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The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P]

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#1Káilètte † 

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:07 am


There she laid on the bench with her suitcase of clothes and the other random crap she had with her. The bench was made out of old wood, but it was glazed fooling any naive person - making them think it was brand new. She hasn't thought of getting to a hotel just yet, but she was getting agitated about not taking a shower for a night. Itching her hair softly she grunted, ''Ugh... I need to get into a hotel... Any would do.'' she spoke to herself, but not quiet enough. Some people passed her by as she continued to lay on that bench. The sky, the clouds were not so clear and soon it could rain. That was when she came up with an idea! Not just any idea, but a simple idea any stupid person could come up with.

'Maybe I could just shower somewhere where no one is at. Use the rain water to get clean... Hopefully, the rain rain's hard enough.' she thought and nodded to her own idea, agreeing. Her body lifted up and forward, turned and let her feet rest on the dirty ground. Her body put pressure on her legs and feet while she used her hands to push upward to get up. ''Aaaand here we go.~'' she spoke, feeling soft winds go through the strands of her hair and soft touches against her skin. Her eyes of sunset gazed around to see if maybe Alisa was around. Getting a hotel room would be more preferably than showering in the rain. Finally, she gripped her suitcase handle and started to walk off in the same outfit she wore yesterday at her mission with Alisa.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP


The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2017 1:15 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @arisa | CLOTHES

They had a pretty productive day last night, and Alisa alone had a rather fruitful workout session the day before that... Though she had yet to find snow, she had to admit she was rather enjoying her stay in Baska. With dark, overcast skies above, Alisa was pretty sure it was bound to rain soon... Quite unfortunate, as she hoped to do a little bit of sightseeing before being cooped up indoors for who knows how long. With the weather like this, she figured she might even run into a few spirits even before nightfall. Seeing a chance to mix business with pleasure, she slipped on her new favorite black dress, for no reason other than she mentally associated wearing it meeting spirits.

"Well then, let's see what we can find today?", she thought out loud, inviting Lumen to come along with her, which she did delightedly.

But she needn't have taken more than a couple of steps to finally run into something. No, not a ghost... And not even rain... The streets were pretty much deserted too - perfect for an aloof artist like herself - as most of the citizens had retreated indoors for fear of the weather to come. For this reason, she found it rather easy to spot her tall, ravishing new friend named Arisa as the girl wandered around. She appeared to be looking for something... Smiling cooly, the Pegasus walked up to her, the little black frills around her hips fluttering left and right with every step she took:

"Good afternoon, Arisa~!", she greeted, folding her arms under her plentiful bosom, bringing one hand to her cheek, then cocking her head into it, "Are you looking for somebody, I wonder?"

Even Lumen peered up curiously, just as interested as his partner...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#3Káilètte † 

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2017 1:28 pm


She stood tall, waiting, wondering and all of those other 'w' words that you could think of, maybe. She looked forward, around and back as she wondered where her friend could be. Out of no where she then heard a voice that was exactly the one from the person she was looking for. ''Ali-'' she was about to say as she turned around to see a candle-like companion. It was truly cute, adorable even and the candle was her favorite color - or one of them. It was so small. Sadly, the candle didn't really give off a scent like an actual candle would.

Soon enough she walked up about five feet distance and waved simply. ''Afternoon, Alisa.'' she spoke back softly, smiled motherly with a warm touch, bowed her head and looked directly at her and then at her companion. ''I.. I see you have a companion as well... I seem to be the only one without one...'' she spoke, mumbled sadly and then looked back at her. Her frown changed into a smile like a sudden shock through her nerves told her to smile instead. ''I was actually looking for you. Wanted to know if you had a place to stay or wanted to maybe 'chill' at a hotel suite or something...'' she offered, asked and wondered as she reached for her suitcase handled and kept it close to her. Perhaps she will question about her companion later or on the way... either one.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP


The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2017 3:10 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @arisa | CLOTHES

Arisa looked as sweet and warm as she normally did, when not afflicted by random outbursts of memory loss, or worse, random outbursts of demonic posession. She seemed to be enjoying Baska, but Alisa couldn't help but feel something was up. Her friend wore the exact same clothes as she did yesterday, her gorgeous violet hair and creamy skin didn't look as silky smooth as it so often did. She could obviously tell when someone hadn't changed clothes since the day before. She wore her shirt unbuttoned too, flaunting that seemingly endless valley of her cleavage without a care in the world. All in all, this looked like a more dishevelled Arisa than she'd grown accustomed to... Though Arisa soon had her eyes not on the raven haired woman herself, but the tiny candle creature next to her, looking saddened and expressing a desire for a partner of her own.

