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Satisfaction [Social | Marina]

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#26Marina Wulfstan 

Satisfaction [Social | Marina] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 9:22 pm

Marina Wulfstan
Marina would shrug her shoulders as she look down at her drink. "Well. I would like to think I be a riot, but I don't know if I call it a beach party in middle of desert. Nothing but endless sand for as far as the eye can see. Well at least there plenty of sand for making castles." Now the topic of parties where brought up. Marina try to remember the last time she even been to a party? She couldn't think of one. Well there was another thing she have to do in Fiore.

"I be a gentleman and cover the costs this time. No need to thank me.Well it was only fair that Marina would pay for this round of drinks. Luckily she had some jewels on hand in the case of an emergency. Marina dug through her pants pocket and handed the sales woman her jewels even threw in a few extra just for being a cutie. "Well. I think she fine to look at. Not as beautiful as other people I know. " Marina would say this as she watch the woman tend to other customers.She had a cute rear to match even better. Oh. She was more like her brothers than she thought.

So the wink was direct at her. How flattering. It wasn't often that a woman show interest in her. Well at least back home."Well at least I know she has good taste in women. I wouldn't mind if she wanted to spend some time together. It does get a bit lonesome when your generally use o be surrounded by family. " Marina would take a huge gulp off her beer and shake her head. A bit of a frown form on her face. It wasn't as good as the other drink she had, but it was still drinkable.


Satisfaction [Social | Marina] - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:35 am


WORDS: 440 | TAG: @marina | CLOTHES &

 "Maybe if you found an Oasis?", pondered Alisa, tilting her head softly as she thought to herself. The idea of having a beach party at the desert did make her laugh softly, and at an oasis even more so. It sounded like something she'd try if Marina ever brought her to visit her home in the desert. That said, both girls had the same though, Alisa clearly had to take Marina to a beach party.

She was a bit surprised to find Marina so eager to pay this one; she expected the brunette would cover the next round, "How kind of you~", she thanked her, and finally understood the motives when she saw the nomad generously tip the beautiful blonde. Alisa's gaze danced between the pretty blonde and the cute brunette, admiring their respective shapes. Of course, she had admired Marina plenty, and for once was more interested in how she looked at another girl, watching the way her eyes glued to the girl's butt as she walked away, exactly like a man would.

She couldn't help but giggle at the sight, though it turned into a soft laughter as she once more heard this beast master's unyielding confidence: Yep, Alisa defenitely liked her and knew she'd be a good fit for Blue Pegasus.

"So that's your type huh~?", teased Alisa, nudging her friend with a playful smirk, "Still, I understand. My family was never that big, but even now it gets lonely sometimes... And that tingling you feel when you open up to someone you like...", she curled her lip, "It almost makes it all go away.", even if the cool Alisa seldom pursued love affairs, she was still a romantic at heart and naturally grew receptive towards people she fancied.

And talking about it only made her think about the last time somebody had gotten through her cool, aloof outside and saw the passionate romantic within. It had been too long, and the artist seldom though about how long it had really been. She glanced at Marina, enough to catch that frown on her face. She didn't look a lover of beer, but it was an acquired taste anyways, "You should defenitely join Blue Pegasus though.", recommended the artist, "Perfect way of being surrounded by beautiful people."

She took another chug of beer, then let her gaze settle on the concert. Good thing they were snuggling close like this, as a cool draft of wind suddenly picked up, bringing faint goosebumps to her skin.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we rock?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Satisfaction [Social | Marina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#28Marina Wulfstan 

Satisfaction [Social | Marina] - Page 2 Empty Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:16 pm

Marina Wulfstan
"Sure. I could party at an Oasis, but a part of me feels that party would turn into a brawl of who gets on the Oasis. Some people don't like sharing, but I can't blame them." ,It was a nice thought, but with water being a precious resource she doubt many people who want to waste it for a party. Now that she thought about her mother wouldn't be happy if they just party.

Marina would begrudgingly take another sip of beer as her friend tease her. She was caught staring at the worker just like her brothers. "Sure, but I can't say that I have a type? Between living in the desert and being surrounded by my brothers. I haven't had much time to think about it too much. Plus it hard to get experience with these sort things when your family is near you most of the time." Of course she was on her own now, so she had more freedom to try out things she could never do in the desert. Marina could only nod in agreement as she managed to gulp down the awful drink.  Opening up to someone you like. Yeah it does almost make the lonely  thoughts disappeared.

At the mention of joining Blue Pegasus. The beast master would remain slient as she thought about it.  The thought of being around beautiful people was appealing sure and by joining a guild there were sure to be some benefits from joining it. Finally, she wouldn't have to spend money on rent. The inn was nice, but it did cost a bit to live in one daily. "Hmm. Sure I mean it beats staying at the inn and being part of group is something I'm used too." Really, Marina couldn't think of a reason to turn down the offer. Sure that most likely other guilds to consider joining, but she if she didn't had any interest in researching them now, she doubt she would care about it later.

It was getting chilly out here and the concert was dying down. "Maybe we should call it night? As much as love this concert it getting to be a cold for my liking."


Satisfaction [Social | Marina] - Page 2 Empty Thu Aug 03, 2017 9:22 am


WORDS: 520 | TAG: @marina | CLOTHES &

Indeed it might have been hopeful to begin with. The artist listened to the insight of someone who's spent her youth in the desert, how people there didn't like sharing. Made sense, after all people share in times of plenty; the very opposite of living in the desert. But even more important than this was hearing about this girl's preference. Befuddled, Alisa's brow raised and her jaw dropped, how could someone so beautiful and confident not have had any romance? But Marina answered it soon enough.

