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A different type of training [Alisa]

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A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 Empty Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:15 am


"Hehe~" Beaming a smile of pride at Alisa she seemed quite pleased with the words of praise, letting her legs splash back and forth against the water. "I and Fia are planning to depart from Crocus soon. We want to see a bit of the world and make a name for ourselves~" A sheepish grin followed as she continued. "I'm not sure where we are going next, I might suggest Hargeon, it's close to the sea and has some pretty beaches~" Of course it also was a perfect excuse for getting Fia to wear a bikini, but that was an entirely different story.

"Maybe we'll train a bit~ Fia is actually pretty good at martial combat, no surprise really considering she can turn into a Titan of a girl~" A soft chuckle followed as she leaned backwards a little and mused softly. "I hope it will be a peaceful trip, after the war... I kind of want a little bit of peace~ You know, just being able to travel around with Fia without having to worry about anything."

A little grin followed before she shook her head and hummed softly. "But I guess we'll see what the future brings for us~" For now she was already happy with the moment of peace and happiness she was given.


A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 Empty Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:16 am


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @esperia | ALISA | LUMEN

"Oh, good idea~ I guess that explains why you're so eager not to be seduced by any passing cutie...", Alisa observed, nodding approvingly at her own conclusion, "Odds are, you'll be seeing quite a lot of them in the months to come."

Making a name for themselves huh... That didn't seem like a good idea considering what Aseria had told them, and now that Espy already knew about that, perhaps she should hold off on that:

"Hargeon's lovely in the summer.", agreed the sculptress, smiling joyously before her eyes drifted back up, "I wonder how the city's doing now... So much has changed since the attack.", with that came a grim reminder that she hadn't been home in a long time, not even just passing by. She ought rectify that in the days to come, "Still, you should hold back on making a name for yourselves. Never a good idea when you have people trying to hunt you down."

This last coucil came with a more serious tone, Alisa truly thought this was in Esperia's best interest, far more so than anything she'd said before. There was strength to be found in being unknown.

"You should stop by the mountains if you want to train. Odds are, I'll be there for a few months...", she offered, smiling back at Espy once again, "... And I wouldn't mind taking a look at your girlfriend's titan power~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 Empty Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:16 am


Esperia nodded her head with a little grin, seemingly agreeing with Alisa judging from the words she replied with shortly afterwards. "Mhmm lots of pretty girls in sexy bikini outfits!" Esperia exclaimed playfull yet after a moment she admitted with a hint of curiosity in her voice. "It is? I'll look forward to it then~ I haven't even been in Hargeon before~" Yet there was something that troubled the young lass a little, the mentioning of the city, and Alisa's concern about the state of things after the 'attack'. Could she had possibly meant the attack by Grimoire Heart? She did recall the news of how each of the guilds had their leaders murdered by Grimoire Heart, and even if they said it was for the 'greater good', that didn't mean it washed away their sins. The end justifies the means was an approach that didn't sit entirely comfortable with her.

"Hmm, you got a good point there..." Esperia mused softly before looking back at Alisa and with a sheepish grin answered. "Perhaps I will~ It certainly would be an entertaining meeting to observe. Then again, the mountains aren't exactly a place to be wearing a bikini at..." Indeed, way too cold for that!


A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 Empty Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:18 am


WORDS: 200 | TAG: @esperia | ALISA | LUMEN

"If that's what you're after, I can guarentee you'll find it in Hargeon beach~", Alisa nodded confidently, loosening her grip on cute little Lumen so the girl could shift her position slightly

Grimoire Heart would get its due. Ever since the attack on Crocus, she though far less to the attack on Hargeon, viewing it all as symptoms of the same disease. Both places had caught a bad case of Dark Guild; a brief, but damaging infection... Hargeon had been cured easily enough, but in Crocus... The sickness became chronic.

They'd need to discuss it eventually, but after a whole afternoon training to resist dark guilds and their possible attacks, Alisa would rather give it a rest for now, even if that meant discussing a different training session in the days to come:

"No, indeed they are not~...", Alisa giggled at the mental image, glancing upwards... But then, something inside her clicked and she pondered, "Hmmm~..."; they might not be a good place to wear a bikini, but doing it would defenitely toughen her up, "Perhaps that's the exact reason why you should try wearing one. Did you not know? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa Vollan on Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:21 am; edited 2 times in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 Empty Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:18 am


What a curious suggestion... to wear a bikini in the mountains? If she could convince Fia with such reasoning then it might make training in the mountains much more entertaining to experience! "Mountain training... bikini..." Her lips forming into a lecherous smile she nodded her head several times in rapid succession, clearly entertained and excited by the idea. "I'll do it! I'll ask Fia to join me on a trip to the mountains and we'll wear a bikini outfit with the reason being that it will toughen us up!"