"Don't sweat it~", she waved her hand as dismissive and reassuingly as she possibly could, before finally throwing the girl a wink, "I'm sure you'll find a partner for you soon enough.", she then picked up Lumen in her hands, holding the cheerful looking candle out to Arisa, giggling playfully, "In the meantime, you can cuddle Lumen all you want~ She likes it."

If she chose not to, Alisa would simply let her partner climb onto her shoulder, grabbing her hair in a bunch and draping it over her other. Soon, Arisa confirmed the Pegasus' suspicion. That suitcase said it all, she had simply yet to find a place to stay in.

"Oh sure, we can just go back to my hotel. It's right around the corner.", she turn her body and nod in its direction, a helpful smile appearing on her plush lips. Indeed, even though she wanted to look around, she couldn't really leave her friend homeless any longer. She couldn't help but scratch behind her ear, eyes trailing off with a hint of embarassment, "There's not much to do there... We could order room service, and that's about it."

She was still a hospitable girl - towards her friends at least - and couldn't really take Arisa in there without telling her that. The hotel itself was quite comfortable though, the bed and the bathtub in particular. And as for her own adventure looking for spirits? Soon enough, she started feeling something wet, and raising her palm face up all but let her catch the raindrops. Few and tiny, yet, but getting bigger by the second:

"We should hurry though, at this rate we'll get soaked.", heading off, Alisa turned her head back to see if Ari was following her, and walked hurriedly towards her hotel

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#5Káilètte † 

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:00 pm


Her eyes looked back and forth towards Alisa and her companion that was just like a candle. Was it a candle? Did it light out when water poured on it? She wondered these little things as she also listened to Alisa's words. She sounded so positive about her finding a partner for her own self. Her lips curved into a small frown that looks similar to a straight face. The little companion went on Alisa's shoulder as they started to walk, dragging her suitcase along with her. She heard the bump sounds the case was making on each roll it did.

Her head tilted up, eyes of gold were flowing down as the sun was slowly setting. When the gold was gone, so was the sun. When it was gone, her eyes turned shining brown and some white as if the moon was lifting up. She was never around anyone when the moon took over her eyes, making her eyes completely white or a silver-like color. Her violet hair flowed back and her head arched to look at her dear friend and her companion, making a small smile. She seemed to be the first friend that stayed around, not disappearing on her. Finally, they got to the hotel and she waited for Alisa to escort her to the room.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP


The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:47 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @arisa | TOWEL

Yup, they had no way of escaping it... In the short walk from their meeting place back to the hotel, the little drizzle turned into a heavy downpour fitting of the season completely drenching Alisa's hair and clothes all in one go. Suddenly the formerly pleasany silky dress no longer felt quite as comfortable, the wet fabric sticking to her skin unpleasantly at every turn, heavy and waterlogged as it bound and restrained her movements in the worst possible way. It's all she could do to cover Lumen with one hand, pretty confident her partner wouldn't really like getting soaked, that with being a candle and all

"Over here!", she'd call out to Arisa, slipping indoors for shelter. First things first, she grabbed her clumped op hair and ran her hands down its length, not necessarily squeezing but still drawing most of the water, forming a puddle beneath her feet. Lumen hopped off her shoulder as she looked at Arisa, hoping the girl's suitcase would have survived the worst of the rain. Well, its contents any way, "Wow... Talk about bad timing..."

Once inside though, she could lead her friend up quite a few flights of stairs. She'd look back and see if Arisa needed help with her bag, but from what she knew of the tall amazon, Alisa seriously doubted she would. After a couple of minutes, they'd arrive at her room, and she pulled her keys out of her belt with a little jingling, unlocking and swinging the door open.

