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Talk It Out [Quest | Xandra]

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#1Xandra Queen † 

Talk It Out [Quest | Xandra] Empty Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:49 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
Word Count: 511
Total Word Count: 511/3000
Mana: 1130/1130
Quest Description

Droplets of sweat rolled down her cheeks as the hammering within her heart showed no signs of stopping any time soon, or at least not until her body stopped to rest. Her slightly toned arms raised, parallel against her chest that was constricted with a mere training bra as she wasted no time using her gloved knuckles to strike against the sand filled bag that only swung upon the impact. Her physical state was a lot stronger than it was before, and perhaps, her mental condition too, was better than it had been. Rather than better, stronger would be a more appropriate term.

The sudden clashing of her ambition against the dangers of the world that made her own determination lose meaning had left her thoughtless and speechless. Somehow, it felt like she had lost her purpose but she wasn't satisfied. Not only because she was not the one bringing the change but because the change she wished to have had disappeared. After leaving the town of Oak where she and other other knights planned to ambush a dark guild but unfortunately failed, the blonde found herself returning to the town of Baska. This town itself felt like the beginning. Although her journey began years ago, the real hardships that came and were to come had all started here. Perhaps, she came back in hopes that she could become stronger or maybe, it was simply because she was angry that her hardships no longer served any purpose; they no longer had a meaning.

Her right arm stretched out, once again colliding with black bag that hung from the ceiling before she pivoted on the toes of her right foot, only to raise her other leg, stretching it out and slamming her shin into her punching bag. The impact caused it to swing more that it was previously. Her legs clad in a pair of black leggings and her bare feet, along with her entire body were dripping in sweat. Strands of blonde hair stuck to her forehead as she pushed them aside. Halting the bag with both hands, she panted, taking in deep breaths to regain the momentum of her fit heart.

Sauntering into the bathroom of the inn she was staying that, she hopped in, taking a quick shower and emerged with the light scent of peppermint emitting from her body as her damp hair stuck to her oversized shirt. Walking over to her bed, lilac eyes caught sight of the wooden door. There wasn't anything particularly peculiar about the door itself but what caught her attention was the plain envelope that sat next to it, as if it had been pushed through the small opening between the door and the ground. Walking over, she bend down and picked it up, reading her own name at the front. Curiosity strangled her as she opened the envelop before unfolding the white sheet of paper and skimming through the content. All the events that had occured in the past few weeks had caused her to forget the real problem this town faced.
template by rem of WW

Talk It Out [Quest | Xandra] Sig10
#2Xandra Queen † 

Talk It Out [Quest | Xandra] Empty Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:50 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
Word Count: 532
Total Word Count: 1043/3000
Mana: 1130/1130
Quest Description

Rushing over to the destination that required her presence, she noticed the lack of population that swarmed the hospital. The familiar yet strange smell of anesthetics hit her nose as she walked over to the reception, ready to ask for the man who had requested for her but alas, there was no need for that as her lilac gaze landed upon a familiar man with an oddly familiar aura. It was him, Doctor Gerard. Memories took her back to the times where she assisted him and upon her recollection, she noticed the change that had occured during her absence. During the mere weeks that passed, the middle aged, calm and composed man suddenly looked a lot older and a lot more scared. It was as if he was frightened, frustrated, panicked or perhaps all three. He paced around, muttering something underneath his breath as one hand found it's way to his mouth as he bit his nails, displaying signs of anxiety. This caused an unsettling feeling to dwell with the knight's heart as she was suddenly faced with a man who was always to composed, losing his mind. She couldn't help but think that perhaps this time, the real trouble was going to begin.

Walking over to him, she halted, noticing his eyes widen as they land upon her. Instead of saying something or explaining as she had anticipated, he only gestured for her to follow him and began walking. She obediently complied. There was a reason he needed her help and that reason must have been one that raised urgency because a man such as the doctor, would not ask for assistance if it were a task he alone could have accomplished. She followed him, away from the staff that ran around, away from the coughing patients and away from prying ears into the safety of his office. Once he closed the wooden door behind her, he began to explain what truly happened; he began to feed the starving curiosity she harbored.

"Ms.Queen, I apologize for the sudden notice. I am glad you could make it. I can't rely on anyone but you in such a situation. I need you to help me out. As you already know, the Cold Colliers are the ones behind this outbreak that has attacked the town. Luckily, the number of patients has decreased but due to what I believe is the constant consumption of the poisoned water, the conditions of the people here are getting more serious. The Cold Colliers have gone too far. I understand their resentment and rage but this cannot continue. This has to stop and I need you to do it. However, you cannot use violence in this case as the gang is very peculiar about those that start a fight with them. If a fight breaks out, they would never stop. I want you to talk to them, convince them that this is madness. Please, I can only count on you. I would do it myself but I still have patients to take care of." He let out a humorless chuckle, "Or perhaps I'm just too afraid."

