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Accidental Demise [Quest: Lacie]

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#1Lacie Eventide 

Accidental Demise [Quest: Lacie] Empty Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:39 am

Lacie Eventide
Her feet were killing her but there were only a few more steps to take before she would reach the apartment door to her hotel. Left, right, another left and another right. Two more sets of stairs. Short ones thank god but she was almost there. She was going so crazy that she even started to talk to herself. Come on Eventide, only a couple more steps! This was going crazy but she desperately needed the money. She wasn’t used to taken care of herself and spending a lot of money and no one actually to give her money, it wasn’t a great combination. The thing that she was alone. She actually needed a sister or a cousin or a care taker and she was already twenty one. Definitely still needed one. She opened the door with a shaking hand because of the fact that her feet felt like they were bleeding so badly. She opened the door and threw her shoes off, which was quite a work, try to find the zipper while kicking. But she finally got the small Chelsea boots off, with a too thin heel anyway and almost crawled towards the couch. She still managed to walk but let herself drop on the couch and walk no more for the rest of the day. She looked at her feet and noticed the ugly red blobs that would turn into blisters if she walked a little more. She was probably exaggerating a lot but well she was a stupid person anyway, as she had to believe the rest of the world. She sighed and worried a bit about what she should do next, she still needed more money but she also needed to count the money that she had which meant that she had to get up and get the purse out of her bedroom and count. She had to get up, she was trying to get to the point that she was actually doing something. She would get up, complain, sit down again, come to the point that she had not done anything again and got up to get the purse with the jewels as well as some lotion. Perhaps the red spots would leave immediately after that. She was simply following at this point, or well perhaps following her own crazy moments. She took a deep breath and counted the jewels but she had no idea what she was counting for as she had no idea what amount of jewels the medicine would be. She almost flung the purse around and grabbed her own hair pulling it. It was going crazy, she would have to do a lot more jobs, she needed to apologize to Judina, ask her to go to Baska instead of Marigold but well.. would she come along? Would she agree to go to Baska instead of going to her parents? Would people pick Lacie over their family or other friends? She wasn’t so sure and she actually didn’t want to hear the answer to it, which was why she didn’t ask yet.


#2Lacie Eventide 

Accidental Demise [Quest: Lacie] Empty Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:17 am

Lacie Eventide
Finally when everything was c ounted, the frustration moment gone and she had soothed her hair and feet again. So she stepped off the couch, ignored the carpet as she did since the séance and headed over to the kitchen. Which was a problem, she was hungry and there was no food. She totally forgot that she had not bought anything anymore because she planned to leave. Oh she was so stupid, how could she forget! She could pull at her own hair again but she didn’t, she walked back into the living room and looked at the shoes she had run on not more than minutes ago and swore loudly at herself. She needed to go out and she took her shoes with her too the couch and put them on. This was going to hurt and she needed to walk to the grocery store the whole way, it would be a problem. She took her bag and her trench coat and headed out of the building with a sore look on her face. No one should be in their right minds to talk to her because that would become something like a snarl or something worse. But right, she needed to go to the store and headed immediately inside, eyes on the price: getting food. So she picked up some salads, lettuce, olives, tomatoes, so she could make her own salad later but also because well she would apparently stay here a little longer as she still had not seen Judina and had not come to write that letter, yet she had packed everything already. Great choice.

When she paid for her groceries and headed out of the store she noticed a man, that was hard to miss, who could perhaps give her a job or two if she was staying longer. Maybe she should talk to him, but the man obviously walked way too fast as she tried to follow him. As self absorbed as she was, it took her quite a few steps, inside swearing and pain before she notices; she wasn’t the only one following. But where she wasn’t trying to make it any thing secret the other person was and besides that he was wearing a uniform she had seen before. He was a Rune Knight and that only brought more interesting things with this stalking habit, they were on to Reagan. But she still needed more jobs. She would ask Reagan for money later but it was probably a good idea to spare his life and get after the page. See where he came from and ask a couple of questions to this guy about her sister would be nice. She would only wonder how. So she took a hold of her purse, cursed in her mind and made a quick few steps for the page, but try to be discreet about it. There was so much to do and so many questions and well.. She simply started to walk next to, ”Hi, I have a couple of questions, would you mind.” So she pushed the guy into the alley..


