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Restless Souls: Blonde Ambition [Alisa]

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Restless Souls: Blonde Ambition [Alisa] Empty Thu Oct 26, 2017 4:22 am


WORDS: 530 | TAG: @Halloween | CLOTHES

Alisa had plenty of reasons to feel proud of herself over her spiritual work. No, not spiritual as in religious. Instead, she'd been helping out spirits left and right when their connection to the mortal world strengthened, the kind of connection only certain times of the year brought forth. Yet she felt that connection getting stronger, being only a few days away from Halloween. If the veil kept thinning at this rate, they might very well end up with more ghosts than even the spookiest lovers of spooky could handle. Plus, those poor former people needed all the help they could get reaching a blissful afterlife.

She had to wash her dress after last time, as she didn't really have another nor did she have the time to spend yet another day Shopping. Plus, she rather liked this dress and every intention of using it for the better part of the fun filled frights. If that weren't enough, she'd gotten word from a few travelling guildmates that an A-rank quest had appeared in Baska and some of them would probably head there and try a crack at it. Alisa wagered Snowflake would be among those trying, and if she was going there then Chelvaric would likely join up too. This left only Alisa to show up and finally bring their team backtogether for the first time in... Well, for the first time really, as the three of them had never done a real quest together as part of the snowy beauty's team.

The crystal mage left the inn wondering about Worth Woodsea, whether she'd yet find her teammates or whether they'd already left for Baska, and other than that what manner of surprises would the Skeleton Carnival have in store from her. From the the few mages who had gone there and back again and talked to her about it, she expected all manners of rewarding minigames, and possibly people trying to ambush her over the rewards if she wasn't careful.

The same kind of rewards than the trick or treat candies these spirits had been giving her when she helped them out; though she had yet to find what exactly were they worth. Something told she should avoid eating them if she wanted something a bit more substancial than candies, no matter how good they may be. She wasn't 10 years old anymore, come on...

As she walked around under the city light, she kept her eyes peeled, trusting her instants whenever she felt a stronger pull towards a particular site, no matter how random that direction may prove. And with that mindset, it didn't take long for her to start hearing another spectral voice, just around the corner, and promptly walked over to it, silk clad hips swaying ever so gently with every step and clack of her heels:

"What am i gonna do?! OH, what am I gonna do?!?!? The show's tonight and I'm dead!! Nonono, I can't be dead, I haven't won it yet. All this time collecting and I have nothing to show for it?! Then what was I doing all these years?!"

Frighteningly Beautiful

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Restless Souls: Blonde Ambition [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Restless Souls: Blonde Ambition [Alisa] Empty Thu Oct 26, 2017 4:38 am


WORDS: 1230 | TAG: @Halloween | CLOTHES

On and on the spirit ranted, pacing back and forth along the abandoned streets, her hair dishevelled and her clothes disarranged, all in all looking like a literal and proverbial shadow of the pretty woman she might have been in life. Alisa found herself looking at her, her thoughts half curiosity and half pity. Her clothes - which she presumed to be those she wore when she died - looked positively luxurious, with a formal, yet feminine dark suit and blouse, with a string necklace adorning a modest cleavage. Or so Alisa imagined they'd have looked as such.

She was somewhat used to the spirits paying very little attention to her, but this time something felt different. This spirit was desperate enough to see in her a solution to its troubling, endlessly worrying problem.

"You, you're pretty looking! You see that house? Go in there and take the biggest crate you can find to the exhibition center. Those are the best weapons I've ever collected, no way I can die if nobody ever sees them!!", she asked, almost ordered frantically, all but pulling hairs at the last part.

"Uhm... I don't really have the keys to the house, nor am I signed up for the exhibition.", Alisa pointed out all but crossing her arms at the unreasonable last minute request. Surely there was something else the mage could do for her?

"I don't care, break the doors down, kill people if you have to! If you don't make that exhibition, I'll swear I'll haunt you!!", the ghostly woman hovered just just to stomp her foot, balling her fists angrily.

Alisa sighed... Guess there was no talking her out of it. With the spirit in tow, the sculptess found the way to her house, and casually kicked the door down, an effortless exercise for her, almost as effortless as dragging the colossal crate to the exhibition center. She actually started breaking a sweat halfway through at the effort of dragging a heavy, cumbersome object over cobblestones, getting it stuck more times that she could count... And all that with a slavedriver telling her to go faster. The greatest effort was a mental one, requiring every ounce of Zen spirit to patiently help the ghost as much as she could.

Fortunately, once she did arrive at the exhibition center, the people in charge recognized the crate - as well as the ghost hovering around - and understood who Alisa was representing. That said, she was impressed at the sheer amount of weapons the woman posessed in life, as well as their quality, and almost felt daunted by the task of displaying them all once all eyes were on her. With even the spirit taking a chair and biting her nails, the artist took a deep breath, turning to her artistic showmanship once more as she grabbed one curved, glimmering sword that resembled her own falcata, hefted it in a fighting stance, and pictured herself on a battlefield

Without warning, she exploded outwards into a high horizontal strike, then turning to the other side and repeating the same movement in that direction. She followed up those movements with a downward slicing one then drilling upwards diagonally, and then finally finished off the string by stepping forward and piercing out with the sword. No, not a lunge... She was never one for lunging nor would she show off a movement she didn't regularly employ herself.

With this practiced skill and dazzling sword form, the minute pauses between each of the flowing strikes served to highlight the sword's shimmering, top grade craftsmanship. Alisa doubted some of these weapons had actual value on a battlefield, in start contrast to the millions worth on a collector's pedestal. But she specifically picked the weapon she would have picked, as a warrior and martial artist, and the effects bore fruit. Several admiring gasps left the audience members as they admired the beautiful, deceptively strong woman clad in a tight black dress moving about with practiced grace, but no lack of lethality.

She wound up displaying forms for a myriad other weapons in teh collection, finally taking a bow under vehement applause from every member of the audience, and tears from the thankful spirit. It thanked her with an increased weight in her pocket; more of those halloween candies, and kind words of "Thank you...", before she faded into nothingness...

Frighteningly Beautiful

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Restless Souls: Blonde Ambition [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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