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Demon Raid!

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Demon Raid! Empty Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:08 am


A demon has appeared outside Era! Take it down!

Name: Astares

Type: None

Rank: S

Health: 10x S-rank

Mana: ~

Height: 2,5 meters

Weight: 200 kg

Personality: Although not much is known about him on a personal level, it is said that he is both rebellious and calculative. Legends speak fondly of his courage, righteousness and his thankless missions to protect the human world at the expense of being labeled as a traitor by all of his demon brethren. He understands honor and possesses great wisdom.

Physiology: Astares is a slightly-larger-than-human-sized, vaguely insectoid demon with clawed hands, a scaly hide, a pair of downward facing ram horns, chiropteran wings with beetle-like wings underneath, hooves for feet, and reptilian spines protruding from his back. Parts of his body appeared to be made of grey scales with accents of red and purple. He also has gold veins on his hands and arms, chest, shoulders and back, a red diamond eye shaped gem in the center of his forehead, and skull-shaped gold knees and elbow guards with small horns.

Maximum Participants: 4

Requirements: The user must be B-rank or A-rank.


  • Strength: 98 (+100 with Sword) = 198
  • Endurance: ???
  • Speed: 102


  • Demonic Presence: When someone is facing a Demon and they are ranked lower than the Demon they will suffer from Fear which distorts their vision and makes them tremble while battling the Demon. Fear causes Strength, Speed and Endurance to be dropped by 10% per difference in rank level.
  • Back To The Abyss: While Demons may seem really powerful, they still have a big weakness. Since Demons are beings from the Abyss they take a lot more damage from Light-type moves. The damage of Light-type moves are increased by three ranks.
  • From The Abyss: Darkness may hurt you, but a demon can't be hurt it by it. Demons are beings of the Abyss and their nature is always aligned to Darkness due to their powers. Demon have a full resistance against Darkness-type moves.
  • Maleficent Resistance: While Demons are always aligned to Darkness, they are often also aligned to another element. The secondary alignment of a Demon can be anything but Light. Demons have a full resistance against the element of their secondary alignment.

Reward Per Person:

  • 500,000J
  • 30,000 Experience
  • 1000 Fame or Infamy
  • 1x Mana Potion
  • 2x Stat Potion

Rewards Chance:

  • 50% Chance to receive Astares' Will: While defeated, Astares was only a mere shadow of himself. Only capable of producing 10% of his actual power at the battle. He might've been a demon, but he stood for something else than most demons which was balance between worlds. This caused him to fight against his fellow demons countless times in the past to secure balance and prevent an all out slaughter. Those who are interested may roll the dice after the battle, in case they have no race yet, to possibly receive Astares' Will. The user must roll a number over 50. In case multiple people are interested, the highest number will receive it. Astares' Will replaces the user's magic with Demon Take-Over magic with certain restrictions and requirements attached to them in how to behave.

    • The user will take it upon themselves to defeat the other users with a Demon Take-Over Magic. While they may appear to be good, eventually the corruption from the Demon Take-Over will take them over completely.

      When the user has defeated another user with Demon Take-Over Magic, they will seal the Seven Princes in a Black Soulstone and hide them somewhere.

      The user will use their powers to protect the innocent whenever possible. Ignoring to safe them results into a maim penalty.

      The user will not act based on the law or commands given to them but based on a moral code of righteousness and honor. Their actions will be just and for the protection of races.

      The user does not discriminate against anyone. There are good ones and bad ones in every race. Till the user has no reason to believe that they are evil, they will not attack.


  • Astares is sitting outside Era, waiting for a people to battle him. He wishes to test out mankind's strength since he is close to passing away. He has no intention of murdering anyone.
  • Astares is resistant to Darkness-type and Non-elemental type magic.
  • Asteres will not disappear till he is defeated, once defeated he does not die but simply use more powerful form of Unphased to become completely resistant to any attacks including magic. He will explain his intention then about becoming a Take-Over Magic for a human.
  • Asteres' skin can't be penetrated but it will still suffer damage.
  • Each user can produce a maximum amount of 1x S-rank damage per turn of theirs in total, disabling the ability to spam everything in a single post. Exceeding more than 1x S-rank damage in your turn simply results into Astares not receiving damage from the remainder of it.
  • Astares will not give the Take-Over Magic to someone who belongs to a certain race since it is not possible. Neither will he be able to give it to a Dragon, Demon or God Slayer.
  • When the user has lost, they may not attempt to battle Astares again for 2 weeks.


  • Move #1 1-10
    Name: Sword Slash
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Demon Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 50 meters
    Cooldown: ~
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user swings their swords and releases an arc that is 10 meters wide and 1 one meter in height.

  • Move #2 11-15
    Name: Demon Discord
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Demon Magic
    Type: Debuff
    Element: ~
    Range: ~
    Cooldown: ~
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user debuffs the speed of a target for 4 posts.

  • Move #3 16-25
    Name: Infernal Rage
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Demon Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: ~
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user lets out flames from their body resulting into AoE flames expanding outwards up to 10 meters from the user.

  • Move #4 26-35
    Name: Death Slash
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Demon Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: ~
    Range: ~
    Cooldown: ~
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user dashes and slashes a target, stacks with physical strength damage output with sword resulting in 1x S-rank + 1x B-rank damage.

  • Move #5 36-45
    Name: Demon Dalliance
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Demon Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: ~
    Range: ~
    Cooldown: ~
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user debuffs the endurance of a target for 4 posts.

  • Move #6 46-55
    Name: Demon Sword Wrath
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Demon Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Lightning
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: ~
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user points their sword at a target and shoots a lightning beam with a 5 meter diameter.

  • Move #7 56-60
    Name: Death Twister
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Demon Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: ~
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user swings their sword around 360 degrees once and forms a twister that moves towards the target. It is 10 meters wide and 30 meters height

  • Move #8 61-70
    Name: Downward Destruction
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Demon Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: ~
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: ~
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user slashes their sword downwards releasing a vertical arc of wind. It is 10 meters wide and 30 meters in height.

  • Move #9 71-80
    Name: Demonic Deceit
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Demon Magic
    Type: Debuff
    Element: ~
    Range: ~
    Cooldown: ~
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user debuffs the strength of a target for 4 posts.

  • Move #10 81-90
    Name: Unphased
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Demon Magic
    Type: Defensive
    Element: ~
    Range: ~
    Cooldown: ~
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user can't be hit by physical attacks for 4 posts.

  • Move #11 90-95
    Name: Farewell
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Demon Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: ~
    Range: ~
    Cooldown: ~
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user dashes and slashes a target, stacks with physical strength damage output with sword resulting in 2x S-rank damage.

  • Move #12 96-100
    Name: World's End
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Demon Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: ~
    Range: ~
    Cooldown: ~
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user lets out dark energy from their body resulting into AoE magic expanding outwards up to 30 meters from the user.


Demon Raid! Empty Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:37 am


His cause was true and pure, Holy Knight against the demon of Era town, this would essentially be his first test against what could be seen as real evil in the eyes of the Church and even the public at large. Not foolish to just jump into a fight and rely on his abilities alone without gathering information, he spent the time hours prior to finally meeting the demon, researching further on demons and their capabilities. He had done briefly studied such beings as someone who would be fighting them as bitter foes as well as other evil beings such as vampire and lycans with him already having met a member of the latter in a conflict.

Rather than just relying on old books that could only show him parts of what the demon could do, he had also been learning from the public that had been interacting with him, such as his bug-like appearance with many of them also talking about the huge greatsword he carried which would be unwieldy and otherwise take a long time to swing around even for those with vast amounts of strength.

According to the members of the community that dared to speak to the demon, it seemed that it did not seek to kill anyone merely test the metal of man for what reason it was unknown, though the actions of the demon had shown this to be true. He cared not for the fancies of such beings and would only question the demon to understand the cause not out of interest but out of necessity.

This fight would be a challenge to say the least and a feat he would likely not be able to complete on his own while he would likely have his beloved Alice at some point to support him. Unfortunately for the time being at least her capabilities would be that similar to one of his own summons and purely something to absorb the damage. A cruel thing to think about her in such a way but it was partially true though he would never mention something like this to anyone even her.

Even with the sheer number of summons he could muster and the aid of both her and his companion it would still be a challenging, if not impossible opponent to take on. Recognising the power in numbers, Kon took upon himself to create papers the night before the conflict requesting the aid for others to help him out against the demon which he plastered throughout the town, whilst he was listed as the client referring himself as just Kon he made a direct comment in the mission statement that this would be a fight of glory not for profit with only the spoils from defeating the demon being the reward.

The papers themselves would not call for the individuals to meet up with Kon directly at the demon, instead they would initial meet at a cafe nearby deciding such affairs like the time of day they’d attack, what each of them would do such as their positions and roles but not matters like their magic as it would merely distract them. In this instance Kon would overlook all prior relationships he had with others recognising the demon who actively took upon himself to stand around in public to be far more of a threat something he also acknowledged in his poster.

