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Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên]

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Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] Empty Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:25 pm


WORDS: 430 | TAG: @tiên | CLOTHES

Today had been a big day. Alisa sparred, quested, explored all over Magnolia, though she was far from being completely spent, she desperately needed relaxation. Just that dinner wasn't enough, so she'd spent tonight pampering herself. Question was, what to do exactly? She enjoyed relaxing at the pool, but it was closed at this hour. And she didn't exactly have a beach to go lie around on...

How about the Magnolia baths?

She'd visited them in her first day in Magnolia, but her reasons were business, not pleasure. She and Chelvaric were hired to evict a pervert who had been camping there on a regular basis, doing his lewd 'research' on bathing women. He got what was coming to him, and she did get to soak in the bath both before and after... But it just wasn't the same as actually going there to soak away her troubles.

The moonlit sky looked lovely tonight too, with scarcely a single cloud blocking the myriad of stars. Defenitely, not the kind of night she should be wasting by staying indoors, but then again such was life in the summer. That when time when Alisa's love of beauty defeated her dislike of heat and kept her outdoors, even if sweating gallons...

Good thing the baths themselves were outdoors too, with nothing but a wooden fence to ward off perverts. Perhaps for that reason Alisa kept that towel firmly wrapped around her breasts, giving her that proeminent cleavage, and had no intention of taking if off even as she entered the baths. Though she may be perfectly confortable flaunting her body in reduced clothing, nudity before strangers was just sleazy.

"Well, If I find that guy again, I should break something.", she thought out loud, frowning softly as she eyed the hole the guy used to peek through last time. Bella had covered it up thankfully.

The sculptress looked around the steamy springs, looking for other girls... And found none.Alone huh? Well, Alisa had an early dinner, most people were probably still busy eating theirs. She had the whole women's bath all to herself, hardly anything to complain about. So, she dipped her foot in water, sampling the heat... Warm, as warm as it could without being unpleasant. The perfect temperature, quickly bringing a warm flush to her cheeks.

"Aaah...", she sighed with a delighted smile, slowly lowering herself into the water, lying lazily back against the smooth, lukewarm rocks, "This... feels nice..."

Soak away your troubles

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#2Tiên Linh 

Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] Empty Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:40 pm

Tiên Linh

Rivers That Run Deep
Forests That Shade Beauty
That Is Where I Will Spend My Days
Word Count : 516
Sinese #336666 | Fiore #ff3333

Tiên needed a place to relax, he had once again been in the forest tending to the wildlife and checking to see if there was any damaged plants. He really cared for the wilderness, and in all honesty he found it fun an entertaining just watching the wildlife interact with each other. If he could live in the forest, Tiên thinks he really would do it.
But alas, he was still a reasonable human, and still needed to tend to the basic human necessitates. That meant eating, drinking and hygiene. So after having a small dinner, and a drink to go with it, Tiên decided he would try out this place that he had heard people talking about. The Magnolia Bath. It seemed reasonable, and relaxing. So tying his hair back int a bun, and placing on his other favourite outfit, Tiên headed towards the bath.

The moon shone over the town, as the clouds dissipated into nothing, leaving the sky clear and looking like a mass of dark blue sea, with a few specs of silver for the stars as the glowed. He liked the look of it, but he would prefer looking at it in the soft grass of a plain surrounded by trees and nocturnal wildlife that would not attack him as he relaxed.

Arriving at the baths, the young male stepped inside and instantly flushed at the women who was behind the desk. It was his first time here, and he had no idea what he was doing.

"Hello Miss, may I help you?"

"I... U-uh... Would like to try the baths... It's my first time?"

"Sure, I'll just get you a towel, and then you can just head to the baths."

Tiên nodded as the women left before thinking to himself. "Did she call me female? Clearly I am male right?" Shrugging, he soon looked at the women as she handed him the towel, before he headed towards the male baths just to be stopped by the women gasping.

"W-wait. That's the male section!"

"I... Know?"

"Miss, you are meant to go the other bath."

"B-but... I'm not a girl... I am male."

She shook her head before directing the boy towards the female baths, and Tiên instantly flared up in embarrassment before allowing the girl to just direct him towards the bath. When the reached the changing rooms, Tiên just slipped out his clothes and wrapped the towel around him, before stepping into the baths.
It was so steamy that he couldn't see anything hardly. Taking a deep breath, he soon stepped towards the baths and began to step into the warm-ish water, his breath hitching a little, but soon flinched and almost slipped into bath, but grabbed the edge. Looking towards the area where he had heard the sigh come from, Tiên flared up even more seeing the female not too far away from him.

