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Finding Models [Quest | Xandra]

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#1Xandra Queen † 

Finding Models [Quest | Xandra] Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:19 am

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
Word Count: 521
Total Word Count: 521/2000
Mana: 530/530
Quest Description

The sun embraced Fiore in it's warmth, unable to reach the tranquil darkness within the confines of the four wall that were connected to the outside world by a mere window through which the light slipped past, casting over the ground. A cluster of things lay around and about on the floor as the female laid sprawled and wrapped within the white duvets. Long blonde hair messily fell over her face as they wildly rolled over the white covers. Fatigue had taken over the past few days as she had been asked not once, but twice to help the same man. To her, he was extremely talented and nice but much to her dismay, made her do tasks that she doesn't often enjoy. However, she was learning something new so maybe, she thought, it wasn't such a bad thing after all.

The screeching cries of the alarm rung through the air, piercing through her ears as it pulled her out of her slumber. Her eyes fluttered open, only to shut again in order to block out any likes as an ache seeped through her head. Groaning, she lazily used her arms to push herself into a sitting position. Locks of blonde hair fell onto her back as she scratched the back of her neck, stretching it and letting out a yawn. She took a few moments to completely awaken herself before slipping out of the duvet and onto the cold floor after shutting the alarm off. Xandra stretched her entire body, hearing the sounds of her stiff bones as they let out small cracks. It was then a knock on the door captured her attention. "Miss.Queen?"

Sauntering over to the door, she opened only to see a young delivery boy standing there, "Miss Queen, here's a letter for you." After she took the bright pink envelop, he strolled off. Her gaze landed on the familiar signature that adorned the piece of paper as she opened it and read through the contents. Once she had finished scanning it, a small sigh escaped her lips as she folded it again, slipping it onto the wooden table before stepping into the shower.

It took no more than ten to twenty minutes for the female to get dressed before entering the streets as she walked towards the very familiar boutique. She was clad in a black dress that extended till just above her knee. It cinched around her waist and the torso was embroided with buttons. The clicks of her blocked heels were drowned within the commotion of her surrounding as mere minutes later, she stood in front of Fernando's boutique, holding the pink envelop within her hand. The cool air and the fragrance that lingered in the air hit her. The room was surrounded by bright white and pink lights, that fell upon the mannequins that decorated the store. What truly caught her eye were the array of different styles of clothes that adorned the statuesque figures. They were jaw dropping. With the perfect blend of different colours, mixing and matching together, Fernando had indeed managed to create masterpieces, "You like it, belle femme?"

template by rem of WW

Finding Models [Quest | Xandra] Sig10
#2Xandra Queen † 

Finding Models [Quest | Xandra] Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:22 am

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
Word Count: 508
Total Word Count: 1029/2000
Mana: 530/530
Quest Description

The warm hues of the vivid colours sparkled within those lilac eyes as they gazed upon the pieces of cloth with fascination and appreciation. How he managed to create such a wonder from the simple fabrics that she had purchased for him was question that she couldn't dare to ask; she couldn't dare to question his talent and skills for she had seen them with her own eyes. Lined up before her were a series of mannequins that had been standing at the same place the previous two times she had visited this boutique. However, they grabbed her attention so easily as those naked, empty canvases in human shape had now been touched by the hands of an artist. Without awareness, her lips fell slightly apart as she head moved in a nodding motion. She didn't just like it she loved it.

The Knight always had a taste for beauty but she had learnt to appreciate it so much more after meeting a certain individual and she could completely understand the invisible force that pulled her to feel such magnificence underneath the tip of her fingers. Her steps moved forward as her shoes slid against the marble. With a hand raised and her line of sight remaining unhindered, she attempted to touch the marvelous dress that rested over the inhumane doll but alas, it resulted in being simply just an attempt as Fernando, the talented designer decided to slap her hand away, causing to flinch as she pulled her hand back.

Her face morphed into a scowl and she glanced at him moving his finger left to right, in a continuous motion for a few seconds before plastering a strict look on his face, "No touching." The blonde sighed, drifting her attention from him back to the dresses as mere moments later, she found hands grasping her shoulders as the designer pulled the female away, causing her to tear her gaze away to to look upon the familiar flamboyant surroundings.

"Belle femme, I need you to do some work for me. I didn't just call you so you can admire my work." This indeed was enough to capture her attention. She was brought here for work and that is what she was supposed to do. Forcing herself to concentrate, she folded her arms over her chest, allowing the famous designer to continue and having already worked with her twice, he knew exactly what to do. "I need you to go out there and find me, five models." Well that surely came as a surprise to the female. She had assumed that he knew her well enough to not send her out to do tasks that involved speaking but it appears that she was wrong.