At that moment, she knew that this was not going to be easy.
template by rem of WW

Talk It Out [Quest | Xandra] Sig10
#3Xandra Queen † 

Talk It Out [Quest | Xandra] Empty Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:52 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
Word Count: 506
Total Word Count: 1549/3000
Mana: 1130/1130
Quest Description

The doctor rushed over to his desk where he grabbed a piece of paper and quickly scribbled down something before walking over to her. "During your absence, I managed to location their hideout. This is the address, please talk them out of this madness." He said as he handed the paper over to her. Grabbing it with her long, slender fingers, her eyes raked through the content as her mind registered the location. She already knew she would have some tough time getting there and she was right. After bidding the frantic doctor goodbye, she sauntered the streets until the morning sun sinked into the afternoon glory, allowing the blue that reigned over the sky to be submerged into a sea of orange and yellow that looked as if mother nature as painted across a blank canvas. Such a beautiful day in a beautiful town but it was a shame that it was being ruined by a bunch of individuals who blindly followed the path of rage.

However, she shouldn't be in any position to judge them for that would only lead of hypocrisy. She too, was blinded by rage and possibly still is but the least that she knows is the fact that she would never hurt anyone innocent. Who knew what the future had in store fo her. Maybe, one day, this confidence may come stumbling down. Falling into the hours of late afternoon, she found herself at the outskirts of the town where rocks surrounded the vicinity. There appeared to be an opening between them, as if it was the entrance to a cave. Somehow, her instincts kicked in, telling her that she was at the right place. This was the base operation of the Cold Colliers. Her suspicious was confirmed by the two guards who emerged from the shadow of the cave opening, as if they were waiting for her, as if they were expecting her and she wouldn't be surprised if they were. The doctor might have perhaps arranged this meeting for her to perform her task and they had no reason to refuse as he must have told them that no violence would be used.

She, however, couldn't guarantee that. Although she would prefer to have this ended without any fight breaking out, the possibility of that happening seemed to be low, especially considering the glare that was thrown her way by the two taller, masked men. They ordered her to raise her arms and performed an inspection, probably looking for weapons. She wasn't particularly comfortable but it was work, she had no choice. Moreover, she doubted that she would need the help of weapons to defeat a bunch of tall men who were probably no more than mere cowards that hide behind a mask but it was never good to underestimate your opponents. Once they were satisfied by the lack of weapons that adorned her body, they guided her inside.

The interior of what she assumed was a cave proved to be completely wrong. Oh boy, was she wrong.

template by rem of WW

Talk It Out [Quest | Xandra] Sig10
#4Xandra Queen † 

Talk It Out [Quest | Xandra] Empty Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:54 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
Word Count: 537
Total Word Count: 2086/3000
Mana: 1130/1130
Quest Description

The blonde knew she was being taken to Mottoro, their leader but upon looking at the sight before her, she wasn't sure if it was for a verbal negotiation or an all out fight. After all, she didn't expect a man who was drowning in rage to retort to idle chatter instead of displaying his strength within his own playground. Somehow, it felt like she was a chess piece that was placed by the doctor right in the reach of enemies. She wasn't sure if he knew that this would happen or not because if he didn't, he would be naive. However, she wasn't particularly scared. Her lilac eyes roamed around, taking in her surroundings. The colosseum like arena which screamed blood and battle louder than it did peaceful negotiations was slightly old, as if it had been abandoned in the past. That was probably the case, causing the Cold Colliers to take over the deserted vicinity which also allowed them easy access to the water supply that did not lay far from there.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight....

That, excluding the guards that surrounded her, were the number of men that stood tall over her, surrounding a large man as if they were ready to pounce on anyone that dared to even look their boss in the eye. But she did, and there were nothing they could do about it. The large blonde man at the center caught her attention. Given his distinction from the other men and the absence of the mask, she assumed Mottoro wasn't trying too hard to hide. His just had this aura that made it seem as if he was confident in himself and his men, as if he thought he was better than anyone and everyone, especially the blonde female that stood below him. To him, she must have looked like a puny ant that he could crush with his foot but it seemed that underestimated her.

The fierce lilac glare didn't hinder, not once; not when he looked down upon then, not when he tensed his muscles in an attempt to look powerful, not when his men raised their weapons and most definitely not when his voice boomed through the area. "Speak, woman. Are you the one that fool gerard sent? What business do you have here?" It seemed that either he was far more clueless than he let on, or he was simply testing her. Without any hesitation and the black, unaffected expression that painted over her face, she replied.