...Then whoever claimed this girl's firsts... Would be in her memories forever?

"Well, you'll have plenty of time to figure that out. Fiore can be a pretty romantic place.", comforted Alisa, unconsciously wondering whether she'd be the one to do it. One thing was certain, she didn't expect Marina to stay inexperienced for long, not in this place. And especially not once she formally joined Blue Pegasus, "I have a guild stamp, so we can take care of that one of these days. Hopefully before we do the next job~", chuckled the sculptress, knowing the guild stamp itself had several effects on their bearer.

Alisa never really understood how they worked, but she expected it to be a fifty fifty result of the members' own shared will and the master's preposterous power. She fully understood how one had to have the strength of a monster before being elegible for lead a guild. At least when dealing with the three major light guilds in Fiore. Though the dark ones were probably no different...

But it appeared they'd have to discuss this elsewhere, for the concert looked like it was coming to an end and the heat loving girl was getting chilly: "Well, you were born in the desert while I was born in the snowy north.", Alisa cuddled Marina a bit tighter, rubbing up and down her side not unlike she was doing earlier. Yet this time not to tease her, but to warm her up a bit longer,"Sit with me for this last song, then we'll go back, hmm?"

She said that but both girls could tell that song wouldn't last much longer. There were still encores after, but Alisa could live without those, especially since it meant they'd avoid the bulk of the crowd. If they waited until the very end, getting out of the venue would defenitely be a hassle.

So once that song finally ended, Alisa gave her friend a little kiss to the cheek, then finally let go of that comfortable hold around her body, standing up and offering her hand to help her stand back up, "Well then, shall we get going?", but even after grooming her clothes and putting the towel away, they'd still have to navigate through the rest of the clever people who decided to exit a bit earlier, to the sound of the encore songs. At least there were no huge crowds to swim through...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we rock?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Satisfaction [Social | Marina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#30Marina Wulfstan 

Satisfaction [Social | Marina] - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 05, 2017 7:45 pm

Marina Wulfstan
Well. There was no way Marina could rejected staying for one last song. Plus she wanted to enjoy the warmth of her friend for just a bit longer. Her friend was more comfortable than any bed she slept in."Yeah. I'm more use to withstanding the heat than the cold. Though I had my share of chilly nights at home. So you come from the snowy north? Bulit any snowman? " Marina said after the song was finally over. She would. accept the helping hand her friend off and got from the ground.  The desert dweller would would the cheek Alisa kiss and smile as she watch her put away the towel and straighten out her clothes. Marina on the other hand would just brush her jeans off just in case any dirt got on them. She wasn't concerned about her appearance.

The desert dweller took one last look around the area to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything before she answer the question. "Yeah. The weather getting chiller and this concert was great for the most part expect for the beer. Ugh." With no more reason to linger here any longer. Marina rub her hands together and begin to head towards the exit walking along side her friend. Despite the cold, the night sky was beautiful to look at. The moon shining brightly above them. "You know we should meet up again sometime after this you know? After we get this guild thing done and over with of course." She assume she get a guild mark like Alisa,  though Marina wasn't sure where she wanted at. Maybe on her shoulder or her back? The thoughts of tattoos faded as she listen to the encore songs.


Satisfaction [Social | Marina] - Page 2 Empty Sun Aug 06, 2017 12:54 pm


WORDS: 340 | TAG: @marina | CLOTHES &

Truly, Marina enjoyed her warmth. And though Alisa thrived in cold, the feeling was mutual and she was more than happy to oblige; cuddling, rubbing and keeping her warm, the sculptress sat close to her friend as long as possible, enjoying the brunette's playful quips as much as the concert itself:

"Of course, and snow angels too~", she chuckled, standing up and packing up their little camp - assuming a towel on the grass could be called a camp - "Not a beer girl huh? Well, it's an acquired taste anyways... But I'm glad you had a good time, beer notwithstanding."

She probably didn't have beer in the desert and indeed it's not the kind of drink people grow to love right away. Yet if her hyped up mood from the concert wasn't enough, Alisa had something else to look forward to. Having recruited this girl to her guild made her feel even closer to her; after all the sculptress no longer had any close family, and her guildmates wound up fulfilling that role. Once they were finally outside, the crystal mage marvelled at her friend's beautiful visage under the radiant moonbeams:

"We defenitely should.", Alisa smiled approvingly, rubbing the brunette's shoulder as he eyes trailed from her towards the horizon, where she'd be leaving tomorrow, "I'm heading to Era tomorrow but you should come with me.", she gazed back into Marina's eyes as she issued the invitation, cocking her head slightly, "I can give you your stamp along the way? Though you should think about where you want it too, it's a pretty personal decision~"

Considering where some girls put their guild stamps, it's about as personal a decision as you can get, perhaps even more than which guild to join. With their next meeting arranged, Alisa would finally wave goodbye, looking foward to seeing Marina again...


Ignore that dice, have no idea how it wound up there :'D

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we rock?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa Vollan on Sun Aug 06, 2017 12:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Satisfaction [Social | Marina] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Satisfaction [Social | Marina] - Page 2 Empty Sun Aug 06, 2017 12:54 pm

The member 'Alisa Vollan' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 58

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