"And here we are...", she twirl around on one heel, flashing a welcoming smile at Arisa, one by one listing all the things she could do just so she wouldn't feel reluctant to tend to herself, "Make yourself at home~ You can use the bath if you want, and if you need a change of clothes, I can lend you some of mine. Oh, and feel free to call for room service too."

That pleasant, homey smell of fresh bedsheets and scented candles would tickle their nostrils immediately, and on Alisa's part, she waste no time reaching for her neck and undoing her dress. She quickly pulled the whole drenched garment over her body, unabashedly stripping herself bare before the girl, her sinuous yet elegant curves displayed in their full glory. Nothing Arisa hadn't seen before; not after they shared a bath at the hot springs. The sculptress herself seemed completely natural about it, indifferent even: Though Alisa enjoyed being admired, that didn't extend to nudity, at least not towards anybody other than her lovers.

Instead, she'd leave her drenched dress over the bathroom and swap it out for a set of two towels, taking a few moments to dry the excess water off her smooth skin and lustruous hair before slipping on something more comfortable... The soothing sound of rain hitting against the build quickly lulled Alisa into a sense of comfort, a warm, cozy delight at finally being indoors...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#7Káilètte † 

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2017 8:48 am


She gripped her handle of her suitcase tightly, not wanting to let it go. She smelled the rain before it even started. Sniffling softly she sneezed cutely. 'Ugh, my nose feels cold.' she thought and wiggled it like a bunny. After a few seconds she felt like she had to sneeze again, but didn't. While following she listened to Alisa speak without even really responding till to got into the hotel. After getting into the hotel building they went to the room. While Alisa wrangled the water out of her hair, Arisa let her hair stay wet. She was going to take a shower anyways...

Listening to the offer, Arisa giggled cutely, covering her mouth in the process. ''I was just thinking about a shower too. Sounds lovely. Thanks.'' she responded with her ending up dragging her suitcase to the bathroom. The bathroom was nothing like her usual suites with how small this one was. It didn't matter as suites were just for fun. Her hand let go of the handle as she got undressed and into the water.

The shower came on as soon as she got in. 'Weird...' she thought to herself, sighed to calm herself down and washed up. She got the soap, the shampoo and so on, ending up smelling like pure mint. Afterwards, she got out, dried herself with a towel and put on a white tank top and white stripped panties. She was sure it will be okay because they were both females. She walked out and stretched, yawning and looked at Alisa. ''Thanks, I really needed that shower.'' she spoke, smiled widely while blushing and went to the edge of the closest bed to sit.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP


The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2017 10:46 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @arisa | PAJAMAS

"Take your time~", answered Alisa, nodding and walking over to the bed, crossing her legs as she ran the towel down her hair, drying it up as well as she could, at the same time as she heard Ari turning on the warm shower. She wound up lying lazily over the warm bed, shifting her limbs around, luxuriating in the comfortable softness of the bedsheets. The matress molded to her shape with near perfection, and she couldn't get enough of how comfortable it was...

But she needed a change of clothes too. Since Arisa had nowhere else to go, she wondered if it wouldn't be best for them to simply stay indoors instead of going out under the rain. One look at the window confirmed the downpower still went as strong as last time, stronger even... As if the dripping noise wasn't enough, they soon heard a rumbling, thundering boom. A thunderstorm huh...? Damn, she knew the weather was bound to get bad, but to think it got this bad...

She could still hear the shower though, so much that hearing it grow silent reminded her she also needed to get changed into something else, at least, something one could call proper clothes. Like her pajamas... It consisted of a loose, long sleeved white shirt with a blue heart and open shoulders, and sporty blue shorts with white trims. The color reminded the girl of her guild, so she rather liked waking up and seeing it in her reflection. Unlike Arisa's choice, the sculptress' loose outfit and lack of bra didn't do as good a job at drawing out her natural shapes, though it did flaunt a plunging cleavage that all but sucked a viewer's gaze in:

"Don't worry about it.", Alisa replied dismissive and hospitably; they were friends so she didn't mind the girl making herself at home. She sat up and next to her, crossing her legs and grabbing a room service menu from the bedside table, "Any of these strike your fancy?", she'd inquire, handing Ari the menu.