He really wished he was in the male baths right now, but the lady at the desk insisted he came to these ones, and wouldn't believe him when he kept saying he was male.


Last edited by Tiên Linh on Tue Aug 01, 2017 12:37 pm; edited 5 times in total


Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:05 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @tiên | CLOTHES

She looked almost absent, her head turned up as she took in this beautiful starlit sky, her loose raven hair draped in tresses over her shoulders and the the steamy waters below. Alas, Alisa wouldn't be alone for long... For all her contemplative nature, she wouldn't miss something as obvious as the door being pulled open: She was after all, a careful woman, she had to be in order to survive in her line of work.

However, the steam would obscure any sight of the new arrival's form until the girl got sufficiently near, close enough to dip her foot in the same pool. And what a sight: A rather gorgeous girl, with smooth creamy skin and a cute, very feminine face. However, she had little to show for in the bust and hip department, suggesting she must be rather young, no doubt younger than Alisa who wasn't even 20 years old yet. But even when she got older she'd no doubt be even smaller than Marina. However, if the Pegasus had to pick her charm point, it would be her pinkish red hair, long and lustruous.

Though once the redhead/pinkette caught sight of her, she suddenly froze nervously, something the classy Pegasus couldn't help but find incredibly cute, "No need to be shy, we're both women~", reassured Alisa with a graceful giggle, flashing the newcomer that cool smile she always had.

She'd met some girls who were embarassed about sharing a bath with others, and naturally assumed this one was the shy type too:

"Though I'd keep the towel on If I were you...", she'd add with an earnest tone of advice, though consciously stopped herself just short of explaining why. For such a bashful girl, she'd no doubt feel uncomfortable knowing not that long a go a peeping tom had been caught camping around these hot springs.

That said, Alisa had already spoken too much, and could hardly take back those words back. So if the girl asked about Alisa would probably tell her. Though her tone, smile and posture were thoroughly welcoming, once Alisa's curious wine red eyes settled on her they wouldn't avert anytime soon: After all, one's eyes speak volumes, often far more than one's body or even one's words.

Soak away your troubles

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#4Tiên Linh 

Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:33 pm

Tiên Linh

Rivers That Run Deep
Forests That Shade Beauty
That Is Where I Will Spend My Days
Word Count : 340
Sinese #336666 | Fiore #ff3333

Tiên when the women continued to stare at him, he instantly dunked himself into the water till it reached his shoulders. As relaxing as the water, was and how it caused the tension in his shoulders to fade, he was still nervous, and for a good reason too. He was a young male, in the female baths. Maybe he should cut his hair, that may help. Messing with the strands of pink flowing in the water.

"I-I'm... Not shy." Mumbling to himself as the women continued to speak softly. "And I was planning on doing that anyway."

Why did everyone see him as a girl. He just didn't understand, why was this country weird, almost everyone had a similar type of figure to himself around his town in Sin, well the kids anyway. So why was he constantly being mistake for a women in this country. Have any of these people ever been to Sin? Not that he would want any of these people going to that country. He looked at the women again before really taking in her appearance. She was pretty, and Tiên has only met one other girl, so yes, she was pretty. Though he still didn't like that he was being treated as a girl.

"O-Oh... U-Uh, w-what happened... I figured... Something did right?"

Gripping the towel tighter, as he still stayed in the water, he knew that getting out was going to be a heck of a situation, because wet material would always cling to your figure, and well Tiên was awkwardly embarrassed enough already, to the point that he didn't need another moment to double his embarrassment. Blinking at the women, his red eyes shone with curiosity about her statement on the towels, and he would be slightly disappointed if she did not finish explaining. He may not know how to interact with people, and he may get shy and awkward, and he may not like speaking his mind, but he was curious. That has to be allowed to sometimes overstep certain things right,


Last edited by Tiên Linh on Tue Aug 01, 2017 12:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 7:46 pm


WORDS: 440 | TAG: @tiên | CLOTHES

The young girl sunk into the water quickly enough and predictably relaxed the moment the warmth embraced her. However, she also mumbled to herself. After all Alisa kept her senses sharp, even when strangers were involved... Nay, Especially when strangers were involved. And she could hear said stranger mumble something unintelligibly: It sounded far too rhythmic for inchoherent mumbles, leabing Alisa suspecting this person to be a foreigner, and those words a language she was unfamiliar with. She could always later, assuming they reached that level of familiarity.

