She was just getting ready to leave when she noticed something, something that was beginning to appear more and more familiar to her the longer that she was in Oak Town, someone running away from a crowd of people with people otherwise being disappointed or upset at what they were seeing. However, unlike in those cases where it at least appeared that someone had attempted to steal from someone, there was no indication of that, and in actuality it appeared far from that, that more like it was someone who was moving hastily away from the guards after having been caught, but after looking a bit further to see if there were anyone pursuing whoever it was that had disappeared into the alleyway, she saw nothing. Intrigued, she ventured into the alleyway herself, only to happen upon the stupid child who she had helped on a past occasion, the same child who when she had first arrived in Oak Town had put a blade to the throat of the child in an attempt to accomplish another task that had happened even before then. That they were meeting again, it was an ironic meeting, one in which was of great delight to Selindra, having a chance to possibly cut down the boy, as his actions were more reflective of something guilty, of someone who would be willing to pay for his death, though before she had a chance, the boy happened to notice her and begged of her for her help.
503/1400 [20% Adventurer Reduction, 10% Grimoire Heart Reduction]