Yes, she still remembered. The dark haired woman still remembered she hadn't seen her friend eat at a single damn thing all day yesterday...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#9Káilètte † 

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2017 1:34 pm


Stretching, making her chest go up as the white tank top pronounced her body and taking a deep breather. Her body released air from her full lips and hot mouth with her body then relaxing. Her arms dangled and looked at her dear friend, Alisa. She smiled sweetly at her and for some reason, she felt some connection to her. Her heart was telling her she was like a sister, but they were not. That was a fact. Maybe they were in another soul or life, someone perhaps with the same name... spelled differently. Her hands clapped against her large thick thighs.

''Food does sound good... Perhaps I should eat something... even if it's something small.'' she spoke, smiling to assure her friend that she won't starve to death. ''I'll have dumplings of chicken and a sweet bonbon with sugar.'' It was like a sphere theme. Her body leaned back against the bed and looked up at the ceiling. 'What do two girl's usually do for fun?' she wondered. Her eyes cornered to look at her dark haired friend. ''Wanna play question games?'' she spoke in a questioning manner. Before speaking this, she waited for Alisa to order food service. 'Hopefully she doesn't ask me embarrassing questions.' she thought, blushing and looked away.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP


The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2017 2:24 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @arisa | PAJAMAS

Ari looked thoroughly laid back, just like Alisa did, literally. She rested her hands behind her and let her torso lean back slightly, resting her hands behind her in a way that pushed out her full, unbound bosom, heaving up and out without any resistance from the loose white garment draped around it. She looked at Arisa almost lovingly, but not even in a romantic kind of way, sisterly rather... Oddly enough as they really hadn't known each other for so long, and especially so when Alisa considered this was girl who was by all accounts, her type: Boasting a ravishing, curvaceous physique which didn't detract from her strength in anyway, and an angelic face with an otherwordly beauty.

Her smile widened almost cheerfully when she finallly decided to eat something; after all the girl didn't really need to lose weight or anything of the sort, starving herself would do nothing for her health whatsoever... Maybe there was something she could do to help bring her out of that depression:

"Indeed you should~", and then she reached one hand for her chin, frowing looking over the menu, "Hmmm, the sushi rolls here look quite promising. Guess I'll order those and a bottle of white wine."

With their order decided upon, she scribbled it on the piece of paper and rang for the Hotel staff, heading outside to hang the order on the doorknob, before returning to Arisa's side. She all but rolled onto the bed this time around, crossing her arms in front of her chest, all but threatening to make her cleavage spill out as she laid face down, looking curiously at Arisa. The offer visibly intrigued her, as her long, shapely legs would start swaying back and forth graceful yet excitedly:

"Mmmm, sure~", she hummed with visible amusement, her eyes narrowing and full lips widening into an almost mischievous smirk. For a curious girl like Alisa, playing this game with a mysterious girl like Ari was a gift from the heavens. Yesterday she'd heard part of the name of her boyfriend, and all but associated it with someone that both awed and frightened her at the same time. Now she'd find out whether this girl really was dating one of the strongest people she'd ever met, "What's the name of your boyfriend?", she inquired rubbing her cheek quizzically and raising an eyebrow.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#11Káilètte † 

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2017 3:30 pm


Her eyes watched Alisa as she lifted off to get the door. Other than that it was pretty much silent till the food came. The small things pleased the girl such as when Arisa ate. Were all people like that? No... She could list a few people who was hard to please. Her body twisted sideways, her chest motions towards the bed due to gravity and some created a muffin top that bulged out of her tank top. Her fit stomach was smooth, no lines as her strength was hiding under all the smoothness. Softly Arisa hummed and wondered on somethings till she saw Alisa plop on the bed in a motion where her chest too was bulging out of her shirt.