Not once did it cross her mind however, how this girl might actually not be a girl at all, but rather a teenage boy, no matter how effeminate. After all, she clearly looked the part and had even found her way here. And after all this trouble chasing out perverts, to think anobody would accidentally throw a boy in the women's bath... Simply preposterous!

Plus the longer she soaked in these hot springs the less sharp and more sluggish Alisa got, which defenitely didn't help her pick out any cases of mistaken gender. Instead she just crossed her legs and flipped her hair behind her once the girl finally asked the question she most likely would:

"Well, I was hired to hunt down a pervert who'd been camping outside these baths to spy on naked women, not that long ago.", she raised her clenched fist above the water's edge, a hint of that time's annoyance slipping through her cool demeanor with a scarcely visible twitching eyebrow, "Had to engrave the lesson in his body with my fists, though I'm not certain he learned it."

Of course, most of the outrage she felt at that time had faded by now, and she was perfectly capable of laughing at it, though she still wouldn't go as far as taking off her towel. Not now anyways... Maybe later:

"Peeping on naked girls... Rather unsightly way of spending your time wouldn't you agree?", chuckled the sculptress. Of course, it would take a rather frisky girl - with a level of exhibitionism farm beyond Alisa's - to enjoy being looked at naked. Not this crystal mage's cup of tea of course, but she wouldn't judge another girl for being into it. Besides, someone who looked so shy probably wouldn't enjoy it either. In the end, she'd throw the girl a playful wink and finally introduce herself, scooting close enough to offer her a hand, "Anyway, I'm Alisa. Lovely to meet you~"

Soak away your troubles

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#6Tiên Linh 

Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] Empty Mon Jul 31, 2017 8:23 pm

Tiên Linh

Rivers That Run Deep
Forests That Shade Beauty
That Is Where I Will Spend My Days
Word Count : 528
Sinese #336666 | Fiore #ff3333

Tiên leaned against the edge of the bath, but still kept his knees close to his chest, and his shoulders below water, just to be on the safe side. He stayed quiet as the women explained what had happened, and he was happy that she wasn't going to leave him hanging. Humming, quietly to himself when she explained that there was a peeping tom not to long ago, had Tiên a little confused, because well, they didn't really have this where he was from, so it had confused him a little. Though the lady soon explained what person was doing, and it definitely cleared a lot up.

Though Tiên also found himself flinching as the women explained, due to seeing her get what seemed to be worked up about it, and he got where she was coming from, he definitely did, but it made him feel very nervous, due to the fact that he was male, and currently in the female baths, and god knows what this women might due to him if she found out.
Sighing softly though, Tiên just frowned. How can people do things like that, like privacy is important for a human, especially girls as far as he knows. He isn't too sure, due to being a guy and all, plus not really interacting with the girls in Sin.

"T-That's uhm... W-wrong..." He shook his head, the small braid in his fringe, with his bangs, getting rid of the few droplets of water that had appeared from the steam settling within the strands. "People shouldn't be like that in general, no matter the gender... right?"

Gulping a little Tiên looked at the lady before stumbling over coherent letters trying to form words, and make a sentence. He never really spoke his thoughts, so he was nervous that he was going to upset this beautiful lady, and embarrassed that he had spoken his mind.
Lowering his gaze to the water Tiên bit the inside of his lip and twiddled his fingers, it was a nervous habit he sometimes did, when he made himself feel awkward. And that was what he felt at this moment in time. Awkwardly shy. So when she winked, and then slightly moved a little closer, he panicked deep inside, because what the heck was he meant to do now.

Though as soon as the women outstretched her hand towards him, Tiên knew what it meant. This women wanted to try and be friends with him, just like Rishi. He was down for being friends, but he just really hoped she wouldn't beat him up for being in the female baths, and being male. So taking a deep breath, Tiên soon reached out and shook the lady's hand, smiling softly.

"U-Uhm... Nice to meet y-you, Alisa." Pulling his hand back, he soon wrapped his arms around his legs once more, before resting his cheek against his knees, looking towards her still. "I-I'm Tiên Linh..." Yet, realising that it maybe difficult to pronounce his name, as he is not from this country, Tiên gave a soft smile, and nervously stuttered out, "Y-You uhm... Can call me, Tiên, Ling or Le... I-If you want..."