He would greet all of them in a civil, formal fashion including those he knew wanting them to understand that this would be a walk in the park. He, himself would refrain from direct physical interaction against the demon instead choosing to use his summons which would be aided with the introduction of a newly acquired staff that provided him with greater stamina with his spells. Because of this he would request for one of the others in the group to be doing so, “If possible I’d recommend having one preferably two individuals fighting the demon heads on, I’ll provide cover from above.” Remembering other conflicts he spoke to group reminding them of the need to scatter and not group up to avoid crossfire while also reminding them of the potential to friendly fire so they will need to be position to avoid such an issue.

Though the discussion would be likely be extensive, Kon ensured that they would have the freedom to change their plans in case shit hit the fan just as it was did. Once a rough plan of sorts had been established with all the participants, consisting of the tanks to be tanking, the fighters to deal damage and any supports to heal the tanks, the injured and buffing the aforementioned tanks and fighters should any come in the meantime.

He would move to the Demon preferably with the rest of the team coming along at around about the same time. Coming from the town itself, numerous merchants occupied the area around him concealing his presence and his companions from the Demon who was casually sitting down a great distance of 43 meters from him in a vast grassy plain which was roughly 30 meters wide and 50 meters long or about half the size of a football field, next to the stone slab road that entered the town.

While it was hiding his presence was unneeded he had started doing it instinctive. Already wielding his staff he couldn’t help but clench up and grit his teeth as the demonic presence of the unseen being. This aura left him weakened but it affecting the citizens of Era town even more so. Before reaching or even interacting with the demon himself personally he would ensure that most of the team had arrived at the entrance of the town.

Having regrouped he would enter the field that had the demon, who was otherwise uninterested simply choosing to look at his surroundings in the hopes to soak in all of everything for what reason he didn’t know. He moved silently onto the field placing himself in the halfway point of the field he looked at the demon who was roughly 37 meters away from him now meanwhile recognising the potential for crossfire he had his companion distance himself vast.

Noting his unmistakeable appearance, he would take it upon himself to summon down the angels of his arsenal, glorious in appearance and dangerous to all that clung to the darkness. As the Angels came down from the skies with astounding speed, their flight spells came into action. The largest of his summons Seraphiel came down in front of him a mere 4 meters allowing him to jump up on top of the construct using just his left hand and feet with his right holding onto the staff, meanwhile Adriel will also reduce in altitude as well to allow another climb on it as well.

With the demon now growing interested with his actions but otherwise not leaving the chair, Kon grew to suspect that the demon would take his time and wasn’t looking to just crush his foes before they had a chance to ready themselves. Kon was yet to even speak to the demon nor had anyone else before completing his efforts. Taking his time because of this he had his summon which he now stood upon rise up to its maximum flight height along with Adriel paralleling his other construct, Cassiel in that regard. These two angels were in front and to the side of him with Adriel being to the left and Cassiel to the right with 5 meters of space separating them from himself and 12.5 meter from those two summons, both ready to move in any direction in an attempt to dodge harm.

Standing atop the summon, kon struck down upon it with his staff twice covering not just himself but also a portion of his construct in a bubble of magical energy capable of blocking an astounding amount of damage. Once he as well as the rest of the group had finally prepared themselves for the conflict, he roared out to the demon. “Being of Evil, Blight on the world the time is nigh for your demise. Hear me and fear me, for I will be the bringer of your end.” His words finally drew the attention of the bug-like figure, rising from it’s former seating position he gripped with his right hand the rumored greatsword which even from this distance has similar traits to his own aesthetics.

Standing proudly with his greatsword in front of him, he replied in kind though with a monstrous tinge to his words disturbing not just Kon but also his companion that stood beneath and to the left of him over 20 meters away and the community who were otherwise doing their daily activities. “You seek to destroy me, alone?! Ha-ha, So be it, You look like an excellent specimen for your people, though you don’t seem to be human yourself? It wouldn’t matter in the end...”

While he and his Zebstrika stood their ground the citizens ran to the town without concern for all of their goods, ignoring the cries of the fleeing civilians he continued to listen as the demon spoke further. “Oh I didn’t see your party down there, you humans in crowds all look the same, I guess this will make things more interesting...” Scratching his chin with his right hand while holding his sword with his left hand. “Now I’m an honourable individual despite being a demon so i’ll give you a tip don’t go all out too quickly, you’ll just waste your energy…”

Surprisingly civil in his response he chose to believe the demon’s response perhaps foolishly. The trust he had instilled upon came from aged appearance of the Demon shown through the difficulty he had rising from his chair. Still Acknowledging the demon as a threat, Kon moved towards him at a speed that all others regardless of their own abilities would be able to keep up, the reason for his slow pace towards the monster stemmed from the previously mentioned plan where in by he would not be the first individual to attack the demon in the first place. Once the battle had finally begun from one of the other team members he would respond until then he would continue going towards it from above with his defensive spell being sustained the whole way.

Stats, Spells used and Mana used

Strength: 14 + 26 - 8 = 32, B rank damage

Endurance: 34 - 6 = 28, 2 x S rank endurance

Speed: 14 - 2 = 12, 6 m/s dash, 15 m/s run

Intelligence: 64 = 30% mana reduction + 20% mana reduction from staff total 50% mana reduction

Spells used: Cassiel, Cassiel's Dominion, Adriel, Adriel's Dominion, Seraphiel, Seraphiel's Domonion, Ageless Defense
Mana used without modifiers: 850 MP

Mana used after: 425

Mana remaining: 1800/2250



C Ranks


Name: Summon: Cassiel
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Summoning
Element: Light
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user raises their hand as white light crashes down from the skies summoning Cassiel. Cassiel hovers one meter above the ground.


Type: Light
Health: 1x S-rank
Mana: None
Height:  9.8" | 3 m
Weight: 220 lbs. | 100 kg
Personality: Cassiel has no personality and simply does the bidding of its summoner.
Physiology: It appears as a shining white knight in armor. Its back is attached with wings, a halo glows behind its head. Cassiel is proficient in melee combat. With its shining wings, it is able to fly around a battlefield, striking foes with swords of holy light.


  • Strength: 15
  • Speed: 25
  • Endurance: 5

Name: Cassiel's Sword
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: ~
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Cassiel holds out his hand in front of him and opens his palm after which he materializes a sword made out light. The sword is two meters long.

Name: Cassiel's Cut
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Redemption Magic, Cassiel's Sword sustained
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Cassiel cuts with its sword which is 2 meters and sends out a wave of 2 meters in width and 5 centimeters thick towards a target.

Name: Cassiel's Dominion
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Cassiel can fly up to 5 meters as long as Cassiel's Dominion is sustained.

B Ranks


Name: Summon: Adriel
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Summoning
Element: Light
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user raises their hand as white light crashes down from the skies summoning Adriel. Adriel hovers one meter above the ground.


Type: Light
Health: 2x S-rank
Mana: None
Height:  9.8"  | 3 m
Weight: 330 lbs. | 150 kg
Personality: Adriel has no personality and simply does the bidding of its summoner.
Physiology: Adriel is embodied in armor with a long robe covering up its legs. It wields a huge mace made of divine power and equips a round shield with an image of the sun on its left arm. Compared to Cassiel, it has four wings, given its rank is higher than the former.

  • Strength: 35
  • Speed: 20
  • Endurance: 15

Name: Adriel's Magic Pummel
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic, Adriel's Shield first
Type: Offensive
Element: ???
Range: ~
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Adriel's Magic Pummel can only be used after Adriel's Shield has been used successfully. Adriel swings his 1 meter long mace at a target. The mace itself is 0.5 by 0.5 meter. The elemental-type of this damage depends on the elemental-damage Adriel defended against with Adriel's Shield. In order to use this spell again, Adriel must use Adriel's Shield successfully again first.

Name: Adriel's Shield
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Defensive
Element: Light
Range: ~
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Adriel imbues his shield with magic and uses it to defend against an attack, depending on the elemental damage of the attack, Adriel's Pummel spell will be affected.

Name: Adriel's Dominion
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Adriel can fly up to 5 meters as long as Adriel's Dominion is sustained.

A Ranks


Name: Summon: Seraphiel
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Summoning
Element: Light
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user raises their hand as white light crashes down from the skies summoning Seraphiel. Seraphiel hovers one meter above the ground.


Type: Light
Health: 3x S-rank
Mana: None
Height:  13"1' | 4 m
Weight: 440 lbs. | 200 kg
Personality: Seraphiel has no personality and simply does the bidding of its summoner.
Physiology: When it is summoned, it bathes the area in holy white-blue light and brings a slight fragrance to the air. While its head and body are obscured it is covered with numerous glowing feathered wings and is decorated with royal tablets. At the front of its head, a glowing divine magic circle is emitted.