Happily swaying her legs at an increasing pace she continued to hum softly. "hehe~ and if we do it like that then Lumy and Ali obviously have to wear a bikini also~ It's the perfect masterplan..."

However, it seemed the lecherous thoughts drifting through her mind were starting to get the better of her, cause alongside the warmth of the spring and the perverted thoughts drifting through her mind, on top of the earlier teasing had done its work, her face flushing red as she toppled backwards onto the smooth surface of the stone, her vision spinning slightly as she mumbled almost as if she was intoxicated. "bikini party..." Seems the poor girl was knocked out from the perverted thoughts...


A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 Empty Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:19 am


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @esperia | ALISA | LUMEN

The idea grew on her quickly enough... Of course, Espy will be Espy right? Alisa wouldn't have it any other way, sharing a playful giggle with the sleepy Lumen, now well and truly dazed by the heat of the springs:

"You know this is an actual training regimen, right~? If the mere though weakens you that much, you mustn't be ready for it quite yet.", Alisa teased, narrowing her eyes with a challenging smile. Could she truly master her lust in time for their training, so the sight of four girls in a bikini didn't make her bleed to death from her nose, "What if you pass out in the cold?"

Well, she was obviously excited about it, from that point on Espy simply talked to herself, barely registering anything Alisa told her. Thus, the older woman found herself simply watching the lust dazed girl, eventually just petting her soft, black hair... Up until the moment she completely passed out, making Alisa's brow raise:

"My, Espy...? Are you alright?", she'd inquire at the girl whose head was very obviously spinning. But it was just psychological so she was probably fine, right?

Seeing this quite obviously filled Lumen with worry though, for the girl vanquished the weight of her sluggish body and leapt out from the pool, crawling over to Espy and gently poking her arm, petting her head, whatever she could to rouse her senses... All with a sweet, tender smile on her head. Clearly, Alisa could leave Espy to Lumen.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 Empty Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:22 am


"The world is spinning~" Esperia mumbled softly, clearly under the effect of the warmth that overheated her, and stirring lightly whenever Lumen poked her the girl mused softly. "Just a bit more Lumy... lemme sleep a bit longer... zzzz..." Poor girl, it seemed the training had truly been exhausting on her, wasn't it? But at least it had helped her in ways no other training had done before.

Nonetheless, it might had not been a bad idea to get Esperia to rest somewhere for a bit, but meanwhile in her current state Esperia couldn't help but find her mind drifting into a scene of imagination: just the mere thought of Fia and her having joined Alisa on a training in the mountain wearing nothing but bikinis making her giggle, the thought of all the shenanigans that could happen... It was no wonder that after everything she had already endured, that the poor girl was destined to overheat! However, should the two of them have taken Esperia away from the spring, or perhaps splashed some cold water onto her the girl would rapidly recover and sit upright, shaking her head lightly similar to a dog who just got wet.

"Phew... remind me not to do any further teasing training in a hot spring~"


A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 Empty Sun Apr 01, 2018 8:27 am


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @esperia | ALISA | LUMEN

Oh...? That actually sounded troubling when she put it like that. Lumen looked to Alisa expectantly; she might be strong enough to carry Esperia elsewhere, but she'd hardly be graceful, or careful about it. Alisa sighed, standing upright again:

"Alright, I guess that's enough bathing for one afternoon...", she'd acknowledge, stepping out of the pool, "You know, you may be training to break past your limits, though you should always keep them in mind nonetheless~

With this caring advice, Alisa crouched next to Esperia, pet her hair, then rested her hand on her forehead. She was feeling rather feverish, now might be a good time to get her out of her, as she'd far exceeded her tolerance for heat in at least two ways. Slipping one arm under the crook of her knees and another under her back, Alisa princess carried the little cutie back to the locker room while Lumen retrieved all of their towels, and finally rested the hardly conscious girl over a wooden bench.

"She should be alright now...", noted the sculptress, glancing at her partner and nodded approvingly. While they awaited Esperia to recover, Alisa started putting all of her clothes back on, piece by piece. They had already dried now, thankfully... And soon, so did Espy regain consciouness, "If anything, this means you still have a long road ahead in increasing your heat tolerance~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 Empty Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:14 pm


A playful pout came from Esperia when she was reminded of having to train her heat tolerance more. "Well this type of heat is a lot different than the other type of heat!" Esperia exclaimed in faux protest, clearly already starting to feel better as she had started to change into her underwear and soon afterwards was dressed back into her fancy little dress and her body reverted back to the smaller form of her true appearance.