Last edited by Tiên Linh on Tue Aug 01, 2017 12:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] Empty Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:37 am


WORDS: 450 | TAG: @tiên | CLOTHES

Predictably, as the girl heard Alisa's story she only grew more fidgety and bashful, once more making the crystal mage regret telling her. But from where she's sitting, both telling and not telling were bad ideas, and when in doubt honesty should take precedence. Yet the way she curled her knees up only made her more adorable; even though she already had the towel to keep people from seeing her bare form:

"Right?", an agreeing nod, soon followed by a shake of her head, "But no matter how many times you try to tell em that, some pervert will still think peeping on the women's bath is a good idea. Some seem to believe that since they'd like it if girls spied on them, then secretly the opposite must be true.", explained Alisa, raising her finger as if quoting someone. And indeed she was, but not one man in particularly, several of them. Some even from her own guild!

Though none of them were foolish enough to turn those thoughts into action, that she knew...

She had no doubt a rare few girls might actually be liable to peep on naked men, yet from her experience, women were more often self consciuous about their perverted urges. And this just so happens to be one of those cases where being self conscious was actually a good thing...

Her greeting hand did soften up the bashful girl somehow, earning Alisa a soft, but almost radiant smile. This artist was pretty good with languages: Though she didn't know what exactly Tiên spoke earlier, she had good enough hearing to accurately imitate the way she pronounced the name. Even if she still wouldn't realize how it was actually a boy's name...

"Pleasure to meet you too, Tiên.", she answered holding the redhead's gaze throughout, though she couldn't help but praise how soft her touch felt, "You have great skin by the way."

She really did. And while Alisa did too, she had a fighter's callused knuckles, a little detail someone holding her hand might pick up on. She also understood how someone this bashful might not open up to compliments right away, so she'd give Tiên a cue to change the subject if she so desired, "Where are you from by the way?", she'd ask, curiously raising an eyebrow as she rubbed her temple, "What you said back there... It sounded like a foreign language, and one I've never heard in Fiore."

Soak away your troubles

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#8Tiên Linh 

Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] Empty Tue Aug 01, 2017 9:21 am

Tiên Linh

Rivers That Run Deep
Forests That Shade Beauty
That Is Where I Will Spend My Days
Word Count : 441
Sinese #336666 | Fiore #ff3333

Quietly listening to the other speak, keeping his thoughts to himself for now, he didn't like to speak if a question wasn't directed at him, and he did not want to speak in Sinese. He had already figured from when he accidentally slipped up earlier on before the small starter up of their conversation, that this women, Alisa did not understand Sinese. So whilst he was safe to speak his mind in his own language, he also did not want to be rude to the kind women and speak in a language she couldn't understand. Especially since they are in fact the only two people in the bath, and can only keep each other company.

Tiên nodded slowly every few sentences the women said about the two genders peeping on each other, and although it was an amusing topic, it still made Tiên nervous about being in the baths. Eventually though, the women moved on, and shook his hand back, he noticed that her skin was smooth, yet still rough in some small areas, and that must've been because of what the lady had mentioned earlier about doing odd jobs, and some involving violence.

Instantly he flared up in embarrassment and tugged his hand back, probably quick enough to alert Alisa, though he didn't want to make her feel like she had upset him or nothing, and quietly muttered a small, "I'm s-sorry." Smiling again, and releasing a nervous chuckle as he relaxed a bit.
Opting to maybe explain his sudden actions just a little. "I-I'm not used to people touching me s-so much... B-But, uhm... T-thank you," nodding a little and lifted his hand slightly. "A-about my skin... I-I uhm... Think."

Though Tiên soon frowned a lowered his head at the lady's next question. He understood that people would be curious about it, but he really didn't like speaking about Sin, and yet Tiên still found himself answering the question as if he had been put on auto-response, to the damned question.

"I-I'm from, Sin..." Biting his lip a little, he swirled his fingers in the water, before sighing. "What I spoke was the language, Sinese... And it's from a small country to the east of here..." Raising his head, he smiled bitterly. "I'm surprised you can say my name... N-not many can." He was debating to whether tell her that he was in fact male or not, but opted not to for now.Maybe when they left the baths. Whenever that was, that is. For now Tiên was just going to relax with this lady, and maybe - hopefully - avoid bring up bad memories as he spoke about Sin.



Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] Empty Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:43 pm


WORDS: 470 | TAG: @tiên | CLOTHES

The Pegasus wasn't even too surprised to find her pulling her hand back in a flustered hurry, like it wasn't the first time somebody had done so; truly Alisa's confident frankness often had that effect on shy people.

"No worries, no worries~", with a soothing smile, Alisa waved her hand dimissively, her tone as soft and reassuring as she could possible manage, "Though you must tell me what kind of lotion you use."

Of course, the heat would melt away anybody's apprehensions easily enough, even Alisa's sharpness and fast reflexes were dulled under all this steam, leaving her body reddened and sluggish, and her mind as lazy and hazy. The sculptress didn't look too bothered, nor would it appear like she needed any excuses or explanations. Of course, she also noticed when someone was uncomfortable with her choice of subject, no way she'd miss with while gazing intently into that person's eyes. Alisa knew the bare minimum about Sin, nodding when Tiên explained how it was a small country to the east. So she wouldn't feel any need to ask him about the culture or anything of the sort, not right now anyways.

And from the way she talked about it, Alisa suspected the girl might feel frustrated with nobody being able to properly pronounce her name: "Well, my parents came from opposite ends of Fiore, with different languages under their belt. That gave me a good ear if nothing else", chuckled the artist, raising one hand over her mouth, finally leaning her torso against the edge and turning towards Tiên in full.

Truly, Alisa had a somewhat multicultural background, which contributed to her open mind... Her father Ingmar came from the far north, more towards the east. Whereas her mother Amélie had come from the Southwest. She never even heard exactly how they met from her parents themselves, but rather her Uncle Gottfrid... And of course, she took it with a grain of salt - like she did for most things she heard from her boisterous, jovial uncle - yet that spur of the moment, chance encounter leading into an everlasting love seemed oddly similar to Alisa's own mixture of a whimsical nature with a single minded drive...

Regardless, she'd somewhat established her new acquaintance wasn't too keen on discussing her homeland, meaning they needed a change of subject, "... So how are you finding Fiore?", she'd ask once more, resting her elbow on the stony edges and her head on her palm.

Clearly she already had bad impressions from the people's skills in foreign languages, though Alisa hoped it wouldn't have marred her whole experience...

Soak away your troubles

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#10Tiên Linh 

Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] Empty Wed Aug 02, 2017 6:01 am

Tiên Linh

Rivers That Run Deep
Forests That Shade Beauty
That Is Where I Will Spend My Days
Word Count : 490
Sinese #336666 | Fiore #ff3333

Tiên shook his head, before softly smiling at the lady. Sighing softly to himself, before letting out another relaxed soft chuckle. The heat really was nice, but he will always be nervous being here, shifting a little in the spot where he sat, before he blinked at Alisa. He didn't use lotions, instead he just used herbs in the forests. That's how he grew up after all. His only contribution to his little town, although he didn't really share his remedies as his mother would call them.

"N-No... It's fine, and... I don't use lotions..." Softly he spoke, licking his lips wondering if he should elaborate on that. Deciding he should, Tiên continued his sentence, "I actually spent... M-My childhood in the w-woodlands... S-so I used plants a-and herbs..."

He trailed off quietly near the end of his explanation, before looking at Alisa, his cheeks heating up a little more, from the heat and his embarrassment at how he spent his childhood. Shaking his head a little to get rid of his thoughts, before lifting his head again, and lightly scoffed at himself for being silly, Rishi had told him not to worry, to treat people like he would the animals, but he really just couldn't do that. He still will always have issues talking about Sin, his parents, his childhood and all that happened.

Raising his head a little again, he smiled and nodded. So she was slightly mixed, that was cool, at least he figured it was, but he was completely sure, as he never really met anyone who wasn't from Sin until he came to Fiore. "That's... P-Pretty cool." Nodding a little he rested his chin on his knees again. "I j-just picked up words after I arrived here... So i-i'm still tying to get used to the languages here..."

Tiên sort of wished that he had different backgrounds, but as far as he knew all past family members all came from Sin, so it was rather disappointing. His parents always spoke highly of past family members, and Tiên still didn't know how his mother and father met, well he didn't care either way, but it may have been nice to know, but alas it was probably his own fault for not spending time with them and their silly and cruel religion.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Tiên looked at the women, and nervously chuckled and hummed. "It's... Much better than Sin, I can say that... T-Though other's may beg to differ." He looked around the bath house, before turning back towards Alisa. "The language is a little difficult, and lots of people. P-Plus I've only been to two towns... T-though other than that... I-I like it here." finishing in a wistful tone, he sighed and nodded.