"They need to be tall, very attractive but easy on the eyes. You need to bring people that charm others with their looks." He went on and on about his requirements before finally setting his eyes back upon the female, noticing her dismay. Clapping his hands together, he lowered his head a little, "Please?"
template by rem of WW

Finding Models [Quest | Xandra] Sig10
#3Xandra Queen † 

Finding Models [Quest | Xandra] Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:39 am

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
Word Count: 509
Total Word Count: 1538/2000
Mana: 530/530
Quest Description

After moments spent where the designer persuaded the blonde into doing her task, specifically by reminding her that she is being paid. In an attempt to look at the positive sides of things, she reluctantly agreed and set out to go find models for her client. The blonde found his persuasive skills rather sly as he managed to guilt trip her into doing this task through expressing the hardships he faced while working; he was too busy to go find some himself. Perhaps it was the favoritism she had developed towards his clothes that caused her to do his bidding. Alas, she walked through the streets, picturing the clothes he had created and looking around, imagining who would look good adorned in those. Lilac gaze landed upon a tall brunet man living his youthful and glorious days through a simple jog in the park. He was rather good-looking with a tall lean body as strands of his hair stuck to his forehead because of sweat. His body was well-built, causing her to assume that he works out. Everything from the way he walked to his structured face screamed model. Her mind wandered back to the clothes that Fernando had designed. Indeed, he would be able to pull those off.

It was surprisingly easy to find the model. However, the issue arose when she became unaware of what to do next. Should she simply approach him and ask? Or should she subtly suggest? It was quite daunting for Xandra, especially since no one was there to answer her questions. It was possibly more likely for her to scare him off than recruit him to become a model. Heaving a large sigh, she brushed her dress, hoping to seem as professional as possible. It was work, after all. Never before had she shied away when it came to her job. She could do it this time too. Her stone, monotonous and expressionless face refused to change as she sauntered towards him. The sound of her heels colliding against the concrete ground wasn't able to grab his attention but as she halted her steps before him, he too stopped. A look of confusion morphed over his face as he looked at her with a questioning gaze.

The blonde stared at him directly, having to crane her neck slightly due to his tall physique. "Excuse me, my name is Xandra Queen. I am here on behalf of the fashion designer, Fernando Milano." It seemed as if the unknown male recognized the designer as a look of awe and familiarity blazed past his face. "Oh, hello. How may I help you?" His entire attention was now with her. She couldn't help but feel fortunate. "I am here looking for models to Mr.Milano's new collection and you seemed to be the perfect fit for the role. Would you be interested?" It was quite evident that he was interested simply by the way his face lit up upon the question. He wasted no time in saying yes as they sealed the deal with a hand shake.
template by rem of WW

Finding Models [Quest | Xandra] Sig10
#4Xandra Queen † 

Finding Models [Quest | Xandra] Empty Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:58 am

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
Word Count: 557
Total Word Count: 2095/2000
Mana: 530/530
Quest Description

The Knight asked the very first model she had found to meet at the park bench within an hour as he wished to go prep himself for the big reveal after a shower, which he seemed to have needed. The blonde used this time to locate the next models. Alas, it hadn't turned out to be as easy as she had expected. It came to her notice when she was finally observing people based solely on their looks, that there are many good-looking individuals out there. It was truly a shame that so many had such horrible personalities but luckily, modelling doesn't require an attitude check. However, she, after all, did have to deal with certain moody citizens who weren't possibly taught manners as to how to reject someone politely.

She spent the next hour and a half doing so, coming across some very charming beings and some not so charming individuals who had managed to make her blood boil. Luckily for her, she had found five wonderful models who were not only pleasantly appealing to look at, but also possessed a wonderful attitude. What came to her notice was that each of them was at least as tall as herself if not taller. Gathering the three females and two males whom she had considered fabulous enough to become Fernando's models, she took them back to the boutique.

Opening the door to the boutique, she was suddenly hit with the feelings brought about with the cool air after a day of tough work out in the sun. Her eyes immediately landed back at the series of mannequins. Somehow, they appeared to be even more beautiful than they were before. It appeared that during the time she was gone, he had indeed done some work and added the magic touches to the outfits. Guiding them towards the room where she was aware the designer worked, she knocked on the door. It took mere moments for the sounds of footsteps to be audible as he opened the door, "Oh, you're back, belle femme? You better have found amazing models. Bring them in."

And so she did as she was asked, bring the five individuals inside and lining them to stand before Fernando who stared at them with a scrutinizing gaze. "Introduce them to me." Heaving yet another sigh, she introduced each of the models: Aria; a tall ginger-headed woman with a dazzling smile, Bryan; another tall blonde man with sparkling blue eyes and strong facial features, Lydia; a slim raven-haired beauty who looked like a living version of snow-white, Luca; a pink headed woman with kind eyes and an ever more polite smile and last but not the least, Ian; the brunet man with a tall, lean figure. Once she ad used as little words as possible to express her point, she turned back towards the designer, wondering if she had done her job right.

He stared at them for a few minutes before glancing back at the blonde Knight. Moments later, he clapped his hands as a smile fell onto his face, "Fantastique". Unknowingly, a small smile made it's way onto her lips as he passed her the reward for her hard work. "Run along now, I have lots of work to do with these models. Oh and belle femme, do come back tomorrow. I require your services."
template by rem of WW

Finding Models [Quest | Xandra] Sig10

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