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Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii)

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Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii) Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 7:17 pm

Day 39
This is Christian. I should not have trusted that old lady at the station. This sale is not good. I have lost more than I gained, even with these deals. Earlier today I was trampled by 5 young ladies all trying to buy the same fondue pot as me. Strangely enough, they were all wearing the same pants.

After attempting to investigate, I was quickly kicked out of the woman's clothing store. I now sit at this mall as people pass, not knowing what to do. I cannot leave, as the snowstorm outside blocks my path. And I have been to all the stores that interest me.. if only... wait! I have an idea!

Closing his journal, Christian had been sparked with a brilliant idea. He was inspired by his own pure genius, though the execution was definitely not original by any means. For now, he needed to put his fantastic plan into its wondrous motion.

Christian quickly got out a small piece of cardboard from the nearby garbage can, and would write on it with a pen he bought from a bookstore earlier.  The sign was simple. It was effective. And this was his only option to not go completely crazy in this crowded mall full of nothing but woman's clothing stores, all of which would kick him out on the basis of some sort of perverse motive. This was his solution.

Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii) CASOt6I
Christian Zane's sign, X787 (colorized)

This was it. It was his only way to rid himself of this trapped boredom. Hopefully whoever decided to drop by was nice. And didn't shop TOO much. He was a strong guy, sure... but sometimes, it was one bag too many. Christian sat at the edge of wall holding this sign as if he was a bum begging for money: this was truly his lowest point. Well, at least in the last week or so. It was top 50 for sure.


Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii) Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:02 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 297 | outfit | @zane -
Kerii didn't like the fact that practically right as she came back to Orchidia, Guildmaster Shahrbaraz had assigned the whole guild to go on his little challenges. Though he had his reasons for doing so, the elf still didn't like camping out in the dead of winter. She did it anyway though. After that bit of training, however, she wanted to unwind. She could've stayed in her dorm room and curled up with a good book. She could've had a warm latte at a café. But instead, she ultimately decided on something else: she would go out shopping.

It was rare that the elf treated herself, but with all the shit that she just went through, plus the challenges her Guildmaster wanted Lamia Scale to do, enough was enough. She had to do something to relax. And so, Kerii set out for the market streets. Along them all were various stands and stores, selling a wide assortment of items. She walked by a lot, but few were to her liking. She ended up purchasing a little trinket, but it was for her father as a thank you gift for the past year... which reminded her of why she seldom went out shopping. Kerii always found things that she would be more than happy to buy for others, but never for herself. She was going to stop and go do something else when a certain blonde fellow holding a sign caught her eye. It read "Will hold bags for companionship." The elf raised an eyebrow and walked over to the man. "Interesting sign you got there," she said. "Any luck yet?" Kerii saw a lot in Orchidia, but this was a first for her. She was actually sort of amused and wanted to see where this would go.
bloop :3
template by punki of adoxography

Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii) Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii) Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 8:33 pm

A woman in a nice outfit approached Christian. Elven too, from the looks of it. Still though, he had not been an elf ever since the curse struck him, and strangely enough it seemed it also made him forget the language as well. So, no big elvish greeting would be found her. She was speaking Fiorian anyways though, so it was all cool. "Well, it's been up for about 30 seconds. But, it looks like I got lucky the moment you looked at it!" Zane said, smiling and getting up onto his feet. He reached out his hand for a handshake, being very friendly with this total stranger. He kinda had to - he didn't know anybody that would be in Orchidia for any reason after all.

"The name is Christian. And should you allow me too, I shall carry all of your bags!" he said, gesturing a small bow in a joking matter. "What kinda shopping you hoping to do? Books? Trinkets? Shirts, pants?" He asked, leaving time for the woman to catch her breath a little bit. He was asking a lot of questions to her, after all. Meanwhile, he'd toss his sign in the garbage once more, no longer needing it. He had a purpose now! And it was all thanks to his genius invention.

The girl reminded him of a lot of young elves he knew - long, blonde hair was the feature that stood out the most. Still, he found that she did look a bit nicer than most of the elves he had met. For now though, Christian put those thoughts in the back of his mind - no need to fancy someone before he even had a chance to see what kind of baggage he was carrying, right?


Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii) Empty Fri Dec 28, 2018 9:41 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 226 | outfit | @zane -
The blonde-haired man had only been holding up that sign for a short time, apparently, and that was all he needed for Kerii to walk up to him. Like he said, he was lucky. Kerii didn't think many others would stop. Maybe they would to spare a glance, but nothing more. At least not usually. The man proceeded to stand and hold his hand out for a handshake. She took it as he introduced himself as Christian. He was a good few inches taller than her and had a friendly smile. She could already tell that he was quite extroverted, contrary to herself. Though socialization drained her over a while, she was up for it every now and then. Being around enthusiastic personalities made it rather fun though, even if the person was pretty much a stranger.