He really did liked what he had seen of Fiore more, and he wished Sin could be a little more like it, but alas it was not up to him.



Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] Empty Wed Aug 02, 2017 9:25 am


WORDS: 520 | TAG: @tiên | CLOTHES

As shy as she was Tiên eventually explained exactly what Alisa wanted to hear, but much to her surprise, the Sinese girl's skin wasn't due to any lotions or the kind of cosmetics the Pegasus bought in stores or spas, but something else entirely. Something older, but quite likely just as effective.

"Well, herbal extracts are still the best solutions for many issues, be they medical or simply cosmetic.", She crossed her arms under her breasts, almost threatening to squeeze them outside the grip of her towel... Her cleavage held firm thankfully, while the Pegasus rubbed her reddened cheek and laid down a request for later, "You should tell me about some of those plants sometime."

There was nothing judgemental in the way Alisa looked at the redhead, she truly was an accepting, open minded person and easily got along with just about anybody, no matter where they came from. She cared more about the ideals a person had in the present rather than the kind of background or upbringing they had. The past is the past. And so far she had a pretty positive first impression: Unlike the more mysterious people she'd been meeting Tiên looked rather earnest and kind, and adorably shy to boot.

"My, It's nothing too special really~", for all her confidence, she couldn't help but rub her shoulder almost humbly at being praised so genuinely, and soon returned the favor with a little wink, "Your Fioran sounds lovely already if you ask me."

Ruby eyes admired the crouching girl, still sitting in that fetal position that hardly looked to comfortable. She appeared to be in deep thought so Alisa remained silent for a few moments too, until Tiên finally spoke up again. That confirmed it. Not many people would negatively compare their own country to others without a clear reason, which went hand in hand with her reaction earlier when the sculptress asked about it. Whatever past this young girl had to endure there, it obviously wasn't something the Pegasus should be prying into.

"There's always good and bad in any country, though natives tend to notice the bad sides more easily... Though I'm glad to hear, if you feel better here, that's enough isn't it?", objectively she couldn't give her own opinion as to how life in Sin was like as opposed to Fiore, only having lived in one of those places, "You don't sound like you need much help with the language, but If you ever find yourself in Hargeon, I'd be happy to show you around. Assuming you haven't been there already that is?"

She did hope to let the girl grow comfortable with her presence, though the artist could hardly get much softer than her natural demeanor: Tiên looked almost lost and Alisa had a soft spot for cuteness, lost cuteness even more so. If she at least relaxed enough to enjoy the these hot springs, that would be good start.

Soak away your troubles

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#12Tiên Linh 

Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] Empty Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:20 pm

Tiên Linh

Rivers That Run Deep
Forests That Shade Beauty
That Is Where I Will Spend My Days
Word Count : 510
Sinese #336666 | Fiore #ff3333

As time passed, Tiên had gradually laid his legs out under the water, just to set his hands on his lap stretching, before relaxing back against the stones, still leaving his hands in his lap, the towel secured under his armpits. Turning back towards the lady, he quietly gulped, his cheeks flustering, but he just hoped that it would be mistake for the heat surrounding them, as he hummed softly.

"Maybe... I may show you." Chuckling softly, the boy closed his eyes a little. "Stuff made through herbal extracts are my favourite, though I prefer making them myself, as someone who spent their time surrounded by nature."

Tiên felt himself calm down, his nerves simmered to a low, as he had also notice he wasn't stuttering so much, maybe it was the calm and kind feeling that was radiating from the women beside him. Though he was still frightened no doubt, he couldn't deny that at all. He paused to think rationally about his next lot of decisions with the women, and were their conversation will head if he did tell her the truth. He had honestly already gathered that she didn't realise because she was possible too relaxed from the heat of the bath.

Once again though, he was torn from his thoughts, not that he minded at all, to the lady talking about his ability of speaking Fioran, and that her being multicultural wasn't a big deal and whilst that could be true, for Tiên it kinda was.

"Honestly. You being multicultural is very fascinating..." He softly sighed, it was tiring learning new things, and he knows that from when he was always learning new things about the woodlands in his home town, and then coming to Fiore just to learn even more new stuff and find all new kinds of plants and animals. "A-and thank you... T-there is still much I need to learn though."