"I assume you already know what I'm here for unless you're that clueless. In that case, let me entertain you. Yes, Doctor Gerard sent me to negotiate with you. You've gone too far with this silly prank. It must be stopped. You are hurting too many innocent people who are unnecessarily being dragged into this mess that you create. Stop this foolishness at once. You have been blinded by rage and to be fair and honest, it's getting annoying. I'll have you know, I'm not as nice or merciful as the doctor so please stop while I'm asking nicely." Of course, to top it off, she had to throw a rather mocking smile his way.
template by rem of WW

Talk It Out [Quest | Xandra] Sig10
#5Xandra Queen † 

Talk It Out [Quest | Xandra] Empty Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:55 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
Word Count: 509
Total Word Count: 2595/3000
Mana: 1130/1130
Quest Description

Perhaps she was testing her luck and pushing it a little too far. She had hoped that he would be at least a bit intimidated but of course, that didn't happen. Regardless, to him, she was nothing but a mere ant who seemed to be bluffing, or at least that's what she thought as the sound of his booming, amused laughter that was surprisingly laced with more humor than anger, echoed through the colosseum. "How foolish of you to think that you can threaten me. If I'm seeing correctly, looking at the strength and numbers, I'm the one who is at the advantage here. You're brave but very stupid. Did you actually think that you could walk into my playground and tell me how to play my own game? I won't stop until I've taken away everything that these people love. Innocent? Don't joke with me. No one in this town can be considered innocent. If anyone is the victim, it's us. You however, cannot leave this place. I won't let you."

The blonde knight heaved a deep sigh, out of frustration or mere fatigue, even she couldn't tell. Raising her hands, she scratched the back of her neck, "People with a disgusting victim personality are not at all appealing. Sorry to burst your bubble but if that was your attempt at being funny, you failed. I can see why people dislike you." She could see, even from this distance, the flame of rage that sparked in his eyes and painted over his face. Raising his hand, he flicked it slightly towards her as six masked members of the gang rushed towards her, all at once; four from Mottoro's side and two who tried to attack her from behind. Although she wasn't one who had strategizing as one of her strong points, she wasn't at all bad at observation.

Noticing the way they move, in sync with one another gave her a very good idea that they planned to conquer over her with numbers. They were people who worked in a team. Unfortunate for them, she wasn't like that at all. The blonde was someone who worked solo, by herself hence she didn't rely on anyone or anything other that her own strengths, unlike team workers. Coming at her so confidently, they must anticipate to get away without casualties. They made it easy for her; all she had to do was figure out their pattern of working together and break it apart,

Without a second to spare, she eyes glanced behind her as her instincts took over, causing her to glide to the left as she escaped the punch that arrived from behind her before quickly jumping up and pushing herself backwards to avoid the low blow that was attempted by the other guard. One distracts, the other attacks. That was their strategy. Simply, but quite efficient, she had to agree. However, she knew she could defeat them. Whispering the word 'Kaminari', a light illuminated her body before transforming her into the goddess visage that shocked those around her.
template by rem of WW

Talk It Out [Quest | Xandra] Sig10
#6Xandra Queen † 

Talk It Out [Quest | Xandra] Empty Fri Jun 29, 2018 9:57 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
Word Count: 514
Total Word Count: 3109/3000
Mana: 930/1130
Quest Description

Although shocked, they all surrounded her. That was their biggest mistake. Turning her head, she noticed that they formed a circle around her, approximately at a distance of five meters, forming a radius around her. They were making it easy for her. However, noticing the setting of the sun, she figured that it was perhaps best to get this over with and return. After all, her task wasn't to defeat Mottoro, it was to convince him, which she had already failed at.

She raised her arm so that it stood parallel to the ground and snapped her fingers. The fright returned to the faces of the men as everything within an eight meter radius of her was sparking with electricity. The blue sparks flied around, causing immense damage to them. Enough to bring out the screams. Before even giving their bodies the time to fall to the ground, limp, she returned to her original form, going back to being clad in a pair of black pants and a simple pastel pink blouse as her blonde hair shortened back their original length and fell over her back. As the sound of bodies colliding against the ground hit her ears, the heels of her feet turned as she made a run for it, getting out of there within seconds with her speed.

The wind blazed past her as she ran while noticing the sun fall into a sleepy state of slumber. The men, it seemed, were unable to follow, perhaps unable to keep up to her. Or well, maybe they just thought it was more important to tend to their injured comrades as they did work as a team. If more than half the team is down, how would they win a fight that they had now started? Well, some might even say that she might have started it if they had seen what happened but lucky for her, they didn't. Returning to doctor Gerard, she couldn't help but wonder what the man may do now. She refused to believe that he would just sit there and believe that the peace conference he had hoped for would go well. As far as she had gotten to know him, he must have a plan.

With the sweat sticking to the back of her neck and her forehead, she entered the cooled environment of the hospital and the familiar stench of anesthetics hit her. Without wasting any time, she caught her breath and immediately proceeded to the doctor's office where as she anticipated, he sat. Filling him in on what had just happened, she noticed that he seemed disappointed but not surprised. He merely smiled weakly at her and thanked her, interrogating whether she had received any injuries or not, which thankfully, she hadn't. He offered her a reward that is usually predetermined and bid her goodbye. Xandra took her leave but couldn't help but feel that she may be needed again. In fact, she knew she would be needed again. All she had to do until the doctor decides what to do, is wait for another letter.
template by rem of WW

Talk It Out [Quest | Xandra] Sig10

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