#3Lacie Eventide 

Accidental Demise [Quest: Lacie] Empty Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:44 am

Lacie Eventide
”Oh how bad of me.” She flaunted about pushing this guy in the corner, ”Look what you doing can’t be tolerated. No matter what a person is doing, you either arrest with a cause or have none at all, isn’t that right? Didn’t your lieutenant taught you that, but don’t mind me, I only have a couple of questions I want answered.” The page didn’t say much, as she had guessed he was rather new at the job and didn’t seem to know much, ”Sorry, the lieutenant?” Oh boy, this guy didn’t knew who his lieutenant was, how many could they have. She had no idea how many knights there were too be honest, ”It can’t be that difficult, she looks exactly like me. Perhaps a bit taller. But that’s not the point. Where.. is my sister.” She said with a loud voice full of authorization or so she tried but this page seemed to be a bit scared of that. ”You better find this information quickly or your target will walk off without you noticing.” Which made him panic because he would have to find his target again and who knew how difficult that was if he was very aware of the whole ordeal but she didn’t plan to tell that to this guy. He quickly seemed to understand the matter of the issue at hand and he was working on it, she let him look for the answers, ”To make it easier darling, find me information about Lieutenant Baskerville.” Which was easier to find than she had guessed, ”I found information, she is in Baska.” which made Lacie roll her eyes because she knew that already, ”Any idea with whom?” Which made the page nod, ”Yea eh,. Some guy named Konstantin? And a couple of other knights like eh LeeAnn Nakamura, Selena Maelstrom.” Interesting a whole family re.. her eyes turned bigger, that were cousins. Kon and LeeAnn, Selena and Alice. She opened her mouth, no... that would be too interesting, ”Thank you so much, how is her pregnancy?” which made the page turn pale because apparently he didn’t know and he stumbled about something that it shouldn’t be good for her job and the like but Lacie just waved it off, ”Forget I ask that, please go on.” and he nodded, quickly leaving her alone in the shadows. Her brown eyes following him before she would follow him physically. Her feet would complain and she had to walk through this pain before she could actually walk a bit faster but she would be fine. She needed to get rid of this guy before he would tell anyone about Reagan his job or a weird red head asking things about lieutenant Baskerville. Even Selena wouldn’t be able to cover her up for that because well, who would know. Anyway she would try to fix this and stalked the page again, she had to fix this and she would have to do that rather sooner but later. He had to stop for a horse carriage.


#4Lacie Eventide 

Accidental Demise [Quest: Lacie] Empty Fri Dec 08, 2017 8:08 am

Lacie Eventide
But the next part was the best, he was going towards a pair of stairs that was cut off so no one would be able to see him slip and fall and she could arrange that. So she would work on that, she would pass him, make him slip, hit his head, mostly his temple on the hard stone stair and walk on. No one had seen her, but she felt bad and she had to hurry, she was afraid. She was afraid of the consequences, another set of this where Selena wouldn’t be able to get her out no matter what she would be able to pull off. With one look over her shoulder she noticed that the body wasn’t moving and the person was still on the stairs the way he fell. She felt afraid but she hurried on, looking for places to hide, so she headed into a store and stood in line for coffee. That’s when she heard someone scream and several more and people rushed outside. She skipped herself in the line but tried to looked panic, finally she grabbed the man behind her his arm and asked him what it could be, forgetting so called that she was first in line for coffee. She would take a coffee and sit down and wait. Wait again and wait some more before she would get out of the coffee store and head to the docks where she was sure she would be able to find Reagan. She had no idea where but she had found him here twice before and after looking around for a couple more times, she finally found him and walked towards him. She had to play this right because that would give her some money, ”So I wonder how much of this town you know, what’s happening right now.” and she first made small talk before she finally get to the point and tell Reagan that she had been tailing him all day because she was tailing a page from the Rune Knights that was following him and he was totally panicking, very interesting to see. ”Don’t worry about it, that guy would never bother anyone else anymore. But if you do not pay me, I might tell more about this too the knights and your business will be gone. My family is in the knights so don’t try to blackmail me here.” But Reagan didn’t even seem to think about that and was apparently grateful that she had been able to stop this page as he has been tailed for a long time and he gave her the jewels and even more than she normally did and thus she was happy to be done with this business and she headed out and away from the docks. She would go and head back to the apartment to finally eat some. She had walked enough for today. Her feet were probably bleeding this time, but she wouldn’t take her shoes off before she had finished her salad.


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