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Hunter-Gatherer [Quest: Seira]

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Hunter-Gatherer [Quest: Seira] Empty Fri Oct 06, 2017 12:46 pm

After finishing yet another strange job for Dr. Mabuz, Seira returned to her hotel and spent the night inside, resting mostly and playing with her companion. From what she could tell, he was most likely going to need her again anyways. He always had all sorts of weird little tasks for people like herself and perhaps it was good that Seira wasn’t aligned to a guild at the moment. It’s not like she was going to tell anyone what she was doing and seeing at his store and while most of it was certainly illegal, such as casting random hexes on random people with actual strong effects, she didn’t exactly care for as long as she was being paid. Seira definitely planned on returning to Dr. Mabuz again the next day to see what else he had to offer, and she had to admit that he was better like that. For as long as she wasn’t the one he was performing experiments on, she could actually handle him such fine. Of course it was a very selfish thing to say, but Seira couldn’t be bothered with that. She went to sleep and slept like a baby that night, only to wake up around the afternoon the next day. She had plans, like mentioned before, and decided to get dressed and take a shower before going to a public cafe to have some breakfast. They offered different sorts of delicious pastries there and very strong coffee which was probably just what she needed. The weather in Oak town was alright that day, kind of gloomy but at least no rain. The streets were hardly populated and she found that most people were inside, probably because rain was still forecast for the evening. Oak was never really as lively as the other towns she had been in, but that was fine with Seira. She wasn’t looking for a place to have a good time at, especially not alone, anyways and therefor she was glad that she wasn’t running into too many people. Seira entered the shop eventually, but instead of going to the doctor right away, she instead wandered around to see what he had to offer today. There was, as always, a lot of potions in the shelves and after checking them out she noticed that most of them had ingredients she wasn’t familiar with - which was different to Khalash’s magic drug store, which was located in Magnolia town. She figured that this was also a result of dealing and smuggling illegal items around the country, so she decided not to worry too much about it. She moved on to a shelf that was filled with books. After looking through them for a while she eventually came to the realization that they were filled with potential hexes - whether or not they actually worked and were all legit was unknown and had to be discovered yet, but there was also a lot of potion recipes inside them. Seira almost considered bringing one of those home, since they were interesting even to her.


Hunter-Gatherer [Quest: Seira] LqKLdpe

Hunter-Gatherer [Quest: Seira] Empty Fri Oct 06, 2017 12:46 pm

Eventually, Seira decided that it was time to see what the doctor was doing. He was behind is counter, as per usual and from what she could tell he was working on a potion. He was bend over a book that looked similar to what she had seen in the shelf a few moments ago and she cleared her throat to get his attention. “Doctor? I was wondering if there is anything that you might need assistance with,” she said eventually and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “There is, step closer. Do you see this? I am working on a special potion, but I am missing one ingredient. The Bera Mushroom - that’s what it’s called. It’s very rare, very illegal to deal with and also very expensive. I can’t be bothered with going out on a search, but I really do need it. If you go and find it for me today, I will pay you for it.” Seira didn’t think long about it and nodded, “sure, what exactly does it look like?” She had to ask since she had never heard about that mushroom before. He waved her closer and allowed her to peek into the book he was reading. In there was a picture of a mushroom. It was somewhat long, almost tall looking, greyish in color with apparent neon sparkles on top of it. It looked very unique, that was for sure. Seira gave it a good look to memorize the appearance, which wasn’t hard really. “This is the one you want? Where do I find it?” Mabuz pointed her away. “Outside, in the woods somewhere. Now go and hurry. Oh, and be careful, it’s quite toxic.” She could still hear him laugh as she left his shop and Seira quickly walked across the town and into the woods surrounding Oak. Seira had collected mushrooms before, but mostly because she wanted to eat them and not because she wanted to make potions with them. There was a crap ton of mushroom around Oak and Seira struggled with finding the right one. There were many that looked similar, size wise and also the shape, with a greyish black color - but she eventually realized that they were lacking a very important feature: the green dots. Without them, it couldn’t be the right mushroom. Granted, this was going to take a while. Seira eventually couldn’t help but go deeper and deeper into the forest, assuming that the rare ones didn’t really grow near by the town - otherwise they wouldn’t be rare, right? It took her a good two hours of looking around and it was also only thanks to her excellent mission that she eventually found the right mushrooms. Long, thick, grey in color with green dots all over it. Seira, upon sniffing carefully, immediately noticed the toxic fumes and quickly picked a few from the ground (as many as she could find) before stuffing them into a bag. She then returned to Oak and the doctor’s store, where she would hand him the mushrooms and he would pay her.


Hunter-Gatherer [Quest: Seira] LqKLdpe

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