Christian offered to carry her bag, which was followed by a chaffing bow. "I can carry my own, but thanks," Kerii said with a smile. "Though I would like to go to a bookstore, now that you mention it." She honestly didn't know why she didn't think of that before. She loved novels, and her bookshelf wasn't yet full. Most of the time, she just went to the library, but she was actually running low on books to bring with her on her travels. "Are you good with that?"
bloop :3
template by punki of adoxography

Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii) Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii) Empty Sat Dec 29, 2018 3:46 pm

Christian had not learned the young miss' name, but perhaps she did not feel as though she was ready to give it: thinking this, Christian wouldn't ask right now. The woman didn't even want Christian to carry anything, which was a shock. She truly was pretty nice if she would allow him to go empty handed. Either that or she didn't trust him with her bags... understandable, considering he felt homeless as he held that sign up while sitting down on the cold stone floor of the indoor shopping mall. The blizzard seemed to show no sign of slowing down, so Christian would stick with the woman for the time being. Besides, this could be fun.

"I'm perfectly fine with books! I was meaning to check it out anyways. After you, miss!" He said, ready to follow her to the bookstore at any notice. Christian didn't like books as much as he did when he was younger and, well, an elf. He'd still read one or two every once in a while though. Perhaps it was a result of his more energetic personality in the current day and age. Besides, bookstores sold other stuff, right? He could buy like, an eraser or something. He always thought the ones that were shaped like penguins were really cute, after all...


Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii) Empty Sun Dec 30, 2018 4:59 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 203 | outfit | @zane -
Kerii was glad that Christian was okay with her choice of going to the bookstore. She knew that they weren't for everyone, but knowing that Christian wanted to go too made her feel better about her decision. Although it technically was her doing the shopping, she would still feel rather guilty and a bit selfish dragging someone along if they would not enjoy it. When he ended his sentence with "miss" though, it occurred to her that she stupidly had not introduced herself even though he did. "Oh, I'm sorry! I completely forgot to introduce myself. My name's Kerii," the elf said, lightly blushing from her slight slip-up. "But anyway, there's this one store I like to get my novels at. It's over this way." She motioned for Christian to follow, and as they walked, she tried to come up with an icebreaker. There was no sense in spending time with someone if you weren't going to be able to get to know them.

"So, what brings you here in the first place?" She highly doubted that it was honestly to "hold bags for companionship." Seeing as he wasn't doing any shopping himself either, it could only be a handful of other things.
bloop :3
template by punki of adoxography

Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii) Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii) Empty Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:57 pm


Kerii Virrel
vinya amaurëa
- 240 | outfit | @zane -
Not too long after Kerii asked Christian why he came to the mall, she began to get a strange feeling. It initially started out as something she could only describe as "negative." Strangely, it reminded her of that same feeling she got when she woke up in Orchidia Forest. At the time, she blamed it on the lack of comfortable sleep, adequate food, and water, but none of those conditions applied to the sensation she was experiencing at the moment. Then, before she knew it, she began to get rather anxious. The elf began to needlessly feel guilty for asking Christian to come along, even though he was following her on his own accord. No matter how illogical her assumption was, she just couldn't shake away that feeling. "You know what, I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have asked." Clenching her bag tighter, the elf sped up her pace and shuffled through the crowds. She eventually made it out of the Market Street and darted towards her dorm.

Kerii set her gift down on the table and sat on her bed. Now that she had a few moments to herself, everything seemed to be calming down. The strange feeling she got slowly dissipated, as did her anxiety. Now in her right frame of mind, the elf realized just how irrational her actions were. She was thoroughly confused. This wasn't like her. She didn't know what it was, but something was wrong.
Event 7/30
template by punki of adoxography

Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii) Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Why don't kittens like mall? They prefer the CAT-alogue! (Social|Kerii) Empty Sun Jan 20, 2019 5:41 am

Well, that was strange. The woman seemed to run off, much to Christian's surprise. Had he said something wrong? Oh well, he wouldn't think too hard on it for the time being. Still though, now he didn't have anyone to walk around the mall with.. sighing and pouting a little bit as if he was a lost puppy dog, he would simply just walk around in circles across the small-ish mall of Orchidia, as he would continually think about what went wrong between him and that girl. It really was probably better if he didn't think about it too much, but he was doing it anyways!

There was no point in asking anyone else to walk around the mall with him. He had made a one in a million catch with that Kerii girl. Unluckily for Christian, the snowstorm would take a whole other hour to die down, and he would finally be free from the confines of that mall. If Christian ever had the chance to see that Kerii girl ever again, he decided he would ask her why she left. Was it his smell? His hair? Something he said? In most cases, he found it was the third reason. But for now, it seemed as though the question may never be truly answered...


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