She tried to relax the best she could while sprawling out like a feline. Her eyes cornered to watch her friend, waiting for a question. The sudden question that escaped her friend's lips surprised her. She was wondering about her 'lover's' name. She gulped nervously, lowered her gaze to hide it and soft softly, nervously and some stutter. ''He-his name was Maarschalk. Hehe...'' she laughed nervously. Such a mysterious fellow, handsome character of a man and she knew he had some kindness behind all the combative skills... Her eyes cornered back to look at Alisa. ''Have anyone as a lover?'' she wondered curiously.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP


The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2017 4:18 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @arisa | PAJAMAS

She spotted a very palpable change in the normally distant Arisa, the moment her question reached her ears, a look of surprise appearing in her eyes, then gradually fading in lieu of a nervous, almost bashful look as she looked away. She stammered like a shy teenager, but in her struggle finally uttered the name Alisa was so certain she'd been about to hear yesterday. Maarschalk, a dangerous fighter taller than even the girl before her, and a user of shadow magic. How these two had met was beyond her, and that pretty much decided what question she'd ask next.

But then, Ari's question came like an arrow to her heart, making her bite her lip before speaking, as if to stop herself from saying too much, something wrong or something that hadn't been asked, but couldn't stop a hint of red from appearing in her cheeks. She shook her head:

"I have not... Not right now...", the way her voice trailed off alongside her gaze - turning longingly towards the window - all but implied but she had someone in mind even if she couldn't call that person a lover. She hadn't known Xandra for long, but she couldn't deny having a crush on her. The girl fascinated her, and if they hadn't gotten drunk that first time - seen each other at their innermost - they'd have probably not have gotten as close. She raised her torso a bit higher, resting her elbows on teh pliable bed, then her chin over her intertwined fingers, "Hmm, where did you two meet~?"

Indulging her curiosity, Alisa's smirk returned to her face, visibly delighted to hear more about her friend's love life... Even Lumen had grown interested, climbing up onto the bed and listening patiently...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#13Káilètte † 

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:49 pm


No one?...

That seems lonely.

It does indeed, but then what are we?

Always together.

She heard a voice or two, speaking of such after Alisa answered. 'Shut up both of you.' spoke a dark womanly tone. She heard from her friend's lips that she had no one nor ever have. It felt quite sad, but then again... Was it better than feeling the pain she felt? Maybe she was the only one who was like this when hurt by things such as this. Her facial expression was calm and motherly-sweet. Arisa felt sometimes like a mother, even if she was never going to be one. With a little motion, Alisa asked about how the two met, her and 'him'.

'She really wants to know?' she thought and cornered her eyes away and then looked towards her. ''Well... It was weird. First I met him in his guild. He spoke so little... Second, at the tournament in the semi-finals. We faught against each other and I obviously lost. It taught me much. '' she started and then wiggled towards the food next to Alisa, grabbing one of her bonbons. ''Next, we then met when both of our original appearances changed, got a drink and then our weird-lation become more, that night ended with his lips and then he disappeared into the night. Ever since we grew a bond, he told me that maybe I belonged at his side -- so I joined Lamia scale. It's quite a story... but... it didn't end well. Ever since I didn't know what to do.'' she spoke, putting her free hand on her chest feeling a shock of pain. ''So...'' she then started again and looked at her more. ''That's why when you saw me last, I felt lost... Mentally. I'm sorry for that. He just means the world to me. So even if me and him don't end up staying together... I'll still help him with his goals.'' she spoke, nodded and tried for a smile.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP


The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Sun Oct 29, 2017 7:25 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @arisa | PAJAMAS

That thing with Marina had sadly not worked out, and though Alisa had somewhat gotten over that failure, she still missed the girl, and hoped she'd see her again. As for Xandra though... She didn't really know what to call her feelings towards her, maybe a bit of crush? But even that wasn't certain...

Thus, she naturally took the cue to hear about Ari's love life instead, as the girl actually appeared to have something one might call such, as opposed to the meaningless flings the aloof, polyamorous Alisa typically settled for. In the meantime, she'd roll her body on one side, propping her head up on one elbow while leaving the other free to produce a little crystal rock and start carving it: Even wholly immersed in the girl's story as she was, she could sculpt with one hand without even looking, gradually carving a purplish looking crystal as Ari spoke. She went on about meeting the guy in her guild, Lamia scale, and about him being a powerful fighter who then defeated her in a tournament. She didn't know how many powerful fighters named Maarschalk there might be in Fiore, but she wagered not many.