"I guess that is true. Where there is good, there is going to be evil." Nodding, before turning back to staring at the water. "It's the only way of keeping balance, if there is too much of one, things will get extremely unbalanced..." He pouted slightly before, muttering childishly his next lot of sentences. "B-But I do like it here. I d-don't think I would go back to Sin, if it meant leaving here."

Tiên perked up at the name of the town he was familiar and licked his lips before nodding. "That would be nice. I had landed in the port town not far from here... I believe t-that is Hargeon?" Tilting his head, before shrugging a little and continuing. "T-though I didn't look around m-much, because I-I saw a flyer about a guild in this town that was like a giant family and was intrigued... The only other one I can reasonably call family is Ningjia my companion. She followed me over from Sin, even though I said not to her." He chuckled softly, before smiling sentimentally at the thought of the little ball of fluff that was his companion.



Last edited by Tiên Linh on Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] Empty Wed Aug 02, 2017 6:31 pm


WORDS: 700 | TAG: @tiên | CLOTHES

Her new friend steadily relaxed under the water's heat, all but mimicking Alisa's own lazy position. Truly, bathing in hot springs under a moon like this, under the soothing sound of crickets singing the night away... Being here and staying tense was simply impossible, even for a shy girl like Tiên. She even amusedly accepted to show the vain Pegasus some of the secrets to her beauty, namely how to produce the best herbal extracts:

"Mmm.", hummed Alisa, nodding with a delighted smile on her face, "That'd be great~! You clearly have a lot of experience in the matter, far more than I do anyway."

Whether they'd be better than the lotions Alisa used, now that remained to be seen. Part of it could just be attributed to Tiên herself and not anything she did. Meanwhile, the artist yet remained blissfully unaware of this redhead's real gender.

It's not like she had a man radar installed somewhere in her brain, nor could she exactly smell genders. Even with her petite figure, Tiên was more feminine than many girls Alisa had met in her life, she had softer skin than even Marina, who, granted, was a bit of a tomboy. But still... Who would have thought that after the fuss throwing a peeping tom out, the owner herself would have casually thrown a boy into the girl's bath? Certainly not Alisa, the person she hired to take care of that job.

How would she react if she found out? Fortunately, she had gotten naked yet, and that fact alone might mitigate whatever punishment once Alisa found out he wasn't actually a she. But Alisa's towel would likely fall off at one point or another...

For now she just smiled, wondering just what kind of background might this girl have had, yet the words she spoke echoed the same ideas she too kept close to her heart at one time. Indeed, balance was key: "Exactly. Lean too much towards one extreme and you close your mind off to different ideas.", nodded Alisa, her smile widening though she wasn't sure whether Tiên was driven mainly by love for Fiore or hatred of her own country. That would be a question for a different time, "Well, there's so much to be seen and done here in Fiore, I'm certain you'll fell the same way for a long time."

Alisa leaned back and stretched her arms out to either side, taking a moment to glance up at the moon, just as a flimsy cloud drifted its way over it; not unlike how the woman herself drifted around the country, never knowing what she might find. Yet from a more earthly perspective, the redhead would have a different view: Flushed and numb as she was, the Pegasus completely missed it when her stretching loosened her damp towel, letting it slowly slide down the curve of her breasts...

And even when she finally noticed, why would she care?

She was only here alone with another girl. Lax as she was under all this heat, Alisa wouldn't bother to grab or pull it back up in a while, maybe after it fell into the water and she wondered if another peeping tom might be up to no good. For now, she simply smiled at the younger girl, casually continuing the conversation with a calm smile on her face:

"That's settled then.", chuckled the crystal mage, before confirming the redhead's knowledge, "Correct. And there's another mage guild in Hargeon too."

But, had this girl joined Fairy tail already?

Well, she was clearly pretty enough to feel at home in Blue Pegasus, though there's more to being in a guild than first impressions. Yet after meeting two beast masters, Chelvaric and Marina, Tiên's comment caught her attention, making Alisa furrow her brow curiously, "Hmm, your companion... Is it human or beast?"


They'd get a fair time to chat, but after too long of soaking in the hot springs Alisa wound once more wrap the towel around her and step out, "It was lovely to meet you Tien.", she'd say, waving goodbye before she retreated back into the changing room, "I hope I run into you again sometime~"


Soak away your troubles

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Comfortably Numb [Social | Tiên] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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