  • Strength: 40
  • Speed: 25
  • Endurance: 40


Name: Seraphiel's Staff
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Seraphiel points its staff which is 2 meters long at a target and releases a beam of white light from its tip a target. The beam has a diameter of 1 meter, this beam deals b rank cutting damage.

Name: Seraphiel's Dominion
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Seraphiel can fly up to 5 meters as long as Seraphiel's Dominion is sustained.

Name: Seraphiel's Devotion
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Seraphiel imbues its staff with light and hits a target with it, blowing them 10 meters backwards regardless of their defenses and armor, all the while dealing A rank Bludgeoning damage.

Name: Seraphiel's Lightbringer
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Seraphiel points its staff in the air and as a circle with a diameter of 3 meters within a range of 20 meters begins to light up on the ground for 3 seconds after which a light crashes down from the skies instantly causing A rank cutting damage.



Name: Staff of Countless Ages
Slot: Weapon
Type: Staff
Class: Unique
Set: Onyx Archmage
Damage: Base Strength + 26
Durability: 2x S-rank

  • Length: 2 Meters
  • Handling: 1 Hand
  • Description: This ancient magical staff allows the user whilst using it as a medium to cast spells far easier. It is sinister in appearance with a dark themes and sharp tones.


  • 50 Intelligence


  • Decreases the cost of spells channeled and cast through the Staff of Countless Ages by 20%.


  • Name: Ageless Offense
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Staff of Countless Ages
    Type: Offensive
    Element: None
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The wielder of the Staff of Ages infuses a portion of their magical energies into the weapon, then pointing the head of the staff in a particular direction. From it, there materializes a small orb of magical energy no larger than a baseball which travels at spell speed in the direction fired, inflicting magical burning damage to whomever is hit by it.

  • Name: Ageless Defense
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Staff of Countless Ages
    Type: Defensive
    Element: None
    Range: 1 Meter
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The wielder of the Staff of Ages infuses a portion of their magical energies into the weapon, then taps the butt of the staff into the ground twice, causing a magical barrier of magical energy to encase the user. The barrier is a dome with a diameter of 4 meters. While the dome is protecting the user, the user can't shoot spells through the dome either.




Name: Sparky
Race: Zebstrika
Gender: Male
Type: Lightning
Health: 2x S-rank
Mana: 480
Height: 5'07" | 1.7 m
Weight: 209.4 lbs. | 95.0 kg
Evolution: None
Personality: Sparky was once a timid and shy beast in regards to his master's abilities but after spending many months with Kon he has become unconcerned with his owner's talents and recognises that he has full control over his summons. His apathy goes further than that however with him willing to follow a majority of orders though still recognising his own safety as being an issue. Overall he isn't a cheerful beast in all aspects instead seeing himself as a noble beast deserving of praise.

Physiology: Zebstrika's coat is black with white, jagged stripes all over its body. There is one pointed stripe extending from its nose, two elaborate stripes on its neck and chest, one zigzag stripe each on its jaws, back, and hindquarters, one triangular stripe on each of its thighs, and two stripes banding each of its legs. Its ears are triangular with blue insides, while its eyes are blue with yellow sclera and white eyelashes. Its nose is black, and its hooves are gray. A white, spiked mane runs the length of its body, beginning with two horn-like extensions on its forehead and running down its back to end in a long tail with a starburst-shaped tip. This irritable creature fires lightning bolts from its mane when angry.

Extra: With the growth of Sparky as a result of his transition from Blitzle to becoming a Zebstrika, he has become able to support the weight of an individual and have them ride him for extended periods because of this Kon his owner has brought a number of things for this purpose. Firstly and most importantly perhaps is the hand crafted and moulded endurance saddle designed to suit both Kon and Sparky perfectly and to aid with directing the stead he also now dons a Halter bridle with bit guards when someone is riding him.

During circumstances when the rider is knowingly going to be involved in formal affairs, combat, or official duties Sparky will be seen wearing caparison, it is a cloth that has been richly dyed crimson to match the cape of the rider and draped over the front of the Zebstrika before breaking into another piece allowing the saddle to be worn directly on the back of the animal before the last piece covers the rest of the beast. Adorned upon the clothing roaring black dragons heads can be seen matching his cape which was a portion of his family sigil though he has long ago forsaken their family words.

Caparison reference example:


  • Strength: 15
  • Endurance: 15
  • Speed: 55


  • Zebstrika can be mounted and gives a 20% wordcount reduction on travels.


  • Name: Lightning Bolt
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Blitzle Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Lightning
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Blitzle opens its mouth after which a small lightning orb quickly forms inside of it, the lightning orb, roughly the size of an apple, is then shot at a target.

  • Name: Little Lightning Arc
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Blitzle Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Lightning
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Blitzle shakes its head and shoots out an arc of lightning from the lightning bolt on top of its head at a target. The arc is incredibly thin and has a width of one meter.

  • Name: Buzz Charge
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Blitzle Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Lightning
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Blitzle stomps its hooves and coats itself in lightning after which it charges forward for ten meters towards a target. While using this he can't change his direction anymore until he has ran ten meters or crashed against his target before that.

  • Name: Lightning Cross
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Zebstrika Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Lightning
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Zebstrika stomps its hooves and shoots out a cross shaped arc of lightning in the shape of a "X" from the lightning manes on top of its head at a target. The crossed arcs are incredibly thin and have a width of one meter.

  • Name: Charge Speed
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Zebstrika Magic
    Type: Self-Buff [Speed]
    Element: Lightning
    Range: 0 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Zebstrika stomps its hooves and buffs its speed as long as it is sustained.



Demon Raid! Empty Sun Aug 06, 2017 8:25 am

Now that she became a lieutenant there was a lot to take care off but on the other hand it felt like nothing had changed. They had given her a bit more responsibility as also more authority, that still didn’t change anything. She still didn’t fight better and she still wasn’t better in things she wanted to have changed. So she was starting with that today immediately. She had received a letter from the Headquarters while she was there that there was a demon outside Era that wanted to test mankind’s strength. She would not sit out and wait for this demon to disappear, she would want to talk to him or see what it was all about and that’s why she left the headquarters of the Rune Knights of Era to go and see this demon.

While she was making her way towards the meeting point of a so called team that she had heard about she changed into her armour. This meant that her body was now covered into a black and red armour that protected her from top to bottom but left her face bare to see enough however on top of her head, before her cat ears appeared a diadem with some sort of horns that protected her cat like ears and considering the rest of her head: her temples. It was a light that surrounded her and changed her casual outfit to this armour, her magic even worked like this that her long loose hair was tied in a ponytail all during that walk. She held up her right hand to summon her straight spear in the same time, she was coming prepared, it was after all the idea of a team. Which had given her a little bit off information with who they all wanted to have there at this possible battle and thus she wouldn’t be surprised to bump into Konstantin. She decided to keep her face neutral, you never know but in case he would look at her, she would give him a nod as a hello and a small smile.

She might be here with a mission regarding the headquarters that wanted the demon gone and simply answered to its calls but she was also here with her own mission, as she wanted to change her cowardly behavior, which reminded her of the Sieghart Mountains fight, she would not walk away this time. She held a firmer grip on the spear and stood on the left side of Konstantin and his soon summon and she stood also a bit more to the front, the distance between her and the demon must be around 34 meters away from her and she was more to its right side. She held a firmer grip on her spear, she would love to fly on an angel but she was afraid of heights and this wasn’t the right moment to try it out. She took a few steps further forward before the conversation started, more towards his right flank, holding still at the point that she found the distance alright and keeping her ears perked up to know where everyone was for as far as she could hear and see. She would stand still during the conversation, now holding the spear in two hands.

Alice’s mana: 1700/1775
Equiped: Scarle armour + Scarle diadem + Straight Spear
Str: 50 + Lieutenant’s Might (25) + Diadem (10) + Bonus set (30) + Straight Spear (18) = 133
* minus 10% because of demonic presence = 121
End: 40 + Bonus Set (30) = 70
* minus 10% because of demonic presence = 63
Speed: 36 – Armour (20) = 16
* minus 10% because of demonic presence = 14

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Demon Raid! Empty Sun Aug 06, 2017 1:30 pm


When Kerii arrived in Era, she didn't expect to end up facing a demon. She didn't think that she would even run into a demon this early. She didn't even become a mage of Lamia Scale too long ago compared to some other members. She was relatively inexperienced as well compared to others, but when she saw a flyer requesting assistance defeating a demon, she couldn't refuse. While she was doubtless there were mages capable of fighting this demon, she didn't think there were many people capable of supporting the attackers along with healing.

She met up at the café like the paper said with her companion Sylveon, one of her ribbons wrapped around her wrist. At the meeting, Kerii explained that she could heal and support whoever needed it. She also said that her Sylveon could attack and heal a bit as well. Even with the meeting, Kerii didn't know if they would be prepared to fight the demon or not. She would just have to wait until she encountered the demon.