Rare name combined with rare skills?

Defenitely not many...

The Room service guys appeared in the meantime, which prompted Alisa to sit up and cross her legs, folded in front of her. She wasn't hungry just yet, but she would be very soon, for now settling for watching the girl eat: She owed her, clearly.

"Sounds like an interesting fellow. I met him last year you know.", she pointed out, before scratching her temple slightly, a very faint sign of uncertainty as she looked to the ceiling, "At least, I'm sure it must be him... That's not exactly a common name, and I found his strength impressive then. You don't easily forget someone that strong... So... I'm assuming your boyfriend is a giant with shadow magic?", she'd chuckle gracefully, finally grabbing a sushi roll and plopping it in her mouth, eating it, and then vocalizing the reason for her calm, reassuring confidence, "Don't worry. Even meeting him then I could tell that wasn't a man who'd open up easily. If he went as far as opening up to you, I'm sure his feelings aren't so fickle as to disappear overnight."

Of course, the last words from Ari's lips also caught her attention, but for a different reason. If she didn't know better, she swore her beautiful, powerful friend was living her life not for herself but for another person. For an independent loner like Alisa, she couldn't simply ignore that:

"What about your goals?", she'd ask simply, cool and down to business - enough to get the point across - narrowing her eyes and looking into her friend's shimmering golden, wondering what she'd see by peering into her soul as she answered...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#15Káilètte † 

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:25 am


No one?...

That seems lonely.

It does indeed, but then what are we?

Always together.

She looked up at the ceiling in the corner as she nommed on her bonbon of sweetness. They over-did the sugar, but it pleased her sweet tooth. The chocolate, the sweetness of it all tasted just like a fourth-world truffle. Was just one named differently but copied from the other? It was a question for a bakery, but not for her. Someday she may just end up going for that... It was a simple mission and job in life, but at least she could turn something gross into a delicious treat. Cooking, baking, survival cooking are important and she certainly knew how to do so before she got that manor. Maybe someday she will turn that manor into something more useful - a cafe.

Her eyes cornered to look at her dear friend who went on and on about how she knew him and so forth. She thought about her explanation about him and then bulb-ed a thought, rolled on her side that had her front towards her. ''Don't get me wrong. It sounds like he controls my life, but it's the fact that I'm a ....'' she started, suckled on her lower lip and spoke once more, nervous. ''I'm an angel, technically a guardian angel in some cases. I didn't know this till an accident happened and technically I thought I was dying, but I transformed into... well... into what I was supposed to be, what I really was. Every angel is different though, but whatever their hearts wish to protect or wish to embrace, that is what is on their mind. Kinda a curse... to have that one thing - or many if you choose more than one - on your mind for eternally.'' she tried to explain the best she could. She never had to explain something like this, but she didn't want Alisa to see it wrongly.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP


The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:47 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @arisa | PAJAMAS

Alisa nodded, a rather serious, but non judgemental look in her eyes. That was indeed how it sounded to her, but Alisa understood people had different views, different opinions, and as such never tried to force hers on anyone else, as much as she didn't tolerate the same being done to her. She plopped another tiny sushi roll in her mouth, delighting in the subtle flavor contrasting with the stronger seasoning, the freshness of the fish against the well cooked rice. Her smile widened with every piece she ate, leaving no doubt in an onlooker's mind how it was indeed quite delicious. Then again, this hotel had yet to disappoint her, in neither culinary quality or anything else...

Of course, she all but forgot about the food... When Ari bit her lip and looked away, she could tell the girl was about to say something important. She kept her eyes and ears peeled: The former told her Arisa's words were genuine, the latter picked up what may very well be one of the girl's greatest secret. She was... An angel? As dubious as the words may sound, Alisa believed her. She'd seen the girl sprout wings at one point, and assumed it to be just a spell.