"At least I'm starting to get a better grasp of how to handle Asmodeus' body. I guess that means I'm improving!" A sheepish chuckle followed as she turned to look toward Alisa and Lumen and beamed an innocent smile at the duo. "But nonetheless, thank you very much for helping me with my 'training'." She genuinely was glad she could rely on Alisa and Lumen for this matter, especially since she doubted it would be that easy to find someone else who could help her with that type of training! And she already was starting to feel more confident in her results also! Just a while longer till she would be able to flawlessly put on the mask of a classy lewdling around others! But for now she would just remain the adorable little pervert she truly was.


A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 Empty Mon Apr 02, 2018 5:22 am


WORDS: 250 | TAG: @esperia | ALISA | LUMEN

"Any good demon lord should remember how... intimately the two come together~ High temperature makes people friskier, and getting frisky raises temperature.", Alisa explained like a teacher to a student, despite complete awareness of how the girl already knew this.

She felt content teasing the girl, before crossing her arms and throwing her a playful little wink, shooting a glance at Lumen while slipping on the last of her clothes. The Lampent had already finished getting dressed and ready to head out, but until Alisa and Espy were done, she sat patiently, waiting, and listening to the two's conversation

"So as you can see, we made a perfect choice of setting..."

Of course, she also remembered why she made that choice, glancing away as she rubbed behind her hear, then adjusted her wet hair, "Of course, the rain pretty much made the decision for us, but nothing we can do about that.", though Espy's next statement had her laughing straight away, narrowing her eyes and looking straight into the little pervert's with a knowing gaze, "Handling Asmodeus' body, hmmm~? What an interesting choice of words..."

After all the temptation Alisa just put the girl through, she'd hope Espy could at least keep her cool through a quip as soft and playful as this one:

"You're very welcome~ Shall we go have something to drink now?", now fully done with her hair after those quick strokes of her hand, Alisa couldn't shake off the mood for some hot chocolate, or perhaps a mug of coffee... She had yet to decide which.

Strength is also Beauty

"Shall we dance?"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 Empty Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:10 pm


Esperia nodded attentively to the explanation Alisa. It did make a lot of sense that there was a very close connection to the choice of location and the aforementioned training, even if it sounded somewhat ironic. However, as Alisa remarked about how they had chosen the perfect setting for their training and soon corrected herself by saying it was the rain that did the selecting the lass giggled softly and answered her with a sheepish grin. "I'd say for once it was very well-timed~"

Nonetheless, the sly remark about her choice of words made Esperia hum teasingly in response. "I'm sure you know a~l~l about handling Asmodeus' body~" A teasing poke of her tongue followed, seemingly remarking about the unusual relationship between the demon lord of lust and Alisa. However, at the invitation for them to get something to drink the lass was quite eager to accept, nodding her head a few times while she answered her with a response that was borderline gleeful in nature. "Good idea~ I could go for a warm and juicy drink~ something that makes me feel all warm and tingly inside~" No doubt more word choice for Alisa to use for more teasing remarks of hers.


A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 Empty Sat Apr 07, 2018 6:33 pm


WORDS: 280 | TAG: @esperia | ALISA | LUMEN

"Defenitely~ And the hot springs just happened to be in the right place, right when we needed them.", hardly the right time as Alisa doubted the owners could simply move the whole springs about as they damn well pleased, but just like Esperia said, location had been just perfect.

The girl's response however, made Alisa feel a wholly different emotion, one she wasn't really used to... Pride in someone else. Hearing it, the sculptress laughed, reaching out and cooly petting the girl's still wet hair, ruffling it playfully:

"I guess you can say Lily just needs a somewhat... Special touch to get the hang of~", she'd reply, confidently as always, shooting back a playful wink without the slightest hint of embarassment. Regardless of what happened it the meantime, Alisa's laison with the demon lord had been motivated by her will to protect Espy herself.

She wouldn't have felt any shame towards it regardless, but even less so with Espy's well being on the line. The girl's words just had to be the perfect teasing bait... They always were. Though Alisa never got tired of teasing Esperia, at times she felt a slight urge to be a little more creative about it... Such as indirectly poking both the little pervert and her roomate all in the same sentence:

"Hmmm, I trust Lily hasn't been feeding you any suspicious drinks~", quipped the tall woman, calling Lumen over as she made her way out of the hot springs. The rain had now subsided somewhat, and with a single glance up, Alisa smiled, and lead her two companions through the streets

Strength is also Beauty

"Happy Bunny day~!"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

A different type of training [Alisa] - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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