When it came time to face the demon, she decided that she was not prepared. When she came in the presence of the demon, her vision became disorted and she felt overall weaker. Her heart pounded. She clenched her fists and gulped down her fear. She stood only a meter from a man who she knew to be Kon and two meters from a girl covered in red armor. She was 36 meters away from the demon. Taking a deep breath, she cast some spells. An endurance buff was directed towards Kon while a few speed buffs were directed towards the armored girl (Alice). Sylveon was standing next to Kerii, ready to do whatever she commanded.

Statistis, Health & Mana:

Demon Raid! Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Demon Raid! Empty Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:02 pm


WORDS: 280 | TAG: @kon @alice @kerii | CLOTHES

Several reasons had brought Alisa to Era, this had been one of them. Rumors about a demon attacking era, yet unusually for rumors such as these, nobody had died yet. For whatever reason, this demon wasn't taking lives. That alone meant Alisa could join freely despite her magic being it its most pitiful state since she aquired it; yet she was still in prime physical condition. And more importantly, she wanted to talk to this creature, for reasons she herself didn't understand properly

She met up at the Café the day before, wondering who else would be tackling this challenge alongside her, "I'll hit and run. Engage him however, I'll rush in once the chance presents itself.", she'd have said then.

The next day, she wasn't the first to arrive, not by a longshot. On site stood a blonde man, a pink haired girl, and another girl in armor. All of them appeared to have companions on their side - judging by the sheer number of them - and just like them Alisa had her litwick, Lumen. That Demon's aura though... Just being in its presence made her breathing labored with a shiver down her spine. It wasn't the first time she'd faced a demon, but she'd never fought one so... Imposing...

However, there were no time for pleasantries. Alisa immediately took her place about 35 meters from the demon, towards the left side, about 10 meters away from any of her allies. Her eyes narrowed as she gripped the gimmering sword around her waist, her stance loose but ready to spring to action at the slightest hint of hostilities.



Notes: Rolled multiple dice the second time; only the first one counts

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa Vollan on Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:14 pm; edited 3 times in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Demon Raid! CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Demon Raid! Empty Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:02 pm

The member 'Alisa Vollan' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 100' : 68


#2 'Dice 100' : 72, 3, 79, 57, 93, 26, 8, 61, 59


Demon Raid! Empty Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:32 pm


Continuing to approach the demon aggressively, he was met in kind with hostility where in by his foe returned his right hand onto the sword and plucked it out of the ground. Throwing the sword onto his right shoulder, he spoke once more this time indirectly at the entire group that had been formed. “Hmm which one of you is just a waste of my time and energy to fight? Afterall I’m here to test the best and brightest fight droves of people.” His focus was noticeably locked on something beneath him whether it was Alice, Kerii or her companion. He couldn’t change his focus on the demon to protect his allies as it would leave himself vulnerable and from what he could see he was the only one capable of putting a dent in the demon with kerii only showing supportive abilities, Alisa yet to attack and Alice being slow and tanky.

Needing to take advantage of the numbers which he controlled and the aerial advantage he still seemed to maintain, he had his summons spread out even further from their original distances of 5 meters to 10 meters as the demon spoke on. Meanwhile wanting to take the first strike Kon willed Seraphiel to ready a spell as they all continued to move closer, The construct began to draw up its staff wielding hands to cast the spell when they entered the 20 meter range requirement. During this the demon clutched the two handed weapon and brought it downward towards the ground with the blade pointing towards in their general direction.

A visible gust of wind shot out at them, fortunately with Seraphiels having raised its hands he was capable of avoiding harm, even his defensive shield seemed unaffected. The damage was noticeable on the construct but not would not hinder it. With the others below and his focus remaining on the demon, he didn’t know where they were or whether they had been able to defend themselves. He did however notice the damage that had occurred around him with a large portion of the grass plain now resembling that of a new plowed plot for farming.

Seemingly at the response he had received from Kon, he laughed. “Good, good, someone who can actually defend themselves, have your friends though?” Ignoring his comment, as Seraphiel had not just prepared his spell in the time that the demon had cast its spell creating a magic circle at that time. With the Demon having his focus drawn on his target the magic circle activated with it inside. A burst of light instantly came down from above dealing devastating damage to the ground while putting a small dent into the demon. Something was wrong through, the spell itself should have done more damage because of the elemental weakness. Confused he raised an eyebrow, practically sensing his confusion he spoke once more with a chilling and cruel tone all while remaining in his position choosing to banter with Kon rather then attack directly. “Light magic, I see interesting, it won’t work though, I said it before and I’ll say it again, you can’t hurt me too quickly, this is a fight of endurance not of raw power.”

Shaking his head and recognising the folly of his plan involving multiple summons which otherwise just simply drain his mana, Kon decast Cassiel choose to sustain solely Seraphiel and his defensive spell. Acknowledge the strength of the demon, he shouted out to the rest of the hastily formed party. “Guys now would be a fantastic time to help!” Recognising the need for assistance after being indirectly targeted by the demon, his Zebstrika covered a vast distance in the span of a few seconds still leaving 17.5 meters from both kon and 15 meters from the demon respectively.

Acknowledging them all as a worthy enemy, the demon without a word dashed forward wielding his sword behind him ready to slash and pierce foes that refrained from taking flight which he previously offered. Rolling his eyes, as he looked at the demon dashing at an extreme pace towards his allies down below. “Well things are starting off fantastically..” Shaking his head, he motioned for Adriel to go down and fight the demon.

Stats, Spells used and Mana used

Strength: 14 + 26 - 8 = 32, B rank damage

Endurance: 34 - 6 = 28, 2 x S rank endurance (Endurance buff spell out of range)

Speed: 14 - 2 = 12, 6 m/s dash, 15 m/s run

Intelligence: 64 = 30% mana reduction + 20% mana reduction from staff total 50% mana reduction

Spells used: Cassiel, Cassiel's Dominion, Adriel, Adriel's Dominion, Seraphiel, Seraphiel's Domonion, Seraphiel's Lightbringer, Ageless Defense
Mana used without modifiers: 1050 MP

Mana used after: 525

Mana remaining: 1300/2250

Damage Dealt: 1 x S rank (A Rank base damage from spell, elemental weakness modifier two rank higher, one S rank cap per turn.)



C Ranks


Name: Summon: Cassiel
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Summoning
Element: Light
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user raises their hand as white light crashes down from the skies summoning Cassiel. Cassiel hovers one meter above the ground.


Type: Light
Health: 1x S-rank
Mana: None
Height:  9.8" | 3 m
Weight: 220 lbs. | 100 kg
Personality: Cassiel has no personality and simply does the bidding of its summoner.
Physiology: It appears as a shining white knight in armor. Its back is attached with wings, a halo glows behind its head. Cassiel is proficient in melee combat. With its shining wings, it is able to fly around a battlefield, striking foes with swords of holy light.


  • Strength: 15
  • Speed: 25
  • Endurance: 5

Name: Cassiel's Sword
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: ~
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Cassiel holds out his hand in front of him and opens his palm after which he materializes a sword made out light. The sword is two meters long.

Name: Cassiel's Cut
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Redemption Magic, Cassiel's Sword sustained
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Cassiel cuts with its sword which is 2 meters and sends out a wave of 2 meters in width and 5 centimeters thick towards a target.

Name: Cassiel's Dominion
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Cassiel can fly up to 5 meters as long as Cassiel's Dominion is sustained.

B Ranks


Name: Summon: Adriel
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Summoning
Element: Light
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user raises their hand as white light crashes down from the skies summoning Adriel. Adriel hovers one meter above the ground.


Type: Light
Health: 2x S-rank
Mana: None
Height:  9.8"  | 3 m
Weight: 330 lbs. | 150 kg
Personality: Adriel has no personality and simply does the bidding of its summoner.
Physiology: Adriel is embodied in armor with a long robe covering up its legs. It wields a huge mace made of divine power and equips a round shield with an image of the sun on its left arm. Compared to Cassiel, it has four wings, given its rank is higher than the former.

  • Strength: 35
  • Speed: 20
  • Endurance: 15

Name: Adriel's Magic Pummel
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic, Adriel's Shield first
Type: Offensive
Element: ???
Range: ~
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Adriel's Magic Pummel can only be used after Adriel's Shield has been used successfully. Adriel swings his 1 meter long mace at a target. The mace itself is 0.5 by 0.5 meter. The elemental-type of this damage depends on the elemental-damage Adriel defended against with Adriel's Shield. In order to use this spell again, Adriel must use Adriel's Shield successfully again first.

Name: Adriel's Shield
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Defensive
Element: Light
Range: ~
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Adriel imbues his shield with magic and uses it to defend against an attack, depending on the elemental damage of the attack, Adriel's Pummel spell will be affected.