But this finally explained the pretty amazon's greatest mystery, that warm, perpetually comforting glow she had about her:

"So that's why you're so devoted despite being so strong... Nonetheless, it's truly impressive...", praised a dumbfoudned Alisa, her jaw dropping ever so slightly before she recovered herself, pausing in her meal before smiling, as that delighful sense of understanding gradually flooded into her, "So that's what the tattoo on your back does, huh?", she cocked her head a little, shifting her torso to the side, intending to get a closer look at at her friend's flawless, creamy skin.

She'd admire the body art on her back if the girl allowed as if it were, well, art, tracing its lines with her fingers with unyielding curiosity... Curiosity that would build up until it was fit to burst, whereupon she's scoot a bit closer to her, all but pressing her soft breasts against her arm:

"Hey, Ari... Could you perhaps show me your wings again?", despite the soft, elegant eloquence, Alisa had a palpable, intrigues excitement in her eyes, all but batting eyelashes in hopes her friend would oblige...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#17Káilètte † 

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:10 pm


No one?...

That seems lonely.

It does indeed, but then what are we?

Always together.

She continued to nom, but then she noticed she forgot something to drink. ''Wow, how silly. I forgot to request something to drink.'' she spoke and giggled, rolling out of bed and landing on her feet. Her hands shot up as her body straightened out. 'I still got it.' she thought and twisted her body to stretch out her spine. She simply bent over, leaned back, side-to-side and then walked over to the fridge to open it. 'Nothing?' she thought and looked into it. The breeze of fresh hair released against her flawless cream skin. Her eyes were enlightened by the alcohol that was in here. ''Awesome.'' she spoke quietly and took one. ''Hope you don't mind.'' she spoke and opened up the bottle the gulp it down.

It felt amazingly refreshing as she then turned around slowly to look straight at Alisa. She questioned about showing her wings in which she felt sensitive about, but Alisa was becoming more like family to her. All the time they spent with each other made her heart inch closer to family in the meter of determination and relation. Her eyes squinted in a serious manner that quickly shifted to a joking laughter. ''Haha, sure. Only because you're special.'' she spoke and walked to the counter to put down her booze. Soon she lifted her shirt up, not caring -- showing her how much she trusted the girl.

''Yea, this tattoo was sun-beamed into my skin on the day I found out. It hurt like hell...'' she softly spoke. The window shades were closed, doors locked and it was just those two. A shimmering light came from the ceiling, area shaken as a beam of holy lights came from the tattoo. A swift fling of wings sprawled out about 3 meters top that glowed a golden white color and glitter-like shimmer that spoke of heaven in its sight. The tattoo was gone and softly she breathed while her wings were slowly motioning up and down. ''So uh.. yea..'' she was unsure on what more to say.
Coded by Arisa of FTRP


The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:58 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @arisa | PAJAMAS

"Oh there should be something in that minifridge.", Alisa pointed in that direction, not really caring about adding to her tab, "Though you should at least try this wine~"

The girl was defenitely quite nimble, moving with an almost feline grace despite her size, as she went over to the fridge. She'd find nothing but alcoholic beverages there, but that didn't stop her from bending over in a way that captured the dark haired woman's gaze, her full butt straining against the tightness of her panties. Though she didn't really object to admiring the sight, neither did she feel the need to stare longer a short moment, instead following the girl's lead and turning to the bottle of white wine she'd just ordered. Fortunately, it also came with a corkscrew, and she got busy with that as her friend got started on a bottle of her own:


The cork came off with a rewarding sound any lover of fine drinking would recognize, enough for an impish smirk to appear on the sculptress' lips as she filled both glasses, looking intently at Ari once the girl processed her request, an almost giddy look flashing on Alisa's face for the split second after the girl accepted. Sipping the wine off one glass, turning her body and resting her feet on the ground before standing up in a single flowing motion.

She spared little more than a cursory glance at the girl's voluptuous upper body the moment she presented herself bare, and it was perhaps at this point that Alisa noticed how despite finding Arisa incredibly attractive, she didn't really oggle her like she might have someone else. As someone who never had siblings, Alisa wasn't used to this familiarity with another's body - not when that other wasn't her lover anyways:

"I appreciate it~", she'd answer instead, simply sashaying over to the girl and extended one hand, offering her a glass of white wine, clear and crystalline, with a fragrant floral scent to it.

