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Orchida to Baska (train)

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Orchida to Baska (train) Empty Wed Dec 27, 2017 3:33 pm

Sliding down into his train seat Syliph missed the comfort of Celia next to him, he had told her he’d be back in a few days, that he was only heading to oak to get a tiny bit of work done and that’s hed be back soon. He had also told her he’d send her a letter if he was going to stay longer in oak and if she wanted to meet him there if he chose to stay longer. Sylioh could feel himself getting stronger and he didn’t want to wait too long before his motivation had passed him, that would be rather foolish of him to do that. Rolling his hand son his pocket, he decided now was a better time than any to ask about Ophicus, and while there were many of the gods who would try to lie to him, his ancestor Capricorn would know when he had been defeated. Pulling the silver necklace that hung around his neck out, he pressed his thumb into the Capricorn symbol and begun to speak, ”Caprico, e gréít lu, jū spiriklyee.” the translation would be, Capricorn, I greet you, speak freely. The stars would shine brightly for a moment and then Syliph’s vision would become nothing but a blur as a tall tan figure stride toward Syliph, wrapping him in a hug Capricorn waited for sylioh to speak. ”Why did you ignore Ophicus?” Syliph asked. Capricorn’s facial features turned hard, ”we were young and ignorant at the time, Aries was the most vocal and he overpowered her, by the time we noticed her absence it was too late tk call her back, so Scorpio and i found a resolution, the guardian of the zodiac, you might not be a god, but you can temporarily balance an untame zodiac.” Capricorn said. Syliph’s own features hardened, similar to his ancestor. ”you’re a full Capricorn, the guardian shouldn’t be in existence to support the gods like some stand in, they should exist to speak for the gods and use their power to protect his people in their absence. We’re done talking, there are ways to create new gods, finding someone with uniting qualities, we need to fix this, but the way you all are acting is not a protector way, and following your silly rules will NOT save our, no, my people.” Syliph finished taking, snapping his fingers the would focused and Capricorn was gone, he and the gods lay on uncertain terms.

Orchida to Baska (train) ULuOEQW
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