Name: Adriel's Dominion
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Adriel can fly up to 5 meters as long as Adriel's Dominion is sustained.

A Ranks


Name: Summon: Seraphiel
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Summoning
Element: Light
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user raises their hand as white light crashes down from the skies summoning Seraphiel. Seraphiel hovers one meter above the ground.


Type: Light
Health: 3x S-rank
Mana: None
Height:  13"1' | 4 m
Weight: 440 lbs. | 200 kg
Personality: Seraphiel has no personality and simply does the bidding of its summoner.
Physiology: When it is summoned, it bathes the area in holy white-blue light and brings a slight fragrance to the air. While its head and body are obscured it is covered with numerous glowing feathered wings and is decorated with royal tablets. At the front of its head, a glowing divine magic circle is emitted.

  • Strength: 40
  • Speed: 25
  • Endurance: 40


Name: Seraphiel's Staff
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Seraphiel points its staff which is 2 meters long at a target and releases a beam of white light from its tip a target. The beam has a diameter of 1 meter, this beam deals b rank cutting damage.

Name: Seraphiel's Dominion
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Light
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Seraphiel can fly up to 5 meters as long as Seraphiel's Dominion is sustained.

Name: Seraphiel's Devotion
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Seraphiel imbues its staff with light and hits a target with it, blowing them 10 meters backwards regardless of their defenses and armor, all the while dealing A rank Bludgeoning damage.

Name: Seraphiel's Lightbringer
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Redemption Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Light
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Seraphiel points its staff in the air and as a circle with a diameter of 3 meters within a range of 20 meters begins to light up on the ground for 3 seconds after which a light crashes down from the skies instantly causing A rank cutting damage.



Name: Staff of Countless Ages
Slot: Weapon
Type: Staff
Class: Unique
Set: Onyx Archmage
Damage: Base Strength + 26
Durability: 2x S-rank

  • Length: 2 Meters
  • Handling: 1 Hand
  • Description: This ancient magical staff allows the user whilst using it as a medium to cast spells far easier. It is sinister in appearance with a dark themes and sharp tones.


  • 50 Intelligence


  • Decreases the cost of spells channeled and cast through the Staff of Countless Ages by 20%.


  • Name: Ageless Offense
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Staff of Countless Ages
    Type: Offensive
    Element: None
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The wielder of the Staff of Ages infuses a portion of their magical energies into the weapon, then pointing the head of the staff in a particular direction. From it, there materializes a small orb of magical energy no larger than a baseball which travels at spell speed in the direction fired, inflicting magical burning damage to whomever is hit by it.

  • Name: Ageless Defense
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Staff of Countless Ages
    Type: Defensive
    Element: None
    Range: 1 Meter
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The wielder of the Staff of Ages infuses a portion of their magical energies into the weapon, then taps the butt of the staff into the ground twice, causing a magical barrier of magical energy to encase the user. The barrier is a dome with a diameter of 4 meters. While the dome is protecting the user, the user can't shoot spells through the dome either.




Name: Sparky
Race: Zebstrika
Gender: Male
Type: Lightning
Health: 2x S-rank
Mana: 480
Height: 5'07" | 1.7 m
Weight: 209.4 lbs. | 95.0 kg
Evolution: None
Personality: Sparky was once a timid and shy beast in regards to his master's abilities but after spending many months with Kon he has become unconcerned with his owner's talents and recognises that he has full control over his summons. His apathy goes further than that however with him willing to follow a majority of orders though still recognising his own safety as being an issue. Overall he isn't a cheerful beast in all aspects instead seeing himself as a noble beast deserving of praise.

Physiology: Zebstrika's coat is black with white, jagged stripes all over its body. There is one pointed stripe extending from its nose, two elaborate stripes on its neck and chest, one zigzag stripe each on its jaws, back, and hindquarters, one triangular stripe on each of its thighs, and two stripes banding each of its legs. Its ears are triangular with blue insides, while its eyes are blue with yellow sclera and white eyelashes. Its nose is black, and its hooves are gray. A white, spiked mane runs the length of its body, beginning with two horn-like extensions on its forehead and running down its back to end in a long tail with a starburst-shaped tip. This irritable creature fires lightning bolts from its mane when angry.

Extra: With the growth of Sparky as a result of his transition from Blitzle to becoming a Zebstrika, he has become able to support the weight of an individual and have them ride him for extended periods because of this Kon his owner has brought a number of things for this purpose. Firstly and most importantly perhaps is the hand crafted and moulded endurance saddle designed to suit both Kon and Sparky perfectly and to aid with directing the stead he also now dons a Halter bridle with bit guards when someone is riding him.

During circumstances when the rider is knowingly going to be involved in formal affairs, combat, or official duties Sparky will be seen wearing caparison, it is a cloth that has been richly dyed crimson to match the cape of the rider and draped over the front of the Zebstrika before breaking into another piece allowing the saddle to be worn directly on the back of the animal before the last piece covers the rest of the beast. Adorned upon the clothing roaring black dragons heads can be seen matching his cape which was a portion of his family sigil though he has long ago forsaken their family words.

Caparison reference example:


  • Strength: 15
  • Endurance: 15
  • Speed: 55


  • Zebstrika can be mounted and gives a 20% wordcount reduction on travels.


  • Name: Lightning Bolt
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Blitzle Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Lightning
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Blitzle opens its mouth after which a small lightning orb quickly forms inside of it, the lightning orb, roughly the size of an apple, is then shot at a target.

  • Name: Little Lightning Arc
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Blitzle Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Lightning
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Blitzle shakes its head and shoots out an arc of lightning from the lightning bolt on top of its head at a target. The arc is incredibly thin and has a width of one meter.

  • Name: Buzz Charge
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Blitzle Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Lightning
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Blitzle stomps its hooves and coats itself in lightning after which it charges forward for ten meters towards a target. While using this he can't change his direction anymore until he has ran ten meters or crashed against his target before that.

  • Name: Lightning Cross
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Zebstrika Magic
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Lightning
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Zebstrika stomps its hooves and shoots out a cross shaped arc of lightning in the shape of a "X" from the lightning manes on top of its head at a target. The crossed arcs are incredibly thin and have a width of one meter.

  • Name: Charge Speed
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Zebstrika Magic
    Type: Self-Buff [Speed]
    Element: Lightning
    Range: 0 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Zebstrika stomps its hooves and buffs its speed as long as it is sustained.



Demon Raid! Empty Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:13 am

As she had showed up after Konstantin she had felt a shivering sensation because of the demon, but she would not cower in fear as she usually did, she would not run. She had made that decision and that one was final. After her a girl showed up with her companion
and took a spot two meters away from her, while Alice tried to keep her eyes on the demon for any moves. She felt more energy entering her body and wondered if someone put a spell on her. She kept her eyes on the demon until she noticed a movement on the other side, another woman appeared far on the other side and Alice decided to take her example and while keeping her eyes on the demon, and separated herself from Kerii by moving roughly 5-7 meter to the left of her and closer to the demon at the same time. Remembering the plan that Kon told her beforehand she spread out more from the girl (Kerii) and her companion as well from the others.

It was at this point her enhanced energy had disappeared causing her to suspect that Kerii or her companion has been the cause. As she eyed the demon lift up his sword and struck it down, she felt a gush of wind making her hair get in front of her eyes for a second before being back to normal again. In the meantime she had held onto her spear with a much firmer grip with two hands this time.

She would place her feet correctly on the ground and as the demon was being attacked and responded to Kon’s actions, she ran off. As the demon continued to paced towards and passed Kon, Alice would become in range with her spear to hit the demon. Moving the blade of the spear from left to right, she struck the demon's torso from his right hip to his left shoulder in case she did hit. Having closed the distance, between herself and the demon, she could perceive the danger of the sword due to this as she had landed her blow against the demon.

The demon of course noticed the attack upon itself however due to the pace at which the being was travelling at towards his target and the weight of his blade the demon couldn’t swing fast enough. Rather than letting her go unscathed, he stuck the back of her with one of his fists while the other continued to hold onto the sword albeit with difficulty as she hastily disengaged from the attack, She did not stop running continuing onward to separate herself from the demon and recover before fighting the demon once more.