Taking a step back, she'd shift her hip to one side, resting one hand over - a model's reflex to unconsciously seek a stylish pose - as she'd keep her glass near her chest, as if holding onto a refreshment for the show to come. But nothing could have prepared her for the light show to come... In that moment, Alisa's jaw dropped in earnest, eyes wide as she reflexivly took in a sip of wine but allowed a single drop to miss her lips, trailing down her chin and dripping onto her bosom:

"Oh my...", she'd mumble flabbergasted, totally absorbed in her friend's shimmery wings. She scarcely realized it herslef, but at that moment she walked once more up to Arisa, petting the downy, velvety feathers, enthralled by their softness, "They're beautiful... And so soft... My, Ari-chan, how wonderful~", a blissful smile appeared on her face as she couldn't help but nuzzle the large wings, only to finally understand what she was doing and back off, an embarassed tint of crimson appearing in her cheeks.

She immediately took a large gulp of wine, looking away in shame:

"Oh, s-sorry...", yeap, Alisa clearly wasn't used to doing embarassing things...

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#19Káilètte † 

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:48 am


No one?...

That seems lonely.

It does indeed, but then what are we?

Always together.

Her eyes watched Alisa with every move she was going to make. With curiosity she was hoping that she wasn't going to pull on her wings and so forth. Her hair was motioning slowly with small movements due to the hovering winds the wings were causing. Flip flap~ the wings were making tiny noises till she felt the fraction of Alisa feeling up her wings. Alisa's fingers were going through the fluffy wings as if it was Arisa's hair, making her blush and purr softly, shaking a little of her shoulders. ''Eh-it feels so weird...'' she stuttered and then saw her move away.

Arisa turned to look forward at Alisa and looked away, blushing. ''But yes. They are quite larger when I'm outside obviously, but since we're in closed space. I have to enclose them...'' she started, materialized them back into a tattoo and sat on her bed once more after she grabbed her bottle of booze. She felt so tired though so right after a few drinks she slowly dozed off. Her body fell back against the softness of the bed, mumbling... ''We'll never have to fight each other ever...right?'' she started with her eyes half-way opened, watery moist could be seen in her eyes. Even though she was asleep, mentally 'she' was there, the other hers were listening, wondering and hoping. ''It'll always be fighting with me in battle... right? I couldn't bare...being ... ene-..'' she tried to speak more, but then passed out.

Coded by Arisa of FTRP


The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] Empty Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:47 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @arisa | PAJAMAS

Alisa couldn't helo but giggle even through her momentary embarassment. Indeed said feeling lasted no longer than a few seconds owing to the Pegasus' incredible confidence and the ease towards which Arisa accepted her gentle caress. Ari could not only feel but enjoy her soft touch, and the sounds from her lips were almost as soothing as the downy tenderness of her feathers. But all good things must come to an end, and the angel eventually put her wings away, sitting exhaustedly on the bed:

"Hmmm, does having them out trie you out though?", inquired Alisa, rubbing her chin with a quizzical arching of her brow. The girl could barely answer anymore...

Seeing this, Alisa picked up whatever food they still had lying around and carried it away, grabbing the bottles and putting those away too. She recognized an exhausted girl when she saw one, and right now was one of those times.

"That we shall not.", and even with what she saw back then, Alisa felt sufficiently confident to speak these words. She didn't believe for a second the woman she fought in those caves was Ari herself, but merely something wearing her like a meat suit, "I'll always protect you...", she'd move her friend's limp body to a proper position, resting her head on the comfortable pillows and tucking her in, planting a soft, affectionate kiss to her forehead, "I promise~"

Seeing Arisa sleeping peacefully like that though... She couldn't help but let out a sleepy yawn as well, and ultimately slide under the sheets as well. It was a King size bed though, more than big enough for the two of them to roll around sleepily all they wanted and not accidentally wake the other up...


Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Duo Slumbering [Alisa:Arisa:P] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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