents still made her ache knowing her mother was still out there somewhere. She sought for years to have her father fully heal to know an answer. He had probably given up by now, but she hasn't. With the reveal that Konstantin and Aleksander were her cousins, she now would sit down and think over her life.

Does she consider herself a Nakamura? Or a Sokolov? Well of course, by blood yes. Though, by her heart, she didn't know. It was either one family or the other. With being raised only knowing the Nakamura side of the family, she was more like her father and Hikaru than her mother. LeeAnn walked with fiance by her side. The kitsune did not show his ears and tails today making himself look like a 'normal' human being. They would hold hands like any normal couple. The redhead's thoughts were somewhere else as her cat ears were perked forward with curiosity as her tail with lie upward in a somewhat good mood. Hans had a derpy smile like always in a good mood ready to take the day with full chaos with LeeAnn by his side. Lately, her family had not approved of him for reasons unknown. She thinks Hikaru's opinion is because she was his little sister. You know how protective a big brother can be of his younger sister. LeeAnn only could think of her whole life. What it meant. How lost she was. Who really is LeeAnn Alister Nakamura? Someone who was lost at sea or someone who was so broken not even the best enginneer could fix her.

A small sigh came from her as continued to think. Too much thinking for this woman could or would lead her down a dangerous path like the last attempt a month ago. Hans has to remain on a high alert at all times because she has snapped once before and is on the verge of doing it again. "You're quiet today, LeeAnn. Why are you so..out of it" asked Hans. The redhead broke out of her trance hearing her fiance's voice kinda concerned. She smiled gently. "Nothing just thinking about things. Hans, what is the meaning of life" she would ask. The kitsune smiled derpingly. "42! The answer to life, universe, and everything" he smiled. The redhead gave him the most puzzled look ever. Only a sigh came from her knowing how he was thinking. Random nonsense. She wore black armor tht looked super fancy for her rank, that was her mother's old armor. There was an eyepatch over her right eye covering up the scarred and perhaps blind eye.

42! The answer to life! [Alek/Private] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#2Aleksandr Sokolov 

42! The answer to life! [Alek/Private] Empty Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:18 am

Aleksandr Sokolov
Aleksandr was sitting on a bench in the streets, there were many people walking around. He was mostly thinking about what to do in this town, he really had no purpose here, he just came here for coming here, like no reason at all. He sighed and looked down at his shoes and legs, he was pretty bored and well hadn't met members of his team for months, except for Konstantin who he had met recently and oh well. He had to do something, why wasn't he doing anything? Was he turning into a lazy sloth like person, he didn't want to, that's for sure but well at the same time he did, it was like he was a teenager again, being confused about almost all things, out of frustration, he screamed "Goddamnit man I'm getting confused about every fucking thing!" as the passersby looked at him in shock, mostly out of the sudden scream and he said "I'm sorry." as they went on their way and he face-palmed, gosh he had to control his emotions.

Looking up, he closed his eyes and tried to relax himself and placed his head on the head of the bench, he sighed and then opened his eyes and looked at the sky, at birds and the clouds, he smelled a bit chicken cooking in a near by house and smiled, then a bird almost pooped on his left shoulder, had he not moved his shoulder quickly, he would have had to wash the shirt which he didn't want to, of course, the poop fell where his arm was before. Looking in front, he saw two familiar figures, LeeAnn and her fiance Hans, oh well he didn't expect to meet them here and he didn't want to, considering him 'complimenting' Lee and he had his hat beside his right shoulder, so he picked that hat up and placed it on his face, hiding most of it, except for his instantly recognizable hair. But he had Lee's diary that she had given him in his lap which would contribute to getting recognized if Lee looked at him but he didn't take time to notice that.

#3Aleksandr Sokolov 

42! The answer to life! [Alek/Private] Empty Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:43 am

Aleksandr Sokolov
Seeing as LeeAnn didn't notice him, he took advantage of the situation and capitalized on it. He grabbed the diary in his lap, fixed his hat and turned to walk in the opposite direction in which Lee was walking. He got away fairly quickly. He very much wanted to, he didn't even want to see anybody from his team for a while and wanted to spend time alone so he could understand himself and clear his head. He also had to do something while he was done here and not be the lazy bum he is. Sigh, only time will tell if he will actually do something while's here. For the meantime, a coffee would be nice for him.


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