#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Demon Raid! Empty Tue Aug 08, 2017 12:46 pm


Kerii watched as the armored girl (Alice) walked out of her spell's range and began to spread out, just like they were supposed to do. She saw the demon eyeing either her, Alice, or Sylveon, so Kerii motioned for her companion to spread out a bit. She kept herself ready in case someome needed support or healing. Based on how her last couple spells turned out though, healing was the best use of her abilities if people were just going to get out of range. As of now though, she thought that Sylveon's abilities would be more useful, especially since the demon was most likely going to attack. "Protect me Syl, then attack," she quickly told her companion. She made a sweet purring noise in response and cast a quick defensive spell all whilst moving 10 meters away from Kerii. Just as she and Sylveon were 10 meters apart, the demon hit them both with his wind attack. The defense Sylveon had made disappeared. Kerii could feel the wind blast against her armor, but she didn't get hurt. Her armor wouldn't hold up for much longer though. Syl proceeded to get within 10 meters of the demon. Once she was within range, she fired a blast of light from her mouth, aimed at the demon's side, careful not to hit anyone else. While Sylveon did this, she continuously ran, making sure to go around the demon in order not to be hit while he dashed, which he did only a few moments after Syl hit him with her Moonblast spell. Even though Kerii knew that she was far enough not to be hit by the demon's dash, she still moved out of the way, maintaining her original distance from the demon.

Statistics, Health & Mana:
Demon Info:

Demon Raid! Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Demon Raid! Empty Tue Aug 08, 2017 5:26 pm


WORDS: 700 | TAG: @kon @alice @kerii | CLOTHES

So it appeared, it was just as she had heard. As the blonde man approached the demon, it boisterously clamored for a strong challenge with the kind of hubris she'd expect from such a creature. Far from unfounded, considering this was the strongest demon Alisa had ever faced, but also the strangest: "I wouldn't have believed had I not heard it with my own ears.", answered Alisa, shaking her head. To think a demon would attack cities while going out of his way not to hurt a single innocent, or even reap a single life. Despite the situation she was in, she couldn't help but smile at this pure love of battle, devoid of murderous intent, "Very well, I'll dance with you for a while."

The Pegasus cared very little for property damage unless it concerned her directly, and the only way she'd get any closer to understanding this demon and his seemingly unnatural motivation... Was fighting him. As the blonde man fearlessly approached it, Alisa followed suit from a different angle, as she moved leftwards in a circle around it; an oblique approach steadily bringing her closer, but keeping away from friendly fire. Her turn to move would come soon.

She'd make occasional shifts in speed and angle to keep her approach unpredictable, sometimes even throwing in a few zigzags. She had only one goal: Position. She needed a proper position to attack from, and once she felt that windblast from the creature's sword, she knew her turn would come soon. Alisa gripped her new sword vertically with both hands, the handle roughly aligned with her chest. She had plenty of time to grow accostumed to its weight, and enough training to know how to wield it, and thus picked a versatile stance better suited to reacting to any direction.

Once the beam of light sorrounded the demon and the redhead charged in to attack, Alisa saw her opening and rushed in too, from the direction opposite the spear wielding woman: She'd take the foe's back at the same time the other woman took his front. She was faster than this redhead, clearly, so correctly controlling her speed and attacking with tandem in her wouldn't be too hard. But it wasn't easy either. After all Alisa had never seen this woman before, let alone fought with or against her. Ultimately, the Pegasus' attack would land a split second after the scarlet woman's - right during the demon's counterattack - but it would still let her benefit from the creature's focus in defending against her.

This would result in a downwards, diagonal slash from the creature's spaulder to his right hip, with the Pegasus pivoting away from her foe to convert as much of her running momentum into a spin for as much damage as she could do with that one hit.

"Lumen!", she called out to her partner who was desperately clinging to her shoulder, and with a screech and an eerie light, it cast a momentary strength debuff on the enemy, ready to weaken him in case a counter attack came right away.

The demon was likely aware of her position beforehand, but with so many people attacking at once and Alisa timing her dash from an angle behind him, she was narrowly able to create distance just as a a clawed foot came after her.

Though he probably wouldn't hit him in the back again anytime soon...

Meanwhile, the sculptress' eyes locked on to her enemy and each of her allies, confirming how her sword slash had indeed hit - judging from the radiant mark on his body reminiscent of a sword slash - yet oddly enough, the creature didn't bled. All of her allies appeared to be okay. Alisa would get closer to them without ceasing her run, aiming for a position roughly 10 meters away from her friends and 30 meters from her foe, but keep her senses sharp to adjust her plans as needed.

"I never heard of a demon immune to Light.", she'd comment to her allies at the first opportunity, "As tough as he may be

Lumen Spell:



Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Demon Raid! CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Demon Raid! Empty Tue Aug 08, 2017 5:26 pm

The member 'Alisa Vollan' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 100' : 14


#2 'Dice 100' : 41


Demon Raid! Empty Wed Aug 09, 2017 9:54 am


A clash of weapons and shots of spells could be heard from below where Kon stood upon, evidently the fight was in full swing and for the briefest of periods at a lull. Seeking to get a fresh perspective of the fight with it having continued beneath him, he motioned whilst still in his defensive bubble to go backward a modest 3 meters. The distance created between himself and the monster would be sufficient for his next spell to hit or at least he hoped so.

Whilst he would have loved to have continued to fight, he could feel something approaching within him. Something which overtook him a month prior resulting in him attacking the Fairy Tail Guild Building. Not seeking another incident within Era town as it would reveal that he was the person responsible for that and because he didn’t want to destroy the town he used to consider his home. He did the best thing he could do to prevent such a thing from occurring, turning off any and all spells that he was formerly using. In doing so he would likely gain the attention of not just his comrades but also the demon itself.

Falling from the sky, 5 meters off the air clinching his staff, he landed onto his hands and knees. With the mage now completely vulnerable the demon without hesitation sprinted towards him and struck his hand casting aside his own weapon before cutting him down leaving him down and out for the count.



Demon Raid! Empty Thu Aug 10, 2017 5:47 am

As she had just slashed her spear over the demon’s torso, he had given her a hit with his fist as if she was an annoying little bug to get out of the way. Her armour caught the damage and she would just have to catch her breath and footing as she hurried a few more meters away from him. She turned around when she came to a halt, following the demon as to not create a too big a distance between them. He wasn’t focused on her as he was dashing forward. She noticed that the black haired woman had moved as well, standing on her right side and now on the other side of the demon. They had both moved to the opposite sides, she quickly hurried in a low pace after the demon as she glanced back at it as he dashed forwards towards the spot where his target had been, it appeared to be Sylveon at this point. She held a firmer grip on her spear because she would have to go for it again. She heard the black haired woman about the light immunity and shook her head, her cat ears flat on her back, ”He isn’t. It just doesn’t show the damage outward.” she changed her footing again but she had to make sure that he was standing still or that she knew what he was doing. Especially because he stopped after that dash and chuckled. He had missed the Sylveon as the companion had moved out of the way and attacked the demon by itself. Apparently that was funny to the demon.

“This is interesting.”

She heard him say and she didn’t stop looking at him as she was forming a new plan. He didn’t look behind him, he must be talking to Konstantin again. As she was looking at the demon, she could perfectly well now see Konstantin behind him and her eyes turned bigger when the last angel disappeared as well, ”No.” she whispered, knowing full well that she shouldn’t show any signs of anything at this point, it would be far too dangerous. The fall he had made scared her but it was a nice moment of distraction as the demon turned to look what was happening, she made another run for it. Because she knew Konstantin would be fine. If she could count on anyone here, it would be him. This time she would stay at the back side of the demon. Her plan was to slash her spear at the back of its knees. She couldn’t see what was happening as she ran past the Demon’s knee pits and dragged her spear along that, hoping he would fall. She continued in her run, from a direct line of point a to point b on the other side. That’s when she noticed, too late the swing he had made himself and she bit her lip to not say anything. She was distracted for five seconds as she noticed what just happened but before she could say anything the demon started to speak again.

“Well a pity. That was one of you. The most interesting one for sure. But you are all working very hard.”

She watched the demon turn around again, looking at all of them for a second, probably deciding again who would be his new target. He pointed with his hand towards Sylveon, “You do not count.” And again there was something like a wave of wind that seemed to have made the demon cast a spell on the companion, she didn’t know what it was but it would sure have its effect. While the demon was focussing on Sylveon who was again on the other side of him than she was, she ran towards Konstantin, just to make sure he was basically alright. She just knew that she would have to keep an eye on the demon as well and she did that from the corner of her eye as she was moving and as she hunched down, she held on to her spear as well as made sure to glance back up to the demon after five seconds of gaining an answer to the situation.



#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Demon Raid! Empty Thu Aug 10, 2017 1:07 pm


Even after all the attacks thrown at the demon, he still appeared to remain unscathed. Not even the attacks that should have penetrated his skin caused something as small as a scratch. Kerii became concerned that they couldn't defeat the demon, but she would still give it her all. What was also confusing was Kon's behavior. He dispelled everything he cast and dropped down to the ground, leaving himself an easy target for the demon. He disarmed Kon and struck him, also knocking him out. She gasped and wanted to run over to make sure that he was okay, but knew that if she did, she would put herself at risk for the demon's wrath and if she ended up getting hurt, she couldn't heal herself. Pretty much almost as that happened, Alice also attacked the demon, which was followed by her seeing Kon after both attacks and rushing over to him. If he really needed help, Kerii was confident that the girl in armor would try to get her attention. After all, at the meeting she did say that she could heal.

Quickly shifting her attention away from Kon and towards the demon, she saw him face Syl. "Please don't hurt her," she said in her mind. Although Sylveon had fared well against the other attack, she didn't know just how powerful the demon was. The spell the demon cast seemed to cause no harm to Syl though. Sylveon still continued to attack the demon, launcing yet another light spell at the demon. Just as before, she ran past the demon, still maintaining the 10 meter range. The only difference was that she was slower than before.

Statistics, Health & Mana:
Demon Info:

Demon Raid! Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Demon Raid! Empty Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:20 pm


WORDS: 700 | TAG: @alice @kerii | CLOTHES

The first run worked out pretty well, she though. Both of them hit the demon square without getting much in the way of punishment for their arrogance. It truly looked like this demon was underestimating them, and while he may have every reason to do so with the ridiculous power at its disposal, that also gave them a way in. If they kept him believing he could underestimate them and get away with it, they might actually win by the time he realized this. Indeed the other warrior agreed with her; no way a demon could be immune to light, but a demon with stupendous endurance could very well shrug off anything this crew threw at him. Growing bolder, she stopped about 15 meters away after her attack, circling the demon until she once more stood at about 10 meters from each of her allies:

"My thoughts exactly.", nodded Alisa, her eyes too busy with the demon to glance anywhere else. From the redhead's voice, she had a pretty good idea of her position, which only left the pinkette cleric and her adorable companion, "Then If we keep this up, he's bound to feel something eventually."

They looked well poised to do so, that was, until all hell broke loose. Out of nowhere, the blonde summoner with the angels undid all of his spells and plummeted to the ground like a withered branch, leaving him at the creature's mercy. She was too far to be of any help, not as the demon suddenly blitzed onto his position. She may not know him, but so long as they fought the same enemy Alisa couldn't help but see that man as her comrade in arms, and seeing him downed so effortlessly left her gritting her teeth, immediately seeking retaliation.

Which didn't compare from the scarlet woman's reaction, hinting at a deeper connection between the two. Instead of patiently biding her time, she rushed in and Alisa couldn't help but follow suit. With the demon's intention's as clear as the crystals she sculpted, the Pegasus artist would take his back while her teammate took his knees. Being a scarce 15 meters away, she'd arrive little over a second after darting forward, just as the demon shifted his aim towards the Sylveon.

Wily as ever, Alisa never sought to attack the demon head on, but aimed for his back everytime he focused on attacking one of her teammates, just like this time when she ran her sword horizontally across it mid run. If this guy were a human, he'd have possibly been sliced in half, but instead all he got was a thick glowing line of light magic right where she hit it.  But a creature of this level was far from stupid, and this time reacted with a blind back kick, correctly guessing the Raven haired woman's position and hitting her right in the flank

She narrowly had time to clench her abs and prevent grievous damage to her internal organs, and thankfully the momentum from run did the rest, reducing the impact from the attack, though it still turned Alisa's elegant disengaging run into a not-so-elegant roll through the dirt. Wincing and gritting her teeth, all she could do was stab her sword in the ground about 20 meters away from the demon, stopping the roll and allowing to her to stand back up, albeit strainedly, with a hand on her torso where the foe's foot had landed. She had a rather massive, bloody tear on that side of her jacket, and struggle do stop holding on to it...

"Tch...", clicking her tongue, she spat out the blood in her mouth, keeping her focused, glacial glare on her opponent at all times, "Still not going down, huh? Well, you all look like you can go another round."

If she didn't know better, she'd swear she'd just cracked a rib... But she still looked ready to dance more. Lumen, who had been standing on Alisa's shoulder, was also knocked away from her, though he wasn't hit so he appeared to be fine, even though he hurriedly raced over to Alisa's side.



Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa Vollan on Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Demon Raid! CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Demon Raid! Empty Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:20 pm

The member 'Alisa Vollan' has done the following action : Spin

#1 'Dice 100' : 45


#2 'Dice 100' : 74


Demon Raid! Empty Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:05 am

She had been blinded at the moment, she had seen the distraction, which was the worst distraction at all but it was one. Which had made her sprint off to attack the back of the knees, he had not collapsed from that. Which she had expected but she had hoped. She had barely noticed the other mage, with the golden sword to be there at the same time, hitting him above her, while she continued to another spot. That’s when she continued to run to Konstantin and only at that point had she noticed that the black haired woman wasn’t at the same spot as when Alice started her second counter attack.
Had the demon thought that a debuff on Sylveon was enough, it didn’t seem to be because the companion would simply go on and use a spell again. The demon looked at all of them once more, one after the other, Alice stared at him with anger in her eyes. Sure it was a challenge and it was a challenge it made to test out their strength but it didn’t know about the magic issue. She clenched her fists around the spear in anger. She shouldn’t make this decision hastily but she was furious about the team idea, about the challenge but it was not their fault, he had accepted the challenge himself. Her eyes travelled to look at Konstantin before she would shake her head shortly and stand up again, a step towards the demons side and see what was happening. She needed to calm down for a few seconds. He had used a spell on Sylveon, he had kicked the black haired woman.

“You are all more tough than it seems.”

The demon spoke again and Alice gritted her teeth not to say anything but the woman spoke, that they could do another round and she nodded. She wasn’t sure if it would be seen because she was staring at the demon as well. ”Don’t ever underestimate women again.” she mentioned loudly enough but the demon wasn’t focused on her, he seemed to look at the black haired woman for speaking first. He waved a hand towards Alice,

“She at least wears an armour, from you two I expected even less.”

She narrowed her eyes to see him lift up a hand again, that was another spell, why didn’t he use his sword? She didn’t understand why he had one and not use it. The spell was directed at the black haired woman, which made his side turn to her, and his right hand lifted up to use the spell, with the sword far away from her in his left hand. With one last quick look at her fallen partner, she ran off again, changing the distance from 10 meters to none very quickly, as she was very nimble she could used the destroyed surrounding around her, stepping on a boulder and jump up to slam the spear underneath his armpit and simply use her weight and the weight of the armour to drag her down back on the ground. Its arm came down after making that spell and giving her a knock back as he simply slammed her away. Her armour caught the damage and she ended up only two meters away from him, she felt a pain in her side but it was nothing she couldn’t handle, it was just a reaction to a dent in her armour. But at least she had distracted him again from her fellow fighters as he turned to look at her while she quickly stood back up again.

“And here I had given you time to consider your actions.”

She spat at him, ”I am very sure of what I’m thinking. I don’t need a few seconds extra for that. You challenged us humans and here you have a reaction. We are far more capable of things that you are aware of.” Her spear had fallen in the moment that she had collapsed but she let it disappear and her cat like claws appeared out of her knuckles, she wasn’t even without a weapon yet, there was enough in her dimensional pocket left. But she wanted to make sure that at some point he would bleed.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Demon Raid! Empty Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:48 pm


Kerii crossed her arms as she heard what the demon had to say. If he was trying to get under her skin, it wasn't going to work. Her strength was found in healing, not in how well she could fight or how well she could defend herself. The demon didn't have to know that. Speaking of whom, the demon raised his hand to cast yet another spell which had effects that Kerii couldn't see nor feel, so it definitely wasn't a spell that effected a large amount of people such as the first one the demon cast, so she couldn't help but wonder what kind of effect the spell had.

Meanwhile, the neko also began to attack the demon. Although she got him, he got her too. She didn't look that hurt thankfully. Kerii couldn't quite say the same for the black haired girl who seemed to have been hit hard by the demon. Kerii would need to check on everyone once she knew everything was okay and the demon was defeated, that is, if it could be defeated. Kerii hoped that all their attempts to attack the demon and defend Era weren't futile. She watched as Alice's spear broke. What replaced it was a set of claws. They probably weren't as effective, but she supposed that they would do the trick.

After Alice's attack and not much after her comment towards the demon, Sylveon launched yet another attack at the demon, almost in tandem with when the neko brandished her claws. Syl once again opened her mouth while she ran past the demon, still continuing to maintain her 10 meter distance from him. She launched two hearts from her mouth which were only about the size of an apple, but exploded on impact. Although it wasn't huge, an explosion was still an explosion. Kerii hoped that it would be enough, but the demon still stood. Hopefully someone else had something up her sleeve...

Statistics, Health & Mana:
Demon Info:

Demon Raid! Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Demon Raid! Empty Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:34 pm


WORDS: 650 | TAG: @alice @kerii | CLOTHES

It took her a couple of seconds to stand back up after a hit like that, but she did it, gritting through the pain and eventually growing used to it. Enough that she could move aroud freely until she got a chance to have a healer look at her.  Though she hinted at none of it, a martial artist like Alisa couldn't help but feel proud at being praised by such a powerful opponent, her smile widened at the redhead's words, and the demon's final criticism was met with nothing but wit and a hair flip:

"Oh really?", asked Alisa with a cool but dismissive faint smile, and sarcastic gib, "It breaks my heart to disappoint you."

The sculptress disliked wearing armor, as a rule anything that weighed her down in a fight. She liked being fast and agile enough to outmanouver her foes, and she couldn't do that covered head to toe in metal plates. But she wasn't stupid enough to admit this openly; if the demon cared enough, it could probably figure it out on its own.

But their foe didn't look amused, not even a little bit. Quite the opposite, he instead raised his hand at her. Gasping, Alisa immediately stepped aside, expecting a big spell she could probably dodge. Though no such thing came her way a wave of weakness suddenly washed over her body, all but doubling the pain from her earlier hit. She winced, needing every ounce of effort to hold her ground and grit her teeth, keeping as plain and focused an expression as possible.

"A weakening debuff huh...", huffed the sculptress, doing her best to acclimate without falling back on her knees.

It's not like she had that luxury, not with the scarlet woman charging right back in. That flashy way she charged back in and shouted resolutely at the foe... It was too good a chance to pass up, as per the spear wielder's intention, Alisa guessed: The Pinkette and her companion clearly got the message. Alisa charged in when she saw the pink little creature shoot exploding hearts at the demon, using the explosion itself to advance unseen on her enemy, going around and quickly picking up speed before dashing forward from his rear left side. She kept her stance fluid and instincts sharp, ready to react to the slightest cue from her foe.

Just like before, the demon was getting used to being blindsided and dealing with it accordingly, though much faster at every turn. Clearly he was getting used to each of his opponents and their attack patterns, and quickly moved swung his sword out horizontally to intercept her.

Exactly as she planned.

Reflexively, Alisa dipped low: Instead of advancing normally, her rear left foot stepped forward behind her right leg with a quick swipe of her sword aimed at the demon's shin. Though this strike wouldn't faze him at all, this cross leg stance led into a swift full spin of her torso, all but letting Alisa admire the finely crafted demonic blade as it whizzed by mere inches above her eyes. The moment it had passed her, the fighter rose and hoisted her sword, and finally put all of her remaining momentum into a downwards, bissecting sword slash at full force, right behind her enemy's guard.

They'd already established she couldn't really kill this demon the same way a blow like this would do to a human... Yet that powerful, point blank slash left a deep, shimmering trail of light from it's head to its crotch, visible even before Alisa dashed back 5 meters in short, sawing back steps: "Interesting enough for you?", her confident, elegant smile wouldn't leave her lips for even a second...




Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Demon Raid! CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Demon Raid! Empty Sun Aug 13, 2017 12:55 am

Alice couldn’t help but smile a bit, her lips curving upwards. Sure not everything was so positive at this moment but it sure came a lot further with the sarcasm of the black haired woman. With a look at her partner again she looked back at the demon that seemed to be surprised that the women were able to do so. He stared at the light that was coming from the cut that the raven haired woman made.

“It does seem more interesting than I expected.”

He said and if she was not mistaken she heard a difference in his voice, she didn’t know why but it seemed that he was defeated. A demon was obviously a prideful character so she doubted anything would change from this. But she narrowed her eyes as something seemed to change, not much later it looked like he wasn’t tangible anymore but something like a shadow, a smoke figure? She wasn’t entirely sure it could be just something of the light and his scales that made her wonder about it. Something else happened, he seemed to get back to the tangible version and she ran after him, she wouldn’t let it happen but instead of hitting him with her claws he stopped her with the question to do so.

“Stop, now.”

So she did, mid run, which made her not even stumble but it sure felt weird. She eyed him suspiciously, hands ready to summon the scarle sword that came with her armour.

“I am a demon, that’s something hard to miss. But I came here for a reason. I came here to bring the world back into balance. I fight against my fellow demons to secure this balance and prevent all out slaughter of especially the human race. I’m glad to figure out that there is more than meets the eye here.” He eyed all three of them one after the other and even the little Sylveon.
“I am looking for someone that will receive my Will. I’m old and I need someone to be able to handle my amount of magic and my power to continue to fight against demons and the Take-Over magic that they create. Something I would be too, a Take-Over magic.”

Alice frowned again at him and dropped the stance for her sword. He looked at her, “Not you missy. For more reasons than one.” She had no idea what he meant but she wasn’t interested anyway so she gave him a thumbs up. He turned to look at the rest again, one by one, while she ran towards Konstantin again.

Battle information:

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

Demon Raid! Empty Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:18 pm


Even after all the attacks they had done to the demon, he still stood. Kerii wondered how much it was going to take to defeat him. Oddly enough, he seemed to turn intangible for a moment, but then reverted back to how he originally was. The neko ran after him, ready to attack. However, he simply said to stop. Alice stopped and Kerii could see Syl look rather curiously at the demon. Just as Kerii was wondering why the demon had said something like that in the first place, he went on to explain that he came to Era to "bring the world into balance." He apparently wanted to fight the other demons in the world in order to protect the humans. He wanted someone to receive his will and be able to fight the demons for him. He essentially wanted to become a take-over magic. He wanted his soul in someone else's. The way he worded it, it made Kerii think that the demon really meant no harm to the people in Era. He just wanted to see if people were worthy of becoming his vessel. The idea of having a demon in her body made her stomach churn though. Elves weren't particularly fond of the darkness, and demons had darkness written all over them. The demon probably wouldn't even like her affiliation with light. Along with that, Kerii just simply didn't like the idea of a demon inside her body, even if it was a good one. She didn't trust him. When the demon looked at Kerii, she rapidly shook her head before he moved his gaze on towards the black haired girl. She saw Alice go over back towards Kon and decided to go over to him herself. After all, she was a healer.

Demon Raid! Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Demon Raid! Empty Mon Aug 14, 2017 3:40 pm


WORDS: 470 | TAG: @alice @kerii | CLOTHES

Alisa kept her sword in front of her, a firm grip with both hands, ready to react either offensively or defensively as needed, standing her ground in what resembled a Chūdan stance in Kendo. Though her attack connected, the demon was still standing as vigorously as the first time, showing no sign of injury, but no hints of a renewed attack either. She could defenitely sense a difference in the air, something that hinted he might not be interested in fighting anymore. A hint she saw confirmed once the demon's form gradually turned into translucent smoke for a split second.

"Ara... What are you doing here exactly...?", she mused aloud, half wondering whether the demon would actually answer her while the other half wondered if she could possibly figure it out. But as this fight came to a close she couldn't help but feel his motives went beyond a simple quest for a amusement.

And she was right. As he talked, she couldn't help but feel his words and drive resonate deep with her own, at least the person she turned into once she abandoned her blind thirst for vengeance. This echo grew stronger with every word he utteredm and finally skipped a beat while he uttered his offer. No matter how much she changed, Alisa yearned for power down to her very core. Enough power that she could erase mass murderers on sight with the flick of a wrist... And the magic he offered, Satan Soul Take-over, was defenitely stronger than her own.

"It's defenitely tempting.", She'd say, curling her lip as her lust for power went to war with her need to be herself, to have her own power, "I'll carry your will as much as I've been doing in the past few years... But I don't wantyour magic.", she'd look into his eyes for what she assumed to be the last time, as she doubted the demon would appear before her again, "I have my own path to follow, just as you had yours."

More than just aesthetic ideals, the question here was whether she was willing to abandon a power she gained by herself and share her body with a demon. Considering the demon in question, the last part didn't bother her so much... But then, there was another power she one day hoped to claim as her own, and it wasn't Take Over:

"Can we at least have your name?", she'd ask by way of farewell, though she'd give her name regardless. Not only for the comparatively good demon, but the ones who fought beside her, "I'm Alisa."

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Demon Raid! CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Demon Raid! Empty Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:49 pm

Alice could see that the demon was a little disappointed. She was actually quite glad that it denied her access to the magic already, so she wouldn't have to deny the possibility as well. She didn't know why she was denied but she didn't mind it in the slightest. He should be glad that at least someone admitted to put his work into actions but than again without his new magic form. Take-Over magic, she had never heard about it before but she surely found it a bit creepy. She heard the demon grumble and looked up again from her own thoughts as she heard the raven haired woman introduce herself as Alisa. She smiled, well it was nice to bump into a demon who didn't want to kill them.

"Well because you ask so politely and because I'm glad to hear that you have your own path, that always feels motivating. My name is Astares."

Alice tried to say the name softly as she found it something weird but she made sure the demon wouldn't see her frown and all, "I'm Alice." she said loudly to put the attention shortly towards her. She could hear the demon chuckle:

"Your names look too much alike. Does yours start with an A as well?"

The demon said and Alice followed his look at the pink haired elf and she grinned at the idea before she got distracted and looked aside from her. Probably missing the last girl her name, oops.

#8e1ed ~ Nastasya

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